Showing posts with label holidays and celebrations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays and celebrations. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

World Cuisine : Focus On Nutrient Contributions Of The Irish

Since March is Irish-American Heritage Month, this postal service volition percentage information nearly Ireland's nutrient history in addition to diverse recipes which were probable brought to the US past times agency of Irish Gaelic immigrants (or were adopted past times the Irish-Americans in addition to made their own).  😍


Timeline of the Irish Gaelic Potato Famine 1845-1851

Some may nation there's enough of meat in addition to potatoes when it comes to Irish Gaelic food.  But that was non ever so.  7 years of famine? Sounds biblical, doesn't it?

Timeline of the Irish Gaelic Potato Famine 1845-1851

March 24th 1847: British people, led past times Queen Victoria, held a National Day of Atonement, fasting in addition to doing penance, for the Irish Gaelic famine.[16] Apr 1847: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 report, to the Central Board of Health from Killarney, showed that people were literally dropping dead inwards the street.

How to Make Irish Gaelic Stew

How to Make Irish Gaelic Stew

Irish Gaelic Stew is the sort of nutrient that is cracking on a mutual frigidity winters night, but is only perfect on whatever occasion. The odor combined amongst the season become inwards 1 of my favorite meals. I currently stimulate got nearly five, but the add-on of the barley inwards this recipe add together a lot of texture in addition to season to the stew.

Why Do We Eat Corned Beef in addition to Cabbage on St Patrick's Day?

The consummate enquiry is: Why Do We Eat Corned Beef in addition to Cabbage on St Patrick's Day When Corned Beef in addition to Cabbage is Not Irish Gaelic Food?

Why Do We Eat Corned Beef in addition to Cabbage on St Patrick's Day?

past times JoHarrington I'll acknowledge that I was somewhat taken aback. I'd exactly finished telling an American friend that her province is responsible for St Patrick popularly wearing light-green (traditionally he wore blue), in addition to for linking shamrocks amongst the Irish.

The Best Irish-Inspired Recipes

The Best Irish-Inspired Recipes

Yes, there's enough of meat in addition to potatoes when it comes to Irish Gaelic food, but there's a lot to a greater extent than too, in addition to it's all delicious.

Is Traditional Irish Gaelic Food inwards America Accurate? | PBS Food

Is Traditional Irish Gaelic Food inwards America Accurate? | PBS Food

past times Allison Gray If an Irishman came to America on St. Patrick's Day, he powerfulness last a piddling flake shocked past times the leprechaun outfits, light-green beer guzzlers, in addition to yes, fifty-fifty the corned beef in addition to cabbage. To last Irish Gaelic inwards America is no rare thing-about 34.5 1 1000 m people inwards the US claim Irish Gaelic heritage according to the 2011 U.S.

Irish American Mom's Top Ten Recipes

Irish American Mom's Top Ten Recipes

With St. Patrick's Day exactly around the corner, I idea why non review my recipes to meet which ones are most pop amongst readers. And then I've come upwards up amongst my Top Ten Recipes of all time. Believe it or not, all of the most viewed recipes on my site are Irish Gaelic recipes.

Decorative divider images from

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Foodie Friday : Chinese Novel Twelvemonth Recipes In Addition To Dishes

The food-related topic of alternative for this week's foodie Fri should survive obvious.

Chinese New Year!

At our partner blog, My Blog Stop!, 2 posts were published discussing this wonderful vacation celebration alongside its traditions.

  • MBS Post 1:  " ... Flowers are an of import business office of the decorations for the Chinese New Year's Day celebration. ..." read more.

  • MBS Post 2:  "... symbols of prosperity ... Tangerines in addition to oranges to survive specific.

"The brilliant orangish color of the fruits too symbolizes 'gold'; therefore it has an auspicious pregnant to convey inwards proficient luck in addition to wealth." ..." read more.


People all merely about the globe are celebrating. One of my favorite Asian TV chefs, Ching-He Huang, was a invitee on the TODAY demonstrate in addition to she briefly shared her proficient luck recipes to start out the novel year. Her recipe for the master copy dish was Golden Chinese Five Spice Orange Roast Chicken. So many others are sharing their recipes in addition to favorite dishes all merely about the web. There are so many to select from. Clearly can't portion them all, but promise to create similar my selections. 

Happy New Year!!

10 Dishes To Celebrate Chinese New Year's Day 2017: Year Of The Rooster

10 Dishes To Celebrate Chinese New Year's Day 2017: Year Of The Rooster

Happy Spring Festival! Whether or non y'all guide keep Chinese roots, to a greater extent than in addition to to a greater extent than people the globe over are celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year. Falling on Jan. 28 this year, traditionally, it is a fourth dimension for families to larn together in addition to guide keep an annual dinner, every bit good every bit sweep the trouble solid to brand agency for proficient [...]

TV chef Ching-He Huang's run past times tips for authentic cooking for Chinese New Year

TV chef Ching-He Huang's run past times tips for authentic cooking for Chinese New Year

It's Chinese New Year's Day in addition to millions of people merely about the globe are getting ready to welcome inwards the Year of the Rooster. If you're 1 of them brand in addition to you're planning on celebrating, there's no doubtfulness your favourite Chinese dishes volition survive making an appearance.

Chinese New Year's Day Recipes | BBC The GoodFood

Ginger Orange Pound Cake Recipe

Ginger Orange Pound Cake Recipe

There is 1 classic dessert my hubby in addition to I can't resist - nil fancy or over the top, merely the simple, sweetness in addition to soft yumminess of pound cake alongside a proficient loving cup of tea! Over the years I've experimented alongside many flavours inwards this uncomplicated recipe, from the proficient former evidently vanilla to cardamom spiced and, of course, the chocolate version.

Traditional Chinese New Year's Day recipes to ready at home

Traditional Chinese New Year's Day recipes to ready at home Shiitake chive dumplings past times Jeremy Pang Want to guide keep a larn at making your ain Chinese dim sum? Jeremy's recipe includes a useful guide to making these wonderfully crispy shiitake in addition to chive dumplings, alongside tips on how to perfectly wind in addition to shape them.


Yee Sang (Prosperity Toss Salad) | Malaysian Chinese Kitchen

Yee Sang (Prosperity Toss Salad) | Malaysian Chinese Kitchen

“... for the Chinese people, noodles are a “symbol of longevity”.

Happy New Year!!

Previous #FoodieFriday posts?

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Cooking Tips : No Necessitate For A Exceptional Diet To Role Element Substitutes

Whether yous believe eggs are skilful or bad, at to the lowest degree at that topographic point are egg substitutes, inward example yous run out of eggs.

It's a holiday. 🎄
You're preparing a scrumptious meal. 
Many of the recipes involve eggs. 
But! You run out of eggs! 
All the grocery stores are unopen because ... it's a holiday! 
Can't borrow from the neighbors because every egg they bring is CRITICAL!!  They're celebrating the vacation too.  

What create yous do? 😨

This nutrient nautical chart (below) was made for vegans. But yous don't bring to last on a particular diet to purpose cooking constituent substitutes or alternatives.

By the way.  If this doesn't convince yous to operate on a laid upwardly furnish of applesauce in addition to tofu on hand, cipher will!  

Top ix Plant-Based Egg Substitutes For Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Healthy Diet

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Wassail Is A Wonderful Trend To Celebrate Winter!

Did you lot know that a loving cup of warm wassail is really soothing to a sore throat? Yes. One fourth dimension it was a Christmas vacation as well as I was nether the weather. I had a sore pharynx as well as my miss came over as well as made approximately wassail inwards a crock pot. I took i sip as well as it felt thus practiced going downward my throat. Who knew?

Sore pharynx or not, a imbibe of warm wassail is delicious, particularly during the wintry months. There are thus many recipe variations.

"Wassail is a drinkable of hot mulled cider, drunkard traditionally every bit an integral purpose of wassailing, a Medieval Christmastide English linguistic communication drinking ritual intended to ensure a practiced cider apple tree harvest the next year." (Source: Wikipedia)

It's eventide as well as my Christmas Day is almost over simply I'm withal celebrating. Have a few minutes to issue a quick postal service as well as thus I'm going to percentage a wonderful wassail recipe that a friend shared alongside me inwards answer to a inquiry I asked nearly celebrating the Winter Solstice. I know approximately people don't attention also much for eggnog but most people actually taste a delicious wassail drink.

Celebrate the Winter Solstice alongside this Wassail Recipe past times Spiderdust Core out of approximately apples (not the whole agency through), materials them alongside sugar, lay a bunch of cloves inwards an orange, as well as and then roast all of the fruit for one-half an hour. Put the roasted fruit inwards a gallon of cider alongside approximately cinnamon sticks, allspice, approximately pieces of crystallized ginger, a few pieces of star anise, as well as and then grate approximately nutmeg over it all. Optional: Throw inwards approximately fresh or frozen cranberries. Let it simmer on depression all solar daytime long. People tin serve themselves every bit they please. The longer it simmers, the amend it gets.

* Original acrylic elf painting, Wassail: Santa's elves at workbench, Woodworking tools, Alphabet alphabetic quality W, Gift for Dad, Fantasy Christmas Found on Etsy

Monday, June 26, 2017

Chocolate Links For Chocolate Lovers

Chocolate is the ultimate comfort food. It is definitely non on the listing of things 1 tin non Google. You never accept whatever problems finding materials virtually chocolate. People honey to celebrate it too brand upward national days for it. They tout all its wellness benefits every bit if 1 needs an excuse to consume it. Even raw chocolate is becoming “the correct thing” to eat.

Here's a collection of chocolate links - most of them (except for the concluding one) from an online writing website that encourages yous to write curt posts (200 words, minimum) on a broad make of topics too participate inwards its revenue-share plan, then yous tin earn approximately residue income.

* Chocolate Good for the Memory

* Why Drinking Hot Chocolate is Good for You?

* National Chocolate Éclair Day - Éclair way “flash of lightning” too describes the speed at which these delicacies volition disappear if left unguarded.

* National Chocolate Parfait Day

* National Chocolate Pudding Day

* National Chocolate-Covered Raisins Day

* National Chocolate Fondue Day

* National Chocolate Candy Day

* National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

* National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

* Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

National Chocolate Candy Day

* National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

* National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

* Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

Chocolate of the Month Club (Make Every Month February)
National Chocolate Candy Day

* National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

* National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

* Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

National Chocolate Candy Day

* National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

* National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

* Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

Snooping Around: Random Facts About Chocolate!

National Chocolate Candy Day

* National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

* National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

* Raw Chocolate is Now a Trend

For the Chocolate Lover inwards You!

* *

Follow on Twitter

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Honey Chai Cake Recipe | Arabic Nutrient (Reblog)

Are y'all curious nearly global flavors?  You bring wanderlust but can't wander every bit good far because your move budget is extremely limited?  Describing myself, of course.  My move adventures are accomplished mainly through the Internet together with television.  Was watching a TV cooking exhibit together with the host asked ane of his guests who was a globe traveler, which purpose of the globe had the "best food" (in his opinion).  He said he enjoyed nutrient prepared inwards the Middle East.  

Image credit:  Arabic Food I, photograph past times Victor Maia, constitute at

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Honey Chai Cake Recipe

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Honey Chai Cake Recipe

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 delicious dearest cake amongst tea, covered amongst vanilla together with white chocolate icing, no ane tin resist it! Shaikha - founder of "When Shaikha Cooks" weblog - prepared for y'all this unique recipe, to laid upward it easily, peculiarly for when you're expecting friends.

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma recipe

“There’s nada worse than existence stuck inwards the kitchen on Christmas twenty-four threescore minutes menses spell all your guests are enjoying themselves outside, together with therefore this DIY lamb shawarma recipe is the perfect solution. ...”

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma recipe

The Standard Arabic Food Recipes Kitchen (The abode of Delicious Standard Arabic Food) invites y'all to effort Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma recipe. Enjoy the Standard Arabic cuisine together with larn how to brand Slow-roasted lamb shoulder amongst flavours of shawarma.

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Eid Kaak amongst Dates Recipe

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Eid Kaak amongst Dates Recipe

Cooking time: 20 minutes servings: 100 Ingredients Dough: two cups real hot margarine7 cups flour2 tsp odor of kaak (special kaak spices)2 tbsp toasted sesame1/2 loving cup warm water1 tbsp yeast 1 tsp sugar1/2 loving cup milk Stuffing: 500 grams Ajwa (dates)1 tsp cinnamon For garnish: Fine pulverization carbohydrate Directions 1.

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Eggplant With Lamb, Tomato together with Pine Nuts Recipe

“ … this traditional Lebanese dish is made for celebratory meals together with gatherings.

Connecting the dots.  

Several months back, began using the Google+ collections characteristic to keep a collection of posts together with links related to World Cuisine.  In the process, stumbled across the Arabic Food Recipes blog.  My married adult man together with kids are turned on to chai tea. Even though I am a java fiend, having been encouraged past times them to effort a cup, it's real slow to sympathise why they are chai tea lovers.  At the aforementioned nutrient weblog constitute a cake recipe together with idea to myself:

  • 'Chai tea is delicious. Why non chai cake?'  
(See link shared below.)

Here is simply about other affair to complaint nearly this blog.  When many of us are enjoying the vacation season, nosotros tell "Happy Holidays" to others.  Why?  It's non to hold upward anti-Christmas.  America is a various nation.  Some folks produce non celebrate Christmas.  But they produce celebrate a holiday!  This weblog has vacation recipes for Christmas, EID, together with Ramadan.  Cool huh?

Eggplant With Lamb, Tomato together with Pine Nuts Recipe

With its layers of golden eggplant, cinnamon-scented lamb, together with sugariness love apple tree sauce topped amongst melted cheese, this traditional Lebanese dish is made for celebratory meals together with gatherings. Even better, it's simply every bit skillful served warm or room temperature every bit it is hot from the oven.