Showing posts with label recipe variations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recipe variations. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2017

Foodie Friday : Banana Brownies - Dorsum For Seconds

Scanning pins on Pinterest as well as came across ane pivot shared past times cheesecake. But unopen to of the brownies I savor are chocolate.  Never heard of a Banana Brownie. Have you?

Now it's imperative to know how many other dissimilar kinds of brownies are out in that place inwards wonderful basis of food.  :)

Do you lot accept a brownie recipe
that's non similar whatsoever other?

Banana Brownies - Back for Seconds

Kelly Senyei, Just a Taste, came upwardly amongst a recipe that combines iii desserts into one.  Three guilty pleasures inwards one?  What a vivid mind!!  :)

Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies

Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies Recipe

Found this delightful process at Kirbie’s Cravings.

Cookies as well as Cream Brownies

Cookies as well as Cream Brownies

 Another Kellie shared her recipe for vegans at her blog, Food to Glow.

Green Tea Cheesecake White Chocolate Brownie

Green Tea Cheesecake White Chocolate Brownie

Blinking arrow constitute at

Found on Google Plus

Spinach Brownies  (???) OK!

Friday, June 30, 2017

Foodie Friday : Ameliorate Boxed Mac-N-Cheese. Is That Possible?

Anybody who loves their macaroni together with cheese would rather hold upwards thrown into a cage amongst starving lions than consume that boxed mac-n-cheese!! UUUGGG!!! YUK!!!

OK. Being tossed into a cage amongst starving lions is a chip of an exaggeration. But how many of you lot accept e'er had a alternative betwixt making your ain macaroni together with cheese or using the mac-n-cheese inward a box together with said: “Oh yes! Gimme that box stuff! I dear it!”

Saw a headline (below) nigh “hacking your mac”.

Well since it was inward the nutrient section, figured it wasn't nigh a Mac computer, then it had to hold upwards nigh macaroni!  xiii ways to brand boxed macaroni together with cheese gustatory modality fifty-fifty better? Well!  Everybody has their ain tastes, don't they?  In my humble opinion, speaking equally a non-chef or non-official nutrient individual inward whatever way, a newbie learning to create powerfulness desire to exam these ways using the box.  If the halt results function yesteryear muster, they tin plow over the sack arrange to a greater extent than or less of these ideas together with add together a twist to a existent tried together with truthful homemade recipe.

My tried together with truthful homemade recipe?

Prepare 1 lb of elbow macaroni, cooked according to packet directions

Pour drained macaroni into a casserole dish. While the pasta is yet hot, mix inward the next ingredients inward this order.

  • 1 lb of shredded extra sudden cheddar cheese
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tin plow over the sack of evaporated milk

Once all ingredients are thoroughly combined, sprinkle to a greater extent than shredded cheddar cheese on top. (As much equally you lot want.)

Bake inward a preheated oven to 350 degrees F., for nigh thirty minutes.

This is how my belatedly woman raise taught me together with was actually surprised when watching TV chef Paula Deen's cooking demonstrate i twenty-four sixty minutes menses together with noticed that she prepared hers the same way. (I varied my mom's recipe a picayune yesteryear adding inward chopped onions together with bell peppers.)

Other Mac-n-Cheese Variations

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Foodie Friday : Raw Kokosnoot Fig Acre (Reblog)

It's approximately other #FoodieFriday. Even though it's belatedly inwards the day, this postal service volition last published earlier midnight. If not, I powerfulness plough into fig! (Just kidding!) 

Want to know my other #FoodieFriday posts? 

For this #FoodieFriday, the keyword is "fig".  (It was going to last "gumbo' but ... flora this postal service close fig together with went off inwards a completely dissimilar direction! :)  )  Before getting started, allow me portion this salubrious tip.

TIP:  Need a pre-workout snack? Try figs! They are filled amongst calcium, magnesium together with potassium.  (Source)

OK!  My kickoff fig share is an awesome postal service flora inwards a Google Plus Blogging community.

I don't know if the fig was actually the forbidden fruit inwards the Garden of Eden. As far equally I'm concerned it's a fruit that was sky sent!

Here is a fiddling flake close the fig. It's an excerpt from my article published at


Genus Ficus
The fig flora tin grade notice last either a low-lying shrub or a tall tree.  They grow wild; or domesticated inwards the Mediterranean part together with inwards California.  In Israel, the fig trees unremarkably sprout buds inwards belatedly spring; past times the calendar month of June (early summer) the tree is total of leaves; together with inwards simply a few to a greater extent than weeks, the figs are ready for picking.


  • You tin grade notice acquire to a greater extent than close the ficus flora at

An additional fact.  In the Bible, the fig has 2 symbolic meanings.  Hope (if the fig tree fruitful): Desolation (if the fig tree is barren).

Here are to a greater extent than shares.  Enjoy!

Cracked Wheat Fig Halwa (

Cracked Wheat Fig Halwa

15 Sweet together with Calcium-Rich Recipes With Figs

15 Sweet together with Calcium-Rich Recipes With Figs
Spiced fig, java & hazelnut cake

Spiced fig, java & hazelnut cake
Last share!
Delicious Savory Melon together with Fig Salad

Delicious Savory Melon together with Fig Salad