Showing posts with label Food and Cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food and Cooking. Show all posts

Friday, July 28, 2017

Taste Of The Islands - Telly Cooking Exhibit On Pbs

Finally! Singing the Hallelujah chorus. AGAIN!

This fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV show.

We relocated to Austin, Texas inwards 1998 as well as my mate's outset observation well-nigh living inwards this land-locked business office of the terra firma was that the metropolis was missing a expert Bahamian eating seat or at to the lowest degree to a greater extent than or less house that serves dishes that look like isle food!

Once nosotros got cable TV hooked upward as well as got settled in, his side yesteryear side electrical load was that the #foodie channels didn't accept a expert cooking present to instruct people how to laid upward mutual isle meals.

In 2015, his prayer was in conclusion been answered.

This fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBS

This fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSOur world tv set station (PBS) airs a present called “Taste the Islands”. Chef Irie (real cite Hugh Sinclair) lives inwards South Florida only is from Jamaica.

My mate is from The Bahamas.

Close enough!

This fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBS 
We're both real happy.
For now.  :)

* * * * * * PBS – Celebrating Food & Cooking

Similar posts:

Taste of the Islands outset published at Persona Paper, Jul 20, 2015.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Foodie Friday : Basis Cuisine : Cooking : The Correct Blend Of Spices For Cajun Nutrient Lovers

Enjoy Everyday Exotic Spices Every Day!

If y'all are a spicy nutrient lover together with thence to a greater extent than than probable Cajun food is on your listing of most awesome the world cuisines ever! Right? But y'all don’t know simply the correct blend of spices needed larn that authentic spicy Cajun flavor. Also right. Huh?

Image credit: © Photographer: Ppy2010ha | Agency:
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Ever tried Slap Ya Mama seasonings?

Interesting hollo huh?. The agency Walker & Sons advertise their nutrient products is:

"Taste thence good. Make y'all wanna slap ya mama!"

Say what??!! There is aught inwards my entire life that I've eaten that e'er made me desire to slay my momma. But approximate what? These are award-winning spice blends.

"Real Cajun Seasoning for Real Cajun Cooking."

How did I notice out nearly these products? The Internet together with Facebook, inwards particular, is a beautiful thing. This mortal saw my foodie website, Everyday Exotic Spices, which is advertised on Facebook via my concern page, contacted me, together with asked if they could ship me samples. Of course, my reply was “Yes!”
Received diverse products inwards a box delivered similar a shot to my door. Tried them inwards dissimilar recipes together with here's my reaction. Did I desire to slap my momma? No. But I was railroad train larn mano-y-mano amongst my spouse!
He wanted to proceed it all to himself. I'm like: “Oh no! That ain't happening!!”

View the entire pick of Slap Ya Mama products.

Below are my favorites.

Slap Ya Mama Original Blend Seasoning

Slap Ya Mama Cajun Seasoning White Pepper Blend

Slap Ya Mama Cajun Seasoning Hot Blend

Slap Ya Mama Etouffee Sauce

"Étouffée or etouffee (pronounced: [e.tu.fe] ay-TOO-fay) is a dish institute inwards both Cajun together with Creole cuisine typically served amongst shellfish over rice." (Source: Wikipedia)

* * *
Links of Interest:
Cajun Food History together with Louisiana Creole Cuisine History
Cajun vs. Creole: What’s The Difference?

Hope y'all enjoyed this post.

Image credit: © Photographer: Moneca1 | Agency:

Previous #FoodieFriday posts?

Food Wishes Video Recipes: Grilled Hoisin Beef – Non Necessarily Mongolian (Reblog)

From Food Ways to Food Wishes. It's non that far. 👉

Chef John has been active on Blogger since 2007. He publishes Food Wishes Video Recipes, a wonderful nutrient blogger as well as vlogger who likes to portion a broad diversity of recipes from Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 to Z, from African cuisine to Vegetables as well as Weekend Fillers. (No Video Category for the letters X, Y, as well as Z. But unopen enough!)

Over 200 nutrient training "how to" videos as well as recipes for Vegetables, Appetizers, as well as Sauces; over 100 videos for Cooking Tips as well as Techniques, meat (Beef, Chicken, as well as Pork addition Seafood as well as Cheese); as well as specialties similar Spicy nutrient as well as Italian Cuisine. And of course, there's Dessert. You tin honor as well as hence much to a greater extent than because he has made the weblog real slowly to search.

Below is the cooking video that led me to his blog. I dear hoisin sauce. Do you?

♦ ♦ ♦

Grilled Hoisin Beef Recipe - Grilled Beef Skirt Steak amongst Hoisin Glaze | Food Wishes

* Also sharing the links to 2 other weblog posts. One postal service I'm sharing because inward my sentiment a political party is non a political party without swell appetizers. The other postal service I'm sharing because I pump pomegranates as well as because I've never seen a non-red pomegranate. Have you?

Let's Get This Party Started Right - Announcing a New Appetizer Category!

Let's Get This Party Started Right - Announcing a New Appetizer Category!

Just inward fourth dimension for your New Years political party planning; I've added a novel video category for Appetizers . Many of the videos I've previously done wi...

Back By Popular Demand...The Secret Underwater Pomegranate Trick

Back By Popular Demand...The Secret Underwater Pomegranate Trick

I already ran this video present a long fourth dimension ago, but when my woman bring upward sent me a photograph of only about "Sweetheart" pomegranates (below right), I thought...

♦ ♦ ♦

👉 After you lot complete visiting amongst Chef John at Food Wishes, follow these links to only about interesting as well as fun nutrient history as well as trivia most the pomegranate as well as the other pomegranateEnjoy!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Perfect Gift For The High Schoolhouse Graduate Who Is Off To College - A Cookbook!

A Cookbook? For a college student? Am I nuts?

No. No I am not. During my freshman yr or offset yr of college, I was fortunate because I had a repast plan. As long every minute I got to the cafeteria earlier closing time, I didn't starve! But for my remaining iii years at the university, I lived inwards an on-campus floor together with my roommates (friends I made when I was merely a freshman who lived inwards the apartments) loved to cook!! The Chinese-Jamaican guy who lived inwards the floor inwards a higher house ours ever had expert smelling coming out of his kitchen! His specialty was curry chicken. 

But earlier I teach besides far downward retention lane together with forget why I am writing this post, allow me teach dorsum on track. The move of this postal service is to recommend a cookbook for a pupil you lot know who is heading off to college, already inwards college, getting fix to graduate from college. In fact, this cookbook is groovy for anybody!!!

Gift Idea constitute at Fabulous Ideas For Graduation Gifts - Daily Two Cents

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Spices Inwards Filipino Cuisine Past Times Carlo Villamayor (Guest Post)

It's no cloak-and-dagger that Filipino cuisine is i of the best inwards the world, but similar whatever proficient food, it has to receive got its secrets. Few people receive got actually mastered authentic Filipino food, non the washed-down fare yous arrive fast foods as well as diners, but real, home-made native dishes. Although most of us tin whip upwards something when nosotros postulate to, it tin last difficult to capture that distinct Filipino taste.

So what actually goes into our food? How practise yous brand your nutrient sense of savor genuinely Filipino? There's actually no unmarried answer, because no i tin define our food; nosotros come upwards from a hodgepodge of cultures, afterward all. But i matter that sets us apart from our Asian neighbors is our heavy utilisation of spices. Whereas other cuisines prefer subtle hints of flavor, nosotros similar a large flare-up of it amongst every bite.

So that's the starting fourth dimension rule: last generous amongst the spice. If yous desire your dish to stand upwards for inwards amongst other Filipino recipes, teach to know the spices that teach into them. Here are but about of the most common.


Ginger is used inwards most of Asian cuisine, as well as Filipino nutrient recipes. In the Philippines, it is most commonly used inwards soups as well as stews; dishes such every bit arroz caldo (rice porridge), as well as tinola (chicken stew) utilisation garlic every bit their principal spice. It goes specially good amongst chicken as well as fish dishes, where it provides a prissy contrast to the potent meat flavors. Ginger is used both for flavour as well as aroma, although the flesh of the origin is non e'er eaten. Most people but musical rhythm out the origin as well as drib it into the dish, hence receive got it out but earlier serving.


We're non every bit wild close spicy nutrient every bit the Thais, but nosotros practise similar a fighting of seize amongst teeth inwards our food. Virtually every Filipino dish tin last spiced upwards amongst chili peppers, from rich meat viands to everyday soups as well as noodles. Sauces similar patis (fish sauce) as well as soy sauce are ofttimes mixed amongst crushed chili as well as used every bit dips or marinades. Bicol, a part inwards southeastern Luzon, is known for using chili peppers inwards most of its dishes. Perhaps the most pop is Bicol express, made amongst meat, bagoong (saut'ed shrimp paste), kokosnoot milk, as well as chopped light-green chilies.

Garlic as well as onions

These ii almost e'er teach together, especially inwards meat as well as vegetable dishes. You may last to a greater extent than familiar amongst Taiwanese as well as Australian garlic, which receive got larger cloves as well as are easier to operate with. But if yous desire a stronger, spicier flavor, teach for native garlic. Philippine garlic comes inwards smaller bulbs, amongst cloves less than one-half the size of other types. This makes them difficult to handle, but it's good worth the trouble.

Philippine onions are potent as well as pungent, making them a cracking source of flavor. Use native cherry onions for saut'ing as well as pickling, but utilisation the white ones for salads as well as sandwiches. If you're making rice porridge, move yesteryear it amongst chopped light-green onions for extra spice.


Lemongrass has strong-smelling leaves as well as stalks commonly used inwards soups, teas as well as sauces. The leafage is slightly sweetness amongst a hint of citrus, a perfect complement to gravy as well as other meat sauces. There are several ways to utilisation lemongrass, but the most mutual method is cooking the fresh leaves (sometimes the entire stem or bulb) amongst the nutrient to liberate the flavor. If you're using the stalk, receive got exclusively the soft inner utilisation as well as chop it upwards earlier dropping it in. You tin likewise utilisation dried as well as powdered lemongrass, especially if you're inwards the metropolis as well as fresh leaves are difficult to find. 


Pandan is generally an aromatic ingredient, most commonly used amongst patently white rice. Just add together a duo of leaves to your rice every bit it boils, as well as it comes out amongst a strong, inviting aroma. Some regions fifty-fifty weave it onto rice pots for an fifty-fifty stronger scent. You tin practise the same amongst rice cakes, puddings, as well as other Filipino desserts recipes.

Bay leafage

The strong, pungent sense of savor of bay leaves makes them a perfect stand upwards for for Filipino cooking recipes. The leafage has a broad hit of uses, from meat sauces as well as dips to principal dishes similar adobo, menudo as well as mechado. Dried bay leaves are traditionally used; fresh bay is seldom available inwards local markets. The leafage itself is non commonly eaten; similar ginger, yous tin receive got out the leaves i time you're laid to serve. However, most people but move out them inwards as well as laid them aside when eating.

About The Author:  
Carlo Villamayor is a devoted cook, he makes it his personal mission to spread the joy of i of his Filipino nutrient recipes amongst nutrient lovers the basis over. Bon appetit!  (Source:

EES shares recipes, cooking tips
as well as all things foodie!

 s no cloak-and-dagger that Filipino cuisine is i of the best inwards the basis Spices inwards Filipino Cuisine yesteryear Carlo Villamayor (Guest Post)

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Cooking Tips : No Necessitate For A Exceptional Diet To Role Element Substitutes

Whether yous believe eggs are skilful or bad, at to the lowest degree at that topographic point are egg substitutes, inward example yous run out of eggs.

It's a holiday. 🎄
You're preparing a scrumptious meal. 
Many of the recipes involve eggs. 
But! You run out of eggs! 
All the grocery stores are unopen because ... it's a holiday! 
Can't borrow from the neighbors because every egg they bring is CRITICAL!!  They're celebrating the vacation too.  

What create yous do? 😨

This nutrient nautical chart (below) was made for vegans. But yous don't bring to last on a particular diet to purpose cooking constituent substitutes or alternatives.

By the way.  If this doesn't convince yous to operate on a laid upwardly furnish of applesauce in addition to tofu on hand, cipher will!  

Top ix Plant-Based Egg Substitutes For Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Healthy Diet

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Foodie Friday Yapas (Yet But About Other Postal Service Nearly Spinach)

Tapas is that cool nutrient y'all larn to swallow if y'all become to a eatery inwards Spain. YAPAS is yet unopen to other post service almost spinach to effort to encourage those who don't attention likewise much for this veggie, to swallow it anyway!

There was 1 time a contestant inwards a beauty pageant as well as she was asked: “If y'all convey 1 concluding thing to create earlier y'all die, what would it be?”

Her answer was: “She would swallow everything!”

That is a sis later on my ain heart! :)

I dear to eat! But no affair how many “first nutrient experiences” I have, I only know that in that place is a lot of delicious as well as tasty nutrient inwards the footing that I'm missing out on. :)

For example:

♦ I was either inwards my belatedly 20s or early on 30s earlier I knew that y'all could swallow spinach raw!

Shocking??!!  I know!!!

More truthful stories as well as facts almost spinach.

Per celebrity TV chef, Rachael Ray, frozen spinach is the best grapple purchase for greenish leafy vegetables!

My belatedly woman nurture entirely e'er fed us spinach from the can.

Popeye the Sailor Man is the argue 1 of my brothers starting eating spinach. My mom had tried everything to persuade him. The cartoon did the trick! :)

Recollection of my start nutrient sense eating raw spinach?
When traveling on official authorities trace of piece of employment organization y'all larn a “meal allowance” as well as and then y'all larn the chance to swallow out at restaurants. Can't shout out upwards the restaurant, but when I ordered my dinner, the salad was served first. That's a mutual practice. What was uncommon is that it was a spinach salad as well as it was delicious! I'm like: 'Oh my! You tin swallow spinach raw!'

♦ ♦ ♦
Would similar to recommend an online publication called "The Science of Eating". It is loaded amongst salubrious eating tips as well as information, similar this article:

13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

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Similar or Related Links:

Previous #FoodieFriday posts?
  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

  • 13 Powerful Health Benefits Of Spinach

    I don't actually demand to last convinced to swallow my greenish leafy vegetables. But it's bully to know that the foods I dear are proficient for me too. Nothing to a greater extent than disheartening than beingness told y'all demand to swallow a certainly nutrient because it has what y'all demand as well as it's a nutrient that y'all can't stand upwards eating!! Like carrots!  My mom had a crude oil fourth dimension trying to larn me to swallow carrots.  Watching Bugs Bunny did non create the trick!  :) 

    Thank goodness y'all tin plough carrots into juice as well as mix it amongst other juices to mask the flavor. :)

| Well Good