Showing posts with label chai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chai. Show all posts

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Honey Chai Cake Recipe | Arabic Nutrient (Reblog)

Are y'all curious nearly global flavors?  You bring wanderlust but can't wander every bit good far because your move budget is extremely limited?  Describing myself, of course.  My move adventures are accomplished mainly through the Internet together with television.  Was watching a TV cooking exhibit together with the host asked ane of his guests who was a globe traveler, which purpose of the globe had the "best food" (in his opinion).  He said he enjoyed nutrient prepared inwards the Middle East.  

Image credit:  Arabic Food I, photograph past times Victor Maia, constitute at

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Honey Chai Cake Recipe

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Honey Chai Cake Recipe

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 delicious dearest cake amongst tea, covered amongst vanilla together with white chocolate icing, no ane tin resist it! Shaikha - founder of "When Shaikha Cooks" weblog - prepared for y'all this unique recipe, to laid upward it easily, peculiarly for when you're expecting friends.

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma recipe

“There’s nada worse than existence stuck inwards the kitchen on Christmas twenty-four threescore minutes menses spell all your guests are enjoying themselves outside, together with therefore this DIY lamb shawarma recipe is the perfect solution. ...”

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma recipe

The Standard Arabic Food Recipes Kitchen (The abode of Delicious Standard Arabic Food) invites y'all to effort Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma recipe. Enjoy the Standard Arabic cuisine together with larn how to brand Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma.

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Eid Kaak amongst Dates Recipe

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Eid Kaak amongst Dates Recipe

Cooking time: 20 minutes servings: 100 Ingredients Dough: two cups real hot margarine7 cups flour2 tsp odor of kaak (special kaak spices)2 tbsp toasted sesame1/2 loving cup warm water1 tbsp yeast 1 tsp sugar1/2 loving cup milk Stuffing: 500 grams Ajwa (dates)1 tsp cinnamon For garnish: Fine pulverization carbohydrate Directions 1.

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Eggplant With Lamb, Tomato together with Pine Nuts Recipe

“ … this traditional Lebanese dish is made for celebratory meals together with gatherings.

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Eggplant With Lamb, Tomato together with Pine Nuts Recipe

With its layers of golden eggplant, cinnamon-scented lamb, together with sugariness love apple tree sauce topped amongst melted cheese, this traditional Lebanese dish is made for celebratory meals together with gatherings. Even better, it's simply every bit skillful served warm or room temperature every bit it is hot from the oven.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

First Nutrient In Addition To Drinkable Experiences: Chai Tea

I was binge-watching a Turkish telly series, laid upwards inwards 19th century Istanbul, as well as inwards i of the scenes, the human being offered a potable to the 2 ladies at the tabular array amongst him. Neither lady trusted him exactly they didn't desire to last rude, as well as thence they accepted the loving cup that he poured. He said that people should last willing to experiment as well as endeavor novel things as well as that he wanted to innovate them both to a novel potable he discovered from India. Chai tea!

As I'm watching the program, I'm going: “Oh! Oh! Chai tea! I know what that is!!”

Photo by RenĆ© Pollock on Unsplash

My hubby is from The Bahamas, exactly he needed to halt drinking java for wellness reasons as well as started trying dissimilar types of teas. In the course of written report of his experimentation, he discovered chai tea as well as introduced it to me.

I must tell it does conduct maintain an exotic flavor. I similar it!

Any chai tea drinkers out there?

Are at that topographic point dissimilar ways yous select to relish this delicious combination of herbs as well as spices inwards potable form?

I establish a turmeric-chai-latte recipe.

Do yous conduct maintain yous ain chai tea recipe?  Recipe Sharing.

* More "First Food Experiences" *

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Food Too Potable : Recipe Sharing For Chai Tea Lovers

Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea (that I knew of). Lipton. To my belatedly sister's credit, she made bang-up tea! Her hot tea or her iced tea were both dee-licious! However … it was only Lipton tea. The Lipton construct scream together with companionship has been roughly hence long that it's practically revered every bit purpose of American tradition, I'm non beingness disrespectful. Don't acquire me wrong. But I went through my entire childhood together with fifty-fifty went several years into my adulthood earlier I fifty-fifty realized at that spot was something other than Lipton orangish pekoe tea! Not only “other than” but fifty-fifty “better than”. Yes! I know! I'm speaking inwards treasonous linguistic communication for sure! LOL.

Anyway … whereas I tin solely scream back Lipton orangish pekoe tea on the shop shelves every bit a kid (I tin fifty-fifty scream back the commercials), these days the grocery shop shelves together with the company's official website, display a diverseness of teas. Oh yeah! They select dark-green tea, matcha tea, berry hibiscus, etc.

When did this hap together with why? I don't know the WHEN but I produce know the WHY. When I was a kid, Lipton had hardly whatever competition. They dominated the marketplace position for American tea drinkers. But times select changed together with the American gustation buds select changed together with similar a shot nosotros quaff a broad make of teas. Our grocery shop shelves are loaded amongst every sort of tea imaginable. If y'all can't observe what you're looking for inwards the local grocery store, together with hence sure as shooting y'all tin observe a tea online and/or a video on how to brew your “special loving cup of tea”...

Which brings me the primary betoken of this discussion.


I solely learned close this wonderful quaff a few years ago.
Come to observe out that it's solely been roughly for an eternity.

What happened was that my husband stopped drinking java together with opted to laid about drinking tea instead. That led him on a bespeak to observe a detail tea that he liked together with that he believed would contribute positively to his health. One affair led to some other together with he eventually discovered chai tea.

However, beingness my typical husband, that meant that I couldn't only become to the grocery shop together with choice upward a box labeled “Chai Tea” together with convey it home. Oh no! Certain chai tea has this cistron or that ingredient, together with he wants this or that … yadda yadda yadda. He came upward amongst his ain chai tea recipe.

I'm like: “You made upward ain recipe? Isn't that similar … UN-Indian or something?”

It seems it's not. It seems that whoever drinks what they telephone telephone “chai tea”, Indians or non-Indians, many select their ain exceptional recipe for this drink!

I flora a few YouTube videos for making chai tea. The origin video led to the adjacent video together with that video led to a bunch of other terrific videos!

I searched some of the discussions hither at Forum Coin flora a span of interesting comments.

* Per @mandeep4687:
“ … "Masala Chai" inwards Republic of Republic of India which tin endure made past times adding Indian spices such every bit elaichi, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, milk, saccharide together with herbs to your everyday dark tea.

Last Drink You Drank (Daily Thread)

* Per @ksridharprasad
Air Republic of Republic of India national carrier of Republic of Republic of India wishing to innovate Indian traditional nutrient on board to their passengers soon, Now they are offering ... Lunch together with Dinner amongst masala chai(Tea). ...

Traditional Food inwards Air Republic of Republic of India flights

* * *

Are y'all a tea drinker?

Do y'all select your ain chai tea recipe?

If non chai tea, produce y'all select your ain exceptional tea recipe?

Do y'all prefer your tea sweetened or unsweetened?

My Chinese friend used to brew a loving cup of tea made amongst popped rice; no sugar. I'm similar "You tin produce that?"

One of my daughters only loves hibiscus tea. She ever keeps some inwards her pantry.

A few of my other daughters dearest to experiment amongst all kinds of herbal teas.

All of my daughters prefer sweetened tea.

No doubtfulness close it. The wonderful the world of teas is fascinating!
Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea  Food together with Drink : Recipe Sharing for Chai Tea Lovers

Iraani Chai | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Masala Chai (Indian Masala Tea)

Chai Masala Powder - Secret Ingredient of Flavoured together with Aromatic Indian Tea | Winter Special

* This content origin appeared at, January 24, 2018. * 

Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea  Food together with Drink : Recipe Sharing for Chai Tea Lovers

Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea  Food together with Drink : Recipe Sharing for Chai Tea Lovers

Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea  Food together with Drink : Recipe Sharing for Chai Tea Lovers

Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea  Food together with Drink : Recipe Sharing for Chai Tea Lovers

Growing upward inwards America at that spot was solely primary tea  Food together with Drink : Recipe Sharing for Chai Tea Lovers