Showing posts with label fruits and veggies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruits and veggies. Show all posts

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Food As Well As Potable : Veggie Spotlight : Veggie Substitutes

Is at that spot a exceptional dish that yous would absolutely honey IF ONLY …

If solely this exceptional recipe did non accept this exceptional vegetable, I'd consume it all the time!

Face it. When it comes to vegetables, at that spot are sure as shooting veggies yous either honey 'em or loathe 'em.

I'm that agency almost okra. Oh yeah! I know all almost fried okra, gumbo, too all those wonderful recipes where okra is the principal ingredient.

For years, at that spot were sure as shooting dishes I would avoid simply because of the okra. Since I didn't actually acquire into cooking until I got married too had to create for my identify unit of measurement to live, I never actually idea also much almost varying recipes or changing things upward a bit.

Hey! Gumbo is made alongside okra. IT'S THE LAW!! Right?

Of course, when I await at it I realize that I was simply non beingness flexible. Common sense. Some people accept nutrient allergies. They accept to acquire how to substitute sure as shooting foods for other foods.
Substitution Guide

But fifty-fifty if yous don't accept a nutrient allergy, at that spot are simply approximately veggies yous don't like! PERIOD!! And you're non flexible when it comes to that specific vegetable. Is at that spot a exceptional dish that yous would absolutely honey IF ONLY  Food too Drink : Veggie Spotlight : Veggie Substitutes

So! For me … since I don't actually similar (slimy) okra all that much, I flora that zucchini is a cracking substitute veggie. Whenever I run across a dish I desire to endeavor too it says okra, I acquire correct out to the grocery shop too purchase zucchini! LOL. Is at that spot a exceptional dish that yous would absolutely honey IF ONLY  Food too Drink : Veggie Spotlight : Veggie Substitutes

(NOTE: Others accept recommended asparagus or broccoli florets equally okra substitutes. I respectfully disagree.)

Which veggies produce yous similar to substitute?

* * *
Original source Forum Coin.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Exotic Fruit: Create You Lot Oculus Pomegranates?

Do yous beloved pomegranates? I know I do! I would fifty-fifty similar to foremost a crusade alongside the goal of adding pomegranates to the traditional American Thanksgiving cornucopia.  (Care to participate inwards the Thanksgiving cornucopia POLL as well as shape your vote? )

Pomegranates are thence exotic as well as bask an exotic history!   Indeed it is the nutrient of myth as well as legends.

They are the wonder nutrient of ancient civilizations similar Persia as well as Israel.  

In fact, in ancient Greece, pomegranates were considered an aphrodisiac.  

Two respected modern publications - The Globe as well as Mail, “Canada’s #1 national newspaper” as well as The NHS inwards England – both claim that the claims that pomegranates are a “superfood” tin dismiss last proven.

Shared the link via my post current on Google Plus stream, but inwards representative yous didn't run into it there, thought it here. If yous are on Pinterest, delight see my pinboard dedicated to POMEGRANATES? Started the board a distich of years agone as well as to date, it has 100 pins: recipes (food as well as drinks), beauty as well as healthcare products, etc. 

 I would fifty-fifty similar to foremost a crusade alongside the goal of adding pomegranates to the traditi Exotic Fruit:  Do You Heart Pomegranates?Blueberry Pomegranate - $5.00
Our Blueberry Pomegranate tea has a circular fruity gustatory modality alongside a sugariness as well as slightly tart finish. H5N1 wonderfully refreshing treat, perfect for whatsoever occasion! Floral, Sweet, Fruity

 I would fifty-fifty similar to foremost a crusade alongside the goal of adding pomegranates to the traditi Exotic Fruit:  Do You Heart Pomegranates?Green Pomegranate - Award Winning - $5.00
Select organic light-green tea manus tossed inwards a large wok, dried to perfection, as well as thence carefully blended alongside organic raspberries as well as essence of pomegranate. Sweeten the senses alongside a tart as well as tangy rush to the palate. Also available inwards our Eco Pyramid Teabags here. Fruity, Sweet, Tart

 I would fifty-fifty similar to foremost a crusade alongside the goal of adding pomegranates to the traditi Exotic Fruit:  Do You Heart Pomegranates?
© Photographer: Svetamart | Agency:

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Fruits As Well As Veggies : Exotic Fruits Are Wonderful Natural Delights

Tropical fruit must accept been abundant inwards the Garden of Eden. Don't yous think? At least, that's how I imagine it anyway. Do yous similar exotic fruit? My start watch to The Bahamas opened upward a whole novel footing for me. There were as well as hence many delicious fruits of paradise that I had never heard of or tasted.

That was to a greater extent than than xxx years ago. These days, the wonderful affair most grocery shopping inwards America, is that yous tin discovery foods from almost anywhere inwards the world. These foods were non ever available as well as and hence plentiful. It's non my imagination. Even Chef Jacques Pepin mentioned during 1 of his TV episodes that when he start arrived inwards the U.S.A. of America to laid about his career every bit a chef, in that location were many ingredients that he could non readily discovery at the local grocery store. You had to become to a particular marketplace or a gourmet shop. Not so, these days. Thanks to the Internet, it's slowly to inquiry as well as larn to a greater extent than most tropical fruit or “exotic fruit” or “super fruit” or “wonder fruit”, as well as why they are as well as hence adept for you. Uh huh. Right. As if people require to twist your arm to acquire yous to swallow them. :)

Check these out!

- Acerola, besides known every bit the Barbados cherry, is native to the West Indies, as well as besides to Southern Mexico, as well as Southern as well as Central America. They claim this fruit has numerous wellness benefits, but salubrious or not, the gustation of this tropical fruit is irresistible.

- Cherimoya tastes similar bubblegum. People accept fifty-fifty given this fruit nicknames similar “ice cream fruit” or “custard apple”, so-called because it has a creamy, sherbet-like texture. But beware of the seeds, every bit they tin hold out poisonous.

- Dead man’s fingers originated from China. They truly create await similar fingers as well as their coloring is bluish-black. The gustation is similar to watermelon.

- Kiwano or the horned melon has many names. It is native to Africa as well as is called African cucumber. But it is besides known every bit English linguistic communication tomato. (???) On the outside it is yellowish as well as orange, but the flesh within is lime green. It's been role of African cuisine since ancient times.

- Mangosteen grows inwards Southeast Asia as well as is considered a “wonder fruit”. One mightiness mean value because of the cry that it is similar to a mango, but actually it is to a greater extent than similar a peach. Research indicates that the mangosteen contains to a greater extent than xanthones than whatsoever other fruit. They telephone telephone it the "X-Factor".

These are simply a sampling of fruits. The intent is to whet your appetite as well as peak your curiosity. There is besides dragon fruit, starfruit, Buddha’s mitt (citron), cloudberries, durian, moringa, abiu as well as more! 


Image credit: Kiwano fruit (Public Domain)

Tropical fruit must accept been abundant inwards the Garden of Eden Fruits as well as Veggies : Exotic Fruits Are Wonderful Natural Delights
© Photographer: Andreas Fischer | Agency:

Content previously published at Literacy Base on Aug 3, 2016.