Showing posts with label Food Lovers Guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food Lovers Guide. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2017

Foodie Friday : Nutrient Weblog Spotlight : Cook, Mix, Mingle

Cook, Mix, Mingle is a weblog that explores the cultural multifariousness of South Florida. But since many posts are near Florida cuisine it could likewise hold upward sub-categorized nether nutrient blogs.

Been actively blogging every bit i of my main habitation trouble concern projects for years. Publishing my diverse blogs is rewarding too enjoyable work, merely reading blogs yesteryear others is eye-opening too a lot of fun!  Every publisher is thence unique inward their mode too method of presentation.
  • Cook, Mix, Mingle would probable hold upward viewed every bit a cultural multifariousness blog.  But I similar all the nutrient finds. ☺
The sometime publisher, Lawrence Jean-Louis, (she sold the blog) is a miss who currently hails from South #Florida too has Haitian roots. She shares all sorts of information near the expanse merely my favorite posts are the ones near food. For example: In a weblog entry dated Feb 10, 2014, readers were directed to 5 #YouTube channels on #howto produce #Africanfood. If you lot e'er visited or lived inward South Florida (or Haiti), too thence you lot know many of the #recipes for the dishes served inward restaurants or somebody homes, for that matter, contain the flavors of the African continent. What a fabulous abide by for #foodies!  Five nutrient channels correct at your fingertips!  This post should hold upward featured inward a Food Lovers Guide. 

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