Showing posts with label Persona Paper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persona Paper. Show all posts

Friday, July 28, 2017

Taste Of The Islands - Telly Cooking Exhibit On Pbs

Finally! Singing the Hallelujah chorus. AGAIN!

This fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV show.

We relocated to Austin, Texas inwards 1998 as well as my mate's outset observation well-nigh living inwards this land-locked business office of the terra firma was that the metropolis was missing a expert Bahamian eating seat or at to the lowest degree to a greater extent than or less house that serves dishes that look like isle food!

Once nosotros got cable TV hooked upward as well as got settled in, his side yesteryear side electrical load was that the #foodie channels didn't accept a expert cooking present to instruct people how to laid upward mutual isle meals.

In 2015, his prayer was in conclusion been answered.

This fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBS

This fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSOur world tv set station (PBS) airs a present called “Taste the Islands”. Chef Irie (real cite Hugh Sinclair) lives inwards South Florida only is from Jamaica.

My mate is from The Bahamas.

Close enough!

This fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBS 
We're both real happy.
For now.  :)

* * * * * * PBS – Celebrating Food & Cooking

Similar posts:

Taste of the Islands outset published at Persona Paper, Jul 20, 2015.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Mystery Of The Perfect Condiments

For several years we've been adjusting, changing, modifying our diet. "We" important my important other as well as me. Had you lot asked me xl years agone about “veggie burgers”, I likely would convey tried to pretend non to take away heed the inquiry or human action similar you're weren't talking to me.

However, start inwards 2015, this is my reality check.

Veggie burgers are a existent business office of our nutrition plan.

Learned something virtually myself. Veggie burgers sense of savour pretty practiced to me! Not all of them. But at that topographic point is 1 item build that is cheap as well as tasty: Morningstar Farms® Garden Veggie Patties™. They convey a variety of flavors: Asian, Spicy Black Bean, Mushroom, Grillers, etc. You consume them only similar a regular hamburger.

(This is non affiliate advertisement.  I only similar the brand.)
Made an amazing discovery. It sort of makes me experience empty-headed because of its obviousness.
The Garden Veggie Pattie is the 1 that tastes the best inwards my opinion.  You don't convey to wearing clothing it upwards amongst condiments. You don't fifty-fifty demand to seat it on a bun.
But the other ones – the mushroom, the Asian-style, the spicy bean, the chik'n or turkey grillers, etc. - are non thence flavorful.  So I avoid them.
One of my daughters fixed a spicy edible bean burger for luncheon but didn't complete the sandwich. She asked me if I wanted her leftovers; otherwise, she'd convey to throw it away.
Waste food?!! Not inwards my house!!
So I ate what was left of her sandwich as well as … as well as … It tasted great!
Do you lot know why?
She seat mustard as well as ketchup on her burger.
Duh! (O.o) That's what was missing from those veggie burgers??
The ii most mutual under-appreciated condiments that are inwards homes as well as restaurants gave the veggie burger what it was missing. Flavor!
Why didn't I recollect of that??!  :)
Marshman, Victoria. "The History of Mustard.The Nibble. Lifestyle Direct, Inc., July 2009. Web. fifteen April 2017. © Copyright 2005-2017
Wiggins, Jasmine. "How Was Ketchup Invented?National Geographic: About The Plate. National Geographic Society., 21 Apr. 2014. Web. 05 May 2015.
* * *
Content every bit good appears at Persona Paper.
 I likely would convey tried to pretend non to take away heed the inquiry or human action similar you lot The Mystery of the Perfect CondimentsAsked this inquiry on a social site  Do You Have a Favorite Condiment for Your Food?  as well as got a broad make of responses that went agency beyond mustard as well as ketchup. People started throwing out: salsa, soy sauce, barbecue sauce, unlike kinds of mustards, chutney, mint sauce, ruby currant jelly, pickles as well as paprika, garlic as well as chives, Chimichurri, fish sauce as well as shrimp paste, Thai chili, black vinegar as well as peri-peri.  Talk virtually nutrient diversity!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Foodie Friday : Yacr ( Nonetheless Simply About Other Chili Recipe )

Whether or non it's the vacation season, whatever fourth dimension is the fourth dimension of the yr folks inward Texas honey to swallow chili.  But for some reason, they actually similar chili during the Christmas season.  At whatever rate, it took me years of experimenting to come upward up alongside this recipe and,  IMHO, it isn't half-bad.

Chili is Hearty Food. Love a expert bowl of chili ?

So many variations on the #recipes for this wonderful comfort nutrient !

In Austin, Texas, Tex-Mex cuisine is everywhere. This may or may non hold upward Tex-Mex tradition but chili is a large deal! Everybody claims to know how to build thee best chili ever!!

After trying out unlike recipes, in conclusion came upward alongside i of my ain that my identify unit of measurement enjoyed. In fact, i Christmas vacation (because I know how much Texas folk honey their chili), made Christmas cards alongside my chili recipe as well as permit my immature adult woman plough over them to her teachers.

So hither is the recipe. Sorry. Don't accept my ain pictures. Took an epitome from Pixabay that looks similar to mine (only my chili is a petty flake thicker as well as meatier).

* * * Fox's Chili Recipe * * *


1 to ii lbs lean set down beef(or turkey)
One large yellowish onion, coarsely chopped
Chopped cerise bell pepper (optional)

2 Seasoning (Low Sodium) Envelopes:
- McCormick Taco Seasoning
- McCormick Chili Seasoning
(Adjust to your taste. Don't purpose the entire parcel if you lot don't desire to.)

1 tin terminate (15.5 oz) Manwich Original Sloppy Joe Sauce
1 jolt (16 oz) of Old El Paso Salsa (Medium heat)
1 modest tin terminate (8 oz) Hunt's tomato plant sauce (roasted garlic flavor)
1 large tin terminate (32 oz) Bush's nighttime cerise kidney beans, drain liquid
1 large tin terminate (32 oz) Bush's dark beans, drain liquid

High heat, large sauce pan or a dutch oven pot, chocolate-brown set down meat as well as drain off whatever excess fat.

On medium oestrus add together inward onions (and bell pepper); as well as flavor the meat/onion/bellpepper mixture alongside the seasoning packets. Mix thoroughly.

Throw inward the all the remaining ingredients, lower heat, permit create (about fifteen - xx minutes), stirring occasionally - until all the flavors come upward together.

Make a huge bowl of salad with: i caput of iceberg lettuce, halved grape or cherry tomatoes, as well as large cucumber, thinly sliced. Avocado (if you lot tin terminate afford it.) Salad dressing? Your choice.

Serve chili inward a bowl alongside the salad every bit a side.

Lay out the sour cream, shredded cheddar cheese, to a greater extent than chopped onions, greenish onions, cerise onions, cornbread, tortilla chips, taco shells, whatever you lot like!

You don't accept to purpose get upward build products. I produce because the lineament of the production is unremarkably consistent, as well as thus the recipe should gustatory modality the same every time! That's merely me. Enjoy!!

Content outset published at PersonaPaper, Aug 2015.

♦ ♦ ♦

Previous #FoodieFriday posts?

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

World Cuisine: Indian Nutrient - Myth Or Fact

Do yous similar Indian food? I do! Although must admit, had to acquire a gustatory modality for it. My starting fourth dimension time trying a so-called authentic Indian dish was at i of those American mall-type nutrient courts, where at that topographic point are all kinds of restaurants for yous to conduct from. That likely wasn't the best house for me to acquire my starting fourth dimension taste. Was taken aback past times some sort of season or spice that my palette was clearly non expecting. It threw me off!

Later on, when cooking channels became hence pop on television, started learning how to ready Indian dishes. There was the i lady who referred to herself every bit a “spice goddess”.  Because actually it comes to cooking, Indians create know their spices.  No argument.  Her recipes e'er seemed hence simple, slow to prepare, as well as she explained the herbs as well as spices she used for flavoring as well as showed yous how to comprise them into the recipes.  Crush these seeds.  Warm this spice inwards the pan.  Sprinkle these herbs.  Decided to endeavor Indian nutrient i time to a greater extent than as well as was real pleased amongst the tasting tests.

Below is a link to a weblog postal service that eliminates mutual myths close Indian food. Didn't know at that topographic point were myths but goodness to know they tin endure ignored. What were some of the myths?

  • All Indian nutrient is spicy.
  • All Indian nutrient is vegetarian.
  • All Indian nutrient is overloaded amongst curry.

Discover the Truth behind the Indian Food Myths

* * *
Content starting fourth dimension published Mar 21, 2015 via Persona Paper

5 Things You Thought You Knew close Indian Food

5 Things You Thought You Knew close Indian Food

By Petrina Verma Sarkar Come on, endure honest. What are the starting fourth dimension things that come upwards to your heed when yous intend of Indian food? Hot, spicy, oily, rich, fatty, bad for you, hard as well as time-consuming to cook, curry powder....

15 Interesting Facts Related To Indian Food You Should Know

15 Interesting Facts Related To Indian Food You Should Know

Facts that volition blow your gustatory modality buds

20 unbelievable facts close Indian food

20 unbelievable facts close Indian food

Before it turned into an fine art that involved culinary expertise, nutrient inwards Republic of Republic of India was close rasas as well as doshas. Taste or rasa inwards Sanskrit guides the natural language as well as it is a residual or misbalance of these rasas that displace or right the doashas inwards body.

Known as well as unknown facts close Indian cooking

Known as well as unknown facts close Indian cooking

It is close experimenting amongst dissimilar spices as well as ingredients as well as to come upwards up amongst your ain hugger-mugger recipes. Then simply acquire for it, Visit Masala Fry! Enjoy!

Indian ladies:

World Cuisine : The India-Africa Cooking Connection

For me, a hearty stew has ever been the ultimate family-style comfort food. Prepare a large pot, fill upwards the bowls of family, friends in addition to honored guests, pause bread, in addition to chow down!! Such a repast tin unite identify unit of measurement in addition to friends, brand strangers experience welcome, in addition to connect countries.

Indians beloved curry. Africans similar peanuts. This tidbit of information gleaned from researching basis cuisine, global flavors, in addition to nutrient history. 

* Michael Tracey is unopen to other i of my discoveries.

He hails from Johannesburg, South Africa , publishes a newsletter called "THE TASTE OF AFRICA", in addition to is the writer of "AFRICAN RECIPES", an ethnic cookbook .

The link below is to a Tanzanian recipe that links the #cultures of Republic of Republic of India in addition to #Africa inwards every delicious spoonful.


 a hearty stew has ever been the ultimate identify unit of measurement World Cuisine : The India-Africa Cooking Connection

(FYI: This is NOT an affiliate referral or commercial advertisement. The recipe is i of 260 recipes published inwards the cookbook which the writer made available online. No buy is required.)

This content kickoff appeared on Aug 5, 2015 at Persona Paper

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Indian cuisine South Africa agency blends Indian in addition to African foods

African cuisine reflects the amalgamation of hundreds of dissimilar cultures in addition to groups that inhabit the continent. The local culinary traditions are a fusion in addition to it tin live on seen inwards the selection of ingredients, method of training in addition to cooking techniques.


