Showing posts with label reblog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reblog. Show all posts

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Let's Bake & Develop : Mango Fried Rice (Reblog)

Have a friend who is really active inwards several online communities in addition to made a mental greenback to expose a spider web log postal service sharing many of her wonderful recipes that she publishes all over the Internet. Her collection is impressive. Maybe one solar daytime she volition expose a cookbook! This is my Shout Out to Peach Purple, swain blogger in addition to freelance writer. Mango is my favorite fruit in addition to I honey fried rice!  Never idea to position them together.  :)

Let's Bake & Cook : Mango Fried Rice

You tin also persuasion her recipes at HUBPages.  Here is i yous may uncovering intriguing.  Did yous know yous tin brand a cake inwards a rice cooker?

Peach Purple has 4 nutrient blogs published via the BlogJob blogging community.  Here are samples from each one.  The elevate of the spider web log is inwards parentheses.

LiteracyBase is where she has been sharing her tasty recipes lately in addition to I'm loving it!  You'll honey them too!  :)


Chicken Gumbo Recipe

Chicken Gumbo Recipe - LiteracyBase

Have yous heard of Chicken Gumbo? I didn't know that this chicken recipe is a good known dish inwards USA since the 18th century. One of my Facefriend had recommended me to endeavour out her Chicken Gumbo recipe which she had uploaded online. I constitute it a really particular exquisite recipe, all-in-1 chicken stew that ...

Mustard Green Soup alongside Meat Balls

Mustard Green Soup alongside Meat Balls - LiteracyBase

If yous had ever tasted Cai Xin soup, yous should teach acquainted alongside his light-green leafy vegetable today because yous are going to honey it every bit much every bit I do! What is Cai Xin Mustard Greens is fondly known every bit "Cai Xin" amid the Chinese community.

Best Chicken Rice: Hainanese Chicken Rice

Best Chicken Rice: Hainanese Chicken Rice - LiteracyBase

Chicken Rice which is locally known every bit "Ji Fan " or "Sau Ji Fan" is a really pop master copy course of didactics repast that consist of roast chicken alongside steamed chicken rice in addition to slices of cucumbers. There are two types of Chicken Rice sold inwards the restaurant; mainly: - Roast chicken -Hainanese chicken ( white ...

Homemade Prawn Dumpling Soup

Homemade Prawn Dumpling Soup - LiteracyBase

I started to autumn inwards honey alongside dumplings since my childhood days. Mom used to homemade dumplings which were large, fulled of generous fillings in addition to super delicious soup. She e'er added generous heaps of mixed minced pork in addition to two large tiger prawns for the dumpling fillings.

Chinese Soup: Tofu alongside Kelp Soup

Chinese Soup: Tofu alongside Kelp Soup - LiteracyBase

When I was young, mom used to brand delicious Chinese soup for every solar daytime repast which is clear, non thick or brothy at all. Most of her Chinese soup was light, clear in addition to comforting that soothes anyone who was losing appetite or sick over mild affliction ( fever, cough, diarrhea, etc).

Rice Vermicelli Noodle Soup

Rice Vermicelli Noodle Soup - LiteracyBase

I merely LOVE my mother's Rice Vermicelli Noodle Soup, compare to my mother-in-law's version. The soup itself is tasty , fifty-fifty though she had used Knorr Chicken Cube Stock in addition to the additional fried chicken fillets, crab sticks, scrambled eggs in addition to cooked white cabbages were precisely FANTASTIC !

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Chiliad Views Equal A Chiliad Give Thank You Lot Yous

In 2016, I started this foodie blog, my project of honey for foodies as well as nutrient lovers roughly the world. According to the statistics inward my dashboard the full total of views for all of my posts is unopen to 750,000.


I would similar to tell Thank You to all of my weblog visitors. Your back upwards agency a lot. To date, the archives present 116 published posts. This ship service volition travel Post Number 117. Below is a listing of all the posts that present 1000+ views. For each of these posts besides every bit for all the residual of the posts:

Thank You a M times plus!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Beyond Turmeric: V Indian Spices Y'all Withdraw Inwards Your Pantry Similar A Shot | Ane Greenish Planet (Reblog)

So happy to endure learning to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than most basis cuisine; peculiarly Republic of Republic of India nutrient together with the spices used inward diverse dishes. Found this weblog postal service together with convey to reblog. Wouldn't endure correct to drib dead along this cooking wisdom to myself.  😊

The best matter is that I dearest all of these spices together with they tin endure easily endure purchased via my online spice shop or in all probability at your local grocery store, depending on where y'all live.

Beyond Turmeric: v Indian Spices You Need inward Your Pantry Now | One Green Planet

OGP specializes inward vegan recipes.
 More from One Green Planet.

Tips together with Tricks to Use Turmeric inward the Kitchen

Turmeric is rigid stuff, together with it has made a recent smasher on the "Let nutrient past times thy medicine" scene. It's no wonder really, equally the vivid orangish spice has serious anti-inflammatory properties that convey garnered it attending equally a natural preventative and/or handling for things similar arthritis, assorted cancers together with Alzheimer's, to get upward simply a few.

Peach Jalebi: Indian Funnel Cake [Vegan] - Made amongst Saffron together with Cardamon

1 cups sugar; 1/2 loving cup water; 1/2 loving cup peach juice; 4-5 saffron strands; 1 teaspoon basis cardamom; H5N1 pinch of orangish nutrient coloring (optional) ...

Spicing It Up amongst Cumin: Health Benefits, Tips, together with Recipes

Cumin, an oblong seed amongst ridges together with a yellow-brown color, has been used since ancient times inward Mediterranean together with Asian cuisine. It originated inward Arab Republic of Egypt together with belongs to the same menage unit of measurement equally caraway, parsley, together with dill.

Why Ginger-fication of our Food Is a Good Thing

Ginger is a wonderful thing. It's highly medicinal, known to scrap tummy ailments of all kinds together with has anti-inflammatory properties said to competitor whatever non-steroidal drug inward its handling of musculus together with articulation pain.
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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Foodie Friday : Falafel - Traditional Recipe For Chickpea Falafel (Reblog)

** Food trivia:  "Falafel was originally made amongst fava beans as well as continues to survive made that agency inwards Arab Republic of Egypt as well as other Arab countries, but Israeli falafel is made from chickpeas."  

Personally, I am variety of glad the recipe was modified.  Ever since the grapheme Hannibal Lecter - played past times Sir Anthony Hopkins - made that comment well-nigh fava beans inwards the flick "Silence of The Lambs", the beans but don't await the same on my plate.

* * *

Falafel eating seat inwards Nazareth (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

"A falafel sandwich is real an special sense of savor experience!”

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

A Autumn Neapolitan Mode Dinner | Jovinacooksitalian (Reblog)

Have y'all e'er institute a nutrient blogger or nutrient spider web log that is undeniably magnificent? Several years dorsum I came across this woman's spider web log as well as am thus happy to detect that it is nevertheless existence published. Her posts non solely accept keen recipes but keen nutrient history too!

This 1 that is existence shared every bit a reblog is perfect because it's for the autumn flavour as well as it's almost Italy, 1 of those places on my bucket listing of "Places to Visit".  Will probable never realize that dream but dreaming almost it is a wonderful thing.

Dream Italian?  Think Italian.  Be Italian!

The post service begins past times giving the reader a quick history of Neopolitan cuisine.  Neopolitan is a cuisine?  Only e'er knew it to endure a flavor for ice-cream!  In iii curt paragraphs, she took me from ancient Hellenic Republic as well as Rome to modern-day Italy as well as the United States.  Then she laid upwardly forth an entire Neopolitan dinner, recipes as well as all, from the showtime course of report to the dessert.  Of course, I skipped the courses as well as went require to the dessert.  But that's only me!  :)

This spider web log post service is dated 2013.  Liked it then.  Like it now!  The ikon from her post service is an Italian Apple cake.  Isn't it gorgeous?!!


  • Italian Treasures - Moon Valley Sardinia (

  • Mediterranean Recipes for Lunchtime (

  • Deliciously Easy Upside Down Apple Cake (

  • Top 10 Most Delicious Foods inwards the World 2016(

  • Have y'all e'er institute a nutrient blogger or nutrient spider web log that is undeniably  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Fall Neapolitan Style Dinner | jovinacooksitalian (Reblog)

  • Italian Treasures - Moon Valley Sardinia (

  • Mediterranean Recipes for Lunchtime (

  • Deliciously Easy Upside Down Apple Cake (

  • Top 10 Most Delicious Foods inwards the World 2016(

  • here.

    Celebrate National Apple Month inwards October  (or whatsoever month! 🍏)

    Sunday, June 11, 2017

    Honey Chai Cake Recipe | Arabic Nutrient (Reblog)

    Are y'all curious nearly global flavors?  You bring wanderlust but can't wander every bit good far because your move budget is extremely limited?  Describing myself, of course.  My move adventures are accomplished mainly through the Internet together with television.  Was watching a TV cooking exhibit together with the host asked ane of his guests who was a globe traveler, which purpose of the globe had the "best food" (in his opinion).  He said he enjoyed nutrient prepared inwards the Middle East.  

    Image credit:  Arabic Food I, photograph past times Victor Maia, constitute at

    Connecting the dots.  

    Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

    • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
    (See link shared below.)

    Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

    Honey Chai Cake Recipe

    Connecting the dots.  

    Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

    • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
    (See link shared below.)

    Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

    Honey Chai Cake Recipe

    Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 delicious dearest cake amongst tea, covered amongst vanilla together with white chocolate icing, no ane tin resist it! Shaikha - founder of "When Shaikha Cooks" weblog - prepared for y'all this unique recipe, to laid upward it easily, peculiarly for when you're expecting friends.

    Connecting the dots.  

    Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

    • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
    (See link shared below.)

    Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

    Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma recipe

    “There’s nada worse than existence stuck inwards the kitchen on Christmas twenty-four threescore minutes menses spell all your guests are enjoying themselves outside, together with therefore this DIY lamb shawarma recipe is the perfect solution. ...”

    Connecting the dots.  

    Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

    • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
    (See link shared below.)

    Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

    Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma recipe

    The Standard Arabic Food Recipes Kitchen (The abode of Delicious Standard Arabic Food) invites y'all to effort Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma recipe. Enjoy the Standard Arabic cuisine together with larn how to brand Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma.

    Connecting the dots.  

    Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

    • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
    (See link shared below.)

    Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

    Eid Kaak amongst Dates Recipe

    Connecting the dots.  

    Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

    • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
    (See link shared below.)

    Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

    Eid Kaak amongst Dates Recipe

    Cooking time: 20 minutes servings: 100 Ingredients Dough: two cups real hot margarine7 cups flour2 tsp odor of kaak (special kaak spices)2 tbsp toasted sesame1/2 loving cup warm water1 tbsp yeast 1 tsp sugar1/2 loving cup milk Stuffing: 500 grams Ajwa (dates)1 tsp cinnamon For garnish: Fine pulverization carbohydrate Directions 1.

    Connecting the dots.  

    Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

    • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
    (See link shared below.)

    Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

    Eggplant With Lamb, Tomato together with Pine Nuts Recipe

    “ … this traditional Lebanese dish is made for celebratory meals together with gatherings.

    Connecting the dots.  

    Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

    • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
    (See link shared below.)

    Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

    Eggplant With Lamb, Tomato together with Pine Nuts Recipe

    With its layers of golden eggplant, cinnamon-scented lamb, together with sugariness love apple tree sauce topped amongst melted cheese, this traditional Lebanese dish is made for celebratory meals together with gatherings. Even better, it's simply every bit skillful served warm or room temperature every bit it is hot from the oven.

    Wednesday, June 7, 2017

    Foodie Friday : Raw Kokosnoot Fig Acre (Reblog)

    It's approximately other #FoodieFriday. Even though it's belatedly inwards the day, this postal service volition last published earlier midnight. If not, I powerfulness plough into fig! (Just kidding!) 

    Want to know my other #FoodieFriday posts? 

    For this #FoodieFriday, the keyword is "fig".  (It was going to last "gumbo' but ... flora this postal service close fig together with went off inwards a completely dissimilar direction! :)  )  Before getting started, allow me portion this salubrious tip.

    TIP:  Need a pre-workout snack? Try figs! They are filled amongst calcium, magnesium together with potassium.  (Source)

    OK!  My kickoff fig share is an awesome postal service flora inwards a Google Plus Blogging community.

    I don't know if the fig was actually the forbidden fruit inwards the Garden of Eden. As far equally I'm concerned it's a fruit that was sky sent!

    Here is a fiddling flake close the fig. It's an excerpt from my article published at


    Genus Ficus
    The fig flora tin grade notice last either a low-lying shrub or a tall tree.  They grow wild; or domesticated inwards the Mediterranean part together with inwards California.  In Israel, the fig trees unremarkably sprout buds inwards belatedly spring; past times the calendar month of June (early summer) the tree is total of leaves; together with inwards simply a few to a greater extent than weeks, the figs are ready for picking.


    • You tin grade notice acquire to a greater extent than close the ficus flora at

    An additional fact.  In the Bible, the fig has 2 symbolic meanings.  Hope (if the fig tree fruitful): Desolation (if the fig tree is barren).

    Here are to a greater extent than shares.  Enjoy!

    Cracked Wheat Fig Halwa (

    Cracked Wheat Fig Halwa

    15 Sweet together with Calcium-Rich Recipes With Figs

    15 Sweet together with Calcium-Rich Recipes With Figs
    Spiced fig, java & hazelnut cake

    Spiced fig, java & hazelnut cake
    Last share!
    Delicious Savory Melon together with Fig Salad

    Delicious Savory Melon together with Fig Salad

    Tuesday, May 30, 2017

    Weight Loss Tips : Tin I Drib Ten Lbs Inwards Ten Days? Yes!

    Meet Lynnis Woods-Mullins. 
    Made friends alongside this wonderful lady via Facebook over v years ago. She made a major career alter inwards her 50s together with never looked back. (See video below.) She's a business office model for women inwards concern together with it gives me slap-up pleasance to smoothen the spotlight on her weblog PraiseWorks Health together with Wellness which focuses on holistic living together with wellness tips. 

    I am sharing roughly of her posts below which focus mainly on proper dieting. Her weblog has lots to a greater extent than wellness together with wellness advice. It's the showtime 24-hour interval of a novel twelvemonth together with I'm looking forwards to continuing my association alongside her. Her charm together with glow give me inspiration and motivation to proceed on keeping on!  2018 together with beyond!!

    How to Increase Your Energy -Avoid the Mid-Day Energy Slump!    Do yous e'er convey the mid-day liberate energy slump? The fourth dimension of 24-hour interval where your liberate energy but begins to slow larn out your trunk together with all yous desire to produce is sleep? What is happening is your blood carbohydrate is downwards together with yous involve a quick upwards to replenish your liberate energy inwards a salubrious means -without drinking a loving cup of java or another liberate energy drink.  (Post includes great recipe for Energy Green Tea Mango Smoothie.)

    PraiseWorks - My Story

    Thursday, May 4, 2017

    Foodie Friday : Indian Food: Hot N Spicy Samosas (Reblog)

    My foodie Fri theme is "samosas". Here is a link to a fun post service published at ane of my other blogs. It's sort of a Bollywood motion painting selection alongside an introduction to a fun nutrient that the people of Republic of Republic of India beloved to eat: Hot n Spicy Samosas. To this link, I'm adding only about to a greater extent than fun links below.  Enjoy!

    How to brand Crispy Vegetable Samosa Indian Style Snacks Recipe

    Crispy Vegetable Samosa is a expert starter or snacks recipe to cook. Recipe is nearly prepared across all states of India, though in that place mightiness survive piddling divergence inwards the means they brand it. ...

    A Star inwards the Frozen Food Aisle: Kitchens of Republic of Republic of India Crispy Samosas filled alongside Potatoes & Green Peas

    I've tried a lot of Indian convenience foods lately together with only about of the best Indian nutrient of this type has come upward from Kitchens of India. Of all their products, my favorite is their Samosas. Filled alongside steaming, spiced potatoes together with dark-green peas, the crust is the best business office of Samosas.

    How to Make Samosas

    Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 samosa is a pop snack inwards India, Pakistan, Nepal, together with Bangladesh. To brand your ain samosas, starting fourth dimension past times making the dough. Let the dough residual for thirty minutes. Prepare the filling inwards a large saucepan. Allow the filling to cool. Divide the...

    10 Best Samosa Recipes

    steaming chai or coffee, munch on those deep-fried tidbits together with allow the pitter-patter carry yous to only about other world.For those who mean value it's non the fourth dimension for crispy fried bhajjis, pakoras or onion rings, we've got ane of the most loved snacks of the nation that needs no introduction together with surely no particular occasion to survive served on to your plates - the samosa.

    Baked veggie samosas | Jamie Oliver is your ane terminate store for everything Jamie Oliver including delicious together with well for yous recipes inspired from all over the world, helpful nutrient underground videos together with much more.

    A sampling of other #FoodieFriday posts?

    Sunday, April 23, 2017

    Spiced Orangish Saffron Warm Quaff | Quaff Recipes From Chitra's Salubrious Kitchen

    Wintertime is the best fourth dimension for warm drinks. Who would disagree? Even though yous gulp hot or warm drinks all yr round, for obvious reasons they are simply to a greater extent than soothing in addition to comforting during the winter. That's why I am reblogging this recipe from an awesome nutrient blogger who shares recipes for salubrious living. Chitra's weblog has over 3000 followers.
    • Saffron, my favorite spice.  Never idea to seat it inward a gulp though. :) 
    • Love oranges. Love saffron. Can’t become wrong! :)
    • Warm drinks are then soothing in addition to comforting.   

    EES shares recipes, cooking tips in addition to all things foodie!
    Wintertime is the best fourth dimension for warm drinks Spiced Orange Saffron Warm gulp | Drink Recipes from Chitra's Healthy Kitchen
    Everyday Exotic Spices

    More Warm Winter Drinks on Twitter