Showing posts with label cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cooking. Show all posts

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Foodie Friday : Pesto Only About The World

Going to accept aim at pesto for my foodie Fri topic.  Another wonderful please for enlivening salads, adorning sandwiches, dressing pasta … you lot bring upwards it! Always sing the praises of salsa. This time, doing a vocal in addition to trip the calorie-free fantastic toe routine for pesto.

Hear the give-and-take pesto in addition to i unremarkably e'er thinks Italian. Right? But unlike cultures stimulate got their ain version of pesto. Africa. Mexico. Australia. This link is an awesome foodie find! Not alone does it nation you lot the primary ingredients inwards everybody's version simply it introduced me to a novel word. “Permaculture”.

Content commencement appeared at Persona Paper on July 27, 2015.

Preserving With Pesto – It’s Not Rocket Science

Preserving With Pesto - It's Not Rocket Science

Wheatgrass Pesto Recipe | inSpiral

Wheatgrass Pesto Recipe | inSpiral

Here is a quick recipe for Raw Wheatgrass Pesto, using our premium, organic, raw super nutrient powder. This volition 1000 ake your sense of savour buds become wild! Adds a expert dose of vitality to whatsoever diet. Made inwards a blender at that spot is virtually whatsoever training to do! Just the agency nosotros similar it!

Mexican Pesto Recipe past times emilie_ 1 - Key Ingredient

Thai Basil Pesto

Thai Basil Pesto

This one's for my Thai lovers. But earlier I fifty-fifty start talking Thai basil pesto, I experience moved to stimulate got a piffling rant most how much I dear Thai food. It's similar an 2nd exotic opor-garai correct inwards my kitchen.

Raw Macadamia Pesto | Vegan Semi-Dried Tomato Pesto | The Blender Girl

Raw Macadamia Pesto | Vegan Semi-Dried Tomato Pesto | The Blender Girl

This raw vegan semi-dried love apple tree in addition to macadamia pesto is super tardily in addition to seriously delicious. Just throw everything into your nutrient processor.

African Blue Basil in addition to Lavender Pesto

African Blue Basil in addition to Lavender Pesto

Combine all ingredients, except cheese, inwards bowl of nutrient processor. Process, adding additional crude oil or water, until desired consistency is reached. Stir inwards cheese. Use at i time or shop inwards an air-tight container inwards the fridge for upwards to i week. (Tip: pesto tin terminate likewise survive frozen inwards H2O ice cube trays.)

Chimichurri Pesto Sauce - Culinary Envy

Chimichurri Pesto Sauce - Culinary Envy

Chimichurri Pesto Sauce combines Italian parsley, cilantro in addition to basil amongst jalapeño in addition to parmesan cheese. It is vibrant, nutty in addition to tangy. Perfect for pasta. I volition never forget the commencement fourth dimension I tried Chimichurri Sauce. It was at my incredibly talented friend Bibi's home. She had me over for dinner in addition to prepared the most mouth-watering steak.

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Friday, July 21, 2017

Foodie Friday : Recipes | Desserts | Pineapple Stuffing Together With More!

This week's Foodie Fri spotlight is pineapple!  Pineapple is included alongside a listing of refreshing super foods nosotros should eating during the summer.  

This recipe at, is typically prepared during the Christmas vacation flavour only it's a process that should endure enjoyed whenever you lot accept a craving for something delicious together with sweet!  For me that's all twelvemonth round!  What close you?

Holiday Stuffing
For whatever solar daytime of the year.

Best twenty "Pineapple Stuffing" Ideas on Pinterest

More Pineapple Delights from Around the Web

Fredericksburg Farms Salsa Express 
Offering a broad diversity of salsas from traditional to exotic. The pineapple salsas are really popular!

Previous #FoodieFriday posts?

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Care To Part Your Eggplant (Aubergine) Recipe?

Love to lookout adult man cooking shows on TV. One of my favorite TV chefs is Nigella Lawson ( She taught me what an aubergine was. Aubergine?? Oh! You hateful eggplant!! :)

On the hunt for eggplant recipes.

Shared a few recipes via my foodie blog for roasted eggplant, ratatouille, marinated eggplant, eggplant patties, together with a salad recipe made alongside eggplant together with zucchini.

Want to a greater extent than eggplant recipes! More! More!!

The nutrient experts nation that for 2017 together with beyond, “purple is the novel green” together with everybody is supposed to endure eating to a greater extent than majestic veggies. Sure! Eggplants are non the exclusively majestic plants out there. But it's a goodness majestic nutrient to kickoff with! Agree?  :)

One quick question:
  • Do you lot swallow eggplant cooked or raw?

My married adult man together with I bask listening to the music of smoothen jazz singer Michael Franks. One of his songs that nosotros actually similar is called “Eggplant”.

When my babe cooks her eggplant.
She don't read no book!

Yeah OK. He's non actually singing nigh eggplant. But the lyrics are inspiring together with mightiness brand you lot desire to create eggplant, fifty-fifty if you lot practice accept to read “how to” inwards a book!

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Links of Interest:
Freedman, Joanna. "Start Eating Purple for Good Health: The Science behind 2017's New Food Trend." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, xix Dec. 2016. Web. 01 Feb. 2017. ( ).
Davis, Sara. "A History of Eggplant inwards Four Languages." Table Matters. N.p., 12 Sept. 2016. Web. 01 Feb. 2017. ( ).
Meyer, Megan. "Eight Fascinating Facts About Eggplant." basis Eats | Real Food | Green Living. The Trustees of Indiana University, eighteen Jan. 2010. Web. 01 Feb. 2017. ( ).

"Eggplant Food Facts." Belly Bytes. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2017. ( ).

Below are to a greater extent than or less recipes you lot mightiness enjoy.

French means Roasted Eggplant

French means Roasted Eggplant

Eggplants are those odd vegetables which tin endure really useful when i is trying to accept a balanced meal. Eggplants similar most vegetables are rich sources of vitamins together with minerals. They likewise comprise dietary fibers which are a must for a balanced diet. For to a greater extent than cheque these references [1,2].

Ratatouille together with Eggplant for Harvest Season

Ratatouille together with Eggplant for Harvest Season

This spider web log is nigh wine, exactly this calendar week nosotros include 2 recipes. Why? Because recipes proceed pouring inwards subsequently my asking for them for a forthcoming majority - Winemaker's Cooking Companion. Isabelle Chéty of Château Mercier informed me of her woman rear - Martine's - trove of vineyard recipes on their website recipe page (including - harvest cod,...

Marinated Eggplant - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Healthy Life For Me

Marinated Eggplant - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Healthy Life For Me

Marinated Eggplant is a recipe packed alongside tons of flavor together with loads of vegetables, perfect for a summertime side dish. Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan together with Paleo Friendly There are certainly recipes you lot brand for those you lot love. This Marinated Eggplant recipe is definitely i for my husband.

Eggplant Patties alongside Olives together with Herbs | Gourmandelle

Make these slow eggplant patties alongside olives together with herbs together with bask a delicious, comfort recipe that's likewise secretly salubrious together with high inwards proteins! Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few weeks ago, I saw a peachy eggplant patties recipe on a vegetarian TV cooking show. I dearest eggplants (especially the Eggplant Caviar together with Eggplant Spread ) thence I decided to compass it a try.

Do you lot accept an eggplant recipe that is the best ever?  If so, delight share.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Chiliad Views Equal A Chiliad Give Thank You Lot Yous

In 2016, I started this foodie blog, my project of honey for foodies as well as nutrient lovers roughly the world. According to the statistics inward my dashboard the full total of views for all of my posts is unopen to 750,000.


I would similar to tell Thank You to all of my weblog visitors. Your back upwards agency a lot. To date, the archives present 116 published posts. This ship service volition travel Post Number 117. Below is a listing of all the posts that present 1000+ views. For each of these posts besides every bit for all the residual of the posts:

Thank You a M times plus!!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Foodie Friday : Chicken Recipes – The Best Of

Award-winning TV chef, Lidia Bastianich, says that “chicken” is the most searched for nutrient term. There is no argue to mean value that fact needs to hold out checked out. Lots of people love chicken! Fried, stewed, baked, barbecued, grilled! There has got to hold out a 1000000 addition ways to gear upwardly this delightful aeroplane too larn inwards sense of savor similar it's the commencement fourth dimension you've ever eaten it! Agree?


When people country “best of”, it's well-nigh e'er purely subjective. However, for several years I convey been collecting what, inwards my sentiment is the “best” chicken recipes from wherever they tin hold out industrial plant life too equally of today my Pinterest board boasts around 600 recipes.

Here is a quick listing of but a few of the best chicken dishes ever.

Jamaican Brown Stew Chicken

Yeah mon!! :)

Mango makes everything sense of savor good!

Who doesn't similar Greek or Thai food? (O.o) (???)

Honey Jalapeno Chicken Tenders

Finger nutrient inwards its finest hour!

* soy sauce, carmine vino vinegar, dark-brown sugar, garlic, olive oil.

Just listing the seasonings makes my oral fissure water.

Chicken Rice Casserole Dominicus Supper

The mighty 1 pot dish!

* utilization a pre-cooked rotisserie chicken.

Said the magic word. Easy!!

Lemon Chicken Rice Soup

Best Chicken Detox Soup

Don't resist chicken soup! It's skillful for the soul! :)

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What's your favorite utilization of the chicken? (Breasts or nighttime meat?)

  • I similar chicken thighs.

Do you lot too similar chicken livers, gizzards, too hearts?

  • If you lot tenderize them you lot tin create them inwards a stew amongst carrots, potatoes too light-green cabbage. It's a wretched man's repast but really filling.

Do you lot convey favorite agency you lot similar to consume chicken?

♦ ♦ ♦

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