Showing posts with label pizza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pizza. Show all posts

Thursday, June 1, 2017

New Domicile For Pizza Craving On Flipboard

The Google Plus social network volition move shutting down on Apr 2019.  That way all content for my profile in addition to pages volition disappear.  For my G+ foodie page, which was created every bit a social media page for my website, Everyday Exotic Spices, I had created several collections.  One of my close pop collection was "PIZZA Craving".  It had over 40,000 followers.  I convey decided to practise a novel journal on Flipboard every bit a replacement.  Just because G+ closes down, doesn't hateful people nevertheless don't honey pizza!  Right?

Here is the link to my Flipboard magazine:
PIZZA Craving.

Do you lot know the history of pizza?
Check out this keen video.

Monday, May 1, 2017

October Is National Pizza Calendar Month Let's Celebrate!

October is National Pizza Month. Let's offset the celebration alongside these fun pizza facts.

- - "The longest pizza delivery was from Cape Town, South Africa to Sydney, Australia."

- - "Scientists written report that eating pizza in i lawsuit a calendar week tin cut the jeopardy of esophageal cancer. It's the tomatoes in addition to olive crude inwards the pizza."


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Food History: Naples: The Birthplace Of The Modern Pizza

"Pizza...who doesn't dear it?  ... Italians accept their nutrient (and wine) seriously ... Pizza is no exception. ..."  Learn virtually the history of pizza as well as why it is associated alongside Naples. 

I guess this article championship is to a greater extent than accurate since it uses the phrase “Modern Pizza”. I've read approximately nutrient history that wants to hand the credit for inventing pizza to the Persians (see video below). Although I would last to a greater extent than than happy to hand Naples for inventing pizza: last it ancient or modern. Nevertheless, whoever invented pizza I'm glad.  cheesecake brand the basis a amend place. 😋

Learn virtually the history of pizza as well as why it is associated alongside Naples Food History:  Naples: The Birthplace of the Modern Pizza