Showing posts with label Everyday Exotic Spices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Everyday Exotic Spices. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2017

Food Ways Presented Past Times Everyday Exotic Spices

“Food Ways” is presented past times Everyday Exotic Spices together with its role is to percentage nutrient finds for nutrient lovers, recipes, cooking tips together with all things foodie!

Food ways is an facial expression that dates dorsum to 1946. It refers to the eating habits together with culinary practices of a people, region, or historical period.  

 together with its role is to percentage nutrient finds for nutrient lovers Food Ways Presented past times Everyday Exotic Spices

On our Google Plus describe of piece of job organisation page, y'all tin uncovering 3 collections:  CHEESE MeltdownWORLD Cuisine, and  PIZZA Craving.

This site supplements an affiliate marketing website which has been upwards together with running since 2011.  Everyday Exotic Spices has on online presence on nearly of the major social media networks:  Facebook, Twitter, together with Pinterest; together with maintains the "My I Like Eating Channel" on

Hope these shares encourage y'all to experiment together with savor fascinating together with wonderful culinary adventures.

* * *

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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Foodie Friday : Spice Spotlight: Cinnamon

I tin scent nutmeg, apples as well as cinnamon.

I tin sprinkle a piddling powdered pumpkin spice or a dash of evidently one-time cinnamon inwards my forenoon loving cup of coffee.

For an eve meal, I tin savor a hearty bowl of butternut mash soup or gear upward up a stew chocked total of origin vegetables as well as meat, made amongst that especial hush-hush ingredient:  cinnamon.

It's my favorite fourth dimension of the twelvemonth to experience the joys of the season.  😍  

Shining the spotlight on i of my favorite warming experience expert spices.  Cinnamon!

I tin sprinkle a piddling powdered pumpkin spice or a dash of evidently one-time  Foodie Fri : Spice Spotlight: Cinnamon
Did yous know:

- There is a mythological beast called the Cinnamon Bird?
- In Ancient Egypt, cinnamon was used inwards the embalming process?

There's in all probability lots of other things yous didn't know close cinnamon every bit well.

If you're curious, read more:  18 Facts close Cinnamon.

Community Post: 35 Crazy-Good Ways To Indulge On Cinnamon This Fall

Baklava, Biriyani, Chicken Mole, Roast Duck, Rugelach.

Kunafeh, the Middle East's Favorite Cheese Delight!

Baklava, Biriyani, Chicken Mole, Roast Duck, Rugelach.

Kunafeh, the Middle East's Favorite Cheese Delight!

It's close fourth dimension to portion amongst yous i of my favorite recipes ever. It´s non solely delicious but every bit good has a especial house inwards my heart. Sometimes nosotros experience strongly towards a dish or a dessert non simply because it tastes cracking but because it brings dorsum memories nosotros cherish.

Chinese Cinnamon Beef Noodle Soup Recipe -

Baklava, Biriyani, Chicken Mole, Roast Duck, Rugelach.

A Taste of South Africa - Tomato Bredie (One stick of cinnamon required.)

Baklava, Biriyani, Chicken Mole, Roast Duck, Rugelach.

A Taste of South Africa - Tomato Bredie

This Tomato Bredie photograph was featured inwards Brazilian Magazine blog, Verdemar - Copa de Sabores: África produce Sul One of my favorite majority serial is the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency serial writted past times Alexander McCall Smith, a Republic of Zimbabwe born, Scottish writer.

Featured Product from SpiceCubed 
for your spice cabinet:

The Indonesian cinnamon sticks are one-inch long to check inwards out tins. Our dry reason cinnamon comes from Vietnam as well as is highly flavorful as well as sweet. Both are cracking amongst desserts, beverages, breads, stews, chicken or lamb.

Cinnamon Sticks are best when used inside a year.

Ground Cinnamon should endure along it's peak flavor for close 6 months.

Enjoy the joys of the flavour past times celebrating cinnamon!

GIF ikon credit:

Previous #FoodieFriday posts? 

Winter Salad Binging 

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Spices Inwards Filipino Cuisine Past Times Carlo Villamayor (Guest Post)

It's no cloak-and-dagger that Filipino cuisine is i of the best inwards the world, but similar whatever proficient food, it has to receive got its secrets. Few people receive got actually mastered authentic Filipino food, non the washed-down fare yous arrive fast foods as well as diners, but real, home-made native dishes. Although most of us tin whip upwards something when nosotros postulate to, it tin last difficult to capture that distinct Filipino taste.

So what actually goes into our food? How practise yous brand your nutrient sense of savor genuinely Filipino? There's actually no unmarried answer, because no i tin define our food; nosotros come upwards from a hodgepodge of cultures, afterward all. But i matter that sets us apart from our Asian neighbors is our heavy utilisation of spices. Whereas other cuisines prefer subtle hints of flavor, nosotros similar a large flare-up of it amongst every bite.

So that's the starting fourth dimension rule: last generous amongst the spice. If yous desire your dish to stand upwards for inwards amongst other Filipino recipes, teach to know the spices that teach into them. Here are but about of the most common.


Ginger is used inwards most of Asian cuisine, as well as Filipino nutrient recipes. In the Philippines, it is most commonly used inwards soups as well as stews; dishes such every bit arroz caldo (rice porridge), as well as tinola (chicken stew) utilisation garlic every bit their principal spice. It goes specially good amongst chicken as well as fish dishes, where it provides a prissy contrast to the potent meat flavors. Ginger is used both for flavour as well as aroma, although the flesh of the origin is non e'er eaten. Most people but musical rhythm out the origin as well as drib it into the dish, hence receive got it out but earlier serving.


We're non every bit wild close spicy nutrient every bit the Thais, but nosotros practise similar a fighting of seize amongst teeth inwards our food. Virtually every Filipino dish tin last spiced upwards amongst chili peppers, from rich meat viands to everyday soups as well as noodles. Sauces similar patis (fish sauce) as well as soy sauce are ofttimes mixed amongst crushed chili as well as used every bit dips or marinades. Bicol, a part inwards southeastern Luzon, is known for using chili peppers inwards most of its dishes. Perhaps the most pop is Bicol express, made amongst meat, bagoong (saut'ed shrimp paste), kokosnoot milk, as well as chopped light-green chilies.

Garlic as well as onions

These ii almost e'er teach together, especially inwards meat as well as vegetable dishes. You may last to a greater extent than familiar amongst Taiwanese as well as Australian garlic, which receive got larger cloves as well as are easier to operate with. But if yous desire a stronger, spicier flavor, teach for native garlic. Philippine garlic comes inwards smaller bulbs, amongst cloves less than one-half the size of other types. This makes them difficult to handle, but it's good worth the trouble.

Philippine onions are potent as well as pungent, making them a cracking source of flavor. Use native cherry onions for saut'ing as well as pickling, but utilisation the white ones for salads as well as sandwiches. If you're making rice porridge, move yesteryear it amongst chopped light-green onions for extra spice.


Lemongrass has strong-smelling leaves as well as stalks commonly used inwards soups, teas as well as sauces. The leafage is slightly sweetness amongst a hint of citrus, a perfect complement to gravy as well as other meat sauces. There are several ways to utilisation lemongrass, but the most mutual method is cooking the fresh leaves (sometimes the entire stem or bulb) amongst the nutrient to liberate the flavor. If you're using the stalk, receive got exclusively the soft inner utilisation as well as chop it upwards earlier dropping it in. You tin likewise utilisation dried as well as powdered lemongrass, especially if you're inwards the metropolis as well as fresh leaves are difficult to find. 


Pandan is generally an aromatic ingredient, most commonly used amongst patently white rice. Just add together a duo of leaves to your rice every bit it boils, as well as it comes out amongst a strong, inviting aroma. Some regions fifty-fifty weave it onto rice pots for an fifty-fifty stronger scent. You tin practise the same amongst rice cakes, puddings, as well as other Filipino desserts recipes.

Bay leafage

The strong, pungent sense of savor of bay leaves makes them a perfect stand upwards for for Filipino cooking recipes. The leafage has a broad hit of uses, from meat sauces as well as dips to principal dishes similar adobo, menudo as well as mechado. Dried bay leaves are traditionally used; fresh bay is seldom available inwards local markets. The leafage itself is non commonly eaten; similar ginger, yous tin receive got out the leaves i time you're laid to serve. However, most people but move out them inwards as well as laid them aside when eating.

About The Author:  
Carlo Villamayor is a devoted cook, he makes it his personal mission to spread the joy of i of his Filipino nutrient recipes amongst nutrient lovers the basis over. Bon appetit!  (Source:

EES shares recipes, cooking tips
as well as all things foodie!

 s no cloak-and-dagger that Filipino cuisine is i of the best inwards the basis Spices inwards Filipino Cuisine yesteryear Carlo Villamayor (Guest Post)

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Everyday Exotic Spices Foodie Friday Annual Roundup

Last yr I started a serial called Foodie Friday. It's a novel year, too I may proceed this serial or start a novel one. I'm undecided. It's exclusively the commencement calendar week of the year. What's the rush?  I've got a picayune fleck of time. 

Since close people commonly create a review of their previous year's efforts anyway, I'm sharing my listing of posts that were tagged “Foodie Friday” inward example y'all desire to see or revisit. Enjoy!

♦ ♦ ♦

#FoodieFriday for the Year 2017

Hope y'all volition subscribe to this foodie weblog have regular updates.  Also, experience gratis to follow my foodie adventures closed to the spider web via:

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Five Exotic Spices Past Times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

Even though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all around the earth or tin easily move purchased online, most of us don't know know the history of these marvelous cooking ingredients together with which province is responsible for introducing these exciting flavors to the global community.  Sharing a brief introduction to v (5) exotic spices:

SPICE Spotlight: Juniper Berries

Even though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all ar Five Exotic Spices past times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

1. Asafetida. This is an Asian spice made from the roots of sure enough species of Ferula. It is a gum-like spice amongst a real potent together with unpleasant smell.  Actually, the cite of the spice has a Latin origin, which way “evil-smelling gum”.  Asafetida is mutual inwards Indian vegetarian cuisine together with is oft the primary subdivision inwards rice together with edible bean dishes. Additionally, it has a broad hit of medicinal properties together with is beneficial for people amongst digestive disorders, high cholesterol, and/or nervous disorders.  Asafetida is rich inwards minerals together with nutrients, such every bit iron, calcium, phosphorus, together with protein.  Although most chefs together with cooks rarely laid a dish without onion together with garlic, some people do non swallow onion or garlic.  Certain people are allergic to onions together with for some people, garlic causes extreme pump burn.  Asafetida is an ideal spice for those people.  In fact, its aroma is similar to both onion together with garlic.

2. Dried Avocado Leaves.  This spice (or herb) originated inwards Mexico. It is i of the most pop spices inwards Mexican cuisine.  Avocado leaves accept an aniseed fragrance; however, these dried leaves are odorless together with accept a pungent taste. Dried avocado leaves are added to edible bean or meat dishes. Regarding wellness benefits, they are useful for people who accept kidney stones together with hypertension. Noteworthy:  Only sure enough varieties of avocado leaves are to move used inwards cooking or for medicinal purposes because some kinds of avocado leaves tin comprise toxic substances.

Additional References:

Avocado Leaves: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Secret Mexican Ingredient

Avocado Leaves: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Secret Mexican Ingredient

Avocado Leaves: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Secret Mexican Ingredientby Victoria ChallancinLove at First Bite. Like whatever motivated foodie, I almost made myself ill sampling, musing, together with guessing what unknown subdivision I was tasting inwards what appeared to move an ordinary dark edible bean dip.

3. Epazote. This is some other essential spice used inwards Mexican cuisine. Its extraordinary (or strange) scent tin move described every bit a combination of kerosene, mint, together with citrus. Epazote is made from the leaves of Mexican herb called dysphania ambrosioides (aka "Mexican tea").  It is used amongst edible bean together with meat dishes. Additionally, it tin move used inwards soups.

Additional Reading together with Recipes:

4. Grains of Paradise. This delicious spice is an integral role of West African cuisine. It is obtained from a bloom called Aframomum melegueta. Africans believed that this bloom grew inwards Eden. Grains of paradise await similar seeds together with accept jasmine, citrus, together with hazelnut odor. It tin move added to meat, fish, together with Irish Gaelic patato dishes.

Link of Interest:
Find spices ordered according to the region:

Ras El Hanout (4.0 Oz) By Zamouri SpicesEven though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all ar Five Exotic Spices past times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)
Even though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all ar Five Exotic Spices past times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

Ingredients include over xxx dissimilar herbs together with spices, such as: 

 Grains of Paradise, Lavender, turmeric, ajawan seeds, kalajeera, ginger, galangal, oris root, rose buds, monk's pepper, cinnamon together with more!

5. Juniper Berries. Actually, juniper berries are to a greater extent than probable to move cones than berries. It has the aroma of fir together with is used for cooking meat dishes, particularly stewed rabbit or beef. These “berries” grow on the juniper tree, are mutual throughout Europe,  included inwards ancient Greek recipes, and accept been constitute inwards the Egyptian pyramids.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 broad hit of High German traditional dishes are cooked amongst juniper berries.

♦  Hope y'all enjoyed this intro.
About the writer:  Melisa Marzett industrial plant for:  She does fantabulous inquiry together with tin pen articles together with provide spider web log publishers or website owners amongst lineament content on almost whatever topic.  View the About tab on her Google+ profile for to a greater extent than samples of her work.

Friday, June 30, 2017

7 Natural Aphrodisiacs To Spice Upward Your Gender Activity Life! Past Times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

Spices are a existent treasure. They excite the sense of savor buds, add together an interesting sense of savor to food, remind us of other worlds, the being of miracles too beauty. Many spices are known for their stimulating effect. It is hard to explicate the nature too rootage of this effect, but it exists. Spices are really strong natural aphrodisiacs. They are able to awaken wishing too passion. Use spices too color your sexual life!

  • Saffron. This spice adds novel flavors too colors inwards dishes cooked from rice. Saffron is really expensive equally it is hard to collect too shipping this precious spice. However, you lot volition remove only a tiny fight of this spice, ii or iii stamens volition hold out plenty inwards guild to brand your dish incredibly delicious! Excessive purpose of saffron tin dismiss truly ruin the dish. Scientists say that fifty-fifty a tiny amount of this spice increases sexual desire. In addition, saffron contains zinc, selenium, potassium, magnesium, too has antioxidant properties.

SPICE Spotlight: Saffron

Everyday spices for everyday cooking. Use of the correct herbs too spices tin dismiss plough a bland repast into a sumptuous dining experience.

  • Fenugreek. Fenugreek seeds are pop inwards eastern ethnic cuisines. It is impossible to imagine many Indian dishes without this spice amongst intriguing flavor. Recent query showed that fenugreek is an aphrodisiac, thus, it is able to increase sexual wishing inwards men amongst depression libido. In addition, fenugreek contains elements that assist to cut back carbohydrate levels inwards blood, too to get upwards lactation.

Fenugreek Leaves - 1.5 Oz Jar Each


  • Fennel. This works life looks a fight similar celery, but the sense of savor is quite different. Fennel successfully helps to larn by amongst digestive problems, stimulates lactation too helps to construct clean bronchial passages of mucus. Many people exercise non similar fennel because of its specific season too sweetish taste, but peradventure you lot volition guide chances to seek it if you lot receive got into trace of piece of occupation organisation human relationship the fact that the ancient Egyptians used the fennel to increment women’s libido. (Fennel for womenFennel for men.)  Try to grind fennel seeds too add together them to your food, its active chemicals that increment sexual wishing are institute inwards the seeds of this plant.

SPICE Spotlight: Fennel

Use of the correct herbs too spices tin dismiss plough a bland repast into a sumptuous dining experience. Shop for exotic herbs too spices online 24/7.

  • Cloves. This slightly sugariness spice increases blood menses to organs too slightly raises the torso temperature. Eastern medicine claims that cloves tin dismiss increment the body's energy, too its season cleans breath. The strong too sensual fragrance is the characteristic which brightens sexual life.
Dualspices Organic Cloves (Hand Picked from Madagascar)

  • Garlic. Not many people volition appreciate "garlic" breath which tin dismiss ruin the whole date. Nevertheless, regardless of the fact that garlic makes your breath unfresh, it contains a lot of allicin, a essence that enforces blood menses inwards the genitals, this character truly makes garlic an aphrodisiac. And parsley easily eliminates the aroma of garlic breath.


Everyday spices for everyday cooking. Use of the correct herbs too spices tin dismiss plough a bland repast into a sumptuous dining experience.

  • Nutmeg. Fragrant nutmeg has long been used inwards Republic of Republic of India equally a natural aphrodisiac, inwards Africa it is too known equally "Viagra for women". Studies receive got shown that it truly affects people's sexual behavior.

Spice Farming inwards Zanzibar

Mzee Foum Garu is a descendant of slaves too comes from a long trace of spice farmers. He is the founder of Zanzibar Organic Spice Products; a small-scale plantation, iii acres that yields cardamom, vanilla, betel nut, turmeric, cinnamon too ii really strong spices - curry leaves too nutmeg.

  • Basil. This works life has a sugariness sense of savor too aroma, too that is what is known to hold out the simplest way to stimulate the libido. In fact, the Italians telephone telephone basil the grass of kisses, too ancient Greeks fed stallions amongst basil earlier the "date". Try to add together about basil to the salad hold off for a pleasant surprise!

Large Leaf Italian Basil Heirloom Seeds


Yes, spices receive got many useful qualities. Use them too savour nights (or days) total of passion too romance!

About the author:
Melisa Marzett is a well-known blogger too talented writer. Melisa works on such topics equally salubrious lifestyle, cooking too psychology, too writes for View her profile and/or contact her at Google+.

* (Information to a higher house is full general too non intended to hold out used equally a substitute for professional person medical advice.)

English: Spices inwards Mapusa Market, Goa, India. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Natural aphrodisiacs for women

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Cheesecake ... Um? Heaven? Delight? Joy? Who Cares?  It's Cheesecake!!!

Cheesecake ... Um? Heaven? Delight? Joy? Who Cares? It's Cheesecake!!!

Cheesecake sky ... please ... joy ... 
dressed upward or plain. 

No matter.  It's the best dessert on the planet!! 

July 30th is the official appointment railroad train aside for National Cheesecake Day.  But for me, it's an occasion to extend throughout the entire year. 


Happy for whatever excuse to bask a slice of cheesecake! :) 

Gourmet Cheesecake is the ultimate dessert gift for the ultimate dessert lover, endeavor these cheesecake gifts. 

There are many wonderful sites where yous tin purchase these fabulous gourmet nutrient gifts online.

Does a Carrot Spice Cheesecake sound tempting? CRAIG'S CRAZY CARROT CAKE CHEESECAKE is available at The Cheesecake Factory. Also tempting is the classic New York Style cheesecake as well as a decadent Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake.  Tough conclusion huh?  Hard to determine if yous desire to hold upward generous as well as purchase it every minute a gift OR larn it for yourself as well as consume it all?  I know.  I'm weak besides as well as discovery it hard non succumb to the temptation.  :)

Click hither for DESSERT GIFTS or on the icon below.

EES shares recipes, cooking tips as well as all things foodie!

Everyday Exotic Spices

Thinking of the holidays?
- Easy Eggnog Cheesecake Recipe

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Habee's V Unique In Addition To Delicious Bbq Sauce Recipes

Per HubPages Contributor Holle Abee (habee), 1 time yous know the her Basic Barbecue Sauce Recipe, yous tin forcefulness out brand scores of unlike versions. So she has provided the basic recipe together with v variations.  You should run across her variations!  WHOA!  White BBQ Sauce???

There's also: 
  • Orange-Tangerine BBQ Sauce

  • Teriyaki-Peach BBQ Sauce Recipe

  • Cherry - Chipotle BBQ Sauce

  • Mesquite BBQ Sauce

5 Unique BBQ Sauce Recipes - Delicious!

Image:  Tangerine-Orange Sauce on Pork

EES shares recipes, cooking tips together with all things foodie!
 yous tin forcefulness out brand scores of unlike versions Habee's v Unique together with Delicious BBQ Sauce Recipes
Everyday Exotic Spices

* * Follow Habee.  Get Paid to part your recipes.  Free sign up.  Click here.

 yous tin forcefulness out brand scores of unlike versions Habee's v Unique together with Delicious BBQ Sauce Recipes

Monday, May 1, 2017

October Is National Pizza Calendar Month Let's Celebrate!

October is National Pizza Month. Let's offset the celebration alongside these fun pizza facts.

- - "The longest pizza delivery was from Cape Town, South Africa to Sydney, Australia."

- - "Scientists written report that eating pizza in i lawsuit a calendar week tin cut the jeopardy of esophageal cancer. It's the tomatoes in addition to olive crude inwards the pizza."


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Spiced Orangish Saffron Warm Quaff | Quaff Recipes From Chitra's Salubrious Kitchen

Wintertime is the best fourth dimension for warm drinks. Who would disagree? Even though yous gulp hot or warm drinks all yr round, for obvious reasons they are simply to a greater extent than soothing in addition to comforting during the winter. That's why I am reblogging this recipe from an awesome nutrient blogger who shares recipes for salubrious living. Chitra's weblog has over 3000 followers.
  • Saffron, my favorite spice.  Never idea to seat it inward a gulp though. :) 
  • Love oranges. Love saffron. Can’t become wrong! :)
  • Warm drinks are then soothing in addition to comforting.   

EES shares recipes, cooking tips in addition to all things foodie!
Wintertime is the best fourth dimension for warm drinks Spiced Orange Saffron Warm gulp | Drink Recipes from Chitra's Healthy Kitchen
Everyday Exotic Spices

More Warm Winter Drinks on Twitter