Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Foodie Friday : Candied Jalapeño Peppers

Cutting it close.  Trying to instruct this foodie Fri postal service published earlier midnight.  Sorry.  But the inspiration came to me belatedly inward the twenty-four hr catamenia every bit I was driving to selection upwards my immature adult woman from high school.  This foodie Friday's theme is:

Candied Jalapeño Peppers.

If you're from Texas you lot in all likelihood already know virtually them.  But I'm what they telephone phone a "Texas import".  That way I wasn't born inward Texas merely I got hither every bit fast every bit I could! 😜

Love jalapeños.  Love them amongst the seeds!!!  The hotter the better!  Knew they came fresh or pickled.  Never knew they came sugariness too!  You tin sack purchase them inward the local grocery stores (here inward Austin, Texas) or you lot tin sack brand them.  The recipe is easy.  Sharing about links below.

Here's a fun nutrient fact.

Candied Jalapeño Peppers are also called "cowboy candy".

Candied Jalapenos

Candied Jalapenos

There aren't words that be to depict how addictive these petty savoury, sweet, spicy, crunchy, garlicky pickled jalapeno rounds are. Put them on sandwiches, tacos, rice or bake them into cornbread. You'll postulate to a greater extent than too more!

Sriracha Deviled Eggs amongst Candied Jalapeno Peppers

Sriracha Deviled Eggs amongst Candied Jalapeno Peppers

Serve something a petty dissimilar for your Easter spread this year: Sriracha Deviled Eggs amongst Candied Jalapeno Peppers. Sriracha spices upwards these deviled eggs too the candied jalapeno peppers hand it a sweet/spicy authorities annotation transforming the ordinary into extraordinary! Make it fifty-fifty to a greater extent than exceptional too serve them on this gorgeous Wilton Armetale Egg Tray from their Flutes & Pearls Collection.

Cowboy Candy {Candied Jalapenos}

Cowboy Candy {Candied Jalapenos}

If you lot similar pepper jelly served over cream cheese on crackers, you lot volition dearest Cowboy Candy. The sugary sugariness syrup/brine is the perfect compliment to the oestrus of the jalapenos. When my friend, Diane, at Canning too Cooking at Home made these, I knew I wanted to drive it for myself.

Sweet Candied Jalapeno Peppers - Garden Life

Chinese New Year's Day Recipes too Dishes 

Just inward illustration you're non into sugariness too spicy.  You prefer salty?  Try this!

 Trying to instruct this foodie Fri postal service published earlier midnight Foodie Fri : Candied Jalapeño Peppers

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Foodie Friday : Yacr ( Nonetheless Simply About Other Chili Recipe )

Whether or non it's the vacation season, whatever fourth dimension is the fourth dimension of the yr folks inward Texas honey to swallow chili.  But for some reason, they actually similar chili during the Christmas season.  At whatever rate, it took me years of experimenting to come upward up alongside this recipe and,  IMHO, it isn't half-bad.

Chili is Hearty Food. Love a expert bowl of chili ?

So many variations on the #recipes for this wonderful comfort nutrient !

In Austin, Texas, Tex-Mex cuisine is everywhere. This may or may non hold upward Tex-Mex tradition but chili is a large deal! Everybody claims to know how to build thee best chili ever!!

After trying out unlike recipes, in conclusion came upward alongside i of my ain that my identify unit of measurement enjoyed. In fact, i Christmas vacation (because I know how much Texas folk honey their chili), made Christmas cards alongside my chili recipe as well as permit my immature adult woman plough over them to her teachers.

So hither is the recipe. Sorry. Don't accept my ain pictures. Took an epitome from Pixabay that looks similar to mine (only my chili is a petty flake thicker as well as meatier).

* * * Fox's Chili Recipe * * *


1 to ii lbs lean set down beef(or turkey)
One large yellowish onion, coarsely chopped
Chopped cerise bell pepper (optional)

2 Seasoning (Low Sodium) Envelopes:
- McCormick Taco Seasoning
- McCormick Chili Seasoning
(Adjust to your taste. Don't purpose the entire parcel if you lot don't desire to.)

1 tin terminate (15.5 oz) Manwich Original Sloppy Joe Sauce
1 jolt (16 oz) of Old El Paso Salsa (Medium heat)
1 modest tin terminate (8 oz) Hunt's tomato plant sauce (roasted garlic flavor)
1 large tin terminate (32 oz) Bush's nighttime cerise kidney beans, drain liquid
1 large tin terminate (32 oz) Bush's dark beans, drain liquid

High heat, large sauce pan or a dutch oven pot, chocolate-brown set down meat as well as drain off whatever excess fat.

On medium oestrus add together inward onions (and bell pepper); as well as flavor the meat/onion/bellpepper mixture alongside the seasoning packets. Mix thoroughly.

Throw inward the all the remaining ingredients, lower heat, permit create (about fifteen - xx minutes), stirring occasionally - until all the flavors come upward together.

Make a huge bowl of salad with: i caput of iceberg lettuce, halved grape or cherry tomatoes, as well as large cucumber, thinly sliced. Avocado (if you lot tin terminate afford it.) Salad dressing? Your choice.

Serve chili inward a bowl alongside the salad every bit a side.

Lay out the sour cream, shredded cheddar cheese, to a greater extent than chopped onions, greenish onions, cerise onions, cornbread, tortilla chips, taco shells, whatever you lot like!

You don't accept to purpose get upward build products. I produce because the lineament of the production is unremarkably consistent, as well as thus the recipe should gustatory modality the same every time! That's merely me. Enjoy!!

Content outset published at PersonaPaper, Aug 2015.

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Previous #FoodieFriday posts?

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Matcha Tea Is Torso Fuel: Nutrition Trends: 2015 Together With Beyond!

Taking a quick await at the Nutrition Trends that started inwards 2015.  Health, fitness, too wellness experts identified nutrient too potable they telephone band "body fuel".  H5N1 auto needs fuel to run properly too thence does your body.  Matcha tea is trunk fuel.  Find out what other nutrient too potable tin orbit the axe ability you lot up.

Many Americans strive daily to stimulate got extra steps to ensure their wellness too well-being. If Austin, Texas, “America's Fittest City”, is a illustration sample of fitness habits around the USA, too thence nutrition trends demo a shift inwards eating habits that volition focus on partaking of nutrient that tin orbit the axe fuel the body.

In 2012, McCormick too Schwartz (well-known sellers of herbs too spices inwards the U.S. too the U.K.) released an 8-page study which stated that people would live moving towards honoring their roots; too their eating or dining habits would reverberate a celebration of the origins of one’s ain ethnic cuisine.

That was the forecast inwards 2012. Per Tori Jarzabkowski, who writes for Austin Fit Magazine, the nutrition trends for 2015 are inwards a administration simply a tad flake unlike from eating the meals prepared past times momma too grandma. This twelvemonth (2015) in that place are 5 specific foods (listed below) that are “what's hot inwards the nutrient too nutrition world”. Austin, Texas USA, boasts a real health-conscious community of citizens. Gyms are everywhere. People are into running, jogging, walking, biking, eating organic or whole foods, shopping at stores that specialize inwards homeopathic products, visiting the local choice medicine practitioners for wellness check-ups, etc.

(1) Matcha Tea

Are you lot of Japanese heritage? The people of Nihon stimulate got been enjoying this light-green tea since the 12 century. It was served equally operate of the traditional Japanese tea ceremonies. Not certain if they knew it was a super-food. If they did, they were agency ahead of us.

(2) Bone Broth

Broth made from brute bones is loaded amongst nutrients. Bone broth improves immunity too has a host of other wellness benefits. Guess what? That's one-time news. My parents too my husband's parents ever ate all the nutrient on their plate, unremarkably saved the meat serving for last, too when the meat was gone, they went afterwards the bones. Sucked those bones dry! Like it was a religion. My dad too my husband's parents are from The Bahamas. My mother's roots are operate African-American, operate Native American, Cherokee.

(3) Fermented Foods

 Taking a quick await at the Nutrition Trends that started inwards  Matcha Tea is Body Fuel: Nutrition Trends: 2015 too Beyond!Everybody watches or has heard of that pop nutrient demo “Kimchi Chronicles”. Right? Well if you lot didn't know, you lot know now. Kimchi is a fermented nutrient of Korean origin. Sauerkraut or “sour cabbage” is equally good a fermented food: High German origin. Kombucha is a fermented drink, believed to stimulate got originated inwards China. They are goodness for salubrious intestines too more.

SPOTLIGHTClara Myers publishes Health too Wellness articles hither at In 2 of her posts she presents a thorough give-and-take on why nosotros should swallow fermented foods, too whether nosotros should ferment our ain food. Ms. Myers' expertise inwards the expanse of holistic health.

(4) Coconut Sugar

It must live kokosnoot harvesting time. The kokosnoot is existence praised for everything! Coconut water. Coconut oil. Coconut jelly. Coconut fruit. Now there's kokosnoot sugar. There is no necessitate to sell me on coconut. Grew upwardly inwards South Florida too nosotros had a tree inwards our backyard. My blood brother used the climb the tree too throw downward 2 or iii coconuts. We'd whack them opened upwardly too swallow our fill. One twelvemonth a hurricane knocked downward the tree too my life has never been the same. Didn't realize in that place were thence many goodness reasons why nosotros were supposed to be eating coconuts.

(5) Seaweed Snacks

Last on the listing for foods that fuel the trunk is seaweed. Seaweed is existence touted equally the “kale of the sea”. It's the novel quinoa. It's green!! The dominion is: the darker the green, the better! This item nutrient is non just the tastiest (my opinion) but afterwards experimenting amongst flavors ranging from wasabi to coconut, cheque your grocery shelves for seaweed chips. It volition live a salubrious choice snack to tater chips.

Gleaned a lot from reviewing the #AFMbestof article. Hope you lot liked my rehash. :)  

  • REFERENCE: Jarzabkowski, Tori. "Nutrition Trends for 2015." Austin Fit Magazine: Best of 2014 Issue Jan. 2015: 22-23. Print. AFM Issue #207. Est. 1997. Official website:

 ♦ ♦ ♦ Original content published Jan 10, 2015 at Writedge. ♦ ♦ ♦

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

World Cuisine: Smashing Recipes From To A Greater Extent Than Or Less The Basis (And Texas)

In add-on to this foodie blog, I accept an affiliate marketing grocery in addition to gourmet website specializes inwards herb in addition to spices.  Though I am a contributor, my articles for are non food-related merely the Food in addition to Cooking department of this website is loaded!!  So I shared some links hither too.  Enjoy!

A handy reference list. Descriptive listing of the dissimilar in addition to pop dishes from the Philippines that every Filipino identify unit of measurement has enjoyed cooking in addition to serving on their dinner table.
A Taste of the Caribbean: Make Jamaican Patties for Supper!  This is a bang-up recipe for authentic tasting Jamaican Patties; delicious golden pastry filled amongst curried beef in addition to spices.
Recipes from the indigenous peoples of French Polynesia in addition to their Marquesas Islands.
Brawn Loaf, Christmas Cake, Wattelseed Pavlova …

Biltong – Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 cured meat that originated from South Africa in addition to oftentimes compared to the American jerky.
East African cuisine is the nutrient of countries such every bit Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, in addition to Rwanda.

Greek Tzatziki is a bang-up way to role cucumbers!
People oftentimes mix upward oriental cuisines – they mix upward Korean nutrient amongst Chinese in addition to Japanese. In reality, fifty-fifty though the Korean cuisine is partly influenced past times Chinese in addition to Japanese cooking, Korean nutrient also has its real ain unique gustation in addition to cooking techniques.

Quick in addition to Easy Beef Kimbap Recipe

Quick in addition to Easy Beef Kimbap Recipe

In my hub titled v Asian Dishes You Can Make at Home (link below), I mentioned my dear for the beef kimbap (sometimes also called kimbob). Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 kimbap is basically the Korean version of the Sushi. It is a rice whorl amongst some fillings wrapped inwards nori or dried seaweed wrap.

When inwards Texas, consume similar a Texan. Especially relish some of the fusion cuisine, similar Tex-Mex. (Fusion cuisine refers to a mode of nutrient that combines elements of dissimilar cuisines.)

Top Ten Best Texas Food Recipes in addition to How to Cook Like a Texan

Top Ten Best Texas Food Recipes in addition to How to Cook Like a Texan

Cooking similar a Texas? This agency y'all must at to the lowest degree know how to ready barbecue brisket in addition to large bowls of thick, hot, hearty steamy chili con carne!