Showing posts with label grocery and gourmet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grocery and gourmet. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tropickles! Or Tropickles? Walmart's Visit For Satisfying Cravings

Not certain if this is an thought who fourth dimension has come upwardly or what!  Yes, I know lots of meaning ladies crave pickles in addition to H2O ice cream.  But tin flame yous e'er recall anybody craving fruit punch flavored pickles?  Not certain how the foodie folks at Walmart came up alongside this idea.  Maybe at that topographic point were a bunch of meaning ladies working inwards that department.  ☺

As usual, PopSugar is on move yesteryear of things all affair food-related in addition to has published a review of this product.

Chowhound besides has something to state nigh them.

“As unconventional every mo it may sound, this unlikely season combination is 1 for the books. Tangy-sweet staff of life in addition to butter pickle juice against a salty peanut butter topping makes for an incredibly rich, balanced ice-cream-eating experience.”

A 24 oz. jounce less than $2.  
Are your curious to endeavor them?
Great Value Tropickles at Walmart.

I store at Walmart a lot. But when it comes to foreign in addition to exotic foods, I endeavor to verbalize my kids into trying them out first.  What?  I got the thought from an onetime cereal commercial I used to picket on TV where kids were curious to try a novel cereal in addition to the agency they tested it was to coax their babe blood brother into eating it first.  If he liked it hence it must live on OK.  So?  If it's a novel nutrient product?  If my kids similar it, hence it must live on OK!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Foodie Friday : Falooda, An Indian Dessert

Shining my foodie Fri spotlight on Falooda. 

It's an Indian dessert. Friends inwards a forum introduced me to this dessert. Ingredients (for the painting present below): Mango, Jelly, Basil Seed, Vermicelli, Tapioca Pearls, Condensed Milk, Rose Syrup in addition to Vanilla Ice Cream. There are, of course, recipe variations (see below). Most ingredients you lot tin laissez passer on the sack in all likelihood instruct from your local grocery stores similar mango, jelly, condensed milk, in addition to vanilla H2O ice cream. But you lot may desire to store online for Tapioca Pearls, Basil Seed, in addition to Rose Syrup.

Ever endeavour this dessert?


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More #FoodieFriday Posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Beyond Turmeric: V Indian Spices Y'all Withdraw Inwards Your Pantry Similar A Shot | Ane Greenish Planet (Reblog)

So happy to endure learning to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than most basis cuisine; peculiarly Republic of Republic of India nutrient together with the spices used inward diverse dishes. Found this weblog postal service together with convey to reblog. Wouldn't endure correct to drib dead along this cooking wisdom to myself.  😊

The best matter is that I dearest all of these spices together with they tin endure easily endure purchased via my online spice shop or in all probability at your local grocery store, depending on where y'all live.

Beyond Turmeric: v Indian Spices You Need inward Your Pantry Now | One Green Planet

OGP specializes inward vegan recipes.
 More from One Green Planet.

Tips together with Tricks to Use Turmeric inward the Kitchen

Turmeric is rigid stuff, together with it has made a recent smasher on the "Let nutrient past times thy medicine" scene. It's no wonder really, equally the vivid orangish spice has serious anti-inflammatory properties that convey garnered it attending equally a natural preventative and/or handling for things similar arthritis, assorted cancers together with Alzheimer's, to get upward simply a few.

Peach Jalebi: Indian Funnel Cake [Vegan] - Made amongst Saffron together with Cardamon

1 cups sugar; 1/2 loving cup water; 1/2 loving cup peach juice; 4-5 saffron strands; 1 teaspoon basis cardamom; H5N1 pinch of orangish nutrient coloring (optional) ...

Spicing It Up amongst Cumin: Health Benefits, Tips, together with Recipes

Cumin, an oblong seed amongst ridges together with a yellow-brown color, has been used since ancient times inward Mediterranean together with Asian cuisine. It originated inward Arab Republic of Egypt together with belongs to the same menage unit of measurement equally caraway, parsley, together with dill.

Why Ginger-fication of our Food Is a Good Thing

Ginger is a wonderful thing. It's highly medicinal, known to scrap tummy ailments of all kinds together with has anti-inflammatory properties said to competitor whatever non-steroidal drug inward its handling of musculus together with articulation pain.
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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Mango Summation Rose H2o Equal Refreshing Earthly Delight

Almost everyone loves roses. But these flowers convey a special important to me because of my belatedly mother's rose bush which was the centerpiece of the forepart yard of my childhood home. Every fourth dimension I run into a rose, it's impossible to disassociate them from this childhood memory. 

My Facebook friend is knowledgeable virtually holistic wellness together with option remedies together with she published a wonderful article virtually rose H2O which she refers to a Grandma’s Secret Weapon. She explains the benefits of using it for peel tending together with suggests it live on a business office of aromatherapy. That sounds fabulous. But did you lot too know that you lot tin drinkable rose water?

Following me together with hence far? 

You're likely thinking: 'Hurry together with instruct to the business office virtually the mangos!'

Mangos (or Mangoes)?  Another childhood retention is existence able to exit inward my backyard or my neighbor's backyard together with selection a mango from the tree to enjoy. To this day, it's ever a thrill abide by whatever variety recipe that includes mango equally an ingredient. Sharing the recipe gives me an fifty-fifty bigger thrill.

Here is a link to a quick together with slow recipe that is certain to please you lot constitute inward the Cooking Section of the New York Times.

In example you've never seen or heard of a “lassi”, hither is a clear Definition constitute inward Wikipedia:

“Lassi (pronounced [ləs-siː]) (la-SEE) is a pop traditional yogurt-based drinkable from the Indian Subcontinent together with originates from the Punjab. ... a blend of yogurt, water, spices together with sometimes fruit.”

The Definition does non specifically advert “rose water”. But it does tell “water” together with that's skillful enough!  :)
 But these flowers convey a special important to me because of my belatedly woman raise Mango Plus Rose Water Equal Refreshing Earthly Delight

Rose Flower Water past times Malandel (French) xvi oz

The malandel is a production of France.
Rose bloom H2O is produced past times H2O distillation from rose flowers.

  • Not alone is it slap-up inward a smoothie only tin live on added to a creamy tapioca or rice pudding together with marries good amongst most ricotta cheese desserts together with Italian sponge cakes, cookies together with biscuits.

  •  But these flowers convey a special important to me because of my belatedly woman raise Mango Plus Rose Water Equal Refreshing Earthly DelightSprinkle a few drops into H2O ice H2O for an amazing transformation.

  • In the Middle East, it is used to flavour baklava (or filo desserts) together with sherbets, together with Turkish please candies.

 But these flowers convey a special important to me because of my belatedly woman raise Mango Plus Rose Water Equal Refreshing Earthly DelightRose Flower Water past times Malandel (French) xvi oz - $15.99
Add a splash of rosewater to a creamy tapioca or rice pudding together with sprinkle amongst chopped pistachios to brand a unproblematic dessert elegant. Rose bloom H2O too marries good amongst most ricotta cheese desserts together with Italian sponge cakes, cookies together with biscuits. The side past times side fourth dimension you lot dollop creme friche over your dessert, add together a teaspoon of rose bloom H2O beforehand. Sprinkle a few drops into H2O ice H2O for an amazing transformation. Add to a greater extent than or less saffron threads together with a twain of drops of rose water. H5N1 fantastic combination! It tin too live on used to flavour baklava together with other filo desserts. Used widely inward the Middle East peculiarly to flavour baklava together with sherbets equally good equally Turkish please candies. Rose bloom H2O is produced past times H2O distillation from rose flowers. The malandel is a production of france.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Pascal Caffet Is A Globe Famous Chocolatier ...

Pascal Caffet is a basis famous chocolatier together with the French are to a greater extent than than happy to nation “Ooh la la!” whenever this advert is heard. He is revered every bit “le roi du chocolat”, that is to say, “the Rex of chocolate”. 

Zchocolate is partnered
with Pascal Caffet.

These luscious candies are offered to really appreciative customers. The products are oft romantic gifts for Valentine’s Day. But these luxury French chocolates are a perfect gift for whatsoever occasion?

Discover the zChocolat Product Collections amongst greatest impression!

Pascal Caffet is a basis famous chocolatier together with the French are to a greater extent than than happy to nation  Pascal Caffet is a basis famous chocolatier ...

Nougats This assortment of nougats is handcrafted amongst whole Provence almonds coated amongst a glue made from lavander honey. 

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EES shares recipes, cooking tips
and all things foodie!

 Pascal Caffet is a basis famous chocolatier together with the French are to a greater extent than than happy to nation  Pascal Caffet is a basis famous chocolatier ...

Friday, June 2, 2017

Edible Fruit Bouquet Arrangements: Domicile Made Or Gear Upward Made?

Don't know virtually you lot precisely every yr i of my Top 10 New Year's Resolutions is to eat to a greater extent than fruits (and veggies; peculiarly the greenish leafy kind).  But thinking virtually it.  Not entirely is it a expert reckon to consume to a greater extent than fresh fruit, precisely since at that topographic point are holidays, birthdays, together with special occasions all throughout the year, giving fruit equally a nutrient gift is equally good a expert thing.  

Don't you lot dearest receiving fruit baskets together with edible arrangements?  

Do you lot prefer to brand your ain or buy these gifts laid upwards made?


Fabulous How to Video: 
Make Edible Fruit Bouquet Arrangements! 


But if you're yet non into making these arrangements or you lot don't convey the time, at that topographic point is a convenient means to fellowship online together with convey this lovely edible gift delivered.

Edible Arrangements Coupons

Fruit Bouquets: Deliver delicious fruit bouquets to share!


Leafy Greens: An A-to-Z Guide to thirty Types of Greens

Leafy Greens: An A-to-Z Guide to thirty Types of Greens

Everyday spices for everyday cooking. Use of the correct herbs together with spices tin post away plough a bland repast into a sumptuous dining experience.

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

If Yous Are Learning To Cook, Create Yous Know Your Caviar?

So say me. What create you lot know nearly caviar? Well? In the former movies I similar to picket people unremarkably ever bring champagne in addition to caviar. Caviar looks similar piddling pocket-sized beads in addition to comes inwards dissimilar colors. And uumm … solely rich people swallow caviar because it's actually expensive! But if you lot search online you lot tin dismiss discovery character simply cheap caviar that you lot tin dismiss hand every bit gift. 

Uh huh.  You know every bit much nearly caviar every bit me.  Cool!  We tin dismiss acquire together.  ☺

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Food Too Potable : Recipe Sharing For Chai Tea Lovers

Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea (that I knew of). Lipton. To my belatedly sister's credit, she made bang-up tea! Her hot tea or her iced tea were both dee-licious! However … it was only Lipton tea. The Lipton construct scream together with companionship has been roughly hence long that it's practically revered every bit purpose of American tradition, I'm non beingness disrespectful. Don't acquire me wrong. But I went through my entire childhood together with fifty-fifty went several years into my adulthood earlier I fifty-fifty realized at that spot was something other than Lipton orangish pekoe tea! Not only “other than” but fifty-fifty “better than”. Yes! I know! I'm speaking inwards treasonous linguistic communication for sure! LOL.

Anyway … whereas I tin solely scream back Lipton orangish pekoe tea on the shop shelves every bit a kid (I tin fifty-fifty scream back the commercials), these days the grocery shop shelves together with the company's official website, display a diverseness of teas. Oh yeah! They select dark-green tea, matcha tea, berry hibiscus, etc.

When did this hap together with why? I don't know the WHEN but I produce know the WHY. When I was a kid, Lipton had hardly whatever competition. They dominated the marketplace position for American tea drinkers. But times select changed together with the American gustation buds select changed together with similar a shot nosotros quaff a broad make of teas. Our grocery shop shelves are loaded amongst every sort of tea imaginable. If y'all can't observe what you're looking for inwards the local grocery store, together with hence sure as shooting y'all tin observe a tea online and/or a video on how to brew your “special loving cup of tea”...

Which brings me the primary betoken of this discussion.


I solely learned close this wonderful quaff a few years ago.
Come to observe out that it's solely been roughly for an eternity.

What happened was that my husband stopped drinking java together with opted to laid about drinking tea instead. That led him on a bespeak to observe a detail tea that he liked together with that he believed would contribute positively to his health. One affair led to some other together with he eventually discovered chai tea.

However, beingness my typical husband, that meant that I couldn't only become to the grocery shop together with choice upward a box labeled “Chai Tea” together with convey it home. Oh no! Certain chai tea has this cistron or that ingredient, together with he wants this or that … yadda yadda yadda. He came upward amongst his ain chai tea recipe.

I'm like: “You made upward ain recipe? Isn't that similar … UN-Indian or something?”

It seems it's not. It seems that whoever drinks what they telephone telephone “chai tea”, Indians or non-Indians, many select their ain exceptional recipe for this drink!

I flora a few YouTube videos for making chai tea. The origin video led to the adjacent video together with that video led to a bunch of other terrific videos!

I searched some of the discussions hither at Forum Coin flora a span of interesting comments.

* Per @mandeep4687:
“ … "Masala Chai" inwards Republic of Republic of India which tin endure made past times adding Indian spices such every bit elaichi, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, milk, saccharide together with herbs to your everyday dark tea.

Last Drink You Drank (Daily Thread)

* Per @ksridharprasad
Air Republic of Republic of India national carrier of Republic of Republic of India wishing to innovate Indian traditional nutrient on board to their passengers soon, Now they are offering ... Lunch together with Dinner amongst masala chai(Tea). ...

Traditional Food inwards Air Republic of Republic of India flights

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Are y'all a tea drinker?

Do y'all select your ain chai tea recipe?

If non chai tea, produce y'all select your ain exceptional tea recipe?

Do y'all prefer your tea sweetened or unsweetened?

My Chinese friend used to brew a loving cup of tea made amongst popped rice; no sugar. I'm similar "You tin produce that?"

One of my daughters only loves hibiscus tea. She ever keeps some inwards her pantry.

A few of my other daughters dearest to experiment amongst all kinds of herbal teas.

All of my daughters prefer sweetened tea.

No doubtfulness close it. The wonderful the world of teas is fascinating!
Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea  Food together with Drink : Recipe Sharing for Chai Tea Lovers

Iraani Chai | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Masala Chai (Indian Masala Tea)

Chai Masala Powder - Secret Ingredient of Flavoured together with Aromatic Indian Tea | Winter Special

* This content origin appeared at, January 24, 2018. * 

Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea  Food together with Drink : Recipe Sharing for Chai Tea Lovers

Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea  Food together with Drink : Recipe Sharing for Chai Tea Lovers

Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea  Food together with Drink : Recipe Sharing for Chai Tea Lovers

Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea  Food together with Drink : Recipe Sharing for Chai Tea Lovers

Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea  Food together with Drink : Recipe Sharing for Chai Tea Lovers

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Spices – History In Addition To Mystery (Pt 1)

Europeans embarked upon voyages some the world.

Hundreds of years ago, Europeans sailed all over the globe to convey dorsum diverse spices from the East. Spices were non merely used to season food, but were for medicinal purposes in addition to enjoyed besides because of their exotic aromas. As such they were highly valued commodities.

To draw the spice trails taken past times the Europeans, rail backwards from the Greco-Roman the world to Arab Republic of Egypt in addition to hence Africa, in addition to go through Arabia (formerly Asia Minor) until yous hit India. 

Image Credit: Bowls of Spices from Above, Agra, Bharat Bill Bachmann

“The economically of import Silk Road (red) in addition to spice merchandise routes (blue) blocked past times the Ottoman Empire ca. 1453 alongside the autumn of the Byzantine Empire, spurring exploration motivated initially past times the finding of a sea road some Africa in addition to triggering the Age of Discovery.”

[Image Source: By Whole_world_-_land_and_oceans_12000.jpg: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Centerderivative work:Splettederivative work:Bongan - Whole_world_-_land_and_oceans_12000.jpgSilk_route.jpg, Public DomainWikimedia Commons]

Europeans embarked upon voyages some the the world Spices – History in addition to Mystery (Pt 1)

The Year is 1608

The master copy spice routes started inward India.

As is ordinarily the example alongside precious commodities, nations sought to command the spice trade. The British fought the Dutch in addition to the Portuguese. Fast frontwards through history to the twelvemonth 1608; ships belonging to the East Bharat Company arrived inward India, at the port of Surat. This fellowship had been given monopoly privileges on all merchandise alongside the East Indies past times the British parliament, but their command did non concluding forever. In 1857-8, in that place was a rebellion which led to the terminate of the East Bharat Company.

The dissolution of the East Bharat Company had no comport upon on the integral role of Bharat inward the global spice trade. Though Bharat is non the alone reason that exports spices to Europe in addition to the United States, this "land of spices" does conduct house to live on a major exporter of spices to Europe, the USA in addition to diverse other parts of the world.

Based on the substantial increase of spices exports during the concluding 5 years in addition to especially during the menstruum 2010-2011, the SPICES BOARD INDIA, Ministry of Commerce in addition to Industry, Government of India reported: " Bharat tin at 1 time boast every bit the monopoly supplier of spice oils in addition to oleoresins (naturally occurring mixtures of an stone oil in addition to a resin) the the world over. In the example of curry powders, spice powders, spice mixtures in addition to spices inward consumer packs, Bharat is inward a formidable position."

Spices introduced past times India include cardamom, cassia, ginger, tamarind, curry, turmeric, in addition to many more. Cardamon is fifty-fifty referred to every bit the "queen of spices". (Saffron is known every bit the "king of spices". FYI.) These everyday exotic spices are an of import contribution to the character of our daily living.

with Everyday Exotic Spices

[ Content outset published at BlogJob May 2017). ]

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

World Cuisine: Smashing Recipes From To A Greater Extent Than Or Less The Basis (And Texas)

In add-on to this foodie blog, I accept an affiliate marketing grocery in addition to gourmet website specializes inwards herb in addition to spices.  Though I am a contributor, my articles for are non food-related merely the Food in addition to Cooking department of this website is loaded!!  So I shared some links hither too.  Enjoy!

A handy reference list. Descriptive listing of the dissimilar in addition to pop dishes from the Philippines that every Filipino identify unit of measurement has enjoyed cooking in addition to serving on their dinner table.
A Taste of the Caribbean: Make Jamaican Patties for Supper!  This is a bang-up recipe for authentic tasting Jamaican Patties; delicious golden pastry filled amongst curried beef in addition to spices.
Recipes from the indigenous peoples of French Polynesia in addition to their Marquesas Islands.
Brawn Loaf, Christmas Cake, Wattelseed Pavlova …

Biltong – Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 cured meat that originated from South Africa in addition to oftentimes compared to the American jerky.
East African cuisine is the nutrient of countries such every bit Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, in addition to Rwanda.

Greek Tzatziki is a bang-up way to role cucumbers!
People oftentimes mix upward oriental cuisines – they mix upward Korean nutrient amongst Chinese in addition to Japanese. In reality, fifty-fifty though the Korean cuisine is partly influenced past times Chinese in addition to Japanese cooking, Korean nutrient also has its real ain unique gustation in addition to cooking techniques.

Quick in addition to Easy Beef Kimbap Recipe

Quick in addition to Easy Beef Kimbap Recipe

In my hub titled v Asian Dishes You Can Make at Home (link below), I mentioned my dear for the beef kimbap (sometimes also called kimbob). Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 kimbap is basically the Korean version of the Sushi. It is a rice whorl amongst some fillings wrapped inwards nori or dried seaweed wrap.

When inwards Texas, consume similar a Texan. Especially relish some of the fusion cuisine, similar Tex-Mex. (Fusion cuisine refers to a mode of nutrient that combines elements of dissimilar cuisines.)

Top Ten Best Texas Food Recipes in addition to How to Cook Like a Texan

Top Ten Best Texas Food Recipes in addition to How to Cook Like a Texan

Cooking similar a Texas? This agency y'all must at to the lowest degree know how to ready barbecue brisket in addition to large bowls of thick, hot, hearty steamy chili con carne!