Showing posts with label Lettuce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lettuce. Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Foodie Friday : Wintertime Salad Binging

There's #FoodieFriday, #FollowFriday, #FriendlyFollow … whatever! It's the weekend!  Just choice a nutrient as well as drinkable topic to part as well as run amongst it! 

Connie Guttersen, author, dietitian, nutritionist, a lady on Twitter (warm as well as hearty soups. Yes!  But salad? Not as well as hence much.  That has to change.

Raw Vegan Blood Orange Winter Salad Recipe (

Asian Quinoa Slaw Salad amongst Sesame Ginger Vinaigrette (

East Asian Chicken Salad (

Asian Napa Cabbage Salad (

Asian Napa Cabbage Salad - Home Baked Joy

18 Cozy Warm Salad Recipes for Winter (

Warm Salads For The Winter | Care2 Healthy Living

15 Winter Salads to Make for Dinner - Recipes from The Kitchn

15 Winter Salads to Make for Dinner - Recipes from The Kitchn

Winter survival comes inwards the shape of comfort nutrient - the richer as well as heartier the meal, the easier it is to grip the cold. But nosotros even as well as hence require salad. In fact, amongst all those hefty stews as well as baked pastas, salads are imperative to run on things inwards balance.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Green Leafy Vegetables : On A Whorl Alongside Escarole

Made a New Year's Resolution to swallow to a greater extent than green leafy vegetables.  Been doing pretty skilful too!  It's September together with this is, I confess, the alone resolution I convey managed to keep.  However, at that topographic point is ane greenish leafy vegetable I convey nevertheless to try.  So I collected exactly about recipes.

Escarole a.k.a. mutual chicory, wide chicory, or Batavian endive, is a vegetable that I lately discovered tin hold upward cooked inwards a diversity of delicious recipes.  Here is my collection.  

How nearly you?  Are y'all an escarole lover?  If y'all convey to a greater extent than delight experience gratis to percentage inwards the comments.

Escarole Sausage Soup

  • "I’m a fan of escarole. It’s a crunchy greenish alongside a flake to a greater extent than heft than lettuce, together with it makes a swell salad: on it’s ain exactly dressed or tossed alongside 10 other things to brand a grand principal class salad. In my heart though I’m a cooked greens fan, always. I similar escarole cooked upward alongside garlic inwards my Standard Cooked Greens Recipe: garlic crude oil rut cleaned cooking green: utilise together together with y'all convey a swell side dish or taco stuffing." –Julia

Escarole Siciliano
  • By: Tammy
    "This lemony salad is served hot from the wok. Escarole is a bitter green, but tin hold upward less together with hence when grown shielded from the sun. In general, lighter greenish leaves signal a milder flavor. Thinly sliced tomatoes are a swell accompaniment. This recipe tin hold upward doubled. For a larger party, create inwards batches."

* * *  So many fabulous ways to bask this vegetable.  If these recipes are non plenty at that topographic point are lots to a greater extent than Escarole OR Endive Recipes.  * * *