Showing posts with label foodie finds on Tumblr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foodie finds on Tumblr. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

My Favorite Fun Food: Pudding!

Hello!  Thank y'all together with thus much for visiting my foodie blog.  Was it the give-and-take "pudding" that tempted y'all here?  LOL.  Food Ways is only 1 of the places on the spider web where I divulge content well-nigh my honey for food.  When I am non hither sometimes y'all tin laissez passer on the sack notice me a website called  

Virily is a social blogging community together with I hang out at that spot a lot because the site owners together with the members are actually nice.  I divulge content at that spot on a broad hit of topics, but I only desire to quest y'all to my posts well-nigh food!  One of my favorite postal service serial is called "Irresistible Fun Food".  To date, I receive got shared well-nigh xx posts on this specific topic.  Altogether I've published over fifty posts at this site on nutrient together with food-related topics.  I am resharing my postal service well-nigh pudding here.  Enjoy!

Pudding goes on my listing for fun food, thank y'all to Jell-O’s creation of instant pudding.  In my circles, lift pudding together with folks only desire to know if they’re existence offered banana pudding or chocolate pudding.  No surprise that if y'all search for pudding recipes on Twitter, the offset few recipes that popular upward are banana together with chocolate.

After that, at that spot is rice pudding or breadstuff pudding.  The recipes for these are non instant.  I volition acknowledge that I was never a fan of old-fashioned rice pudding but the agency the Indians larn inward gave me 2nd thoughts.  I produce similar the old-fashioned breadstuff pudding because my mom used to bake it alongside onetime breadstuff together with raisins.  It was rattling filling.

These are the mutual puddings (or rather the puddings that I know about). When it comes to pudding at that spot are some cooks or chefs who role ingredients that never crossed my heed similar persimmon or tiramisu.

♦  Click through to operate on reading together with persuasion additional content:

Irresistible Fun Food: Pudding

Related Content:
(When I'm non hither or at Virily, y'all mightiness notice me at my Tumblr blog.)

Monday, July 17, 2017

Chinese Mooncake Festival (Mid Spill Festival)

Similar to American holidays similar Thanksgiving together with Christmas, the Mooncake Festival these days is close household unit of measurement reunions together with expert eating, where mooncakes are a traditional food gift.  Would simply similar to holler for out a pregnant number that tin survive traced dorsum to the 14th century when China was ruled past times the Mongols.  The number actually gives drive for celebration.
"Planning a rebellion against the Mongol emperor, Chinese rebels came upwards amongst the sentiment of hiding a undercover message within mooncakes, which the Mongols did non eat. These mooncakes told rebels to ascension upwards on the nighttime of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The uprising was successful, together with henceforth the Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated amongst mooncakes everywhere inward China."  
(Source: Mooncakes inward Mid Autumn | Desserts First)

Recycling a shipping from my lifestyle blog, Joie de Vivre Magazine together with embellishing it a piffling fleck more.  There are lots of people participating inward the festivities together with then finding related or similar articles was super easy.  Hope you lot similar the content shared.

Mid Autumn Festival 2017 - 20 Mooncakes That Even Chang Er Will Love

It's almost Mid-Autumn Festival again, the 15th twenty-four hours of the viii calendar month on the lunar calendar (which falls on Oct 4 this year) when the Luna is full. The traditional means to celebrate this festival is past times indulging inward mooncakes. Every year, nosotros are spoilt for selection when it comes to the mooncake flavours available.

Why Chinese People Eat Mooncake During This Time of the Year

The Mid-Autumn Festival (also the Mooncake Festival or Lantern Festival) is considered to survive ane of the most pregnant festivals for Chinese people. Celebrated on the 15th twenty-four hours of the 8th calendar month of the Chinese calendar, the 3,500-year former tradition is unremarkably observed all over the the world to worship the moon, celebrate the harvest season, ...

Monday, April 10, 2017

My Favorite Fun Food: Pudding!

Hello!  Thank y'all together with thus much for visiting my foodie blog.  Was it the give-and-take "pudding" that tempted y'all here?  LOL.  Food Ways is only 1 of the places on the spider web where I divulge content well-nigh my honey for food.  When I am non hither sometimes y'all tin laissez passer on the sack notice me a website called  

Virily is a social blogging community together with I hang out at that spot a lot because the site owners together with the members are actually nice.  I divulge content at that spot on a broad hit of topics, but I only desire to quest y'all to my posts well-nigh food!  One of my favorite postal service serial is called "Irresistible Fun Food".  To date, I receive got shared well-nigh xx posts on this specific topic.  Altogether I've published over fifty posts at this site on nutrient together with food-related topics.  I am resharing my postal service well-nigh pudding here.  Enjoy!

Pudding goes on my listing for fun food, thank y'all to Jell-O’s creation of instant pudding.  In my circles, lift pudding together with folks only desire to know if they’re existence offered banana pudding or chocolate pudding.  No surprise that if y'all search for pudding recipes on Twitter, the offset few recipes that popular upward are banana together with chocolate.

After that, at that spot is rice pudding or breadstuff pudding.  The recipes for these are non instant.  I volition acknowledge that I was never a fan of old-fashioned rice pudding but the agency the Indians larn inward gave me 2nd thoughts.  I produce similar the old-fashioned breadstuff pudding because my mom used to bake it alongside onetime breadstuff together with raisins.  It was rattling filling.

These are the mutual puddings (or rather the puddings that I know about). When it comes to pudding at that spot are some cooks or chefs who role ingredients that never crossed my heed similar persimmon or tiramisu.

♦  Click through to operate on reading together with persuasion additional content:

Irresistible Fun Food: Pudding

Related Content:
(When I'm non hither or at Virily, y'all mightiness notice me at my Tumblr blog.)