Showing posts with label drinks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drinks. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Monday, July 10, 2017

From My Ain Kitchen: Pomegranate Milk Tremble (Reblog)

Years dorsum started a pinboard dedicated to pomegranates. (See board description below.) Pinned this transportation service as well as I am likewise reblogging as well as sharing a publish of posts industrial plant life at this wonderful blog.

Check out my collection of POMEGRANATES on Pinterest  (Recipes, products made amongst pomegranates, pomegranates inwards art, etc.)
109 Pins

DESCRIPTION:  Pomegranates: wonder fruit; super food; delicious! Researched the history of this exquisite exotic wonderful fruit as well as brutal inwards dearest amongst it! As if the crimson crimson colouring were non plenty to brand me hopelessly devoted. Now on a mission to honour as well as portion all things foodie for this fruity delight! Board maintained yesteryear

Do You Know the Truth About Pomegranates? Take a fun quiz.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Wassail Is A Wonderful Trend To Celebrate Winter!

Did you lot know that a loving cup of warm wassail is really soothing to a sore throat? Yes. One fourth dimension it was a Christmas vacation as well as I was nether the weather. I had a sore pharynx as well as my miss came over as well as made approximately wassail inwards a crock pot. I took i sip as well as it felt thus practiced going downward my throat. Who knew?

Sore pharynx or not, a imbibe of warm wassail is delicious, particularly during the wintry months. There are thus many recipe variations.

"Wassail is a drinkable of hot mulled cider, drunkard traditionally every bit an integral purpose of wassailing, a Medieval Christmastide English linguistic communication drinking ritual intended to ensure a practiced cider apple tree harvest the next year." (Source: Wikipedia)

It's eventide as well as my Christmas Day is almost over simply I'm withal celebrating. Have a few minutes to issue a quick postal service as well as thus I'm going to percentage a wonderful wassail recipe that a friend shared alongside me inwards answer to a inquiry I asked nearly celebrating the Winter Solstice. I know approximately people don't attention also much for eggnog but most people actually taste a delicious wassail drink.

Celebrate the Winter Solstice alongside this Wassail Recipe past times Spiderdust Core out of approximately apples (not the whole agency through), materials them alongside sugar, lay a bunch of cloves inwards an orange, as well as and then roast all of the fruit for one-half an hour. Put the roasted fruit inwards a gallon of cider alongside approximately cinnamon sticks, allspice, approximately pieces of crystallized ginger, a few pieces of star anise, as well as and then grate approximately nutmeg over it all. Optional: Throw inwards approximately fresh or frozen cranberries. Let it simmer on depression all solar daytime long. People tin serve themselves every bit they please. The longer it simmers, the amend it gets.

* Original acrylic elf painting, Wassail: Santa's elves at workbench, Woodworking tools, Alphabet alphabetic quality W, Gift for Dad, Fantasy Christmas Found on Etsy

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Food Too Potable History : The Development Of Tea

With regard to the development of tea, nosotros all know (or most of us are inwards agreement) that the Chinese invented tea. That was the beginning. :)

But did you lot equally good know that, inwards the beginning, earlier at that spot were unloosen tea leaves, at that spot were tea bricks; together with these bricks were deemed together with therefore valuable that they could hold out used equally currency.
In addition, at that spot is a legend passed downward through the ages (for most 5000 years) which credits a Chinese emperor named Shennong amongst the regain of how to brand a tea infusion. Yah! It seems the emperor was added to an extensive listing of discoverers who discovered how materials works by accident! :)
Fortunately, the residual of the the world benefits together with nosotros tin all relish cups of wonderful brewed tea.

♦ Lawrence Jean-Louis published Cool Mix Mingle; a cultural weblog mainly most the form of the South Florida community - the Hispanic together with African influences, the blend of East (Asian) together with West (European together with North American), the food, art, music together with more. The preceding paragraphs higher upward are a brief summary of her post service which discusses the development of tea.  My regain of her weblog was also accidental. But what an awesome find!  :)
REFERENCE: Jean-Louis, Lawrence. "Tea: It's Evolution from the Tree to your Cup." Cook Mix Mingle. fifteen Apr. 2015. Web.
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This content was inaugural off published via Daily Two Cents.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Maria Nasir Shares Her Recipe For A Refreshing Summertime Drinkable Made Amongst Mango Together With Chia Seeds

Maria Nasir Shares Her Recipe for a Refreshing Summer Drink Made With Mango as well as Chia Seeds.  The mango fruit is for sure a please to anybody's gustation buds.  If you lot choose never tasted a mango you lot are missing out as well as in that place is no argue why you lot should.  If you lot tin non detect them at your local grocery shop they tin live on purchased online.  (See below.)

Food Gifts : Mangos - four lbs Available at The Fruit Company
Grown inward tropical regions, nosotros convey inward the nearly delicious mangos available. Hand selected yesteryear our team, nosotros exclusively send mangoes that choose their good known distinctive sugariness gustation as well as are laid to enjoy. Send a mango gift box rich inward vitamins, minerals as well as antioxidants as well as and hence delicious.
Maria Nasir Shares Her Recipe for a Refreshing Summer Drink Made With Mango as well as Chia Seeds Maria Nasir Shares Her Recipe for a Refreshing Summer Drink Made With Mango as well as Chia Seeds

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