Showing posts with label cheese lovers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheese lovers. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2017

Food Ways Presented Past Times Everyday Exotic Spices

“Food Ways” is presented past times Everyday Exotic Spices together with its role is to percentage nutrient finds for nutrient lovers, recipes, cooking tips together with all things foodie!

Food ways is an facial expression that dates dorsum to 1946. It refers to the eating habits together with culinary practices of a people, region, or historical period.  

 together with its role is to percentage nutrient finds for nutrient lovers Food Ways Presented past times Everyday Exotic Spices

On our Google Plus describe of piece of job organisation page, y'all tin uncovering 3 collections:  CHEESE MeltdownWORLD Cuisine, and  PIZZA Craving.

This site supplements an affiliate marketing website which has been upwards together with running since 2011.  Everyday Exotic Spices has on online presence on nearly of the major social media networks:  Facebook, Twitter, together with Pinterest; together with maintains the "My I Like Eating Channel" on

Hope these shares encourage y'all to experiment together with savor fascinating together with wonderful culinary adventures.

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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Foodie Friday : Raw Milk Cheese (Americans Are Missing Out!)

I don't accept a recipe to portion for Foodie Friday. Just a link to an interesting article virtually a nutrient history theme that sheds lite on the raw milk cheese that plainly Americans are plainly missing out on enjoying.

Americans accept never had access to the cheese they deserve.

Basically the article says that most Americans don't know what existent cheese taste like because they've never had any. There is some truth to the article. That's IF y'all define cheese that is alone made from pasteurized milk every bit “bogus cheese”. ☺

According to the article, “real cheese” or rather “really practiced tasting cheese” is made from unpasterized milk as well as that Americans are regulating cheese imports based on a police draw enacted because a wellness scare eighty years ago.  You won't take away heed whatever Europeans complaining because "Hey!  More practiced cheese for them!"  I wonder, since the Chinese accept started consuming to a greater extent than diary products, if they are too enjoying this practiced existent cheese.

Per Mark Hay, the article writer:

“In 1944, the federal government, ... concerned past times the publish of outbreaks, recommended that all cheese endure made from pasteurized milk or that raw milk cheeses endure aged sufficiently to allow nasty germs inward it cash inward one's chips off.”

“Regardless of the merits of the dominion at the time, no i bothered to review it until the belatedly 1980s.”

“Meanwhile, Europe has developed rules that adapt all vogue of raw milk cheese but however continue people relatively safe, broadly working amongst existing traditions to discovery steps at which hygiene tin endure monitored as well as ensured.”

“In 1985, America suffered i of its greatest modern foodborne disease outbreaks, which killed over two-dozen people, 10 of them infants. It was traced to a cheese found using raw milk. … But later the 1985 incident, calls emerged to ban all raw milk cheese.”

Other pregnant cheese incidents occurred later 1985. Check the article for additional details.

Pretty much the article concludes:
Americans! You don't know what you're missing!

Using Mr. Hay's exact words:
“It’s only shocking to realize how much of America’s nutrient ecosystem, as well as ultimately of our palates every bit Americans, were locked into house decades agone past times adventure forces as well as best-guess science. But that’s how i winds upward inward a acre where it is, as well as probable volition for some fourth dimension be, easier to larn an assail rifle than a cycle of OG French Camembert.”

Ouch!  That occupation virtually the assail rifle actually hurt.  I am pump broken. I ever considered myself a cheese lover. Only to discovery out that all this fourth dimension I haven't been eating existent cheese.  😢😢

The article author has convinced me that maybe America does request to revisit as well as maybe revise the raw milk cheese importing regulations. After all, in that place are people inward other countries only about the basis enjoying these cheeses made from unpasteurized milk as well as they aren't dropping similar flies. 

I'm definitely curious instantly every bit to what I've been missing all my life. Are you?

Friday, June 30, 2017

Foodie Friday : Ameliorate Boxed Mac-N-Cheese. Is That Possible?

Anybody who loves their macaroni together with cheese would rather hold upwards thrown into a cage amongst starving lions than consume that boxed mac-n-cheese!! UUUGGG!!! YUK!!!

OK. Being tossed into a cage amongst starving lions is a chip of an exaggeration. But how many of you lot accept e'er had a alternative betwixt making your ain macaroni together with cheese or using the mac-n-cheese inward a box together with said: “Oh yes! Gimme that box stuff! I dear it!”

Saw a headline (below) nigh “hacking your mac”.

Well since it was inward the nutrient section, figured it wasn't nigh a Mac computer, then it had to hold upwards nigh macaroni!  xiii ways to brand boxed macaroni together with cheese gustatory modality fifty-fifty better? Well!  Everybody has their ain tastes, don't they?  In my humble opinion, speaking equally a non-chef or non-official nutrient individual inward whatever way, a newbie learning to create powerfulness desire to exam these ways using the box.  If the halt results function yesteryear muster, they tin plow over the sack arrange to a greater extent than or less of these ideas together with add together a twist to a existent tried together with truthful homemade recipe.

My tried together with truthful homemade recipe?

Prepare 1 lb of elbow macaroni, cooked according to packet directions

Pour drained macaroni into a casserole dish. While the pasta is yet hot, mix inward the next ingredients inward this order.

  • 1 lb of shredded extra sudden cheddar cheese
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tin plow over the sack of evaporated milk

Once all ingredients are thoroughly combined, sprinkle to a greater extent than shredded cheddar cheese on top. (As much equally you lot want.)

Bake inward a preheated oven to 350 degrees F., for nigh thirty minutes.

This is how my belatedly woman raise taught me together with was actually surprised when watching TV chef Paula Deen's cooking demonstrate i twenty-four sixty minutes menses together with noticed that she prepared hers the same way. (I varied my mom's recipe a picayune yesteryear adding inward chopped onions together with bell peppers.)

Other Mac-n-Cheese Variations

Sunday, May 21, 2017

I'd Similar To Lodge Kung Pao Chicken Smothered Amongst Melted Cheese! (Yuk!)

A few years back, I was having a spirited give-and-take amongst co-workers at i of my temp jobs too the give-and-take turned to nutrient preferences. Mexican versus Chinese.

I said: “I dearest Chinese food!”

My co-worker's response was:
“No way! Chinese nutrient doesn't stimulate got close plenty cheese for me!!”

I laughed too idea to myself: 'Yep! She's correct virtually that!'

But why? ⍰
Why is in that location hardly whatever cheese inward Chinese cuisine?

Did closed to research. Here is the quick answer, according to Corinne Trang, affectionately referred to past times her many admirers every bit the “Asian Julia Child”. She says: “In Asian nutrient culture, yous stimulate got thousands, countless amounts of herbs too spices that nosotros role at whatever given time. So few of these spices learn good amongst cheese.” *

Nevertheless, in that location is a nutrient tendency going inward the “fusion” administration too chefs are experimenting amongst incorporating cheese into Asian recipes.

I seriously doubtfulness that yous tin guild a plate of kung pao chicken smothered amongst melted cheese.  I didn't tell the chefs had taken survive out of their senses.  ðŸ˜‹

But what practice yous think of this "adaptation"?

Do yous similar your Chinese nutrient amongst or without cheese?

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*Quote Source:
Kuo, Stephanie. "The Real Reason There's No Cheese In Asian Cuisine." CheeseRank : Your Go To Guide for All Things Cheese. N.p., 28 July 2014. Web. xv June 2017. (NOTE: Links to an archived copy.)

Cheese inward Chinese Cuisine

How many authentic (ie., non fusion) Chinese dishes use, or incorporate, cheese? When I tell cheese, I hateful actual cheese -- either from a cow, caprine animal or whatnot. What I don't hateful is "Chinese cheese" or fermented, preserved tofu. The entirely Chinese dish I tin think of that has cheese is Yunnan Goat Cheese, served sprinkled amongst saccharide too pepper.

It Turns Out, There is Such a Thing every bit Chinese Cheese

The Blog: Cookbook writer too instructor Diana Kuan writes virtually traditional too modern takes on Asian abode cooking on her blog, Appetite for China. She has too lately launched an online store called Plate too Pencil, amongst cute gifts similar a "Dumplings Around the World" tote bag.

Discovering Cheese inward One of the Most Unsuspecting Places

It's nearly impossible for whatever Westerners to recall the commencement fourth dimension they tried cheese. From pizza to pasta to hunks eaten on their own, cheese's ubiquity inward our diets way that we've been enjoying it since earlier nosotros could swallow most other company foods. For Liu Yang, a cheesemaker inward Beijing, the ...

♦ ♦ ♦

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

What Is Your Favorite Sugariness Treat? (Mine Is Cheesecake.)

We all similar a delightful sugariness process every i time inward a while. Call it a guilty pleasure. Call it an indulgence. Call it pampering yourself because y'all earned it, y'all deserve it, you're worth it!

There are then many dissimilar ways to savor a sugariness process because in that place are then many dissimilar sugariness treats. Everyone normally has a favorite though. Mine is cheesecake.

There was i time a fourth dimension when I could simply nation cheesecake. But directly the inquiry is asked: Americancheesecake or Japanese cheesecake? I'm like: WHAT??

OK. So directly my reply is modified. My favorite sugariness process is American cheesecake. Although, Japanese cheesecake is pretty skillful too!

Cheesecake is my favorite. What's yours?

  1. Cheesecake (American or Japanese)
  2. Ice cream or Sherbet
  3. Popsicles
  4. Pudding
  5. Candy
  6. Jello
  7. Chocolate ANYTHING!
  8. Pie or Cake (other than cheesecake)
  9. Not on the listing (See comments)
  10. Don't similar sweet. Prefer SALTY.
Please function out comments.

With the exception of i of the tweet shares, the residue of the tweets focus on Japanese cheesecake.

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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Food In Addition To Quaff : Are Yous A Cheese Lover?

Have ever been told that cheese is salubrious eating. Haven't you? Unless you're lactose intolerant too accept a difficult fourth dimension digesting dairy products, that is. But I received an article via eMail that said cheese mightiness non survive healthy. The headline was a shocker!

Cheese lover that I am!!   I abide by the source, therefore I had to read further. Whew! I'm therefore relieved. They mentioned the “unhealthiest” cheeses to eat. Cheese singles, cheese spray too cheese dips. Had to express mirth because I idea to myself: “Duh! Those products don't fifty-fifty count equally cheese inwards my book!”  ☺

Nevertheless, the other information presented inwards the article close salubrious cheeses too the diet tips made it a worthwhile read. This excerpt below chop-chop summarizes what the existent aim of the article is.

“If you're a cheese lover, too therefore there's expert intelligence for you. Not all cheese is bad for your diet. In fact, at that topographic point are enough of ways to include cheese inwards a weight loss or weight maintenance plan. You simply require to survive careful close what yous purchase too how much yous eat.”

Here is a quick outline of the subtopics:
  • Healthiest Cheese Options
  • Unhealthiest Cheese Options
  • Health Benefits too Drawbacks of Cheese
  • Cheese too Weight Loss
  • Cheese Recipes

Frey, Malia. “The Smartest Ways to Include Cheese inwards Your Diet.” Verywell, 28 June 2017, Cheese Nutrition Facts: Calories inwards Cheese too Health Benefits Content reviewed past times a board-certified physician.

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Additional Comments:

I'm non certain if at that topographic point is whatever fashion or shape of cheese that doesn't gustatory modality expert to me. Have heard people tell they don't similar the gustatory modality of caprine animal cheese. Maybe if they ate it inwards the shape of a cheesecake they'd alter their mind.

Definitely never ate a slice of cheesecake that I didn't like!

People may non require to survive told close this nutrient spider web log too website: “Williams-Sonoma Taste”. It seems to survive real pop (meaning it has a pretty high Alexa ranking). But inwards illustration yous never heard of it, sharing a link below. You tin sign upwards to have their recipes via e-Mail.

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This content showtime appeared at ForumCoin nether the same championship “Food too Drink : Are You a Cheese Lover?