Showing posts with label diet and nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet and nutrition. Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Foodie Friday : Wintertime Salad Binging

There's #FoodieFriday, #FollowFriday, #FriendlyFollow … whatever! It's the weekend!  Just choice a nutrient as well as drinkable topic to part as well as run amongst it! 

Connie Guttersen, author, dietitian, nutritionist, a lady on Twitter (warm as well as hearty soups. Yes!  But salad? Not as well as hence much.  That has to change.

Raw Vegan Blood Orange Winter Salad Recipe (

Asian Quinoa Slaw Salad amongst Sesame Ginger Vinaigrette (

East Asian Chicken Salad (

Asian Napa Cabbage Salad (

Asian Napa Cabbage Salad - Home Baked Joy

18 Cozy Warm Salad Recipes for Winter (

Warm Salads For The Winter | Care2 Healthy Living

15 Winter Salads to Make for Dinner - Recipes from The Kitchn

15 Winter Salads to Make for Dinner - Recipes from The Kitchn

Winter survival comes inwards the shape of comfort nutrient - the richer as well as heartier the meal, the easier it is to grip the cold. But nosotros even as well as hence require salad. In fact, amongst all those hefty stews as well as baked pastas, salads are imperative to run on things inwards balance.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Do Yous Know What Gives Yous Energy?

When it comes to existence wellness in addition to fitness conscious, making quality of life choices, in addition to developing salubrious living habits, citizens of Austin, Texas, gear upwardly the representative for everyone else to follow; including the Californians. { IMHO ☺}

Do yous know which foods give yous loose energy or what yous tin post away create to larn to a greater extent than energy?

No. Eating donuts in addition to watching TV are non on the list.

Sharing a recap of cardinal facts to peak your involvement in addition to or thence information links on health, wellness, and fitness, diet, nutrition, and practise for farther reading in addition to research.

According to Tori Jarzabkowski, Austin Fit Magazine, in that place are 5 foods that fuel the trunk or give yous energy. 
(1) Matcha Tea 
(2) Bone Broth 
(3) Fermented Foods 
(4) Coconut Sugar 
(5) Seaweed Snacks

When it comes to existence wellness in addition to fitness witting Do You Know What Gives You Energy?   When it comes to existence wellness in addition to fitness witting Do You Know What Gives You Energy?

REFERENCE: Jarzabkowski, Tori. "Nutrition Trends for 2015." Austin Fit Magazine: Best of 2014 Issue Jan. 2015: 22-23. Print. AFM Issue #207. Est. 1997. Official website: 

Lynnis Woods-Mullins, CEO of Praiseworks, Inc. offers her advice on ways yous tin post away larn to a greater extent than energy. When it comes to existence wellness in addition to fitness witting Do You Know What Gives You Energy?
(1) Water-hydration 
(2) Exercise (just a brisk walk) 
(3) Super foods 
(4) Detox light-green smoothies 
(5) Aromatherapy  

REFERENCE: 5 Ways To Get More Energy - NOW! 

When it comes to existence wellness in addition to fitness witting Do You Know What Gives You Energy?

Gen Mai Matcha Our signature Dragon Crisp - Gen Mai Cha, hand-dusted, in addition to then gently blended amongst Grade H5N1 Matcha. Caffeine Content: large Tasting Notes: Grassy, Malty, Nutty

* * *

I don't know nearly yous but it would go really slow to larn into the salubrious habit of drinking light-green smoothies inward the morn for breakfast in addition to and then enjoying a delightful loving cup of light-green tea inward the afternoon or the evenings.

RAW VEGAN On The Fast Lane: The 60-Second Power Smoothie HandbookWhen it comes to existence wellness in addition to fitness witting Do You Know What Gives You Energy?

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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

General Wellness Tips : Seven Best Foods For People Over 50

Life stages simplified:
  • Growth as well as development? Youth as well as adolescence.
  • Procreation as well as maintenance? Young adult – xx something summation xxx years.
  • Disease prevention as well as keeping torso systems working? Congratulations! You've reached the 50 as well as beyond mark!

What is an ideal anti-aging shopping listing for mortal 50 or over? 


1. Green Leafy Vegetables
  • fight deoxyribonucleic acid harm that may atomic number 82 to cancer;
  • reduce your gamble of chronic oculus diseases;
  • suppress the amino acid homocysteine which is of import for encephalon health.

2. Kefir or Yogurt
  • source of calcium, needed for bone;
  • choose plain, low-sugar varieties, ideally made from grass-fed milk.

3. Whey Protein
  • counteract loss of musculus majority as well as strength.
  • easily absorbed as well as supports musculus increment as well as repair.
  • add to smoothies or mix amongst milk for a quick shake.

4. Wild-Caught Seafood
  • best sources of omega-3 fats, fights inflammation as well as supports encephalon health, see wellness as well as more.

5. Berries
  • high inward fiber as well as antioxidants;
  • should move called “super berries” because of all the wellness benefits.

6. Olive Oil
  • heart-healthy monounsaturated obese tin lower gamble of see disease;
  • controls insulin levels as well as blood sugar;
  • provides vitamins due east as well as K.

7. Dark Chocolate (the darker, the better)
  • rich inward antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory compounds
  • lowers gamble of see disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol as well as fifty-fifty abdominal obesity;
  • satisfies your sweetness tooth. :)

DISCLAIMER: Information inward a higher house non intended to substitituted for medical advice. General data purposes only. If yous establish the summary inward a higher house useful as well as would similar to read the extended version of the article or uncovering other health-related writings, click here to peruse the total library.

Lumen Naturals for Weight Loss

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Healthy Eating Tips : Swallow Your Greens! Drinkable Your Carrots!

Growing up, people used to e'er tell to me: “Eat carrots! They're goodness for your eyes.” I believed what they said. Not dissing carrots, but they were as well as are non my favorite veggie. So coming upward alongside creative ways to savor them to have the wellness practice goodness was e'er a challenge.   What's the best means to reply to a nutrient challenge?  COMPROMISE!  šŸ˜‹

Now inward my adulthood, come upward to discovery out that according to experts inward diet as well as nutrition, zeaxanthin as well as lutein, which are the forms of beta-carotene that boost optic wellness are constitute inward high levels inward greenish leafy vegetables, such equally spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, as well as Swiss chard. That's fantastic! Because for me, greens are the best veggies!! Although, inward defense strength of carrots, the juice mixes good alongside diverse other fruits as well as makes for a delicious salubrious drink!

Greens Glorious Greens!: More than 140 Ways to Prepare All Those Great-Tasting, Super-Healthy, Beautiful Leafy Greens but they were as well as are non my favorite veggie Healthy Eating Tips : Eat Your Greens!  Drink Your Carrots!


7 Creative Carrot Juice Recipes

Carrot Juice Recipes | Juicing Carrots

Carrot Juice Recipes | Juicing Carrots

Carrot juice recipes are exactly wonderful. If you've never had it before, you'll travel surprised how sugariness it is. It tastes NOTHING similar y'all mean value it volition taste. Its sweet, creamy as well as delicious. It has a milky texture as well as has no bitterness.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Red Tea Detox A Weight Loss Tea Amongst Scientific Proof (#Ad)

Red Tea Detox is all the rage!  

With adept argue too.  Not because it has mystical powers.  While it is truthful that this crimson tea is a recipe that has been used inwards Africa since ancient times, it is non truthful that it is a miracle drinkable that volition magically crusade the fatty to melt the means the wicked witch melted when Dorothy threw H2O on her inwards the "Wizard of Oz". 

It doesn't function similar that. But it does work!

Learn how to lose fatty and 
clean your trunk from toxins.

Red Tea Detox

Advisory:  Before making purchases virtually products amongst claimed wellness benefits, ever develop in addition to inform yourself.  Seek medical advice or persuasion if necessary.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Food Spider Web Log Spotlight: Tofu Is The Novel Dark On Tumblr

So glad such a matter equally a spotlight was invented. The concept or catch of shining a low-cal on something or mortal worthy of existence noticed comes inwards handy when you lot notice a fantabulous nutrient blog similar “Tofu is the New Black”. 

My foodie adventures unopen to the spider web frequently either laid out hither at this weblog or at my complementary Tumblr micro-blog. Was scanning the posts current in addition to came across this amazing blog. Fortunately the publisher, “Irene”, introduces herself inwards both Italian in addition to English. (No occupation if she didn't. I piece of work along my Google translator at the ready! ☺ ) 

Irene is a vegan in addition to non exclusively does she portion cracking vegan recipes but the nutrient images at her weblog demo off some of the prettiest nutrient I've always seen!  She scours the spider web in addition to recycles recipes, cooking tips, healthcare tips, charts displaying nutrient alternatives or substitutes, infographics, in addition to other food finds.  She is PRO-Green in addition to extremely environmentally conscious (as nosotros all should be).  Her posts appointment dorsum to August 2015. Got in addition to then excited simply browsing Jan 2017, decided her nutrient / foodie adventures needed to hold upwards shared alongside others.

Are you lot a tofu lover?
Do you lot bring a favorite tofu recipe?

Please comment below. 

Pretty food!

Healthcare Tips!

Cheese Lovers!

Healthy Ways to Satisfy the Munchies!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Health : Command Your Appetite : It's All Inwards Your Head

Another regain has been made inwards the report of food, health, together with science. Credit is existence given to Professor Kazuyoshi Ukena of Hiroshima University for identifying NPGL, a poly peptide inwards our encephalon which “apparently aims to hold trunk majority at a constant, come upward feast or famine”.

The professor's finding eliminates the excuse of non existence able to lose weight together with halt yourself from overeating because y'all don't bring any willpower because the mechanisms for appetite command are literally ... all inwards your head. :)

♦ ♦ ♦

More Interesting Links together with Recommended Reading:

Frohlich, Thomas C. "Do You Know What Gives You Energy?" My Shopping Channel., 06 May 2017. Web. 09 May 2017.

Kostyo, Mike. "Do You Know What Gives You Energy?
When it comes to existence wellness together with fitness conscious, making lineament of life choices, together with developing good for y'all living habits, citizens of Austin, Texas, ready the illustration for everyone else to follow; including the Californians. { IMHO ☺} Sharing a recap of primal facts to peak your involvement together with about information links on health, wellness, together with fitness, diet, nutrition, together with do for farther reading together with research.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Matcha Tea Is Torso Fuel: Nutrition Trends: 2015 Together With Beyond!

Taking a quick await at the Nutrition Trends that started inwards 2015.  Health, fitness, too wellness experts identified nutrient too potable they telephone band "body fuel".  H5N1 auto needs fuel to run properly too thence does your body.  Matcha tea is trunk fuel.  Find out what other nutrient too potable tin orbit the axe ability you lot up.

Many Americans strive daily to stimulate got extra steps to ensure their wellness too well-being. If Austin, Texas, “America's Fittest City”, is a illustration sample of fitness habits around the USA, too thence nutrition trends demo a shift inwards eating habits that volition focus on partaking of nutrient that tin orbit the axe fuel the body.

In 2012, McCormick too Schwartz (well-known sellers of herbs too spices inwards the U.S. too the U.K.) released an 8-page study which stated that people would live moving towards honoring their roots; too their eating or dining habits would reverberate a celebration of the origins of one’s ain ethnic cuisine.

That was the forecast inwards 2012. Per Tori Jarzabkowski, who writes for Austin Fit Magazine, the nutrition trends for 2015 are inwards a administration simply a tad flake unlike from eating the meals prepared past times momma too grandma. This twelvemonth (2015) in that place are 5 specific foods (listed below) that are “what's hot inwards the nutrient too nutrition world”. Austin, Texas USA, boasts a real health-conscious community of citizens. Gyms are everywhere. People are into running, jogging, walking, biking, eating organic or whole foods, shopping at stores that specialize inwards homeopathic products, visiting the local choice medicine practitioners for wellness check-ups, etc.

(1) Matcha Tea

Are you lot of Japanese heritage? The people of Nihon stimulate got been enjoying this light-green tea since the 12 century. It was served equally operate of the traditional Japanese tea ceremonies. Not certain if they knew it was a super-food. If they did, they were agency ahead of us.

(2) Bone Broth

Broth made from brute bones is loaded amongst nutrients. Bone broth improves immunity too has a host of other wellness benefits. Guess what? That's one-time news. My parents too my husband's parents ever ate all the nutrient on their plate, unremarkably saved the meat serving for last, too when the meat was gone, they went afterwards the bones. Sucked those bones dry! Like it was a religion. My dad too my husband's parents are from The Bahamas. My mother's roots are operate African-American, operate Native American, Cherokee.

(3) Fermented Foods

 Taking a quick await at the Nutrition Trends that started inwards  Matcha Tea is Body Fuel: Nutrition Trends: 2015 too Beyond!Everybody watches or has heard of that pop nutrient demo “Kimchi Chronicles”. Right? Well if you lot didn't know, you lot know now. Kimchi is a fermented nutrient of Korean origin. Sauerkraut or “sour cabbage” is equally good a fermented food: High German origin. Kombucha is a fermented drink, believed to stimulate got originated inwards China. They are goodness for salubrious intestines too more.

SPOTLIGHTClara Myers publishes Health too Wellness articles hither at In 2 of her posts she presents a thorough give-and-take on why nosotros should swallow fermented foods, too whether nosotros should ferment our ain food. Ms. Myers' expertise inwards the expanse of holistic health.

(4) Coconut Sugar

It must live kokosnoot harvesting time. The kokosnoot is existence praised for everything! Coconut water. Coconut oil. Coconut jelly. Coconut fruit. Now there's kokosnoot sugar. There is no necessitate to sell me on coconut. Grew upwardly inwards South Florida too nosotros had a tree inwards our backyard. My blood brother used the climb the tree too throw downward 2 or iii coconuts. We'd whack them opened upwardly too swallow our fill. One twelvemonth a hurricane knocked downward the tree too my life has never been the same. Didn't realize in that place were thence many goodness reasons why nosotros were supposed to be eating coconuts.

(5) Seaweed Snacks

Last on the listing for foods that fuel the trunk is seaweed. Seaweed is existence touted equally the “kale of the sea”. It's the novel quinoa. It's green!! The dominion is: the darker the green, the better! This item nutrient is non just the tastiest (my opinion) but afterwards experimenting amongst flavors ranging from wasabi to coconut, cheque your grocery shelves for seaweed chips. It volition live a salubrious choice snack to tater chips.

Gleaned a lot from reviewing the #AFMbestof article. Hope you lot liked my rehash. :)  

  • REFERENCE: Jarzabkowski, Tori. "Nutrition Trends for 2015." Austin Fit Magazine: Best of 2014 Issue Jan. 2015: 22-23. Print. AFM Issue #207. Est. 1997. Official website:

 ♦ ♦ ♦ Original content published Jan 10, 2015 at Writedge. ♦ ♦ ♦

Saturday, April 22, 2017

25 Creative Together With Delicious Recipes To Inspire Your Inner Foodie | 1 Light-Green Planet (Reblog)

Found this wonderful site via TsÅ«, a once-popular social network that unopen its doors. If yous are non a vegan, this nutrient weblog could encourage yous to at to the lowest degree "try" to alter or adapt your eating habits. They work it past times publishing wonderful recipes. 

Sharing this link every mo an example:

25 Creative together with Delicious Recipes That Will Inspire Your Inner Foodie | One Green Planet


10 Ways to Make Your Salads Interesting, Flavorful, together with Crave-able!

***Follow One Green Planet's Official Blog
 and Follow Them on Twitter***

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Food In Addition To Quaff : Are Yous A Cheese Lover?

Have ever been told that cheese is salubrious eating. Haven't you? Unless you're lactose intolerant too accept a difficult fourth dimension digesting dairy products, that is. But I received an article via eMail that said cheese mightiness non survive healthy. The headline was a shocker!

Cheese lover that I am!!   I abide by the source, therefore I had to read further. Whew! I'm therefore relieved. They mentioned the “unhealthiest” cheeses to eat. Cheese singles, cheese spray too cheese dips. Had to express mirth because I idea to myself: “Duh! Those products don't fifty-fifty count equally cheese inwards my book!”  ☺

Nevertheless, the other information presented inwards the article close salubrious cheeses too the diet tips made it a worthwhile read. This excerpt below chop-chop summarizes what the existent aim of the article is.

“If you're a cheese lover, too therefore there's expert intelligence for you. Not all cheese is bad for your diet. In fact, at that topographic point are enough of ways to include cheese inwards a weight loss or weight maintenance plan. You simply require to survive careful close what yous purchase too how much yous eat.”

Here is a quick outline of the subtopics:
  • Healthiest Cheese Options
  • Unhealthiest Cheese Options
  • Health Benefits too Drawbacks of Cheese
  • Cheese too Weight Loss
  • Cheese Recipes

Frey, Malia. “The Smartest Ways to Include Cheese inwards Your Diet.” Verywell, 28 June 2017, Cheese Nutrition Facts: Calories inwards Cheese too Health Benefits Content reviewed past times a board-certified physician.

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Additional Comments:

I'm non certain if at that topographic point is whatever fashion or shape of cheese that doesn't gustatory modality expert to me. Have heard people tell they don't similar the gustatory modality of caprine animal cheese. Maybe if they ate it inwards the shape of a cheesecake they'd alter their mind.

Definitely never ate a slice of cheesecake that I didn't like!

People may non require to survive told close this nutrient spider web log too website: “Williams-Sonoma Taste”. It seems to survive real pop (meaning it has a pretty high Alexa ranking). But inwards illustration yous never heard of it, sharing a link below. You tin sign upwards to have their recipes via e-Mail.

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This content showtime appeared at ForumCoin nether the same championship “Food too Drink : Are You a Cheese Lover?