Showing posts with label recipe sharing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recipe sharing. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2017

Foodie Friday : Banana Brownies - Dorsum For Seconds

Scanning pins on Pinterest as well as came across ane pivot shared past times cheesecake. But unopen to of the brownies I savor are chocolate.  Never heard of a Banana Brownie. Have you?

Now it's imperative to know how many other dissimilar kinds of brownies are out in that place inwards wonderful basis of food.  :)

Do you lot accept a brownie recipe
that's non similar whatsoever other?

Banana Brownies - Back for Seconds

Kelly Senyei, Just a Taste, came upwardly amongst a recipe that combines iii desserts into one.  Three guilty pleasures inwards one?  What a vivid mind!!  :)

Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies

Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies Recipe

Found this delightful process at Kirbie’s Cravings.

Cookies as well as Cream Brownies

Cookies as well as Cream Brownies

 Another Kellie shared her recipe for vegans at her blog, Food to Glow.

Green Tea Cheesecake White Chocolate Brownie

Green Tea Cheesecake White Chocolate Brownie

Blinking arrow constitute at

Found on Google Plus

Spinach Brownies  (???) OK!

Monday, July 31, 2017

Foodie Friday : Experiencing The Joy Of Salsa

This week's Foodie Fri focus is on salsa!

* * *
There was ane time a fourth dimension when the recipe for fresh salsa was only diced tomatoes, onions, greenish bell peppers, lime juice, carmine pepper or a jalapeno, tabular array salt to taste; cilantro, optional. I beloved salsa!  It's a corking means to swallow your veggies.  Several years back, moved into a novel neighborhood together with was at the local grocery store. Walked downwards an aisle together with on the shelves were bottles of every variety of salsa imaginable.

Some of them were made alongside sweetness fruits similar mangoes together with peaches! Oh the wonder of it all! Had no visit salsa came inwards that many flavors. Gave me all kinds of foodie ideas. Sharing some recipes .

Why operate on all these delicious delights to myself?

Originally published at Persona Paper on Jul 3, 2015.

Sharing a chip of salsa heaven!  
Recipes constitute exactly about the web.

17 Savory Salsa Recipes (
17 Savory Salsa Recipes

Mango Pomegranate & Tender Coconut Salsa (

Winter Salad Binging 

Friday, July 21, 2017

Foodie Friday : Recipes | Desserts | Pineapple Stuffing Together With More!

This week's Foodie Fri spotlight is pineapple!  Pineapple is included alongside a listing of refreshing super foods nosotros should eating during the summer.  

This recipe at, is typically prepared during the Christmas vacation flavour only it's a process that should endure enjoyed whenever you lot accept a craving for something delicious together with sweet!  For me that's all twelvemonth round!  What close you?

Holiday Stuffing
For whatever solar daytime of the year.

Best twenty "Pineapple Stuffing" Ideas on Pinterest

More Pineapple Delights from Around the Web

Fredericksburg Farms Salsa Express 
Offering a broad diversity of salsas from traditional to exotic. The pineapple salsas are really popular!

Previous #FoodieFriday posts?

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Care To Part Your Eggplant (Aubergine) Recipe?

Love to lookout adult man cooking shows on TV. One of my favorite TV chefs is Nigella Lawson ( She taught me what an aubergine was. Aubergine?? Oh! You hateful eggplant!! :)

On the hunt for eggplant recipes.

Shared a few recipes via my foodie blog for roasted eggplant, ratatouille, marinated eggplant, eggplant patties, together with a salad recipe made alongside eggplant together with zucchini.

Want to a greater extent than eggplant recipes! More! More!!

The nutrient experts nation that for 2017 together with beyond, “purple is the novel green” together with everybody is supposed to endure eating to a greater extent than majestic veggies. Sure! Eggplants are non the exclusively majestic plants out there. But it's a goodness majestic nutrient to kickoff with! Agree?  :)

One quick question:
  • Do you lot swallow eggplant cooked or raw?

My married adult man together with I bask listening to the music of smoothen jazz singer Michael Franks. One of his songs that nosotros actually similar is called “Eggplant”.

When my babe cooks her eggplant.
She don't read no book!

Yeah OK. He's non actually singing nigh eggplant. But the lyrics are inspiring together with mightiness brand you lot desire to create eggplant, fifty-fifty if you lot practice accept to read “how to” inwards a book!

* * *
Links of Interest:
Freedman, Joanna. "Start Eating Purple for Good Health: The Science behind 2017's New Food Trend." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, xix Dec. 2016. Web. 01 Feb. 2017. ( ).
Davis, Sara. "A History of Eggplant inwards Four Languages." Table Matters. N.p., 12 Sept. 2016. Web. 01 Feb. 2017. ( ).
Meyer, Megan. "Eight Fascinating Facts About Eggplant." basis Eats | Real Food | Green Living. The Trustees of Indiana University, eighteen Jan. 2010. Web. 01 Feb. 2017. ( ).

"Eggplant Food Facts." Belly Bytes. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2017. ( ).

Below are to a greater extent than or less recipes you lot mightiness enjoy.

French means Roasted Eggplant

French means Roasted Eggplant

Eggplants are those odd vegetables which tin endure really useful when i is trying to accept a balanced meal. Eggplants similar most vegetables are rich sources of vitamins together with minerals. They likewise comprise dietary fibers which are a must for a balanced diet. For to a greater extent than cheque these references [1,2].

Ratatouille together with Eggplant for Harvest Season

Ratatouille together with Eggplant for Harvest Season

This spider web log is nigh wine, exactly this calendar week nosotros include 2 recipes. Why? Because recipes proceed pouring inwards subsequently my asking for them for a forthcoming majority - Winemaker's Cooking Companion. Isabelle Chéty of Château Mercier informed me of her woman rear - Martine's - trove of vineyard recipes on their website recipe page (including - harvest cod,...

Marinated Eggplant - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Healthy Life For Me

Marinated Eggplant - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Healthy Life For Me

Marinated Eggplant is a recipe packed alongside tons of flavor together with loads of vegetables, perfect for a summertime side dish. Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan together with Paleo Friendly There are certainly recipes you lot brand for those you lot love. This Marinated Eggplant recipe is definitely i for my husband.

Eggplant Patties alongside Olives together with Herbs | Gourmandelle

Make these slow eggplant patties alongside olives together with herbs together with bask a delicious, comfort recipe that's likewise secretly salubrious together with high inwards proteins! Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few weeks ago, I saw a peachy eggplant patties recipe on a vegetarian TV cooking show. I dearest eggplants (especially the Eggplant Caviar together with Eggplant Spread ) thence I decided to compass it a try.

Do you lot accept an eggplant recipe that is the best ever?  If so, delight share.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Let's Bake & Develop : Mango Fried Rice (Reblog)

Have a friend who is really active inwards several online communities in addition to made a mental greenback to expose a spider web log postal service sharing many of her wonderful recipes that she publishes all over the Internet. Her collection is impressive. Maybe one solar daytime she volition expose a cookbook! This is my Shout Out to Peach Purple, swain blogger in addition to freelance writer. Mango is my favorite fruit in addition to I honey fried rice!  Never idea to position them together.  :)

Let's Bake & Cook : Mango Fried Rice

You tin also persuasion her recipes at HUBPages.  Here is i yous may uncovering intriguing.  Did yous know yous tin brand a cake inwards a rice cooker?

Peach Purple has 4 nutrient blogs published via the BlogJob blogging community.  Here are samples from each one.  The elevate of the spider web log is inwards parentheses.

LiteracyBase is where she has been sharing her tasty recipes lately in addition to I'm loving it!  You'll honey them too!  :)


Chicken Gumbo Recipe

Chicken Gumbo Recipe - LiteracyBase

Have yous heard of Chicken Gumbo? I didn't know that this chicken recipe is a good known dish inwards USA since the 18th century. One of my Facefriend had recommended me to endeavour out her Chicken Gumbo recipe which she had uploaded online. I constitute it a really particular exquisite recipe, all-in-1 chicken stew that ...

Mustard Green Soup alongside Meat Balls

Mustard Green Soup alongside Meat Balls - LiteracyBase

If yous had ever tasted Cai Xin soup, yous should teach acquainted alongside his light-green leafy vegetable today because yous are going to honey it every bit much every bit I do! What is Cai Xin Mustard Greens is fondly known every bit "Cai Xin" amid the Chinese community.

Best Chicken Rice: Hainanese Chicken Rice

Best Chicken Rice: Hainanese Chicken Rice - LiteracyBase

Chicken Rice which is locally known every bit "Ji Fan " or "Sau Ji Fan" is a really pop master copy course of didactics repast that consist of roast chicken alongside steamed chicken rice in addition to slices of cucumbers. There are two types of Chicken Rice sold inwards the restaurant; mainly: - Roast chicken -Hainanese chicken ( white ...

Homemade Prawn Dumpling Soup

Homemade Prawn Dumpling Soup - LiteracyBase

I started to autumn inwards honey alongside dumplings since my childhood days. Mom used to homemade dumplings which were large, fulled of generous fillings in addition to super delicious soup. She e'er added generous heaps of mixed minced pork in addition to two large tiger prawns for the dumpling fillings.

Chinese Soup: Tofu alongside Kelp Soup

Chinese Soup: Tofu alongside Kelp Soup - LiteracyBase

When I was young, mom used to brand delicious Chinese soup for every solar daytime repast which is clear, non thick or brothy at all. Most of her Chinese soup was light, clear in addition to comforting that soothes anyone who was losing appetite or sick over mild affliction ( fever, cough, diarrhea, etc).

Rice Vermicelli Noodle Soup

Rice Vermicelli Noodle Soup - LiteracyBase

I merely LOVE my mother's Rice Vermicelli Noodle Soup, compare to my mother-in-law's version. The soup itself is tasty , fifty-fifty though she had used Knorr Chicken Cube Stock in addition to the additional fried chicken fillets, crab sticks, scrambled eggs in addition to cooked white cabbages were precisely FANTASTIC !

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Foodie Friday : Raw Kokosnoot Fig Acre (Reblog)

It's approximately other #FoodieFriday. Even though it's belatedly inwards the day, this postal service volition last published earlier midnight. If not, I powerfulness plough into fig! (Just kidding!) 

Want to know my other #FoodieFriday posts? 

For this #FoodieFriday, the keyword is "fig".  (It was going to last "gumbo' but ... flora this postal service close fig together with went off inwards a completely dissimilar direction! :)  )  Before getting started, allow me portion this salubrious tip.

TIP:  Need a pre-workout snack? Try figs! They are filled amongst calcium, magnesium together with potassium.  (Source)

OK!  My kickoff fig share is an awesome postal service flora inwards a Google Plus Blogging community.

I don't know if the fig was actually the forbidden fruit inwards the Garden of Eden. As far equally I'm concerned it's a fruit that was sky sent!

Here is a fiddling flake close the fig. It's an excerpt from my article published at


Genus Ficus
The fig flora tin grade notice last either a low-lying shrub or a tall tree.  They grow wild; or domesticated inwards the Mediterranean part together with inwards California.  In Israel, the fig trees unremarkably sprout buds inwards belatedly spring; past times the calendar month of June (early summer) the tree is total of leaves; together with inwards simply a few to a greater extent than weeks, the figs are ready for picking.


  • You tin grade notice acquire to a greater extent than close the ficus flora at

An additional fact.  In the Bible, the fig has 2 symbolic meanings.  Hope (if the fig tree fruitful): Desolation (if the fig tree is barren).

Here are to a greater extent than shares.  Enjoy!

Cracked Wheat Fig Halwa (

Cracked Wheat Fig Halwa

15 Sweet together with Calcium-Rich Recipes With Figs

15 Sweet together with Calcium-Rich Recipes With Figs
Spiced fig, java & hazelnut cake

Spiced fig, java & hazelnut cake
Last share!
Delicious Savory Melon together with Fig Salad

Delicious Savory Melon together with Fig Salad

Friday, May 26, 2017

Oven-Baked Summertime Mash Fries (Should Last Inwards Your Wintertime Recipes)

A summertime squeeze has a potent resemblance, inward flavor too texture, to a zucchini. You can, inward fact, substitute zucchini inward this recipe, but it volition in all likelihood bake a flake to a greater extent than quickly.

Not certain what the weather condition is similar where y'all are.  In my city (Austin, TX USA), it's confusingly balmy too breezy, occasionally rainy, comfortably warm amongst no involve for a sweater, too sometimes chilly.  It's climatically perfect! ☺ 

My friends elsewhere around the USA too the basis are yet complaining that Old Man Winter has overstayed his welcome too refuses to leave!  This recipe is fabulous no affair what the flavor of the twelvemonth is or what sort of weather condition you're experiencing.  Enjoy!


1 medium summertime squash
2 eggs
1 ½ cups breadcrumbs (try panko breadcrumbs for a crunchier texture)
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon mustard powder
Salt too pepper
Olive oil

How to Make It:

Preheat oven to 400 F. Grease a large baking canvass amongst olive petroleum too laid upward aside.

Cut your summertime squeeze into wedges. Remove the seeds if they are quite large too laid upward wedges aside.

Whisk the eggs inward a dish too laid upward aside.

In some other dish, combine the breadcrumbs, paprika, mustard pulverisation too tabular array salt too pepper.

Start yesteryear dipping the wedges, 1 yesteryear one, into the egg mixture too and thence the breadcrumb mixture. Place each wedge on the greased baking sheet. Continue until all the wedges are done.

You tin sack bake the wedges equally is for virtually 30-40 (until soft within too golden chocolate-brown on the outside) equally is, but if y'all desire a to a greater extent than golden texture, drizzle or spray some olive petroleum on exceed of the wedges. Flip halfway through baking.

Serve amongst ranch or some other favorite dip.

There are many versions of oven-fried squeeze recipes?  Find more.

Blogger LinkUp - Connect amongst beau bloggers for support.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Habee's V Unique In Addition To Delicious Bbq Sauce Recipes

Per HubPages Contributor Holle Abee (habee), 1 time yous know the her Basic Barbecue Sauce Recipe, yous tin forcefulness out brand scores of unlike versions. So she has provided the basic recipe together with v variations.  You should run across her variations!  WHOA!  White BBQ Sauce???

There's also: 
  • Orange-Tangerine BBQ Sauce

  • Teriyaki-Peach BBQ Sauce Recipe

  • Cherry - Chipotle BBQ Sauce

  • Mesquite BBQ Sauce

5 Unique BBQ Sauce Recipes - Delicious!

Image:  Tangerine-Orange Sauce on Pork

EES shares recipes, cooking tips together with all things foodie!
 yous tin forcefulness out brand scores of unlike versions Habee's v Unique together with Delicious BBQ Sauce Recipes
Everyday Exotic Spices

* * Follow Habee.  Get Paid to part your recipes.  Free sign up.  Click here.

 yous tin forcefulness out brand scores of unlike versions Habee's v Unique together with Delicious BBQ Sauce Recipes

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Green Leafy Vegetables : On A Whorl Alongside Escarole

Made a New Year's Resolution to swallow to a greater extent than green leafy vegetables.  Been doing pretty skilful too!  It's September together with this is, I confess, the alone resolution I convey managed to keep.  However, at that topographic point is ane greenish leafy vegetable I convey nevertheless to try.  So I collected exactly about recipes.

Escarole a.k.a. mutual chicory, wide chicory, or Batavian endive, is a vegetable that I lately discovered tin hold upward cooked inwards a diversity of delicious recipes.  Here is my collection.  

How nearly you?  Are y'all an escarole lover?  If y'all convey to a greater extent than delight experience gratis to percentage inwards the comments.

Escarole Sausage Soup

  • "I’m a fan of escarole. It’s a crunchy greenish alongside a flake to a greater extent than heft than lettuce, together with it makes a swell salad: on it’s ain exactly dressed or tossed alongside 10 other things to brand a grand principal class salad. In my heart though I’m a cooked greens fan, always. I similar escarole cooked upward alongside garlic inwards my Standard Cooked Greens Recipe: garlic crude oil rut cleaned cooking green: utilise together together with y'all convey a swell side dish or taco stuffing." –Julia

Escarole Siciliano
  • By: Tammy
    "This lemony salad is served hot from the wok. Escarole is a bitter green, but tin hold upward less together with hence when grown shielded from the sun. In general, lighter greenish leaves signal a milder flavor. Thinly sliced tomatoes are a swell accompaniment. This recipe tin hold upward doubled. For a larger party, create inwards batches."

* * *  So many fabulous ways to bask this vegetable.  If these recipes are non plenty at that topographic point are lots to a greater extent than Escarole OR Endive Recipes.  * * *  

Saturday, May 6, 2017

First Nutrient In Addition To Drinkable Experiences: Chai Tea

I was binge-watching a Turkish telly series, laid upwards inwards 19th century Istanbul, as well as inwards i of the scenes, the human being offered a potable to the 2 ladies at the tabular array amongst him. Neither lady trusted him exactly they didn't desire to last rude, as well as thence they accepted the loving cup that he poured. He said that people should last willing to experiment as well as endeavor novel things as well as that he wanted to innovate them both to a novel potable he discovered from India. Chai tea!

As I'm watching the program, I'm going: “Oh! Oh! Chai tea! I know what that is!!”

Photo by René Pollock on Unsplash

My hubby is from The Bahamas, exactly he needed to halt drinking java for wellness reasons as well as started trying dissimilar types of teas. In the course of written report of his experimentation, he discovered chai tea as well as introduced it to me.

I must tell it does conduct maintain an exotic flavor. I similar it!

Any chai tea drinkers out there?

Are at that topographic point dissimilar ways yous select to relish this delicious combination of herbs as well as spices inwards potable form?

I establish a turmeric-chai-latte recipe.

Do yous conduct maintain yous ain chai tea recipe?  Recipe Sharing.

* More "First Food Experiences" *

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Irresistible Political Party Food: Deviled Eggs Recipes For Halloween

It's that fourth dimension of the yr again. Are you lot making your concluding preparations to celebrate the Halloween holiday? When non working on my blogs, my online activeness sometimes involves chatting alongside friends on, a social network that pays you lot to brand friends in addition to engage inwards friendly banter.

A fellow member at that site asked what would I select to a party. My reply was 2 things: a fruit platter in addition to deviled eggs. The interrogation brought dorsum a retention almost all the church building fellowships I've attended in addition to all the purpose parties at my quondam jobs. Somebody ever remembered to select deviled eggs in addition to that tray was ordinarily the root political party nutrient to disappear! Decided to discovery to a greater extent than or less Halloween themed deviled eggs recipes to share. Hope you lot similar them!!

LittleDevil Deviled Eggs (

Spooky Monster Eyes | Avocado Deviled Eggs (

Halloween Deviled Spider Eggs (

Halloween Deviled Eggs-4 ideas (

Halloween Food: Green Goblin Deviled Eggs | Fluster Buster

Doubly Deviled Eggs - Rachael Ray Every Day

(NOTE:  This page is LOADED alongside deviled eggs recipes.)

Halloween GIF institute at

 Are you lot making your concluding preparations to celebrate the Halloween vacation Irresistible Party Food:  Deviled Eggs Recipes for Halloween
© Photographer: Pratchaya Leelapatchayanont | Agency: