Showing posts with label African food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label African food. Show all posts

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Five Exotic Spices Past Times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

Even though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all around the earth or tin easily move purchased online, most of us don't know know the history of these marvelous cooking ingredients together with which province is responsible for introducing these exciting flavors to the global community.  Sharing a brief introduction to v (5) exotic spices:

SPICE Spotlight: Juniper Berries

Even though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all ar Five Exotic Spices past times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

1. Asafetida. This is an Asian spice made from the roots of sure enough species of Ferula. It is a gum-like spice amongst a real potent together with unpleasant smell.  Actually, the cite of the spice has a Latin origin, which way “evil-smelling gum”.  Asafetida is mutual inwards Indian vegetarian cuisine together with is oft the primary subdivision inwards rice together with edible bean dishes. Additionally, it has a broad hit of medicinal properties together with is beneficial for people amongst digestive disorders, high cholesterol, and/or nervous disorders.  Asafetida is rich inwards minerals together with nutrients, such every bit iron, calcium, phosphorus, together with protein.  Although most chefs together with cooks rarely laid a dish without onion together with garlic, some people do non swallow onion or garlic.  Certain people are allergic to onions together with for some people, garlic causes extreme pump burn.  Asafetida is an ideal spice for those people.  In fact, its aroma is similar to both onion together with garlic.

2. Dried Avocado Leaves.  This spice (or herb) originated inwards Mexico. It is i of the most pop spices inwards Mexican cuisine.  Avocado leaves accept an aniseed fragrance; however, these dried leaves are odorless together with accept a pungent taste. Dried avocado leaves are added to edible bean or meat dishes. Regarding wellness benefits, they are useful for people who accept kidney stones together with hypertension. Noteworthy:  Only sure enough varieties of avocado leaves are to move used inwards cooking or for medicinal purposes because some kinds of avocado leaves tin comprise toxic substances.

Additional References:

Avocado Leaves: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Secret Mexican Ingredient

Avocado Leaves: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Secret Mexican Ingredient

Avocado Leaves: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Secret Mexican Ingredientby Victoria ChallancinLove at First Bite. Like whatever motivated foodie, I almost made myself ill sampling, musing, together with guessing what unknown subdivision I was tasting inwards what appeared to move an ordinary dark edible bean dip.

3. Epazote. This is some other essential spice used inwards Mexican cuisine. Its extraordinary (or strange) scent tin move described every bit a combination of kerosene, mint, together with citrus. Epazote is made from the leaves of Mexican herb called dysphania ambrosioides (aka "Mexican tea").  It is used amongst edible bean together with meat dishes. Additionally, it tin move used inwards soups.

Additional Reading together with Recipes:

4. Grains of Paradise. This delicious spice is an integral role of West African cuisine. It is obtained from a bloom called Aframomum melegueta. Africans believed that this bloom grew inwards Eden. Grains of paradise await similar seeds together with accept jasmine, citrus, together with hazelnut odor. It tin move added to meat, fish, together with Irish Gaelic patato dishes.

Link of Interest:
Find spices ordered according to the region:

Ras El Hanout (4.0 Oz) By Zamouri SpicesEven though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all ar Five Exotic Spices past times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)
Even though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all ar Five Exotic Spices past times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

Ingredients include over xxx dissimilar herbs together with spices, such as: 

 Grains of Paradise, Lavender, turmeric, ajawan seeds, kalajeera, ginger, galangal, oris root, rose buds, monk's pepper, cinnamon together with more!

5. Juniper Berries. Actually, juniper berries are to a greater extent than probable to move cones than berries. It has the aroma of fir together with is used for cooking meat dishes, particularly stewed rabbit or beef. These “berries” grow on the juniper tree, are mutual throughout Europe,  included inwards ancient Greek recipes, and accept been constitute inwards the Egyptian pyramids.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 broad hit of High German traditional dishes are cooked amongst juniper berries.

♦  Hope y'all enjoyed this intro.
About the writer:  Melisa Marzett industrial plant for:  She does fantabulous inquiry together with tin pen articles together with provide spider web log publishers or website owners amongst lineament content on almost whatever topic.  View the About tab on her Google+ profile for to a greater extent than samples of her work.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Foodie Friday : Nutrient Weblog Spotlight : Cook, Mix, Mingle

Cook, Mix, Mingle is a weblog that explores the cultural multifariousness of South Florida. But since many posts are near Florida cuisine it could likewise hold upward sub-categorized nether nutrient blogs.

Been actively blogging every bit i of my main habitation trouble concern projects for years. Publishing my diverse blogs is rewarding too enjoyable work, merely reading blogs yesteryear others is eye-opening too a lot of fun!  Every publisher is thence unique inward their mode too method of presentation.
  • Cook, Mix, Mingle would probable hold upward viewed every bit a cultural multifariousness blog.  But I similar all the nutrient finds. ☺
The sometime publisher, Lawrence Jean-Louis, (she sold the blog) is a miss who currently hails from South #Florida too has Haitian roots. She shares all sorts of information near the expanse merely my favorite posts are the ones near food. For example: In a weblog entry dated Feb 10, 2014, readers were directed to 5 #YouTube channels on #howto produce #Africanfood. If you lot e'er visited or lived inward South Florida (or Haiti), too thence you lot know many of the #recipes for the dishes served inward restaurants or somebody homes, for that matter, contain the flavors of the African continent. What a fabulous abide by for #foodies!  Five nutrient channels correct at your fingertips!  This post should hold upward featured inward a Food Lovers Guide. 

♦ ♦ ♦

More #FoodieFriday Posts

Friday, April 14, 2017

Everyday Exotic Spices: Zanzibar Spices & Heritage Centre: The Continuing Story

A few years back, stumbled across an article detailing a delightful concern success storey nearly the efforts of Mzee Foum Garu aka Foum Ali Garu, a spice farmer inwards Zanzibar. 

Zanzibar is a semi-autonomous archipelago off the coast of Tanzania. Zanzibar as well as Pemba, its sis island, convey a reputation for their spices. Spice farm tours are conducted for travelers to Tanzania. Tourists larn the origins as well as history of the spices produced inwards Zanzibar, their culinary as well as medicinal properties, as well as the traditional local uses. They every bit good acquire to sample roughly delicious local dishes as well as a tasty “Tea Masala”. Natives as well as unusual students are invited to enroll at the Kizimbani Agricultural Training Institute of Zanzibar to larn fifty-fifty to a greater extent than via an internship or a volunteer project.  Mr. Garu played an integral business office inwards promoting as well as developing these tours as well as preparation courses.

Image credit: Spice farm, Zanzibar past times Mark, on Flickr

The arrangement founded past times Mr. Garu was mentioned inwards the 2013 write-up every bit “Zanzibar Organic Spice Products”. It is currently operating nether the holler “Zanzibar Organic Spice Growers (ZOSG)”, as well as every bit good recognized past times the holler “Zanzibar Spices & Heritage Centre”. Mzee Foum Garu combined his experience, cognition as well as skills for farming spices amongst several other small-scale farmers as well as they grow a broad make of cash crops. In improver to spices (cardamom, vanilla, betel nut, turmeric, cinnamon, curry leaves as well as nutmeg), they cultivate many tropical fruits as well as vegetables (such every bit hairy litchi, durian as well as jack fruit), as well as plants as well as trees (such every bit moringa, the henna plant, as well as the lipstick tree). There is a growing European marketplace position for these nutrient products cultivated past times the zanzibari farmers.

Image credit: Zanzibar Spices & Heritage Centre

The article that inspired this shipping service was dated 2013, however, Foum Ali Garu began his hold out inwards the 90s. It's slap-up to read that Garu's success has continued as well as that other local farmers are every bit good benefitting from the agricultural initiatives he started as well as the entire percentage is profiting.

Interesting Food History: The offset spices plantations were established past times the Sultanate of Oman Sultan Sayid Sa’id inwards the 19th century.    "Seyyid Said." Encyclopedia of World Biography. . sixteen Oct. 2017 <>.                     

Ingredients inwards this spice mound: 
Coriander, mustard, fennel, turmeric, cumin, sweetness paprika, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, chocolate-brown sugar, cayenne pepper, dark pepper, cloves as well as white pepper.