Showing posts with label global flavors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global flavors. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Can Yous Gauge The Healthiest Cuisines Inwards The World?

Dear Blog Readers as well as Subscribers:

Missed me?  LOL. ☺❤  
I chilled out a chip for the 4th of July holiday but I accept been (and nevertheless am) form of busy alongside my various dwelling solid biz projects.  Publishing this curt ship hence that my readers know this is spider web log is nevertheless beingness maintained.

Found an interesting article today at Spices, Inc. that lists the 8 Healthiest Cuisines inwards the World.

It was no surprise to me that California Cuisine was on the list. I am a niggling upset that Caribbean Area cuisine did non brand the list. But I understand. ☺ As to why kosher Jewish nutrient isn't Number 1 on the list?  Your gauge is equally proficient equally mine. 


Before you lot cheque the official listing at Spices, Inc., write downward YOUR LIST of the world cuisines that you think should endure on this listing as well as and then compare to run into if you lot guessed right!

8 Healthiest Cuisines inwards the World

Learn all virtually the 8 healthiest cuisines inwards the the world ...

California Cuisine - History, Features as well as Fun Facts

Each bullet betoken presented below has been explored inwards much farther exceptional past times beau freelance author Om Paramapoonya as well as presented inwards an article titled: The term "California cuisine" was commencement used past times nutrient critics as well as magazine editors. California has various agriculture as well as people.

What Jew Wanna Eat - This Ain't Yo Bubbe's Blog

These Kofta Stuffed Dates from Millennial Kosher are a niggling sweet, a niggling salty, as well as brand the perfect appetizer! If you lot similar meat wrapped inwards to a greater extent than meat, as well as then create I accept a process for you! Boy ...

World Cuisine: Great Recipes from Around the World (and Texas)

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 handy reference list. Descriptive listing of the unlike as well as pop dishes from the Philippines that every Filipino household unit of measurement accept enjoyed cooking as well as serving on their dinner table. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Taste of the Caribbean: Make Jamaican Patties for Supper! This is a corking recipe for authentic tasting Jamaican Patties; delicious golden pastry filled alongside curried beef as well as spices.

Indian Food - Myth or Fact

Do you lot similar Indian food? I do! Although must admit, had to instruct a gustatory modality for it. My commencement fourth dimension trying a so-called authentic Indian dish was at 1 of those American mall-type nutrient courts, where at that topographic point are all kinds of restaurants for you lot to select from.

Food Blog Spotlight: Tofu is the New Black on Tumblr

So glad such a matter equally a spotlight was invented. The concept or stance of shining a low-cal on something or individual worthy of beingness noticed comes inwards handy when you lot honor a similar " first-class nutrient spider web log Tofu is the New Black ".

Vegan as well as Vegetarian Blogs: The Flaming Vegan

Many celebrities accept gone the agency of the vegan. to mention simply 2 (see "Links of Interest" below). Taking the natural springtime as well as plunging myself into a vegan diet would endure unrealistic. Taking babe steps toward modifying my diet to comprise vegan nutrient into my meals is a much to a greater extent than reasonable as well as sensible approach.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Foodie Friday : Nutrient Weblog Spotlight : Cook, Mix, Mingle

Cook, Mix, Mingle is a weblog that explores the cultural multifariousness of South Florida. But since many posts are near Florida cuisine it could likewise hold upward sub-categorized nether nutrient blogs.

Been actively blogging every bit i of my main habitation trouble concern projects for years. Publishing my diverse blogs is rewarding too enjoyable work, merely reading blogs yesteryear others is eye-opening too a lot of fun!  Every publisher is thence unique inward their mode too method of presentation.
  • Cook, Mix, Mingle would probable hold upward viewed every bit a cultural multifariousness blog.  But I similar all the nutrient finds. ☺
The sometime publisher, Lawrence Jean-Louis, (she sold the blog) is a miss who currently hails from South #Florida too has Haitian roots. She shares all sorts of information near the expanse merely my favorite posts are the ones near food. For example: In a weblog entry dated Feb 10, 2014, readers were directed to 5 #YouTube channels on #howto produce #Africanfood. If you lot e'er visited or lived inward South Florida (or Haiti), too thence you lot know many of the #recipes for the dishes served inward restaurants or somebody homes, for that matter, contain the flavors of the African continent. What a fabulous abide by for #foodies!  Five nutrient channels correct at your fingertips!  This post should hold upward featured inward a Food Lovers Guide. 

♦ ♦ ♦

More #FoodieFriday Posts

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Sri Lanka Ethnic Cuisine Past Times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

Sri Lanka national cuisine is based on found products:  rice, corn, peas, lentils, in addition to other beans.  Also, all sorts of flour made out of pulse crops in addition to vegetables are an integral purpose of the local cuisine.

Spice store inward Kandy Market, Sri Lanka By McKay Savage [CC BY 2.0],

Rice is the reason of many of the national dishes inward Sri Lanka. It is spiced amongst curry, seasoning in addition to other local ingredients here, amongst seafood in addition to fruits, kokosnoot flakes in addition to vegetables.  The combinations, at showtime sight, are unbelievable!

Traditionally, the nutrient is prepared inward either handmade crockery-ware or metallic element crockery over an opened upwardly fire. There are a lot of seasoning in addition to sauces inward traditional Sri Lankan cuisine, which is why it is practically impossible to define its unique taste. Curry is the most pop seasoning. But at that spot is also, a hot sauce antiaris made of fruits amongst seasonings, ruddy hot sauce masala, miti kiri dry out kokosnoot milk, cutting sparse mix of onion in addition to salt, dry out fish, ruddy pepper in addition to lemon lunumiris, a ginger manus inward syrup in addition to other exotic seasonings are common.

The Ceylonese (Sri Lankans inward Singapore) eat a huge divulge of fruits in addition to greens. They brand salads out of dissimilar fresh vegetables in addition to fruits or but or in addition to thence greens using traditional tomatoes, pepper, onion, bamboo runoffs in addition to a diverse exotic assortment, including or in addition to thence exceptional tree leaves, banana palm flower, in addition to algae. Meat is non consumed much due to the cows to beingness considered holy animals. Instead, they eat a lot of in addition to a diverseness of seafood.

Sri Lanka courses:

  • Roti, which is a rice cake, a daily course of report inward Sri Lanka
  • Appa, which is rice-flour in addition to kokosnoot milk pancakes. They hold back similar typical pancakes but whiter in addition to to a greater extent than transparent.
  • Indi appa, which is rice pasta made of rice flour of course.
  • Pitta, which is boiled steamed rice-coconut mix inward bamboo handle.
  • Kiribath, which is pinkish rice, boiled inward kokosnoot milk.

Tea is the top dog imbibe inward Sri Lanka. But fruit juice in addition to kokosnoot milk are preferred drinks equally well. As for the local alcohol, it is improve for a traveler non to larn familiar amongst it. Alcoholic beverages are available but at that spot is basically no purification physical care for for making the local alcohol in addition to thence most Europeans or westerners may non appreciate the taste. As for the local Lion beer, it is brewed inward accordance amongst classic recipes. It is non expensive in addition to or in addition to thence who imbibe it tell it's really delicious.

About the author: Melisa Marzett whose electrical flow action is writing for Pure writing company ever welcome a novel writing challenge. She is passionate near writing, which is why what comes out is interesting to read.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Which Create You Lot Choose? Potatoes, Pasta, Or Rice?

No criminal offense to all the murphy in addition to pasta lovers out at that spot but if I receive got to choose, I’ll inquire for rice dish whatever day. I dear rice similar Oprah loves bread! I know I’m non the alone one. All approximately the basis people dear to part the rice recipes they serve at home. The dishes are thence popular, locals volition inquire for it fifty-fifty when they’re out dining inward a restaurant. It doesn’t affair that they tin teach the same dish at home.

Rice is the King of Crops

You could tell that rice is the manful someone monarch of crops. Here’s why. According to historical records in addition to documents, rice tillage began inward China in addition to spread across Asia. As empires expanded in addition to foreigners came to know i some other via exploratory travels, the crop made its way to Africa in addition to parts of Europe. The Europeans brought rice to America. Nowadays rice is everywhere. It is a staple nutrient in addition to many populations endure because the people are given a bowl of rice a day. “Rice has fed to a greater extent than people over a longer current of fourth dimension than whatever other crop.” (Quote Source)

Bahamian Pigeon Peas in addition to Rice

My household unit of measurement tree is Bahamian. I grew upwards eating dove peas in addition to rice in addition to ever idea it was a uniquely Bahamian dish. But thence my Puerto Rican friend told me they swallow it a lot where she comes from too! The way they teach inward in Puerto Rico is slightly dissimilar but it’s yet delicious. It is my all-time favorite rice recipe because it has ties to my heart.

Rice in addition to peas or peas in addition to rice is a traditional nutrient inward Africa. Everybody knows that Africans were brought to the Caribbean, The Bahamas, in addition to the United States, past times way of the slave trade. It makes feel that the people only adapted in addition to modified recipes they remembered from home, to suit their novel environment. In The Bahamas, dove pea is a crop that is harvested regularly. Peas n’ rice started out every bit a one-pot meal, a variety of survival nutrient for the islanders in addition to those who farmed the land. Starch, meat, in addition to veggies were all inward i pot. The meat included inward the recipe was commonly common salt pork or bacon. (You tin modify the recipe in addition to do vegetarian or vegan-style. It’s OK!)

Over time, the locals in addition to travelers or visitors to the isle solid reason grew to dear peas n’ rice in addition to every bit of today, it has teach a mutual side dish. It almost ever makes an appearance at everyday meals served at abode in addition to it is expected to live served every bit i of the sides at whatever restaurant, much similar how American aspect their french fries.
Would you lot live interested inward trying this truthful Bahamian “must eat”? It’s slowly to make! Bahamian Pigeon Peas & Rice

Other Rice Recipes in addition to Food History

Even though I am familiar alongside Bahamian dove peas n’ rice because that’s my roots, at that spot are other rice dishes I similar eating exactly every bit much. Chinese fried rice. Paella. Biryani. Western Farsi rice. ALL YUM!

No incertitude each of these rice dishes receive got their ain similar nutrient history. Similar, that is to say, rattling probable started out every bit nutrient for the commoners but tasted thence practiced everybody wanted to swallow some the commoners in addition to the aristocrats or rich folks.

Below are links to a collection of rice recipes that are certain to please, alongside a few historical tidbits mixed inward to heighten the joy of eating.

Asian Rice Recipes

Chinese Fried Rice You tin do vegetarian-style or add together modest pieces of meat. The recipe genuinely came virtually every bit a way of using upwards leftover rice. The earliest historical records dates its origination to the Sui dynasty (589–618 CE).

Chicken Biryani There are vegetarian versions, but I similar the chicken. There are rattling rigid opinions that biryani should live the National Dish of India, fifty-fifty though “biryani” is derived from the Western Farsi give-and-take “birian” which agency “fried earlier cooking.” Many give credit to the Mughals for creating the biryani dish, but some tell at that spot were similar dishes existence eaten inward Bharat long earlier the institution of the Mughal Empire. So let’s exactly tell they took a mutual recipe in addition to made it their ain i time they took over!

European in addition to Middle-Eastern Rice Recipes

Seafood Paella Paella originated inward Valencia, Eastern Spain. It is a fusion of ii cultures: Arab Moors in addition to the natives of Spain. As to its history? One even goes that this rice dish was created past times cooks using leftovers to order to the king’s guests to receive got abode from the banquets.

Persian Rice Also called Western Farsi Wedding Rice or Iranian Jeweled Rice. It’s made alongside fruits in addition to nuts. Islamic Republic of Iran which was i time known every bit Persia, in addition to was at i fourth dimension an “ancient super power”; pregnant the rulers conquered a lot of peoples who had dissimilar cultures. Iranian cuisine or Western Farsi nutrient has been influenced past times many cultures. Hard to tell what originated from what resulted from the fusion or the blend. “Iran’s nutrient has a rich in addition to illustrious backstory that tells the tale of conquerors, explorers, in addition to merchants all leaving their grade on Western Farsi cuisine.” (Quote Source)

Which do you lot choose? Potatoes, Pasta, or Rice?

NOTE: This article starting fourth dimension appeared at on March 14, 2019. If you lot similar it, cheque out the other articles inward the Food in addition to Nutrition category.

Monday, May 22, 2017

How To Possess Italian : Slow Recipes From Ciaoflorentina

Many people beloved Italian food. Although my hubby says he doesn't. Even though he watches in addition to sometimes records the cooking shows of Lidia Bastianich on Create TV. When nosotros subscribed to cable TV, he rarely missed an episode of Giada De Laurentiis on Food Network. (O.o)

  Even though he watches in addition to sometimes records the cooking shows of  How to Cook Italian :  Easy Recipes from CiaoFlorentina

I ticker most things Italian, amongst nutrient beingness at the transcend of my list. There are in addition to therefore many Italian nutrient bloggers out there. In fact, my 3rd post service for this weblog shined the spotlight on i of my favorite blogs: JovinaCooks Italian.

Here is to a greater extent than or less other i of my faves: EasyItalian Recipes – CiaoFlorentina.  Cooking advice is provided in addition to many recipes are gluten-free, paleo, in addition to vegetarian. H5N1 few selected posts seem below to ignite your curiosity to know to a greater extent than in addition to whet your appetite for to a greater extent than or less tasty Italian cuisine.

Chocolate Covered Oranges amongst Red Pepper Flakes * Christmas Recipes

Chocolate Covered Oranges amongst Red Pepper Flakes *

The ultimate Chocolate Covered Oranges: tangerine in addition to orangish slices dipped inwards nighttime chocolate in addition to sprinkled amongst ruby pepper flakes for a dainty kick. It is that fourth dimension of twelvemonth agone when our orangish trees are in addition to therefore loaded the branches started breaking. Which way in that location are oranges in addition to tangerines all over our kitchen.

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Replace tater chips amongst a healthier alternative. How to Make Brussel Sprout Chips (Crispy) *

How to Make Brussel Sprout Chips (Crispy) *

Crispy in addition to lite baked Brussel sprout chips amongst merely a drizzle of olive crude oil in addition to a pinch of body of body of water salt. Easy to brand in addition to loved yesteryear all! Who is every bit excited every bit me most autumn in addition to baking trays upon trays of these Brussel sprout chips?

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Vegetarian Calzone Recipe *

Vegetarian Calzone Recipe *

Italian vegetarian calzone, pizza pockets stuffed amongst veggies in addition to cheese in addition to grilled inwards a shape Fe skillet, a vegetarian's dream ! First of all, you lot absolutely gotta brand this vegetarian calzone you lot guys ! I had them for breakfast in addition to I'm non fifty-fifty ashamed to acknowledge it.

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Do you lot know your thyme? Thyme Varieties For Cooking *

Thyme Varieties For Cooking *

There are quite a few thyme varieties for cooking out there. Thyme is i of my favorite herbs to laid upward amongst in addition to found inwards my containers, but inwards all honesty I stick to 2 mayhap iii varieties inwards my herb garden.

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  Even though he watches in addition to sometimes records the cooking shows of  How to Cook Italian :  Easy Recipes from CiaoFlorentina
Crushed Red Pepper four oz - $4.75

from: OliveNation

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Food Bloggers: Dwelling Cooking Presented Past Times Hilda's Touching On Of Spice

Spotlight on some other awesome nutrient blog. This ane has been relieve inward my bookmarks for forever! It's called “Hilda'sTouch of Spice”. The spider web log is published yesteryear Hilda Mascarenhas. Her recipes include a wonderful sampling of European, Asian too American cuisines, too categories are for holidays, yesteryear countries, vegetarian versus non-vegetarian, desserts, side dishes, soups too salads, too more! The best agency to depict her spider web log is using her ain words:

"Mouth watering recipes & essential cooking advice, helping you lot to add together the correct Touch of Spice to brand uncomplicated dwelling cooking special!"

That's the description from her Facebook page.  In 2013 her page reached 1,000 Likes.  As of today (2016), it has over 5,000 Likes!  Isn't that marvelous?

Since it's the vacation flavor you're going to dear this share. It's her Christmas Special menu, followed yesteryear a few to a greater extent than selected spider web log posts that I like. Enjoy!

Christmas Special Menu - Hilda's Touch Of Spice

(Click hither to sentiment all of Hilda's Christmas recipes.)

Christmas Special Menu

This twelvemonth Christmas is going to live on filled amongst traditional sweets at our home.

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Japanese Cheesecake

Japanese Cheesecake

Popularly known equally "Japanese Cotton Cheesecake" due to its cotton fiber texture this beautiful baked cheesecake is delicately soft. Very famous years agone on the net, you lot volition detect several recipes to this delicious cake.

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Steamed Momos

Steamed Momos

The conditions inward Pune is chilly & mutual coldness inward the nights.

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Carrot Coconut Ladoos / Gajar Nariyal Ladoos

Carrot Coconut Ladoos / Gajar Nariyal Ladoos

Two of my eternal favorites... Carrots too Coconut. Just can't produce without them! 🙂 They bind beautifully to shape into gorgeous,sweet too yummy ladoos. H5N1 perfect ball of melt inward the oral fissure goodness to satiate that sweetness craving.

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Chicken Handi (Murg Handi)

Chicken Handi (Murg Handi)

Rustic too amount of flavor this delectable Chicken/Murg Handi is thence succulent. Like many who dear this dish, nosotros are no exception. There are many skillful restaurants inward Pune who laid upwards this dish actually well. Making an almost authentic, traditional Murg handi at dwelling is an sense to live on savored.

Other nutrient bloggers highlighted yesteryear Food Ways: