Showing posts with label spices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spices. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

3 Spices That Concord The Secrets Of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)

3 Spices That Concord The Secrets Of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)

Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao), who is a board-certified anti-aging skilful shares information well-nigh the iii best spices for a longer life.

Before you lot click the link (below) to the master copy article, laissez passer on yourself iii chances to approximate the correct combination of 3 spices that accept been used inwards Traditional Chinese Medicine in addition to other Eastern traditions to cure mutual illnesses in addition to keep goodness health.  I exclusively guessed i of the spices.  1 out of iii is lower than a Grade F!!

But straight off that I know what they are, I'm glad they're common, cheap in addition to really slow to find.  So I don't move over the world in addition to body of body of water inwards search of the iii mythical spices from the lost the world of "Where Did You Get that?!"

aging skilful shares information well-nigh the  iii Spices That Hold the Secrets of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)
Photo: Rev Dan Catt/Flickr 
* * * * * *
"Garlic is every bit goodness every bit 10 mothers."
 - Ancient Telugu saying from India

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Spices Inwards Filipino Cuisine Past Times Carlo Villamayor (Guest Post)

It's no cloak-and-dagger that Filipino cuisine is i of the best inwards the world, but similar whatever proficient food, it has to receive got its secrets. Few people receive got actually mastered authentic Filipino food, non the washed-down fare yous arrive fast foods as well as diners, but real, home-made native dishes. Although most of us tin whip upwards something when nosotros postulate to, it tin last difficult to capture that distinct Filipino taste.

So what actually goes into our food? How practise yous brand your nutrient sense of savor genuinely Filipino? There's actually no unmarried answer, because no i tin define our food; nosotros come upwards from a hodgepodge of cultures, afterward all. But i matter that sets us apart from our Asian neighbors is our heavy utilisation of spices. Whereas other cuisines prefer subtle hints of flavor, nosotros similar a large flare-up of it amongst every bite.

So that's the starting fourth dimension rule: last generous amongst the spice. If yous desire your dish to stand upwards for inwards amongst other Filipino recipes, teach to know the spices that teach into them. Here are but about of the most common.


Ginger is used inwards most of Asian cuisine, as well as Filipino nutrient recipes. In the Philippines, it is most commonly used inwards soups as well as stews; dishes such every bit arroz caldo (rice porridge), as well as tinola (chicken stew) utilisation garlic every bit their principal spice. It goes specially good amongst chicken as well as fish dishes, where it provides a prissy contrast to the potent meat flavors. Ginger is used both for flavour as well as aroma, although the flesh of the origin is non e'er eaten. Most people but musical rhythm out the origin as well as drib it into the dish, hence receive got it out but earlier serving.


We're non every bit wild close spicy nutrient every bit the Thais, but nosotros practise similar a fighting of seize amongst teeth inwards our food. Virtually every Filipino dish tin last spiced upwards amongst chili peppers, from rich meat viands to everyday soups as well as noodles. Sauces similar patis (fish sauce) as well as soy sauce are ofttimes mixed amongst crushed chili as well as used every bit dips or marinades. Bicol, a part inwards southeastern Luzon, is known for using chili peppers inwards most of its dishes. Perhaps the most pop is Bicol express, made amongst meat, bagoong (saut'ed shrimp paste), kokosnoot milk, as well as chopped light-green chilies.

Garlic as well as onions

These ii almost e'er teach together, especially inwards meat as well as vegetable dishes. You may last to a greater extent than familiar amongst Taiwanese as well as Australian garlic, which receive got larger cloves as well as are easier to operate with. But if yous desire a stronger, spicier flavor, teach for native garlic. Philippine garlic comes inwards smaller bulbs, amongst cloves less than one-half the size of other types. This makes them difficult to handle, but it's good worth the trouble.

Philippine onions are potent as well as pungent, making them a cracking source of flavor. Use native cherry onions for saut'ing as well as pickling, but utilisation the white ones for salads as well as sandwiches. If you're making rice porridge, move yesteryear it amongst chopped light-green onions for extra spice.


Lemongrass has strong-smelling leaves as well as stalks commonly used inwards soups, teas as well as sauces. The leafage is slightly sweetness amongst a hint of citrus, a perfect complement to gravy as well as other meat sauces. There are several ways to utilisation lemongrass, but the most mutual method is cooking the fresh leaves (sometimes the entire stem or bulb) amongst the nutrient to liberate the flavor. If you're using the stalk, receive got exclusively the soft inner utilisation as well as chop it upwards earlier dropping it in. You tin likewise utilisation dried as well as powdered lemongrass, especially if you're inwards the metropolis as well as fresh leaves are difficult to find. 


Pandan is generally an aromatic ingredient, most commonly used amongst patently white rice. Just add together a duo of leaves to your rice every bit it boils, as well as it comes out amongst a strong, inviting aroma. Some regions fifty-fifty weave it onto rice pots for an fifty-fifty stronger scent. You tin practise the same amongst rice cakes, puddings, as well as other Filipino desserts recipes.

Bay leafage

The strong, pungent sense of savor of bay leaves makes them a perfect stand upwards for for Filipino cooking recipes. The leafage has a broad hit of uses, from meat sauces as well as dips to principal dishes similar adobo, menudo as well as mechado. Dried bay leaves are traditionally used; fresh bay is seldom available inwards local markets. The leafage itself is non commonly eaten; similar ginger, yous tin receive got out the leaves i time you're laid to serve. However, most people but move out them inwards as well as laid them aside when eating.

About The Author:  
Carlo Villamayor is a devoted cook, he makes it his personal mission to spread the joy of i of his Filipino nutrient recipes amongst nutrient lovers the basis over. Bon appetit!  (Source:

EES shares recipes, cooking tips
as well as all things foodie!

 s no cloak-and-dagger that Filipino cuisine is i of the best inwards the basis Spices inwards Filipino Cuisine yesteryear Carlo Villamayor (Guest Post)

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Five Exotic Spices Past Times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

Even though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all around the earth or tin easily move purchased online, most of us don't know know the history of these marvelous cooking ingredients together with which province is responsible for introducing these exciting flavors to the global community.  Sharing a brief introduction to v (5) exotic spices:

SPICE Spotlight: Juniper Berries

Even though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all ar Five Exotic Spices past times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

1. Asafetida. This is an Asian spice made from the roots of sure enough species of Ferula. It is a gum-like spice amongst a real potent together with unpleasant smell.  Actually, the cite of the spice has a Latin origin, which way “evil-smelling gum”.  Asafetida is mutual inwards Indian vegetarian cuisine together with is oft the primary subdivision inwards rice together with edible bean dishes. Additionally, it has a broad hit of medicinal properties together with is beneficial for people amongst digestive disorders, high cholesterol, and/or nervous disorders.  Asafetida is rich inwards minerals together with nutrients, such every bit iron, calcium, phosphorus, together with protein.  Although most chefs together with cooks rarely laid a dish without onion together with garlic, some people do non swallow onion or garlic.  Certain people are allergic to onions together with for some people, garlic causes extreme pump burn.  Asafetida is an ideal spice for those people.  In fact, its aroma is similar to both onion together with garlic.

2. Dried Avocado Leaves.  This spice (or herb) originated inwards Mexico. It is i of the most pop spices inwards Mexican cuisine.  Avocado leaves accept an aniseed fragrance; however, these dried leaves are odorless together with accept a pungent taste. Dried avocado leaves are added to edible bean or meat dishes. Regarding wellness benefits, they are useful for people who accept kidney stones together with hypertension. Noteworthy:  Only sure enough varieties of avocado leaves are to move used inwards cooking or for medicinal purposes because some kinds of avocado leaves tin comprise toxic substances.

Additional References:

Avocado Leaves: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Secret Mexican Ingredient

Avocado Leaves: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Secret Mexican Ingredient

Avocado Leaves: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Secret Mexican Ingredientby Victoria ChallancinLove at First Bite. Like whatever motivated foodie, I almost made myself ill sampling, musing, together with guessing what unknown subdivision I was tasting inwards what appeared to move an ordinary dark edible bean dip.

3. Epazote. This is some other essential spice used inwards Mexican cuisine. Its extraordinary (or strange) scent tin move described every bit a combination of kerosene, mint, together with citrus. Epazote is made from the leaves of Mexican herb called dysphania ambrosioides (aka "Mexican tea").  It is used amongst edible bean together with meat dishes. Additionally, it tin move used inwards soups.

Additional Reading together with Recipes:

4. Grains of Paradise. This delicious spice is an integral role of West African cuisine. It is obtained from a bloom called Aframomum melegueta. Africans believed that this bloom grew inwards Eden. Grains of paradise await similar seeds together with accept jasmine, citrus, together with hazelnut odor. It tin move added to meat, fish, together with Irish Gaelic patato dishes.

Link of Interest:
Find spices ordered according to the region:

Ras El Hanout (4.0 Oz) By Zamouri SpicesEven though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all ar Five Exotic Spices past times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)
Even though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all ar Five Exotic Spices past times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

Ingredients include over xxx dissimilar herbs together with spices, such as: 

 Grains of Paradise, Lavender, turmeric, ajawan seeds, kalajeera, ginger, galangal, oris root, rose buds, monk's pepper, cinnamon together with more!

5. Juniper Berries. Actually, juniper berries are to a greater extent than probable to move cones than berries. It has the aroma of fir together with is used for cooking meat dishes, particularly stewed rabbit or beef. These “berries” grow on the juniper tree, are mutual throughout Europe,  included inwards ancient Greek recipes, and accept been constitute inwards the Egyptian pyramids.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 broad hit of High German traditional dishes are cooked amongst juniper berries.

♦  Hope y'all enjoyed this intro.
About the writer:  Melisa Marzett industrial plant for:  She does fantabulous inquiry together with tin pen articles together with provide spider web log publishers or website owners amongst lineament content on almost whatever topic.  View the About tab on her Google+ profile for to a greater extent than samples of her work.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

10 Best Spices For Salubrious Cooking Yesteryear Matthew Kaplan (Guest Post)

Matthew Kaplan is an Editor for, a pop online resources for good for yous recipes together with good for yous cooking tips. is straightaway called FaveHealthyRecipes together with it is yet a fantastic house for lots of good for yous cooking recipes to help you!  The article presented below available for publication together with use by anyone.

**Salt didn't brand the list.  But nosotros were together with thence happy to see black pepper amid the chosen ones.  :)   Everyday Exotic Spices follows FaveHealthy Recipes on Pinterest.

How To Use Spices:
The 10 Best Spices for Healthy Cooking

For an slow together with guilt-free agency to add together flavour to whatsoever recipe, role nutrient spices. Even the largest total of the transcend spice of your choice inwards a dish transforms a recipe from blah to ta-da! Let this spice listing demo yous how to role the best spices to add together tons of flavour without adding calories.

(1)  Black Pepper - Crisp, slightly spicy together with unbelievably versatile, it is no large wonder that dark pepper is the most mutual spice inwards the world. Black pepper is a great agency to add together a impact of oestrus together with a vivid aroma to only virtually whatsoever form of savory application, from eggs together with salads to rice together with beef. To teach the most flavour out of dark pepper, freshly grind whole peppercorns using a pepper mill.

XQXQ Wood Salt & Pepper Mill Set, Pepper Grinders, Salt Shakers amongst Adjustable Ceramic Rotor- 8 inwards -Pack of 2 a pop online resources for good for yous recipes together with good for yous cooking tips 10 Best Spices For Healthy Cooking yesteryear Matthew Kaplan  (Guest Post)

(2)  Cinnamon - Cinnamon is i of the best spices around because of its surprising versatility. One of the to a greater extent than rigid of the essential spices, alone a footling cinnamon is needed to convey its trademark dense together with rich flavour to a dish. Classically associated with the listing of spices used inwards dessert, cinnamon is a swell add-on to savory rice together with Indian dishes.

(3)  Cumin - Another pop nutrient spice, cumin has a rich smoky flavour that works good inwards a diverseness of dishes, peculiarly Mexican together with Indian recipes. Cumin is i of the best spices for cooking because it tin flaming live on added to a broad diverseness of recipes.

(4)  Coriander
- Coriander is i of the most unique spices inwards that when this seed is planted, it becomes the herb cilantro. However, considering coriander brings a bright, warm, almost citrus flavour to a dish, the seed tastes naught similar the herb. Coriander works best inwards a recipe equally a contrast to the heavier smokey flavour of cumin or equally a compliment to orangish together with lemon flavors.

(5)  Cloves
- Extremely aromatic together with slightly sweet, cloves are the transcend spice that contributes to the distinctive odour of Indian food. Cloves, whether whole or crushed, accept a strong flavour together with are best used inwards large amounts. Sprinkle a pinch of crushed cloves inwards your java or tea to add together a vivid chai flavor.

(6)  Cayenne Pepper - If yous desire to add together a lot of intense spicy oestrus to a recipe, cayenne pepper is the transcend spice of choice. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 tiny fighting goes a long way, making cayenne pepper i of the best spices for transforming the flavour of a dish. Great inwards a whole host of recipes where yous desire a spicy kick, endeavor mixing it upwardly yesteryear adding a impact of cayenne pepper to your sugariness chocolate recipes.

(7)  Turmeric - While traditionally used inwards curries together with Indian-style recipes, turmeric is i of the best spices for adding color together with aroma to a dish. Add turmeric to your spice listing side yesteryear side fourth dimension yous brand rice or soup. Plus, turmeric has a whole host of medicinal benefits, including equally an anti-inflammatory.

(8)  Paprika - Essentially only dried together with crushed scarlet bell peppers, paprika is i of the essential spices for Hungarian together with many Eastern European recipes. Ranging from sugariness to slightly spicy, paprika adds a pungent, vivid together with colorful chemical constituent to whatsoever recipe.

(9)  Mustard Seed - Found on the essential spice listing of cooks from Western Europe to South Asia, the mustard seed is an aromatic spice amongst a impact of heat, perfect for complimenting the stronger flavors industrial plant life inwards heavy meat dishes together with pickles. Think of the flavour of the mustard seed equally a less intense version of horseradish or wasabi.

(10)  Ginger - Slightly spicy together with pungent, but amongst only plenty sweetness together with aroma, ginger should live on on the spices listing of every abode cook. Whether for adding a vivid pungency to Chinese together with Japanese recipes or for adding a impact of the spice of cookies together with sugariness drinks, ginger is i of the most unique spices because of its versatility. Plus, ginger is swell for digestion issues such equally nausea together with diarrhea.

Article made available for republication via: articlebase,com

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

3 Spices That Concord The Secrets Of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)

3 Spices That Concord The Secrets Of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)

Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao), who is a board-certified anti-aging skilful shares information well-nigh the iii best spices for a longer life.

Before you lot click the link (below) to the master copy article, laissez passer on yourself iii chances to approximate the correct combination of 3 spices that accept been used inwards Traditional Chinese Medicine in addition to other Eastern traditions to cure mutual illnesses in addition to keep goodness health.  I exclusively guessed i of the spices.  1 out of iii is lower than a Grade F!!

But straight off that I know what they are, I'm glad they're common, cheap in addition to really slow to find.  So I don't move over the world in addition to body of body of water inwards search of the iii mythical spices from the lost the world of "Where Did You Get that?!"

aging skilful shares information well-nigh the  iii Spices That Hold the Secrets of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)
Photo: Rev Dan Catt/Flickr 
* * * * * *
"Garlic is every bit goodness every bit 10 mothers."
 - Ancient Telugu saying from India