Showing posts with label first food experiences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label first food experiences. Show all posts

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Mushroom: Existent Nutrient Of Fantasy In Addition To Fairy Tales

When 1 says the give-and-take “mushroom” it mightiness provoke diverse thoughts. Psychedelic dreams.  Fantasy together with fairy tales.  Tiny homes for whimsical creatures.  A meat substitute for vegans together with vegetarians.

My commencement sense tasting a mushroom was when my belatedly husband (myfiancé at the time) prepared dinner for me.  Steak alongside mushroom gravy. That was over forty years.  But from that twenty-four hours forward, I didn’t quest convincing to brand mushrooms a business office of my diet.  But inwards example y'all do, perchance this wellness article by Popular Science will persuade you.    “4 reasons y'all should swallow to a greater extent than mushrooms”.

Before coming together my husband, I avoided mushrooms for 2 reasons.

Number 1:  My woman bring upward never used them inwards whatever of her recipes.  Mom didn’t ready them. (???)  Maybe they don’t sense of savor good.  (O.o)
Number 2:  The means people depict mushrooms.  Fungus.mToadstool.  They don’t brand the mushroom audio appetizing or visually appealing.

However, many cooks together with chefs role the mushroom equally the master copy gene inwards their recipes.  Foodies are happy to portion photos of amazing dishes where mushrooms are the star of the show.  As for existence visually appealing, mushrooms are quite beautiful.  Artists frequently role them to illustrate fantasies. 

Nature photographers become insane! They capture incredible pics simply roaming through the woods or the fields.

This fungus is fascinating!  But the master copy affair most people desire to know nearly mushrooms is whether or non they are edible.  No dubiety y'all volition notice these information links useful.

  • 14 Types of Mushrooms together with their Uses – Epicurious

  • Sharing my collection of mushrooms inwards food, art, together with photography. I actually similar the pump art.  Hope y'all similar all of them.  Enjoy!

    Thursday, June 8, 2017

    My Foodie Shares But About The Web

    Ever heard of myLot? It's ane of those social networking sites that pay you lot for simply having discussions together with beingness friendly. It's a keen agency to earn some extra income. You tin start discussions or chime on discussions already going on. It's lots of fun. The discussions I initiate are varied but of course, several of them are almost nutrient together with potable or something food-related. 

    Here are a few examples.   But at that spot are lots more!  Enjoy! 😊

    Sushi vs. Sashimi - There's a Difference?

    s ane of those social networking sites that pay you lot for simply having discussions together with beingness  My Foodie Shares Around the Web

    Life's Guilty Pleasures: French Fries

    Life's Guilty Pleasures: French Fries

    We in all likelihood all bring our guilty pleasures don't we? Never prepared a list, but if I did, french fries would endure on it! French fries, smothered amongst melted cheddar cheese, sprinkled amongst crispy bacon pieces. If I'm going to indulge myself, mightiness likewise become all the way! Right?

    Store-Bought or Homemade. Which is Better?

    Store-Bought or Homemade. Which is Better?

    In high schoolhouse nosotros had to report Greek philosophers. One of the philosophers that stuck inward my hear was Epicurus. He believed inward the "pleasure principle"....

    First Food Experiences – Zucchini Muffins

    First Food Experiences - Zucchini Muffins

    Years agone when I was a misfortunate academy student, a process would endure to grab a world motorbus together with become to a mall, await inward the stores together with peradventure grab a seize amongst teeth to swallow somewhere. Somewhere ... cheap! One hateful solar daytime at the mall at that spot was this eating seat that had a wonderful scent coming from it.

    Root Veggies From Jupiter Taste Better!

    Root Veggies From Jupiter Taste Better!

    Sharing a tidbit from materials that gets thrown into my "I would bring never thunk it!" files. Have you lot always idea that: "Plants grown on other planets...

    World Cuisine: Spotlight on Jordan

    World Cuisine: Spotlight on Jordan

    Yielding to temptation again. Have to percentage something foodie oriented. H5N1 famous athlete was a invitee on a TV cooking demo together with he was beingness interviewed past times the host who asked him, since he had traveled together with thus many places around the world, what type of nutrient did he similar the most.

    Saturday, May 6, 2017

    First Nutrient In Addition To Drinkable Experiences: Chai Tea

    I was binge-watching a Turkish telly series, laid upwards inwards 19th century Istanbul, as well as inwards i of the scenes, the human being offered a potable to the 2 ladies at the tabular array amongst him. Neither lady trusted him exactly they didn't desire to last rude, as well as thence they accepted the loving cup that he poured. He said that people should last willing to experiment as well as endeavor novel things as well as that he wanted to innovate them both to a novel potable he discovered from India. Chai tea!

    As I'm watching the program, I'm going: “Oh! Oh! Chai tea! I know what that is!!”

    Photo by René Pollock on Unsplash

    My hubby is from The Bahamas, exactly he needed to halt drinking java for wellness reasons as well as started trying dissimilar types of teas. In the course of written report of his experimentation, he discovered chai tea as well as introduced it to me.

    I must tell it does conduct maintain an exotic flavor. I similar it!

    Any chai tea drinkers out there?

    Are at that topographic point dissimilar ways yous select to relish this delicious combination of herbs as well as spices inwards potable form?

    I establish a turmeric-chai-latte recipe.

    Do yous conduct maintain yous ain chai tea recipe?  Recipe Sharing.

    * More "First Food Experiences" *

    Saturday, April 8, 2017

    Mushroom: Existent Nutrient Of Fantasy In Addition To Fairy Tales

    When 1 says the give-and-take “mushroom” it mightiness provoke diverse thoughts. Psychedelic dreams.  Fantasy together with fairy tales.  Tiny homes for whimsical creatures.  A meat substitute for vegans together with vegetarians.

    My commencement sense tasting a mushroom was when my belatedly husband (myfiancé at the time) prepared dinner for me.  Steak alongside mushroom gravy. That was over forty years.  But from that twenty-four hours forward, I didn’t quest convincing to brand mushrooms a business office of my diet.  But inwards example y'all do, perchance this wellness article by Popular Science will persuade you.    “4 reasons y'all should swallow to a greater extent than mushrooms”.

    Before coming together my husband, I avoided mushrooms for 2 reasons.

    Number 1:  My woman bring upward never used them inwards whatever of her recipes.  Mom didn’t ready them. (???)  Maybe they don’t sense of savor good.  (O.o)
    Number 2:  The means people depict mushrooms.  Fungus.mToadstool.  They don’t brand the mushroom audio appetizing or visually appealing.

    However, many cooks together with chefs role the mushroom equally the master copy gene inwards their recipes.  Foodies are happy to portion photos of amazing dishes where mushrooms are the star of the show.  As for existence visually appealing, mushrooms are quite beautiful.  Artists frequently role them to illustrate fantasies. 

    Nature photographers become insane! They capture incredible pics simply roaming through the woods or the fields.

    This fungus is fascinating!  But the master copy affair most people desire to know nearly mushrooms is whether or non they are edible.  No dubiety y'all volition notice these information links useful.

  • 14 Types of Mushrooms together with their Uses – Epicurious

  • Sharing my collection of mushrooms inwards food, art, together with photography. I actually similar the pump art.  Hope y'all similar all of them.  Enjoy!