Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

3 Spices That Concord The Secrets Of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)

3 Spices That Concord The Secrets Of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)

Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao), who is a board-certified anti-aging skilful shares information well-nigh the iii best spices for a longer life.

Before you lot click the link (below) to the master copy article, laissez passer on yourself iii chances to approximate the correct combination of 3 spices that accept been used inwards Traditional Chinese Medicine in addition to other Eastern traditions to cure mutual illnesses in addition to keep goodness health.  I exclusively guessed i of the spices.  1 out of iii is lower than a Grade F!!

But straight off that I know what they are, I'm glad they're common, cheap in addition to really slow to find.  So I don't move over the world in addition to body of body of water inwards search of the iii mythical spices from the lost the world of "Where Did You Get that?!"

aging skilful shares information well-nigh the  iii Spices That Hold the Secrets of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)
Photo: Rev Dan Catt/Flickr 
* * * * * *
"Garlic is every bit goodness every bit 10 mothers."
 - Ancient Telugu saying from India

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

General Wellness Tips : Seven Best Foods For People Over 50

Life stages simplified:
  • Growth as well as development? Youth as well as adolescence.
  • Procreation as well as maintenance? Young adult – xx something summation xxx years.
  • Disease prevention as well as keeping torso systems working? Congratulations! You've reached the 50 as well as beyond mark!

What is an ideal anti-aging shopping listing for mortal 50 or over? 


1. Green Leafy Vegetables
  • fight deoxyribonucleic acid harm that may atomic number 82 to cancer;
  • reduce your gamble of chronic oculus diseases;
  • suppress the amino acid homocysteine which is of import for encephalon health.

2. Kefir or Yogurt
  • source of calcium, needed for bone;
  • choose plain, low-sugar varieties, ideally made from grass-fed milk.

3. Whey Protein
  • counteract loss of musculus majority as well as strength.
  • easily absorbed as well as supports musculus increment as well as repair.
  • add to smoothies or mix amongst milk for a quick shake.

4. Wild-Caught Seafood
  • best sources of omega-3 fats, fights inflammation as well as supports encephalon health, see wellness as well as more.

5. Berries
  • high inward fiber as well as antioxidants;
  • should move called “super berries” because of all the wellness benefits.

6. Olive Oil
  • heart-healthy monounsaturated obese tin lower gamble of see disease;
  • controls insulin levels as well as blood sugar;
  • provides vitamins due east as well as K.

7. Dark Chocolate (the darker, the better)
  • rich inward antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory compounds
  • lowers gamble of see disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol as well as fifty-fifty abdominal obesity;
  • satisfies your sweetness tooth. :)

DISCLAIMER: Information inward a higher house non intended to substitituted for medical advice. General data purposes only. If yous establish the summary inward a higher house useful as well as would similar to read the extended version of the article or uncovering other health-related writings, click here to peruse the total library.

Lumen Naturals for Weight Loss

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Health : Command Your Appetite : It's All Inwards Your Head

Another regain has been made inwards the report of food, health, together with science. Credit is existence given to Professor Kazuyoshi Ukena of Hiroshima University for identifying NPGL, a poly peptide inwards our encephalon which “apparently aims to hold trunk majority at a constant, come upward feast or famine”.

The professor's finding eliminates the excuse of non existence able to lose weight together with halt yourself from overeating because y'all don't bring any willpower because the mechanisms for appetite command are literally ... all inwards your head. :)

♦ ♦ ♦

More Interesting Links together with Recommended Reading:

Frohlich, Thomas C. "Do You Know What Gives You Energy?" My Shopping Channel., 06 May 2017. Web. 09 May 2017.

Kostyo, Mike. "Do You Know What Gives You Energy?
When it comes to existence wellness together with fitness conscious, making lineament of life choices, together with developing good for y'all living habits, citizens of Austin, Texas, ready the illustration for everyone else to follow; including the Californians. { IMHO ☺} Sharing a recap of primal facts to peak your involvement together with about information links on health, wellness, together with fitness, diet, nutrition, together with do for farther reading together with research.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Spiced Orangish Saffron Warm Quaff | Quaff Recipes From Chitra's Salubrious Kitchen

Wintertime is the best fourth dimension for warm drinks. Who would disagree? Even though yous gulp hot or warm drinks all yr round, for obvious reasons they are simply to a greater extent than soothing in addition to comforting during the winter. That's why I am reblogging this recipe from an awesome nutrient blogger who shares recipes for salubrious living. Chitra's weblog has over 3000 followers.
  • Saffron, my favorite spice.  Never idea to seat it inward a gulp though. :) 
  • Love oranges. Love saffron. Can’t become wrong! :)
  • Warm drinks are then soothing in addition to comforting.   

EES shares recipes, cooking tips in addition to all things foodie!
Wintertime is the best fourth dimension for warm drinks Spiced Orange Saffron Warm gulp | Drink Recipes from Chitra's Healthy Kitchen
Everyday Exotic Spices

More Warm Winter Drinks on Twitter

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

3 Spices That Concord The Secrets Of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)

3 Spices That Concord The Secrets Of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)

Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao), who is a board-certified anti-aging skilful shares information well-nigh the iii best spices for a longer life.

Before you lot click the link (below) to the master copy article, laissez passer on yourself iii chances to approximate the correct combination of 3 spices that accept been used inwards Traditional Chinese Medicine in addition to other Eastern traditions to cure mutual illnesses in addition to keep goodness health.  I exclusively guessed i of the spices.  1 out of iii is lower than a Grade F!!

But straight off that I know what they are, I'm glad they're common, cheap in addition to really slow to find.  So I don't move over the world in addition to body of body of water inwards search of the iii mythical spices from the lost the world of "Where Did You Get that?!"

aging skilful shares information well-nigh the  iii Spices That Hold the Secrets of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)
Photo: Rev Dan Catt/Flickr 
* * * * * *
"Garlic is every bit goodness every bit 10 mothers."
 - Ancient Telugu saying from India