Showing posts with label republished content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label republished content. Show all posts

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Foodie Friday : Yacr ( Nonetheless Simply About Other Chili Recipe )

Whether or non it's the vacation season, whatever fourth dimension is the fourth dimension of the yr folks inward Texas honey to swallow chili.  But for some reason, they actually similar chili during the Christmas season.  At whatever rate, it took me years of experimenting to come upward up alongside this recipe and,  IMHO, it isn't half-bad.

Chili is Hearty Food. Love a expert bowl of chili ?

So many variations on the #recipes for this wonderful comfort nutrient !

In Austin, Texas, Tex-Mex cuisine is everywhere. This may or may non hold upward Tex-Mex tradition but chili is a large deal! Everybody claims to know how to build thee best chili ever!!

After trying out unlike recipes, in conclusion came upward alongside i of my ain that my identify unit of measurement enjoyed. In fact, i Christmas vacation (because I know how much Texas folk honey their chili), made Christmas cards alongside my chili recipe as well as permit my immature adult woman plough over them to her teachers.

So hither is the recipe. Sorry. Don't accept my ain pictures. Took an epitome from Pixabay that looks similar to mine (only my chili is a petty flake thicker as well as meatier).

* * * Fox's Chili Recipe * * *


1 to ii lbs lean set down beef(or turkey)
One large yellowish onion, coarsely chopped
Chopped cerise bell pepper (optional)

2 Seasoning (Low Sodium) Envelopes:
- McCormick Taco Seasoning
- McCormick Chili Seasoning
(Adjust to your taste. Don't purpose the entire parcel if you lot don't desire to.)

1 tin terminate (15.5 oz) Manwich Original Sloppy Joe Sauce
1 jolt (16 oz) of Old El Paso Salsa (Medium heat)
1 modest tin terminate (8 oz) Hunt's tomato plant sauce (roasted garlic flavor)
1 large tin terminate (32 oz) Bush's nighttime cerise kidney beans, drain liquid
1 large tin terminate (32 oz) Bush's dark beans, drain liquid

High heat, large sauce pan or a dutch oven pot, chocolate-brown set down meat as well as drain off whatever excess fat.

On medium oestrus add together inward onions (and bell pepper); as well as flavor the meat/onion/bellpepper mixture alongside the seasoning packets. Mix thoroughly.

Throw inward the all the remaining ingredients, lower heat, permit create (about fifteen - xx minutes), stirring occasionally - until all the flavors come upward together.

Make a huge bowl of salad with: i caput of iceberg lettuce, halved grape or cherry tomatoes, as well as large cucumber, thinly sliced. Avocado (if you lot tin terminate afford it.) Salad dressing? Your choice.

Serve chili inward a bowl alongside the salad every bit a side.

Lay out the sour cream, shredded cheddar cheese, to a greater extent than chopped onions, greenish onions, cerise onions, cornbread, tortilla chips, taco shells, whatever you lot like!

You don't accept to purpose get upward build products. I produce because the lineament of the production is unremarkably consistent, as well as thus the recipe should gustatory modality the same every time! That's merely me. Enjoy!!

Content outset published at PersonaPaper, Aug 2015.

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Previous #FoodieFriday posts?

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Chinese Fortune Cookies Every Mo American Every Mo Apple Tree Pie

The Chinese fortune cookies are non an Asian invention, simply rather an American one.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 determination based on my extensive question of Chinese history, tradition too civilization (i.e. watching a lot of kung fu movies).  There was a storey circulated virtually rebels inward the 13th or 14th century, using them to overstep surreptitious messages to each other virtually their state of war plans to overthrow the Mongols. Pure fiction. But you must acknowledge that plot certain has the makings of an epic saga.

Alas!  The truth is the Chinese fortune cookie is equally American equally apple tree pie, too they brand peachy political party favors.  

Would you similar to brand your ain homemade fortune cookies?  

Well, you can!

This Sunbeam kitchen accessory is a must-have.

Content originally published at Daily Two Cents on Apr 30, 2014.

Pomegranate Homemade Fortune Cookies - What Jew Wanna Eat

Homemade Fortune Cookies are slow to make! (Sort of.) Plus, when you brand them yourself, you tin brand them pink! Did you bring a peachy NYE? Did you rest at abode too overstep out earlier midnight, or frolic approximately inward a glittery clothing drinking champagne out of the bottle?

Friday, June 23, 2017

Qod (Question Of The Day): Homemade Pizza Or Buddha's Delight?

Watched parts of 2 novel cooking shows together with was torn betwixt the 2 build novel episodes because they both came on at the same time, on unlike channels. (NO! Never learned how to computer programme a VCR!)

- So on 1 show, the guy lives on a farm together with he was making pizza. He milked the moo-cow that forenoon together with used that milk to build fresh mozzarella cheese.

- On the other show, the lady was visiting a farm together with planned to gear upward dishes using freshly picked produce. She ended upward serving a #vegetable platter. All sorts of rootage #veggies sliced sparse similar tater chips (raw; non cooked).

QOD (Question of the Day):
- If you lot own got to direct betwixt pizza together with a veggie delight*, every bit your final supper, which would you lot pick?
(* Some folks telephone telephone a vegetable platter or plate amongst all veggies, Buddha's Delight.)

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If it's my final supper, I'm going for the pizza – loaded amongst meat together with veggies!! Extra large.  Extra cheese.  And I'm non sharing!! ☺   

Watched parts of 2 novel cooking shows together with was torn betwixt the 2 build novel episodes bec QOD (Question of the Day): Homemade Pizza or Buddha's Delight?
Glitter Graphics constitute at MySpace Glitter on Tumblr

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Have you lot visited my Pizza collection on Google Plus?

Even though Oct is National Pizza Month, at that spot are bazillions of pizza lovers inwards the world. So it's certainly that whatsoever foodie weblog posts close pizza volition live acceptable whatsoever time. :)

Originally published at Persona Paper on Apr 30, 2015.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Dishes My Mom Used To Make: Oxtail Stew | Virily.Com

Are at that topographic point whatever dishes that your mom used to brand when yous were growing upwards that yous idea were incredibly delicious? Real comfort food. Dishes that are fifty-fifty to a greater extent than comforting when yous intend dorsum fondly on that dish or those dishes in addition to realize that yous never learned the recipe or how to laid upwards it for your ain family!

My mom used to create oxtail stew.

My woman parent is passed away now. I never got her recipe. Of course, yous tin Google oxtail stew in addition to honour a bazillion recipes. But I’ll bet none of them volition gustation similar the stew my mom used to make. Nevertheless, if you’ve never eaten a hearty bowl of oxtail stew in addition to would similar try, hither are a few recipes.

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Recall fond memories of the smells from your mother’s kitchen? Ready to create total your bowls?

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NOTE:  This is my master copy content outset published Apr 2018 at Virily, a social blogging community Dishes My Mom Used to Make: Oxtail Stew

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Which Create You Lot Choose? Potatoes, Pasta, Or Rice?

No criminal offense to all the murphy in addition to pasta lovers out at that spot but if I receive got to choose, I’ll inquire for rice dish whatever day. I dear rice similar Oprah loves bread! I know I’m non the alone one. All approximately the basis people dear to part the rice recipes they serve at home. The dishes are thence popular, locals volition inquire for it fifty-fifty when they’re out dining inward a restaurant. It doesn’t affair that they tin teach the same dish at home.

Rice is the King of Crops

You could tell that rice is the manful someone monarch of crops. Here’s why. According to historical records in addition to documents, rice tillage began inward China in addition to spread across Asia. As empires expanded in addition to foreigners came to know i some other via exploratory travels, the crop made its way to Africa in addition to parts of Europe. The Europeans brought rice to America. Nowadays rice is everywhere. It is a staple nutrient in addition to many populations endure because the people are given a bowl of rice a day. “Rice has fed to a greater extent than people over a longer current of fourth dimension than whatever other crop.” (Quote Source)

Bahamian Pigeon Peas in addition to Rice

My household unit of measurement tree is Bahamian. I grew upwards eating dove peas in addition to rice in addition to ever idea it was a uniquely Bahamian dish. But thence my Puerto Rican friend told me they swallow it a lot where she comes from too! The way they teach inward in Puerto Rico is slightly dissimilar but it’s yet delicious. It is my all-time favorite rice recipe because it has ties to my heart.

Rice in addition to peas or peas in addition to rice is a traditional nutrient inward Africa. Everybody knows that Africans were brought to the Caribbean, The Bahamas, in addition to the United States, past times way of the slave trade. It makes feel that the people only adapted in addition to modified recipes they remembered from home, to suit their novel environment. In The Bahamas, dove pea is a crop that is harvested regularly. Peas n’ rice started out every bit a one-pot meal, a variety of survival nutrient for the islanders in addition to those who farmed the land. Starch, meat, in addition to veggies were all inward i pot. The meat included inward the recipe was commonly common salt pork or bacon. (You tin modify the recipe in addition to do vegetarian or vegan-style. It’s OK!)

Over time, the locals in addition to travelers or visitors to the isle solid reason grew to dear peas n’ rice in addition to every bit of today, it has teach a mutual side dish. It almost ever makes an appearance at everyday meals served at abode in addition to it is expected to live served every bit i of the sides at whatever restaurant, much similar how American aspect their french fries.
Would you lot live interested inward trying this truthful Bahamian “must eat”? It’s slowly to make! Bahamian Pigeon Peas & Rice

Other Rice Recipes in addition to Food History

Even though I am familiar alongside Bahamian dove peas n’ rice because that’s my roots, at that spot are other rice dishes I similar eating exactly every bit much. Chinese fried rice. Paella. Biryani. Western Farsi rice. ALL YUM!

No incertitude each of these rice dishes receive got their ain similar nutrient history. Similar, that is to say, rattling probable started out every bit nutrient for the commoners but tasted thence practiced everybody wanted to swallow some the commoners in addition to the aristocrats or rich folks.

Below are links to a collection of rice recipes that are certain to please, alongside a few historical tidbits mixed inward to heighten the joy of eating.

Asian Rice Recipes

Chinese Fried Rice You tin do vegetarian-style or add together modest pieces of meat. The recipe genuinely came virtually every bit a way of using upwards leftover rice. The earliest historical records dates its origination to the Sui dynasty (589–618 CE).

Chicken Biryani There are vegetarian versions, but I similar the chicken. There are rattling rigid opinions that biryani should live the National Dish of India, fifty-fifty though “biryani” is derived from the Western Farsi give-and-take “birian” which agency “fried earlier cooking.” Many give credit to the Mughals for creating the biryani dish, but some tell at that spot were similar dishes existence eaten inward Bharat long earlier the institution of the Mughal Empire. So let’s exactly tell they took a mutual recipe in addition to made it their ain i time they took over!

European in addition to Middle-Eastern Rice Recipes

Seafood Paella Paella originated inward Valencia, Eastern Spain. It is a fusion of ii cultures: Arab Moors in addition to the natives of Spain. As to its history? One even goes that this rice dish was created past times cooks using leftovers to order to the king’s guests to receive got abode from the banquets.

Persian Rice Also called Western Farsi Wedding Rice or Iranian Jeweled Rice. It’s made alongside fruits in addition to nuts. Islamic Republic of Iran which was i time known every bit Persia, in addition to was at i fourth dimension an “ancient super power”; pregnant the rulers conquered a lot of peoples who had dissimilar cultures. Iranian cuisine or Western Farsi nutrient has been influenced past times many cultures. Hard to tell what originated from what resulted from the fusion or the blend. “Iran’s nutrient has a rich in addition to illustrious backstory that tells the tale of conquerors, explorers, in addition to merchants all leaving their grade on Western Farsi cuisine.” (Quote Source)

Which do you lot choose? Potatoes, Pasta, or Rice?

NOTE: This article starting fourth dimension appeared at on March 14, 2019. If you lot similar it, cheque out the other articles inward the Food in addition to Nutrition category.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

What Is Your Favorite Sugariness Treat? (Mine Is Cheesecake.)

We all similar a delightful sugariness process every i time inward a while. Call it a guilty pleasure. Call it an indulgence. Call it pampering yourself because y'all earned it, y'all deserve it, you're worth it!

There are then many dissimilar ways to savor a sugariness process because in that place are then many dissimilar sugariness treats. Everyone normally has a favorite though. Mine is cheesecake.

There was i time a fourth dimension when I could simply nation cheesecake. But directly the inquiry is asked: Americancheesecake or Japanese cheesecake? I'm like: WHAT??

OK. So directly my reply is modified. My favorite sugariness process is American cheesecake. Although, Japanese cheesecake is pretty skillful too!

Cheesecake is my favorite. What's yours?

  1. Cheesecake (American or Japanese)
  2. Ice cream or Sherbet
  3. Popsicles
  4. Pudding
  5. Candy
  6. Jello
  7. Chocolate ANYTHING!
  8. Pie or Cake (other than cheesecake)
  9. Not on the listing (See comments)
  10. Don't similar sweet. Prefer SALTY.
Please function out comments.

With the exception of i of the tweet shares, the residue of the tweets focus on Japanese cheesecake.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

World Cuisine: Indian Nutrient - Myth Or Fact

Do yous similar Indian food? I do! Although must admit, had to acquire a gustatory modality for it. My starting fourth dimension time trying a so-called authentic Indian dish was at i of those American mall-type nutrient courts, where at that topographic point are all kinds of restaurants for yous to conduct from. That likely wasn't the best house for me to acquire my starting fourth dimension taste. Was taken aback past times some sort of season or spice that my palette was clearly non expecting. It threw me off!

Later on, when cooking channels became hence pop on television, started learning how to ready Indian dishes. There was the i lady who referred to herself every bit a “spice goddess”.  Because actually it comes to cooking, Indians create know their spices.  No argument.  Her recipes e'er seemed hence simple, slow to prepare, as well as she explained the herbs as well as spices she used for flavoring as well as showed yous how to comprise them into the recipes.  Crush these seeds.  Warm this spice inwards the pan.  Sprinkle these herbs.  Decided to endeavor Indian nutrient i time to a greater extent than as well as was real pleased amongst the tasting tests.

Below is a link to a weblog postal service that eliminates mutual myths close Indian food. Didn't know at that topographic point were myths but goodness to know they tin endure ignored. What were some of the myths?

  • All Indian nutrient is spicy.
  • All Indian nutrient is vegetarian.
  • All Indian nutrient is overloaded amongst curry.

Discover the Truth behind the Indian Food Myths

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Content starting fourth dimension published Mar 21, 2015 via Persona Paper

5 Things You Thought You Knew close Indian Food

5 Things You Thought You Knew close Indian Food

By Petrina Verma Sarkar Come on, endure honest. What are the starting fourth dimension things that come upwards to your heed when yous intend of Indian food? Hot, spicy, oily, rich, fatty, bad for you, hard as well as time-consuming to cook, curry powder....

15 Interesting Facts Related To Indian Food You Should Know

15 Interesting Facts Related To Indian Food You Should Know

Facts that volition blow your gustatory modality buds

20 unbelievable facts close Indian food

20 unbelievable facts close Indian food

Before it turned into an fine art that involved culinary expertise, nutrient inwards Republic of Republic of India was close rasas as well as doshas. Taste or rasa inwards Sanskrit guides the natural language as well as it is a residual or misbalance of these rasas that displace or right the doashas inwards body.

Known as well as unknown facts close Indian cooking

Known as well as unknown facts close Indian cooking

It is close experimenting amongst dissimilar spices as well as ingredients as well as to come upwards up amongst your ain hugger-mugger recipes. Then simply acquire for it, Visit Masala Fry! Enjoy!

Indian ladies: