Showing posts with label foodie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foodie. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

My Favorite Fun Food: Pudding!

Hello!  Thank y'all together with thus much for visiting my foodie blog.  Was it the give-and-take "pudding" that tempted y'all here?  LOL.  Food Ways is only 1 of the places on the spider web where I divulge content well-nigh my honey for food.  When I am non hither sometimes y'all tin laissez passer on the sack notice me a website called  

Virily is a social blogging community together with I hang out at that spot a lot because the site owners together with the members are actually nice.  I divulge content at that spot on a broad hit of topics, but I only desire to quest y'all to my posts well-nigh food!  One of my favorite postal service serial is called "Irresistible Fun Food".  To date, I receive got shared well-nigh xx posts on this specific topic.  Altogether I've published over fifty posts at this site on nutrient together with food-related topics.  I am resharing my postal service well-nigh pudding here.  Enjoy!

Pudding goes on my listing for fun food, thank y'all to Jell-O’s creation of instant pudding.  In my circles, lift pudding together with folks only desire to know if they’re existence offered banana pudding or chocolate pudding.  No surprise that if y'all search for pudding recipes on Twitter, the offset few recipes that popular upward are banana together with chocolate.

After that, at that spot is rice pudding or breadstuff pudding.  The recipes for these are non instant.  I volition acknowledge that I was never a fan of old-fashioned rice pudding but the agency the Indians larn inward gave me 2nd thoughts.  I produce similar the old-fashioned breadstuff pudding because my mom used to bake it alongside onetime breadstuff together with raisins.  It was rattling filling.

These are the mutual puddings (or rather the puddings that I know about). When it comes to pudding at that spot are some cooks or chefs who role ingredients that never crossed my heed similar persimmon or tiramisu.

♦  Click through to operate on reading together with persuasion additional content:

Irresistible Fun Food: Pudding

Related Content:
(When I'm non hither or at Virily, y'all mightiness notice me at my Tumblr blog.)

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Foodie Friday : Pesto Only About The World

Going to accept aim at pesto for my foodie Fri topic.  Another wonderful please for enlivening salads, adorning sandwiches, dressing pasta … you lot bring upwards it! Always sing the praises of salsa. This time, doing a vocal in addition to trip the calorie-free fantastic toe routine for pesto.

Hear the give-and-take pesto in addition to i unremarkably e'er thinks Italian. Right? But unlike cultures stimulate got their ain version of pesto. Africa. Mexico. Australia. This link is an awesome foodie find! Not alone does it nation you lot the primary ingredients inwards everybody's version simply it introduced me to a novel word. “Permaculture”.

Content commencement appeared at Persona Paper on July 27, 2015.

Preserving With Pesto – It’s Not Rocket Science

Preserving With Pesto - It's Not Rocket Science

Wheatgrass Pesto Recipe | inSpiral

Wheatgrass Pesto Recipe | inSpiral

Here is a quick recipe for Raw Wheatgrass Pesto, using our premium, organic, raw super nutrient powder. This volition 1000 ake your sense of savour buds become wild! Adds a expert dose of vitality to whatsoever diet. Made inwards a blender at that spot is virtually whatsoever training to do! Just the agency nosotros similar it!

Mexican Pesto Recipe past times emilie_ 1 - Key Ingredient

Thai Basil Pesto

Thai Basil Pesto

This one's for my Thai lovers. But earlier I fifty-fifty start talking Thai basil pesto, I experience moved to stimulate got a piffling rant most how much I dear Thai food. It's similar an 2nd exotic opor-garai correct inwards my kitchen.

Raw Macadamia Pesto | Vegan Semi-Dried Tomato Pesto | The Blender Girl

Raw Macadamia Pesto | Vegan Semi-Dried Tomato Pesto | The Blender Girl

This raw vegan semi-dried love apple tree in addition to macadamia pesto is super tardily in addition to seriously delicious. Just throw everything into your nutrient processor.

African Blue Basil in addition to Lavender Pesto

African Blue Basil in addition to Lavender Pesto

Combine all ingredients, except cheese, inwards bowl of nutrient processor. Process, adding additional crude oil or water, until desired consistency is reached. Stir inwards cheese. Use at i time or shop inwards an air-tight container inwards the fridge for upwards to i week. (Tip: pesto tin terminate likewise survive frozen inwards H2O ice cube trays.)

Chimichurri Pesto Sauce - Culinary Envy

Chimichurri Pesto Sauce - Culinary Envy

Chimichurri Pesto Sauce combines Italian parsley, cilantro in addition to basil amongst jalapeño in addition to parmesan cheese. It is vibrant, nutty in addition to tangy. Perfect for pasta. I volition never forget the commencement fourth dimension I tried Chimichurri Sauce. It was at my incredibly talented friend Bibi's home. She had me over for dinner in addition to prepared the most mouth-watering steak.

* * *

Friday, August 4, 2017

Food Ways Presented Past Times Everyday Exotic Spices

“Food Ways” is presented past times Everyday Exotic Spices together with its role is to percentage nutrient finds for nutrient lovers, recipes, cooking tips together with all things foodie!

Food ways is an facial expression that dates dorsum to 1946. It refers to the eating habits together with culinary practices of a people, region, or historical period.  

 together with its role is to percentage nutrient finds for nutrient lovers Food Ways Presented past times Everyday Exotic Spices

On our Google Plus describe of piece of job organisation page, y'all tin uncovering 3 collections:  CHEESE MeltdownWORLD Cuisine, and  PIZZA Craving.

This site supplements an affiliate marketing website which has been upwards together with running since 2011.  Everyday Exotic Spices has on online presence on nearly of the major social media networks:  Facebook, Twitter, together with Pinterest; together with maintains the "My I Like Eating Channel" on

Hope these shares encourage y'all to experiment together with savor fascinating together with wonderful culinary adventures.

* * *

Follow on Twitter

Monday, July 31, 2017

Foodie Friday : Experiencing The Joy Of Salsa

This week's Foodie Fri focus is on salsa!

* * *
There was ane time a fourth dimension when the recipe for fresh salsa was only diced tomatoes, onions, greenish bell peppers, lime juice, carmine pepper or a jalapeno, tabular array salt to taste; cilantro, optional. I beloved salsa!  It's a corking means to swallow your veggies.  Several years back, moved into a novel neighborhood together with was at the local grocery store. Walked downwards an aisle together with on the shelves were bottles of every variety of salsa imaginable.

Some of them were made alongside sweetness fruits similar mangoes together with peaches! Oh the wonder of it all! Had no visit salsa came inwards that many flavors. Gave me all kinds of foodie ideas. Sharing some recipes .

Why operate on all these delicious delights to myself?

Originally published at Persona Paper on Jul 3, 2015.

Sharing a chip of salsa heaven!  
Recipes constitute exactly about the web.

17 Savory Salsa Recipes (
17 Savory Salsa Recipes

Mango Pomegranate & Tender Coconut Salsa (

Winter Salad Binging 

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Everyday Exotic Spices Foodie Friday Annual Roundup

Last yr I started a serial called Foodie Friday. It's a novel year, too I may proceed this serial or start a novel one. I'm undecided. It's exclusively the commencement calendar week of the year. What's the rush?  I've got a picayune fleck of time. 

Since close people commonly create a review of their previous year's efforts anyway, I'm sharing my listing of posts that were tagged “Foodie Friday” inward example y'all desire to see or revisit. Enjoy!

♦ ♦ ♦

#FoodieFriday for the Year 2017

Hope y'all volition subscribe to this foodie weblog have regular updates.  Also, experience gratis to follow my foodie adventures closed to the spider web via:

Monday, June 26, 2017

Chocolate Links For Chocolate Lovers

Chocolate is the ultimate comfort food. It is definitely non on the listing of things 1 tin non Google. You never accept whatever problems finding materials virtually chocolate. People honey to celebrate it too brand upward national days for it. They tout all its wellness benefits every bit if 1 needs an excuse to consume it. Even raw chocolate is becoming “the correct thing” to eat.

Here's a collection of chocolate links - most of them (except for the concluding one) from an online writing website that encourages yous to write curt posts (200 words, minimum) on a broad make of topics too participate inwards its revenue-share plan, then yous tin earn approximately residue income.

* Chocolate Good for the Memory

* Why Drinking Hot Chocolate is Good for You?

* National Chocolate Éclair Day - Éclair way “flash of lightning” too describes the speed at which these delicacies volition disappear if left unguarded.

* National Chocolate Parfait Day

* National Chocolate Pudding Day

* National Chocolate-Covered Raisins Day

* National Chocolate Fondue Day

* National Chocolate Candy Day

* National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

* National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

* Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

National Chocolate Candy Day

* National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

* National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

* Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

Chocolate of the Month Club (Make Every Month February)
National Chocolate Candy Day

* National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

* National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

* Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

National Chocolate Candy Day

* National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

* National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

* Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

Snooping Around: Random Facts About Chocolate!

National Chocolate Candy Day

* National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

* National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

* Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

For the Chocolate Lover inwards You!

* *

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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

To Beet Or Non To Beet? Is No Longer The Question

So here's my distressing childhood story. Beets! Growing up, inwards my solid the alone individual that ever ate beets was my belatedly mother. The thing is … she didn't fifty-fifty crusade to encourage me or tempt me to sense of savour them. No! SHE JUST ATE THEM ALL! As a kid, at that spot was zero appealing or appetizing virtually them. So … similar broccoli together with figs together with other wonderful foods that looked questionable through a child's eyes … I only didn't consume them! Wasn't fifty-fifty curious.

In my adult years, 40 plus years ago, I met my husband. Would y'all believe it? He tells me a similar childhood story, except that both his mom together with his dad ate beets. Beets together with beets together with beets. They only couldn't acquire plenty of em!

Come to honour out … beets are adept for you! WHAT???!!

Why would our parents operate on that a secret? We don't know! So they could accept to a greater extent than for themselves?? Seems the alone logical explanation!

Nevertheless, nosotros love our parents together with give thank y'all them for all of the other meaningful secrets of life that they did discover to us. We'll overlook the best kept beet secret.  :)

Anyway! …. Now that we've learned “the remainder of the story”, the query of “To beet or non to beet?” has been answered. We only ask to figure out a agency to contain this awesomely nutritious super nutrient into our diet.

Found a treasure trove of beet recipes at Flipboard, a site where I am experimenting alongside publishing my ain nutrient magazine. (The magazine is called My I Like Eating Channel. Yes it's the same mention every bit my curated content topic board on I know! I'm non real master copy together with I re-create myself a lot!)

Sharing a few recipes from the Flipboard collection that await similar they mightiness hold out real tasty. However, the inaugural off percentage below was truly constitute elsewhere on the web. It's virtually beet juice. Did y'all know that it's imbibe of champions? Well it is!

As a rear myself, I know that no affair how adept veggies may be, it's sometimes difficult to acquire your kids (or yourself) to eat them! Thank the Lord for juice together with juicers! Sometimes folks who won't EAT their veggies, don't accept likewise much of a work alongside DRINKING their veggies. 



My birthday happened at the get-go of the month. I hosted a large seafood feast. I wanted a bunch of my favorite people together at a tabular array together with a ton of seafood - Dungeness crab, oysters, a large stew alongside mussels together with clams together with fish, etc.

Roasted Sweet Potato Salad alongside Beets together with Siracha Dressing - H5N1 Communal Table

Roasted Sweet Potato Salad alongside Beets together with Siracha Dressing - H5N1 Communal Table

Just when I idea it couldn't acquire whatsoever better... Melissas Produce went together with introduced NEW attain collections. The newest additions are - Organic Purification Boxes! Melissas graciously sent me the Organic Purification Box B to play with... together with play I did!

38 Beet Recipes for Roasting, Frying together with More Recipe

38 Beet Recipes for Roasting, Frying together with More Recipe

There are a lot of ways to develop beets. So become forth together with acquire inwards happen!

Where to honour to a greater extent than Beets on Flipboard

Beets on Flipboard

By mshedrick | mshedrick created a magazine on Flipboard. "Beets on Flipboard" is available alongside thousands of other magazines together with all the intelligence y'all assist about. Download Flipboard for complimentary together with search for "mshedrick".

One final share. Not constitute via Flipboard, but you'll withal similar it!  :)

Beet Orange Salad alongside Honey Vinaigrette

 inwards my solid the alone individual that ever ate beets was my belatedly woman rear To Beet or Not to Beet? is No Longer the Question
That's it for straightaway my friends! As ever thank y'all for visiting Food Ways together with experience complimentary to view often! Bring your identify unit of measurement together with friends!  Until the side past times side postal service … Peace, Love together with Happy Beeting (or Eating or Drinking (preferably nonalcoholic beverages).

(Chef icon credit.)

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Honey Chai Cake Recipe | Arabic Nutrient (Reblog)

Are y'all curious nearly global flavors?  You bring wanderlust but can't wander every bit good far because your move budget is extremely limited?  Describing myself, of course.  My move adventures are accomplished mainly through the Internet together with television.  Was watching a TV cooking exhibit together with the host asked ane of his guests who was a globe traveler, which purpose of the globe had the "best food" (in his opinion).  He said he enjoyed nutrient prepared inwards the Middle East.  

Image credit:  Arabic Food I, photograph past times Victor Maia, constitute at

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Honey Chai Cake Recipe

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Honey Chai Cake Recipe

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 delicious dearest cake amongst tea, covered amongst vanilla together with white chocolate icing, no ane tin resist it! Shaikha - founder of "When Shaikha Cooks" weblog - prepared for y'all this unique recipe, to laid upward it easily, peculiarly for when you're expecting friends.

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma recipe

“There’s nada worse than existence stuck inwards the kitchen on Christmas twenty-four threescore minutes menses spell all your guests are enjoying themselves outside, together with therefore this DIY lamb shawarma recipe is the perfect solution. ...”

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma recipe

The Standard Arabic Food Recipes Kitchen (The abode of Delicious Standard Arabic Food) invites y'all to effort Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma recipe. Enjoy the Standard Arabic cuisine together with larn how to brand Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma.

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Eid Kaak amongst Dates Recipe

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Eid Kaak amongst Dates Recipe

Cooking time: 20 minutes servings: 100 Ingredients Dough: two cups real hot margarine7 cups flour2 tsp odor of kaak (special kaak spices)2 tbsp toasted sesame1/2 loving cup warm water1 tbsp yeast 1 tsp sugar1/2 loving cup milk Stuffing: 500 grams Ajwa (dates)1 tsp cinnamon For garnish: Fine pulverization carbohydrate Directions 1.

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Eggplant With Lamb, Tomato together with Pine Nuts Recipe

“ … this traditional Lebanese dish is made for celebratory meals together with gatherings.

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Eggplant With Lamb, Tomato together with Pine Nuts Recipe

With its layers of golden eggplant, cinnamon-scented lamb, together with sugariness love apple tree sauce topped amongst melted cheese, this traditional Lebanese dish is made for celebratory meals together with gatherings. Even better, it's simply every bit skillful served warm or room temperature every bit it is hot from the oven.