Showing posts with label Asian food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asian food. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2017

Foodie Friday Refer Your Favorite Moment Noodle

The globe volition e'er love, honor, in addition to remember Momofuku Ando (1910 - 2007). He's the human who invented the Ramen instant noodle.

Fascinating nutrient history:

Instant noodles were start marketed inward 1958.

Cup of noodles didn't come upward along until 1971.

My not hence fascinating life history facts:
♦ I was born inward 1955. Can't retrieve when I started eating the instant noodles, only it must convey been later the twelvemonth 2000 in addition to it must convey been because i of my daughters who honey all things Asian was eating them. I know I didn't swallow them during my childhood, during my years at the University of Miami (the 70s), during the start 25 years of my matrimony (2001 is when my concluding kid was born). I did the grocery shopping most of the fourth dimension in addition to my hubby shopped every straightaway in addition to then. So it had to hold upward i of my kids that introduced this nutrient into our home. Can't recall. Just know that instant noodles got added to our grocery listing i 24-hour interval in addition to we've been eating them ever since.
Said all that to nation this.
♦ When it comes to the alternative of Ramen noodles at the local grocery stores, at that spot isn't actually a vast make of products to pick out from. Pretty much it's the pop refer build of the instant ones inward the loving cup or the ones inward the footling package. That detail nutrient is hence inexpensive you lot don't ask to purchase the “generic brand” to salve money. That was the inventor's purposeful skillful intention. He wanted a nutrient that was super inexpensive that could feed the masses. (Gleaned that nutrient fact from a documentary I watched on TV, several years back.)


Who would convey idea that individual could issue a weblog amongst zilch only reviews of Ramen noodles?

The weblog is called … what else? The Ramen Rater.

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When I start saw it, I thought:
Oh come upward on!! How many packaged instant noodles tin at that spot mayhap hold upward for you lot to charge per unit of measurement them?

Uuuhhh … try 2000+.

Seriously. His Tumblr blogs posts become dorsum to 2012 only the guy's reviews become dorsum to appointment dorsum to 2002!!
(Maybe that was also the twelvemonth I started eating them. (O.o) (???))
* * Additional Fun Links:
(Video below of funny moments from K-comedy/drama, "Boys over Flowers".  It's well-nigh 8 minutes long amongst unlike clips from the series.The noodle eating scene is every bit good cute!)

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Fun Foodie Links:
The Evolution of Tea
29 Asian Noodle Recipes You'll Want to Slurp Up Immediately

Previous #FoodieFriday posts?

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Edible Fine Art Of Kawaii Cooking

It’s actually no large surprise that people similar kawaii.
 It’s loaded amongst cuteness!  😊

When my high schooler was a middle schooler, she enjoyed this cartoon programme called Phineas together with Ferb most ii immature boys who are geniuses together with ever railroad train upward or then unbelievable consequence for each episode.  The favorite job inward the demonstrate is when individual commonly asks them: “Aren’t y'all are piddling immature to last doing this?” (“This” whatever the this is that they’re doing that kids should non last able to do.); together with they ever respond:  “Yes.  Yes nosotros are!”   :)

Well in that place was i episode where they were trying to overcome an “alien monster” together with merely didn’t know what “weapon” they could use.  Finally Phineas figured it out together with it wasn’t anything he together with his friend could construct themselves.  However i of their friends did receive it.  Their friend’s weapon was “cuteness”.

Read more:

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Image credit: Bear buns Ridiculously adorable pull-apart deport shaped milk breadstuff rolls. Cute together with kawaii Japanese trend nutrient art. Creative thought for nutrient fine art for kids piece of work yesteryear view. Photo taken on: June 02nd, 2016  © Photographer: Santusya | Agency:

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Sushezi Sushi Made Easys actually no large surprise that people similar kawaii Edible Art Of Kawaii Cooking
s actually no large surprise that people similar kawaii Edible Art Of Kawaii Cooking

EES shares recipes, cooking tips together with all things foodie!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Sri Lanka Ethnic Cuisine Past Times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

Sri Lanka national cuisine is based on found products:  rice, corn, peas, lentils, in addition to other beans.  Also, all sorts of flour made out of pulse crops in addition to vegetables are an integral purpose of the local cuisine.

Spice store inward Kandy Market, Sri Lanka By McKay Savage [CC BY 2.0],

Rice is the reason of many of the national dishes inward Sri Lanka. It is spiced amongst curry, seasoning in addition to other local ingredients here, amongst seafood in addition to fruits, kokosnoot flakes in addition to vegetables.  The combinations, at showtime sight, are unbelievable!

Traditionally, the nutrient is prepared inward either handmade crockery-ware or metallic element crockery over an opened upwardly fire. There are a lot of seasoning in addition to sauces inward traditional Sri Lankan cuisine, which is why it is practically impossible to define its unique taste. Curry is the most pop seasoning. But at that spot is also, a hot sauce antiaris made of fruits amongst seasonings, ruddy hot sauce masala, miti kiri dry out kokosnoot milk, cutting sparse mix of onion in addition to salt, dry out fish, ruddy pepper in addition to lemon lunumiris, a ginger manus inward syrup in addition to other exotic seasonings are common.

The Ceylonese (Sri Lankans inward Singapore) eat a huge divulge of fruits in addition to greens. They brand salads out of dissimilar fresh vegetables in addition to fruits or but or in addition to thence greens using traditional tomatoes, pepper, onion, bamboo runoffs in addition to a diverse exotic assortment, including or in addition to thence exceptional tree leaves, banana palm flower, in addition to algae. Meat is non consumed much due to the cows to beingness considered holy animals. Instead, they eat a lot of in addition to a diverseness of seafood.

Sri Lanka courses:

  • Roti, which is a rice cake, a daily course of report inward Sri Lanka
  • Appa, which is rice-flour in addition to kokosnoot milk pancakes. They hold back similar typical pancakes but whiter in addition to to a greater extent than transparent.
  • Indi appa, which is rice pasta made of rice flour of course.
  • Pitta, which is boiled steamed rice-coconut mix inward bamboo handle.
  • Kiribath, which is pinkish rice, boiled inward kokosnoot milk.

Tea is the top dog imbibe inward Sri Lanka. But fruit juice in addition to kokosnoot milk are preferred drinks equally well. As for the local alcohol, it is improve for a traveler non to larn familiar amongst it. Alcoholic beverages are available but at that spot is basically no purification physical care for for making the local alcohol in addition to thence most Europeans or westerners may non appreciate the taste. As for the local Lion beer, it is brewed inward accordance amongst classic recipes. It is non expensive in addition to or in addition to thence who imbibe it tell it's really delicious.

About the author: Melisa Marzett whose electrical flow action is writing for Pure writing company ever welcome a novel writing challenge. She is passionate near writing, which is why what comes out is interesting to read.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

I'd Similar To Lodge Kung Pao Chicken Smothered Amongst Melted Cheese! (Yuk!)

A few years back, I was having a spirited give-and-take amongst co-workers at i of my temp jobs too the give-and-take turned to nutrient preferences. Mexican versus Chinese.

I said: “I dearest Chinese food!”

My co-worker's response was:
“No way! Chinese nutrient doesn't stimulate got close plenty cheese for me!!”

I laughed too idea to myself: 'Yep! She's correct virtually that!'

But why? ⍰
Why is in that location hardly whatever cheese inward Chinese cuisine?

Did closed to research. Here is the quick answer, according to Corinne Trang, affectionately referred to past times her many admirers every bit the “Asian Julia Child”. She says: “In Asian nutrient culture, yous stimulate got thousands, countless amounts of herbs too spices that nosotros role at whatever given time. So few of these spices learn good amongst cheese.” *

Nevertheless, in that location is a nutrient tendency going inward the “fusion” administration too chefs are experimenting amongst incorporating cheese into Asian recipes.

I seriously doubtfulness that yous tin guild a plate of kung pao chicken smothered amongst melted cheese.  I didn't tell the chefs had taken survive out of their senses.  😋

But what practice yous think of this "adaptation"?

Do yous similar your Chinese nutrient amongst or without cheese?

* * *

*Quote Source:
Kuo, Stephanie. "The Real Reason There's No Cheese In Asian Cuisine." CheeseRank : Your Go To Guide for All Things Cheese. N.p., 28 July 2014. Web. xv June 2017. (NOTE: Links to an archived copy.)

Cheese inward Chinese Cuisine

How many authentic (ie., non fusion) Chinese dishes use, or incorporate, cheese? When I tell cheese, I hateful actual cheese -- either from a cow, caprine animal or whatnot. What I don't hateful is "Chinese cheese" or fermented, preserved tofu. The entirely Chinese dish I tin think of that has cheese is Yunnan Goat Cheese, served sprinkled amongst saccharide too pepper.

It Turns Out, There is Such a Thing every bit Chinese Cheese

The Blog: Cookbook writer too instructor Diana Kuan writes virtually traditional too modern takes on Asian abode cooking on her blog, Appetite for China. She has too lately launched an online store called Plate too Pencil, amongst cute gifts similar a "Dumplings Around the World" tote bag.

Discovering Cheese inward One of the Most Unsuspecting Places

It's nearly impossible for whatever Westerners to recall the commencement fourth dimension they tried cheese. From pizza to pasta to hunks eaten on their own, cheese's ubiquity inward our diets way that we've been enjoying it since earlier nosotros could swallow most other company foods. For Liu Yang, a cheesemaker inward Beijing, the ...

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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Recipe Sharing For Barbecue Lovers

There are 2 detail foods that I know around people all around the globe enjoy. Pizza together with barbecue!! Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 span of these wonderful recipes came to me via eMail. If you're vegan or vegetarian, no worries. Threw inward a recipe for yous too! I dear recipe sharing. Let me know if yous endeavor them or if you've already tried them! If yous desire to portion other recipes, experience free!

Content outset appeared at, July 27, 2017.

