Showing posts with label New York Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York Times. Show all posts

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Green Leafy Vegetables : On A Whorl Alongside Escarole

Made a New Year's Resolution to swallow to a greater extent than green leafy vegetables.  Been doing pretty skilful too!  It's September together with this is, I confess, the alone resolution I convey managed to keep.  However, at that topographic point is ane greenish leafy vegetable I convey nevertheless to try.  So I collected exactly about recipes.

Escarole a.k.a. mutual chicory, wide chicory, or Batavian endive, is a vegetable that I lately discovered tin hold upward cooked inwards a diversity of delicious recipes.  Here is my collection.  

How nearly you?  Are y'all an escarole lover?  If y'all convey to a greater extent than delight experience gratis to percentage inwards the comments.

Escarole Sausage Soup

  • "I’m a fan of escarole. It’s a crunchy greenish alongside a flake to a greater extent than heft than lettuce, together with it makes a swell salad: on it’s ain exactly dressed or tossed alongside 10 other things to brand a grand principal class salad. In my heart though I’m a cooked greens fan, always. I similar escarole cooked upward alongside garlic inwards my Standard Cooked Greens Recipe: garlic crude oil rut cleaned cooking green: utilise together together with y'all convey a swell side dish or taco stuffing." –Julia

Escarole Siciliano
  • By: Tammy
    "This lemony salad is served hot from the wok. Escarole is a bitter green, but tin hold upward less together with hence when grown shielded from the sun. In general, lighter greenish leaves signal a milder flavor. Thinly sliced tomatoes are a swell accompaniment. This recipe tin hold upward doubled. For a larger party, create inwards batches."

* * *  So many fabulous ways to bask this vegetable.  If these recipes are non plenty at that topographic point are lots to a greater extent than Escarole OR Endive Recipes.  * * *