Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Mushroom: Existent Nutrient Of Fantasy In Addition To Fairy Tales

When 1 says the give-and-take “mushroom” it mightiness provoke diverse thoughts. Psychedelic dreams.  Fantasy together with fairy tales.  Tiny homes for whimsical creatures.  A meat substitute for vegans together with vegetarians.

My commencement sense tasting a mushroom was when my belatedly husband (myfiancé at the time) prepared dinner for me.  Steak alongside mushroom gravy. That was over forty years.  But from that twenty-four hours forward, I didn’t quest convincing to brand mushrooms a business office of my diet.  But inwards example y'all do, perchance this wellness article by Popular Science will persuade you.    “4 reasons y'all should swallow to a greater extent than mushrooms”.

Before coming together my husband, I avoided mushrooms for 2 reasons.

Number 1:  My woman bring upward never used them inwards whatever of her recipes.  Mom didn’t ready them. (???)  Maybe they don’t sense of savor good.  (O.o)
Number 2:  The means people depict mushrooms.  Fungus.mToadstool.  They don’t brand the mushroom audio appetizing or visually appealing.

However, many cooks together with chefs role the mushroom equally the master copy gene inwards their recipes.  Foodies are happy to portion photos of amazing dishes where mushrooms are the star of the show.  As for existence visually appealing, mushrooms are quite beautiful.  Artists frequently role them to illustrate fantasies. 

Nature photographers become insane! They capture incredible pics simply roaming through the woods or the fields.

This fungus is fascinating!  But the master copy affair most people desire to know nearly mushrooms is whether or non they are edible.  No dubiety y'all volition notice these information links useful.

  • 14 Types of Mushrooms together with their Uses – Epicurious

  • Sharing my collection of mushrooms inwards food, art, together with photography. I actually similar the pump art.  Hope y'all similar all of them.  Enjoy!

    Monday, July 24, 2017

    Attn Nutrient Bloggers!  Niume Accepts Republished Content *Strikethrough*

    Attn Nutrient Bloggers! Niume Accepts Republished Content *Strikethrough*

    Niume unopen its doors Oct 2, 2017.

    Do you lot dear food? Need a house to percentage the love? Do you lot hit got onetime spider web log posts you lot would similar to re-purpose together with republish? is looking for contributors to their Food Sphere. Below is an illustration of a few of my contributions ("newbie") together with articles submitted past times experienced nutrient bloggers.

    Food History: Cuban Sandwich | Niume | Food Sphere

    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    BLOGGING OPPORTUNITIES: Sites That Accept Republished Content
    • Niume is a collaborative blogging platform amongst multiple spheres (or topics).  The Food Spere is simply one.  But if you lot are a nutrient blogger you lot are encouraged to percentage your content.  This is site accepts republished content together with allows you lot to promote your blog.  Create a costless work concern human relationship together with firstly immediately.  Click the push that says "Create a Post" together with a quick assort volition popular up.  Must hit got a valid eMail address. 
    • Sign Up     Site volition travel unopen eff Oct 2, 2017

    Saturday, July 22, 2017

    Spices Inwards Filipino Cuisine Past Times Carlo Villamayor (Guest Post)

    It's no cloak-and-dagger that Filipino cuisine is i of the best inwards the world, but similar whatever proficient food, it has to receive got its secrets. Few people receive got actually mastered authentic Filipino food, non the washed-down fare yous arrive fast foods as well as diners, but real, home-made native dishes. Although most of us tin whip upwards something when nosotros postulate to, it tin last difficult to capture that distinct Filipino taste.

    So what actually goes into our food? How practise yous brand your nutrient sense of savor genuinely Filipino? There's actually no unmarried answer, because no i tin define our food; nosotros come upwards from a hodgepodge of cultures, afterward all. But i matter that sets us apart from our Asian neighbors is our heavy utilisation of spices. Whereas other cuisines prefer subtle hints of flavor, nosotros similar a large flare-up of it amongst every bite.

    So that's the starting fourth dimension rule: last generous amongst the spice. If yous desire your dish to stand upwards for inwards amongst other Filipino recipes, teach to know the spices that teach into them. Here are but about of the most common.


    Ginger is used inwards most of Asian cuisine, as well as Filipino nutrient recipes. In the Philippines, it is most commonly used inwards soups as well as stews; dishes such every bit arroz caldo (rice porridge), as well as tinola (chicken stew) utilisation garlic every bit their principal spice. It goes specially good amongst chicken as well as fish dishes, where it provides a prissy contrast to the potent meat flavors. Ginger is used both for flavour as well as aroma, although the flesh of the origin is non e'er eaten. Most people but musical rhythm out the origin as well as drib it into the dish, hence receive got it out but earlier serving.


    We're non every bit wild close spicy nutrient every bit the Thais, but nosotros practise similar a fighting of seize amongst teeth inwards our food. Virtually every Filipino dish tin last spiced upwards amongst chili peppers, from rich meat viands to everyday soups as well as noodles. Sauces similar patis (fish sauce) as well as soy sauce are ofttimes mixed amongst crushed chili as well as used every bit dips or marinades. Bicol, a part inwards southeastern Luzon, is known for using chili peppers inwards most of its dishes. Perhaps the most pop is Bicol express, made amongst meat, bagoong (saut'ed shrimp paste), kokosnoot milk, as well as chopped light-green chilies.

    Garlic as well as onions

    These ii almost e'er teach together, especially inwards meat as well as vegetable dishes. You may last to a greater extent than familiar amongst Taiwanese as well as Australian garlic, which receive got larger cloves as well as are easier to operate with. But if yous desire a stronger, spicier flavor, teach for native garlic. Philippine garlic comes inwards smaller bulbs, amongst cloves less than one-half the size of other types. This makes them difficult to handle, but it's good worth the trouble.

    Philippine onions are potent as well as pungent, making them a cracking source of flavor. Use native cherry onions for saut'ing as well as pickling, but utilisation the white ones for salads as well as sandwiches. If you're making rice porridge, move yesteryear it amongst chopped light-green onions for extra spice.


    Lemongrass has strong-smelling leaves as well as stalks commonly used inwards soups, teas as well as sauces. The leafage is slightly sweetness amongst a hint of citrus, a perfect complement to gravy as well as other meat sauces. There are several ways to utilisation lemongrass, but the most mutual method is cooking the fresh leaves (sometimes the entire stem or bulb) amongst the nutrient to liberate the flavor. If you're using the stalk, receive got exclusively the soft inner utilisation as well as chop it upwards earlier dropping it in. You tin likewise utilisation dried as well as powdered lemongrass, especially if you're inwards the metropolis as well as fresh leaves are difficult to find. 


    Pandan is generally an aromatic ingredient, most commonly used amongst patently white rice. Just add together a duo of leaves to your rice every bit it boils, as well as it comes out amongst a strong, inviting aroma. Some regions fifty-fifty weave it onto rice pots for an fifty-fifty stronger scent. You tin practise the same amongst rice cakes, puddings, as well as other Filipino desserts recipes.

    Bay leafage

    The strong, pungent sense of savor of bay leaves makes them a perfect stand upwards for for Filipino cooking recipes. The leafage has a broad hit of uses, from meat sauces as well as dips to principal dishes similar adobo, menudo as well as mechado. Dried bay leaves are traditionally used; fresh bay is seldom available inwards local markets. The leafage itself is non commonly eaten; similar ginger, yous tin receive got out the leaves i time you're laid to serve. However, most people but move out them inwards as well as laid them aside when eating.

    About The Author:  
    Carlo Villamayor is a devoted cook, he makes it his personal mission to spread the joy of i of his Filipino nutrient recipes amongst nutrient lovers the basis over. Bon appetit!  (Source:

    EES shares recipes, cooking tips
    as well as all things foodie!

     s no cloak-and-dagger that Filipino cuisine is i of the best inwards the basis Spices inwards Filipino Cuisine yesteryear Carlo Villamayor (Guest Post)

    Saturday, July 15, 2017

    The Mystery Of The Perfect Condiments

    For several years we've been adjusting, changing, modifying our diet. "We" important my important other as well as me. Had you lot asked me xl years agone about “veggie burgers”, I likely would convey tried to pretend non to take away heed the inquiry or human action similar you're weren't talking to me.

    However, start inwards 2015, this is my reality check.

    Veggie burgers are a existent business office of our nutrition plan.

    Learned something virtually myself. Veggie burgers sense of savour pretty practiced to me! Not all of them. But at that topographic point is 1 item build that is cheap as well as tasty: Morningstar Farms® Garden Veggie Patties™. They convey a variety of flavors: Asian, Spicy Black Bean, Mushroom, Grillers, etc. You consume them only similar a regular hamburger.

    (This is non affiliate advertisement.  I only similar the brand.)
    Made an amazing discovery. It sort of makes me experience empty-headed because of its obviousness.
    The Garden Veggie Pattie is the 1 that tastes the best inwards my opinion.  You don't convey to wearing clothing it upwards amongst condiments. You don't fifty-fifty demand to seat it on a bun.
    But the other ones – the mushroom, the Asian-style, the spicy bean, the chik'n or turkey grillers, etc. - are non thence flavorful.  So I avoid them.
    One of my daughters fixed a spicy edible bean burger for luncheon but didn't complete the sandwich. She asked me if I wanted her leftovers; otherwise, she'd convey to throw it away.
    Waste food?!! Not inwards my house!!
    So I ate what was left of her sandwich as well as … as well as … It tasted great!
    Do you lot know why?
    She seat mustard as well as ketchup on her burger.
    Duh! (O.o) That's what was missing from those veggie burgers??
    The ii most mutual under-appreciated condiments that are inwards homes as well as restaurants gave the veggie burger what it was missing. Flavor!
    Why didn't I recollect of that??!  :)
    Marshman, Victoria. "The History of Mustard.The Nibble. Lifestyle Direct, Inc., July 2009. Web. fifteen April 2017. © Copyright 2005-2017
    Wiggins, Jasmine. "How Was Ketchup Invented?National Geographic: About The Plate. National Geographic Society., 21 Apr. 2014. Web. 05 May 2015.
    * * *
    Content every bit good appears at Persona Paper.
     I likely would convey tried to pretend non to take away heed the inquiry or human action similar you lot The Mystery of the Perfect CondimentsAsked this inquiry on a social site  Do You Have a Favorite Condiment for Your Food?  as well as got a broad make of responses that went agency beyond mustard as well as ketchup. People started throwing out: salsa, soy sauce, barbecue sauce, unlike kinds of mustards, chutney, mint sauce, ruby currant jelly, pickles as well as paprika, garlic as well as chives, Chimichurri, fish sauce as well as shrimp paste, Thai chili, black vinegar as well as peri-peri.  Talk virtually nutrient diversity!

    Wednesday, July 12, 2017

    A Large Lodge Of Jupiter Fries, Please!

    Have been reading virtually the possibility of growing vegetables on other planets? Saw a preview of that flick which starred Matt Damon, “The Martian” (2015), where he was growing stuff in a house where cipher grows. I dismissed the notion because it was a scientific discipline fiction movie. I hateful … it's “fiction”. Not science.  :)

    However, in that place are only about scientists who are serious virtually pursuing this endeavor. Researchers desire to too accept been experimenting amongst plants growing inward soil similar to variety of dirt ane would abide by on Mars or Jupiter, for example.

    As a non-scientist, I would non completely write off farming on Mars or Jupiter every bit an impossibility.  But I volition country the scientists were really smart inward choosing the murphy every bit the test crop.  As my slowly non-scientist sis amongst a green thumb once told me: "If you lot can't grow a potato, you lot can't grow anything."  :)
    According to a 2012 BBC News report, nutrient futurologists are looking into the variety of nutrient nosotros may locomote eating inward twenty years.  But they are exclusively researching nutrient available hither on footing similar insects, algae, lab-grown meat, too sonic-enhanced nutrient (???).
    Who knows? Fries from Jupiter mightiness locomote quite tasty. :) But I bet they'll locomote expensive.  :)

    * * *
    Flook, Jamie. "Could Foods Taste Better On Other Planets Than They Do On Earth?" Popular Science. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Bonnier Corporation Company, 22 Sept. 2015. Web. 8 Feb. 2017. ( ).
    Schneibel, Andrea. "SPACE: Scientists Try to Grow Peruvian Potatoes on "Mars"." Scientific American. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Division of Nature America, Inc., ii Feb. 2016. Web. 8 Feb. 2017. ( ).
    Jean-Louis, Lawrence. "Life on Mars? For Potatoes Maybe…." Cook, Mix, Mingle. N.p., three Feb. 2016. Web. 8 Feb. 2017. ( ).
    Winterman, Denise. "Future Foods: What Will We Be Eating inward twenty Years' Time?" BBC News Magazine. BBC News Services, xxx July 2012. Web. 08 Feb. 2017. ( ).
    ♦ ♦ ♦

    Monday, June 26, 2017

    Chocolate Links For Chocolate Lovers

    Chocolate is the ultimate comfort food. It is definitely non on the listing of things 1 tin non Google. You never accept whatever problems finding materials virtually chocolate. People honey to celebrate it too brand upward national days for it. They tout all its wellness benefits every bit if 1 needs an excuse to consume it. Even raw chocolate is becoming “the correct thing” to eat.

    Here's a collection of chocolate links - most of them (except for the concluding one) from an online writing website that encourages yous to write curt posts (200 words, minimum) on a broad make of topics too participate inwards its revenue-share plan, then yous tin earn approximately residue income.

    * Chocolate Good for the Memory

    * Why Drinking Hot Chocolate is Good for You?

    * National Chocolate Éclair Day - Éclair way “flash of lightning” too describes the speed at which these delicacies volition disappear if left unguarded.

    * National Chocolate Parfait Day

    * National Chocolate Pudding Day

    * National Chocolate-Covered Raisins Day

    * National Chocolate Fondue Day

    * National Chocolate Candy Day

    * National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

    * National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

    * Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

    National Chocolate Candy Day

    * National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

    * National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

    * Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

    Chocolate of the Month Club (Make Every Month February)
    National Chocolate Candy Day

    * National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

    * National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

    * Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

    National Chocolate Candy Day

    * National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

    * National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

    * Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

    Snooping Around: Random Facts About Chocolate!

    National Chocolate Candy Day

    * National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

    * National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

    * Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

    For the Chocolate Lover inwards You!

    * *

    Follow on Twitter

    Saturday, June 17, 2017

    One Famous Indonesian Nutrient Special Is Non Historically Indonesian

    A full general review of the History of the Exotic Spice Trade volition eventually atomic number 82 to Indonesia.

    "One Famous Indonesian Food Item Is Not Historically Indonesian
    • During the years 1602 to 1942, what is immediately the Republic of Republic of Indonesia was a Dutch colony. ... The tradition of Indonesian nutrient known today equally Rijstafel, which way Rice Table, was started past times the Dutch. ..."
    Read to a greater extent than at: Indonesian Food History – Rijistafel
    "Rijsttafel" past times Jan Willem van Wessel from Rotterdam, Netherlands - Rijsttafel 13. Licensed nether CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

    * * *
    Related Links:

    Tuesday, June 6, 2017

    General Wellness Tips : Seven Best Foods For People Over 50

    Life stages simplified:
    • Growth as well as development? Youth as well as adolescence.
    • Procreation as well as maintenance? Young adult – xx something summation xxx years.
    • Disease prevention as well as keeping torso systems working? Congratulations! You've reached the 50 as well as beyond mark!

    What is an ideal anti-aging shopping listing for mortal 50 or over? 


    1. Green Leafy Vegetables
    • fight deoxyribonucleic acid harm that may atomic number 82 to cancer;
    • reduce your gamble of chronic oculus diseases;
    • suppress the amino acid homocysteine which is of import for encephalon health.

    2. Kefir or Yogurt
    • source of calcium, needed for bone;
    • choose plain, low-sugar varieties, ideally made from grass-fed milk.

    3. Whey Protein
    • counteract loss of musculus majority as well as strength.
    • easily absorbed as well as supports musculus increment as well as repair.
    • add to smoothies or mix amongst milk for a quick shake.

    4. Wild-Caught Seafood
    • best sources of omega-3 fats, fights inflammation as well as supports encephalon health, see wellness as well as more.

    5. Berries
    • high inward fiber as well as antioxidants;
    • should move called “super berries” because of all the wellness benefits.

    6. Olive Oil
    • heart-healthy monounsaturated obese tin lower gamble of see disease;
    • controls insulin levels as well as blood sugar;
    • provides vitamins due east as well as K.

    7. Dark Chocolate (the darker, the better)
    • rich inward antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory compounds
    • lowers gamble of see disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol as well as fifty-fifty abdominal obesity;
    • satisfies your sweetness tooth. :)

    DISCLAIMER: Information inward a higher house non intended to substitituted for medical advice. General data purposes only. If yous establish the summary inward a higher house useful as well as would similar to read the extended version of the article or uncovering other health-related writings, click here to peruse the total library.

    Lumen Naturals for Weight Loss

    Thursday, May 25, 2017

    World Cuisine: Nutrient History: Cuban Sandwich

    Most people, nearly people inwards or from South Florida, cause got heard of Little Havana, a neighborhood inwards Miami, Florida, built upwards past times Cuban immigrants who fled Republic of Cuba when Fidel Castro came to power. Everybody knows this is the house to become to partake of authentic Cuban cuisine. However, did you lot know that the oldest Cuban sandwich store which opened its doors inwards 1947, is non located inwards Miami? The famous Silver Ring Cafe is inwards Tampa, Florida.

    That was tidings to me. Also learned something else new. Very familiar amongst the Sandwich Cubano (Cuban sandwich) as well as Media Noche Sandwich (Midnight Sandwich); simply did you lot know at that spot are several variations of this sandwich? No doubtfulness they’re all delicious! There is a 3rd 1 called Elena Ruz (Cuban Turkey Sandwich). It has guava jelly equally 1 of the ingredients. If you’ve never tried Cuban food, you lot must drive the Cuban Sandwich. Even the world-famous chef, Bobby Flay has his ain variation.

    Eating nutrient is 1 of life’s greatest joys. 
    But learning nutrient history is also swell fun too!

    * * * My master copy content. Published starting fourth dimension at on Nov 29, 2016. 
    ( Site close downwards Aug 2018. )


    Internetwriter62. "The Art of the Cuban Sandwich." HUBPages Inc., 17 Sept. 2013. Web. twenty Jan. 2017. 

    Bobby Flay Goes Cuban.” CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 1 Feb. 2007. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.  (Video.)

     built upwards past times Cuban immigrants who fled Republic of Cuba when Fidel Castro came to ability World Cuisine: Food History: Cuban Sandwich

    Cuban Sandwiches - Gourmet Frozen Pork Appetizers (45 Piece Tray) built upwards past times Cuban immigrants who fled Republic of Cuba when Fidel Castro came to ability World Cuisine: Food History: Cuban Sandwich

     built upwards past times Cuban immigrants who fled Republic of Cuba when Fidel Castro came to ability World Cuisine: Food History: Cuban Sandwich

     built upwards past times Cuban immigrants who fled Republic of Cuba when Fidel Castro came to ability World Cuisine: Food History: Cuban Sandwich

    Iberia Guava Paste (14 oz Bricks) three Pack built upwards past times Cuban immigrants who fled Republic of Cuba when Fidel Castro came to ability World Cuisine: Food History: Cuban Sandwich

    Thursday, May 11, 2017

    Health : Command Your Appetite : It's All Inwards Your Head

    Another regain has been made inwards the report of food, health, together with science. Credit is existence given to Professor Kazuyoshi Ukena of Hiroshima University for identifying NPGL, a poly peptide inwards our encephalon which “apparently aims to hold trunk majority at a constant, come upward feast or famine”.

    The professor's finding eliminates the excuse of non existence able to lose weight together with halt yourself from overeating because y'all don't bring any willpower because the mechanisms for appetite command are literally ... all inwards your head. :)

    ♦ ♦ ♦

    More Interesting Links together with Recommended Reading:

    Frohlich, Thomas C. "Do You Know What Gives You Energy?" My Shopping Channel., 06 May 2017. Web. 09 May 2017.

    Kostyo, Mike. "Do You Know What Gives You Energy?
    When it comes to existence wellness together with fitness conscious, making lineament of life choices, together with developing good for y'all living habits, citizens of Austin, Texas, ready the illustration for everyone else to follow; including the Californians. { IMHO ☺} Sharing a recap of primal facts to peak your involvement together with about information links on health, wellness, together with fitness, diet, nutrition, together with do for farther reading together with research.