Showing posts with label food gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food gifts. Show all posts

Monday, July 17, 2017

Chinese Mooncake Festival (Mid Spill Festival)

Similar to American holidays similar Thanksgiving together with Christmas, the Mooncake Festival these days is close household unit of measurement reunions together with expert eating, where mooncakes are a traditional food gift.  Would simply similar to holler for out a pregnant number that tin survive traced dorsum to the 14th century when China was ruled past times the Mongols.  The number actually gives drive for celebration.
"Planning a rebellion against the Mongol emperor, Chinese rebels came upwards amongst the sentiment of hiding a undercover message within mooncakes, which the Mongols did non eat. These mooncakes told rebels to ascension upwards on the nighttime of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The uprising was successful, together with henceforth the Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated amongst mooncakes everywhere inward China."  
(Source: Mooncakes inward Mid Autumn | Desserts First)

Recycling a shipping from my lifestyle blog, Joie de Vivre Magazine together with embellishing it a piffling fleck more.  There are lots of people participating inward the festivities together with then finding related or similar articles was super easy.  Hope you lot similar the content shared.

Mid Autumn Festival 2017 - 20 Mooncakes That Even Chang Er Will Love

It's almost Mid-Autumn Festival again, the 15th twenty-four hours of the viii calendar month on the lunar calendar (which falls on Oct 4 this year) when the Luna is full. The traditional means to celebrate this festival is past times indulging inward mooncakes. Every year, nosotros are spoilt for selection when it comes to the mooncake flavours available.

Why Chinese People Eat Mooncake During This Time of the Year

The Mid-Autumn Festival (also the Mooncake Festival or Lantern Festival) is considered to survive ane of the most pregnant festivals for Chinese people. Celebrated on the 15th twenty-four hours of the 8th calendar month of the Chinese calendar, the 3,500-year former tradition is unremarkably observed all over the the world to worship the moon, celebrate the harvest season, ...

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Cheesecake ... Um? Heaven? Delight? Joy? Who Cares?  It's Cheesecake!!!

Cheesecake ... Um? Heaven? Delight? Joy? Who Cares? It's Cheesecake!!!

Cheesecake sky ... please ... joy ... 
dressed upward or plain. 

No matter.  It's the best dessert on the planet!! 

July 30th is the official appointment railroad train aside for National Cheesecake Day.  But for me, it's an occasion to extend throughout the entire year. 


Happy for whatever excuse to bask a slice of cheesecake! :) 

Gourmet Cheesecake is the ultimate dessert gift for the ultimate dessert lover, endeavor these cheesecake gifts. 

There are many wonderful sites where yous tin purchase these fabulous gourmet nutrient gifts online.

Does a Carrot Spice Cheesecake sound tempting? CRAIG'S CRAZY CARROT CAKE CHEESECAKE is available at The Cheesecake Factory. Also tempting is the classic New York Style cheesecake as well as a decadent Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake.  Tough conclusion huh?  Hard to determine if yous desire to hold upward generous as well as purchase it every minute a gift OR larn it for yourself as well as consume it all?  I know.  I'm weak besides as well as discovery it hard non succumb to the temptation.  :)

Click hither for DESSERT GIFTS or on the icon below.

EES shares recipes, cooking tips as well as all things foodie!

Everyday Exotic Spices

Thinking of the holidays?
- Easy Eggnog Cheesecake Recipe

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Mango Summation Rose H2o Equal Refreshing Earthly Delight

Almost everyone loves roses. But these flowers convey a special important to me because of my belatedly mother's rose bush which was the centerpiece of the forepart yard of my childhood home. Every fourth dimension I run into a rose, it's impossible to disassociate them from this childhood memory. 

My Facebook friend is knowledgeable virtually holistic wellness together with option remedies together with she published a wonderful article virtually rose H2O which she refers to a Grandma’s Secret Weapon. She explains the benefits of using it for peel tending together with suggests it live on a business office of aromatherapy. That sounds fabulous. But did you lot too know that you lot tin drinkable rose water?

Following me together with hence far? 

You're likely thinking: 'Hurry together with instruct to the business office virtually the mangos!'

Mangos (or Mangoes)?  Another childhood retention is existence able to exit inward my backyard or my neighbor's backyard together with selection a mango from the tree to enjoy. To this day, it's ever a thrill abide by whatever variety recipe that includes mango equally an ingredient. Sharing the recipe gives me an fifty-fifty bigger thrill.

Here is a link to a quick together with slow recipe that is certain to please you lot constitute inward the Cooking Section of the New York Times.

In example you've never seen or heard of a “lassi”, hither is a clear Definition constitute inward Wikipedia:

“Lassi (pronounced [ləs-siː]) (la-SEE) is a pop traditional yogurt-based drinkable from the Indian Subcontinent together with originates from the Punjab. ... a blend of yogurt, water, spices together with sometimes fruit.”

The Definition does non specifically advert “rose water”. But it does tell “water” together with that's skillful enough!  :)
 But these flowers convey a special important to me because of my belatedly woman raise Mango Plus Rose Water Equal Refreshing Earthly Delight

Rose Flower Water past times Malandel (French) xvi oz

The malandel is a production of France.
Rose bloom H2O is produced past times H2O distillation from rose flowers.

  • Not alone is it slap-up inward a smoothie only tin live on added to a creamy tapioca or rice pudding together with marries good amongst most ricotta cheese desserts together with Italian sponge cakes, cookies together with biscuits.

  •  But these flowers convey a special important to me because of my belatedly woman raise Mango Plus Rose Water Equal Refreshing Earthly DelightSprinkle a few drops into H2O ice H2O for an amazing transformation.

  • In the Middle East, it is used to flavour baklava (or filo desserts) together with sherbets, together with Turkish please candies.

 But these flowers convey a special important to me because of my belatedly woman raise Mango Plus Rose Water Equal Refreshing Earthly DelightRose Flower Water past times Malandel (French) xvi oz - $15.99
Add a splash of rosewater to a creamy tapioca or rice pudding together with sprinkle amongst chopped pistachios to brand a unproblematic dessert elegant. Rose bloom H2O too marries good amongst most ricotta cheese desserts together with Italian sponge cakes, cookies together with biscuits. The side past times side fourth dimension you lot dollop creme friche over your dessert, add together a teaspoon of rose bloom H2O beforehand. Sprinkle a few drops into H2O ice H2O for an amazing transformation. Add to a greater extent than or less saffron threads together with a twain of drops of rose water. H5N1 fantastic combination! It tin too live on used to flavour baklava together with other filo desserts. Used widely inward the Middle East peculiarly to flavour baklava together with sherbets equally good equally Turkish please candies. Rose bloom H2O is produced past times H2O distillation from rose flowers. The malandel is a production of france.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Edible Fruit Bouquet Arrangements: Domicile Made Or Gear Upward Made?

Don't know virtually you lot precisely every yr i of my Top 10 New Year's Resolutions is to eat to a greater extent than fruits (and veggies; peculiarly the greenish leafy kind).  But thinking virtually it.  Not entirely is it a expert reckon to consume to a greater extent than fresh fruit, precisely since at that topographic point are holidays, birthdays, together with special occasions all throughout the year, giving fruit equally a nutrient gift is equally good a expert thing.  

Don't you lot dearest receiving fruit baskets together with edible arrangements?  

Do you lot prefer to brand your ain or buy these gifts laid upwards made?


Fabulous How to Video: 
Make Edible Fruit Bouquet Arrangements! 


But if you're yet non into making these arrangements or you lot don't convey the time, at that topographic point is a convenient means to fellowship online together with convey this lovely edible gift delivered.

Edible Arrangements Coupons

Fruit Bouquets: Deliver delicious fruit bouquets to share!


Leafy Greens: An A-to-Z Guide to thirty Types of Greens

Leafy Greens: An A-to-Z Guide to thirty Types of Greens

Everyday spices for everyday cooking. Use of the correct herbs together with spices tin post away plough a bland repast into a sumptuous dining experience.

* * *

Thursday, April 27, 2017

If Yous Are Learning To Cook, Create Yous Know Your Caviar?

So say me. What create you lot know nearly caviar? Well? In the former movies I similar to picket people unremarkably ever bring champagne in addition to caviar. Caviar looks similar piddling pocket-sized beads in addition to comes inwards dissimilar colors. And uumm … solely rich people swallow caviar because it's actually expensive! But if you lot search online you lot tin dismiss discovery character simply cheap caviar that you lot tin dismiss hand every bit gift. 

Uh huh.  You know every bit much nearly caviar every bit me.  Cool!  We tin dismiss acquire together.  ☺