Showing posts with label world cuisine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world cuisine. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Chiliad Views Equal A Chiliad Give Thank You Lot Yous

In 2016, I started this foodie blog, my project of honey for foodies as well as nutrient lovers roughly the world. According to the statistics inward my dashboard the full total of views for all of my posts is unopen to 750,000.


I would similar to tell Thank You to all of my weblog visitors. Your back upwards agency a lot. To date, the archives present 116 published posts. This ship service volition travel Post Number 117. Below is a listing of all the posts that present 1000+ views. For each of these posts besides every bit for all the residual of the posts:

Thank You a M times plus!!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Foodie Friday : Chicken Recipes – The Best Of

Award-winning TV chef, Lidia Bastianich, says that “chicken” is the most searched for nutrient term. There is no argue to mean value that fact needs to hold out checked out. Lots of people love chicken! Fried, stewed, baked, barbecued, grilled! There has got to hold out a 1000000 addition ways to gear upwardly this delightful aeroplane too larn inwards sense of savor similar it's the commencement fourth dimension you've ever eaten it! Agree?


When people country “best of”, it's well-nigh e'er purely subjective. However, for several years I convey been collecting what, inwards my sentiment is the “best” chicken recipes from wherever they tin hold out industrial plant life too equally of today my Pinterest board boasts around 600 recipes.

Here is a quick listing of but a few of the best chicken dishes ever.

Jamaican Brown Stew Chicken

Yeah mon!! :)

Mango makes everything sense of savor good!

Who doesn't similar Greek or Thai food? (O.o) (???)

Honey Jalapeno Chicken Tenders

Finger nutrient inwards its finest hour!

* soy sauce, carmine vino vinegar, dark-brown sugar, garlic, olive oil.

Just listing the seasonings makes my oral fissure water.

Chicken Rice Casserole Dominicus Supper

The mighty 1 pot dish!

* utilization a pre-cooked rotisserie chicken.

Said the magic word. Easy!!

Lemon Chicken Rice Soup

Best Chicken Detox Soup

Don't resist chicken soup! It's skillful for the soul! :)

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* * *

What's your favorite utilization of the chicken? (Breasts or nighttime meat?)

  • I similar chicken thighs.

Do you lot too similar chicken livers, gizzards, too hearts?

  • If you lot tenderize them you lot tin create them inwards a stew amongst carrots, potatoes too light-green cabbage. It's a wretched man's repast but really filling.

Do you lot convey favorite agency you lot similar to consume chicken?

♦ ♦ ♦

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