Showing posts with label foodies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foodies. Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Foodie Friday : Wintertime Salad Binging

There's #FoodieFriday, #FollowFriday, #FriendlyFollow … whatever! It's the weekend!  Just choice a nutrient as well as drinkable topic to part as well as run amongst it! 

Connie Guttersen, author, dietitian, nutritionist, a lady on Twitter (warm as well as hearty soups. Yes!  But salad? Not as well as hence much.  That has to change.

Raw Vegan Blood Orange Winter Salad Recipe (

Asian Quinoa Slaw Salad amongst Sesame Ginger Vinaigrette (

East Asian Chicken Salad (

Asian Napa Cabbage Salad (

Asian Napa Cabbage Salad - Home Baked Joy

18 Cozy Warm Salad Recipes for Winter (

Warm Salads For The Winter | Care2 Healthy Living

15 Winter Salads to Make for Dinner - Recipes from The Kitchn

15 Winter Salads to Make for Dinner - Recipes from The Kitchn

Winter survival comes inwards the shape of comfort nutrient - the richer as well as heartier the meal, the easier it is to grip the cold. But nosotros even as well as hence require salad. In fact, amongst all those hefty stews as well as baked pastas, salads are imperative to run on things inwards balance.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Taste Of The Islands - Telly Cooking Exhibit On Pbs

Finally! Singing the Hallelujah chorus. AGAIN!

This fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV show.

We relocated to Austin, Texas inwards 1998 as well as my mate's outset observation well-nigh living inwards this land-locked business office of the terra firma was that the metropolis was missing a expert Bahamian eating seat or at to the lowest degree to a greater extent than or less house that serves dishes that look like isle food!

Once nosotros got cable TV hooked upward as well as got settled in, his side yesteryear side electrical load was that the #foodie channels didn't accept a expert cooking present to instruct people how to laid upward mutual isle meals.

In 2015, his prayer was in conclusion been answered.

This fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSThis fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBS

This fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBSOur world tv set station (PBS) airs a present called “Taste the Islands”. Chef Irie (real cite Hugh Sinclair) lives inwards South Florida only is from Jamaica.

My mate is from The Bahamas.

Close enough!

This fourth dimension all the rejoicing is because of a nutrient TV present Taste of the Islands - TV Cooking Show on PBS 
We're both real happy.
For now.  :)

* * * * * * PBS – Celebrating Food & Cooking

Similar posts:

Taste of the Islands outset published at Persona Paper, Jul 20, 2015.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Foodie Friday : Cool Foodies As Well As Nutrient Lovers Celebrating Their “Firsts” On Twitter

Happy Friday! (It's FoodieFriday!)  Always searching for like-minded nutrient lovers together with establish people celebrating their “firsts”. First nutrient weblog post. First nutrient article accepted at a major site. Etc. Here are their tweets. Interesting variation. French food; Health / Energy Food tips; Asian food; Vegan recipes; together with Food Photography.  

Wish them continued success!

* *

Monday, July 10, 2017

From My Ain Kitchen: Pomegranate Milk Tremble (Reblog)

Years dorsum started a pinboard dedicated to pomegranates. (See board description below.) Pinned this transportation service as well as I am likewise reblogging as well as sharing a publish of posts industrial plant life at this wonderful blog.

Check out my collection of POMEGRANATES on Pinterest  (Recipes, products made amongst pomegranates, pomegranates inwards art, etc.)
109 Pins

DESCRIPTION:  Pomegranates: wonder fruit; super food; delicious! Researched the history of this exquisite exotic wonderful fruit as well as brutal inwards dearest amongst it! As if the crimson crimson colouring were non plenty to brand me hopelessly devoted. Now on a mission to honour as well as portion all things foodie for this fruity delight! Board maintained yesteryear

Do You Know the Truth About Pomegranates? Take a fun quiz.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Foodie Friday : Ameliorate Boxed Mac-N-Cheese. Is That Possible?

Anybody who loves their macaroni together with cheese would rather hold upwards thrown into a cage amongst starving lions than consume that boxed mac-n-cheese!! UUUGGG!!! YUK!!!

OK. Being tossed into a cage amongst starving lions is a chip of an exaggeration. But how many of you lot accept e'er had a alternative betwixt making your ain macaroni together with cheese or using the mac-n-cheese inward a box together with said: “Oh yes! Gimme that box stuff! I dear it!”

Saw a headline (below) nigh “hacking your mac”.

Well since it was inward the nutrient section, figured it wasn't nigh a Mac computer, then it had to hold upwards nigh macaroni!  xiii ways to brand boxed macaroni together with cheese gustatory modality fifty-fifty better? Well!  Everybody has their ain tastes, don't they?  In my humble opinion, speaking equally a non-chef or non-official nutrient individual inward whatever way, a newbie learning to create powerfulness desire to exam these ways using the box.  If the halt results function yesteryear muster, they tin plow over the sack arrange to a greater extent than or less of these ideas together with add together a twist to a existent tried together with truthful homemade recipe.

My tried together with truthful homemade recipe?

Prepare 1 lb of elbow macaroni, cooked according to packet directions

Pour drained macaroni into a casserole dish. While the pasta is yet hot, mix inward the next ingredients inward this order.

  • 1 lb of shredded extra sudden cheddar cheese
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tin plow over the sack of evaporated milk

Once all ingredients are thoroughly combined, sprinkle to a greater extent than shredded cheddar cheese on top. (As much equally you lot want.)

Bake inward a preheated oven to 350 degrees F., for nigh thirty minutes.

This is how my belatedly woman raise taught me together with was actually surprised when watching TV chef Paula Deen's cooking demonstrate i twenty-four sixty minutes menses together with noticed that she prepared hers the same way. (I varied my mom's recipe a picayune yesteryear adding inward chopped onions together with bell peppers.)

Other Mac-n-Cheese Variations