Showing posts with label food and drink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food and drink. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

World Cuisine : Focus On Nutrient Contributions Of The Irish

Since March is Irish-American Heritage Month, this postal service volition percentage information nearly Ireland's nutrient history in addition to diverse recipes which were probable brought to the US past times agency of Irish Gaelic immigrants (or were adopted past times the Irish-Americans in addition to made their own).  😍


Timeline of the Irish Gaelic Potato Famine 1845-1851

Some may nation there's enough of meat in addition to potatoes when it comes to Irish Gaelic food.  But that was non ever so.  7 years of famine? Sounds biblical, doesn't it?

Timeline of the Irish Gaelic Potato Famine 1845-1851

March 24th 1847: British people, led past times Queen Victoria, held a National Day of Atonement, fasting in addition to doing penance, for the Irish Gaelic famine.[16] Apr 1847: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 report, to the Central Board of Health from Killarney, showed that people were literally dropping dead inwards the street.

How to Make Irish Gaelic Stew

How to Make Irish Gaelic Stew

Irish Gaelic Stew is the sort of nutrient that is cracking on a mutual frigidity winters night, but is only perfect on whatever occasion. The odor combined amongst the season become inwards 1 of my favorite meals. I currently stimulate got nearly five, but the add-on of the barley inwards this recipe add together a lot of texture in addition to season to the stew.

Why Do We Eat Corned Beef in addition to Cabbage on St Patrick's Day?

The consummate enquiry is: Why Do We Eat Corned Beef in addition to Cabbage on St Patrick's Day When Corned Beef in addition to Cabbage is Not Irish Gaelic Food?

Why Do We Eat Corned Beef in addition to Cabbage on St Patrick's Day?

past times JoHarrington I'll acknowledge that I was somewhat taken aback. I'd exactly finished telling an American friend that her province is responsible for St Patrick popularly wearing light-green (traditionally he wore blue), in addition to for linking shamrocks amongst the Irish.

The Best Irish-Inspired Recipes

The Best Irish-Inspired Recipes

Yes, there's enough of meat in addition to potatoes when it comes to Irish Gaelic food, but there's a lot to a greater extent than too, in addition to it's all delicious.

Is Traditional Irish Gaelic Food inwards America Accurate? | PBS Food

Is Traditional Irish Gaelic Food inwards America Accurate? | PBS Food

past times Allison Gray If an Irishman came to America on St. Patrick's Day, he powerfulness last a piddling flake shocked past times the leprechaun outfits, light-green beer guzzlers, in addition to yes, fifty-fifty the corned beef in addition to cabbage. To last Irish Gaelic inwards America is no rare thing-about 34.5 1 1000 m people inwards the US claim Irish Gaelic heritage according to the 2011 U.S.

Irish American Mom's Top Ten Recipes

Irish American Mom's Top Ten Recipes

With St. Patrick's Day exactly around the corner, I idea why non review my recipes to meet which ones are most pop amongst readers. And then I've come upwards up amongst my Top Ten Recipes of all time. Believe it or not, all of the most viewed recipes on my site are Irish Gaelic recipes.

Decorative divider images from

Monday, August 7, 2017

Food As Well As Potable History Lesson : English Tea (Guest Post)

Tea inward England

Author: AnutaVasil

The English linguistic communication primarily drank java too vino equally their staple drink, too tea was unknown inward England till equally tardily equally 1662. In 1662 Charles II married Catherine of Braganza of Portugal, too it was his novel bride who brought amongst her a preference of tea. She served tea instead of wine, ale too spirit. Tea before long acquired the condition of majestic drinkable too a social nicety for the rich.

However, tea's credence past times British masses was quite slow. It was inward tardily 1700 that tea's popularity picked up. As tea came from British colonies, it came to last viewed equally a national drink, amongst patriotic sentiments attached to it. Another argue which contributed to its popularity was the ease of its grooming technique. While java grounds could last brewed exclusively once, too reusing the same Earth yielded a much inferior flavour, tea leaves could last brewed several times without whatever pregnant driblet inward the character of liquor. As tea was a high cast drinkable too thence expensive, the British masses bought minute hand, brewed leaves too brewed them longer to compensate. Tea was thus gradually finding house inward British everyday life.

Soon, tea began to last sold inward London java houses. Tea was heavily advertised equally a medicinal drinkable which helped hold wellness too beauty. The java household owners charged heavily for a loving cup of tea, equally much equally 6-10 pounds per cup. The authorities before long imposed diverse taxes, regulations too restrictions on sale of tea, amongst a catch to cash inward on the growing tea trend. This fifty-fifty led to tea existence smuggled into England. Finally the taxes were waived off to halt this illegal smuggling.

Tea, meanwhile, continued to grow inward popularity. Around 1800, in that location developed an "Afternoon tea" culture, wherein rich ladies invited their friends for a loving cup of tea inward the afternoon. They also served pastries, sandwiches or to a greater extent than or less snack along amongst it. It was accompanied past times social graces, refined conversation, sweetness gossip too polished etiquette. Yet to a greater extent than or less other pop tea tendency was serving tea inward tea gardens. Pleasure gardens similar Vauxhall or Ranelagh Gardens provided lush lawns for populace to stroll too taste a hot loving cup of tea. The working class, however, took a intermission from run inward the evening, too relaxed amongst tea.

The most good liked too sought afterwards teas were English linguistic communication breakfast tea too Earl Grey. English linguistic communication breakfast tea, equally its name, was consumed to a greater extent than oft than non inward the morning time equally its potent caffeine helped milk shiver off sleepiness too start the morning time energetically. It blended sumptuously amongst milk too sugar, too could last enjoyed anytime of the day. The Earl Grey provided a classic blend of fine dark tea amongst bergamot essence. It was considered to a greater extent than sophisticated a tea.

In 1875, Thomas Lipton aggressively advertised tea. He replaced the java gardens inward Ceylon amongst tea plantations, too opened his origin tea shop. By the halt of 19th century, he had close prepare his Tea Empire too position the foundations of modern tea trade. The Indian too Ceylon blends, Brooke Bond too Lipton constitute a draw solid house inward British everyday life. Tea had in conclusion "arrived" inward England.

About the Content Provider
History of Tea too Tea Shops

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BLOG PUBLISHER'S COMMENTS:   Hope yous enjoyed this article.  Do yous also taste tea?  Before yous move out this delight click the link to visit.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Foodie Friday : Pesto Only About The World

Going to accept aim at pesto for my foodie Fri topic.  Another wonderful please for enlivening salads, adorning sandwiches, dressing pasta … you lot bring upwards it! Always sing the praises of salsa. This time, doing a vocal in addition to trip the calorie-free fantastic toe routine for pesto.

Hear the give-and-take pesto in addition to i unremarkably e'er thinks Italian. Right? But unlike cultures stimulate got their ain version of pesto. Africa. Mexico. Australia. This link is an awesome foodie find! Not alone does it nation you lot the primary ingredients inwards everybody's version simply it introduced me to a novel word. “Permaculture”.

Content commencement appeared at Persona Paper on July 27, 2015.

Preserving With Pesto – It’s Not Rocket Science

Preserving With Pesto - It's Not Rocket Science

Wheatgrass Pesto Recipe | inSpiral

Wheatgrass Pesto Recipe | inSpiral

Here is a quick recipe for Raw Wheatgrass Pesto, using our premium, organic, raw super nutrient powder. This volition 1000 ake your sense of savour buds become wild! Adds a expert dose of vitality to whatsoever diet. Made inwards a blender at that spot is virtually whatsoever training to do! Just the agency nosotros similar it!

Mexican Pesto Recipe past times emilie_ 1 - Key Ingredient

Thai Basil Pesto

Thai Basil Pesto

This one's for my Thai lovers. But earlier I fifty-fifty start talking Thai basil pesto, I experience moved to stimulate got a piffling rant most how much I dear Thai food. It's similar an 2nd exotic opor-garai correct inwards my kitchen.

Raw Macadamia Pesto | Vegan Semi-Dried Tomato Pesto | The Blender Girl

Raw Macadamia Pesto | Vegan Semi-Dried Tomato Pesto | The Blender Girl

This raw vegan semi-dried love apple tree in addition to macadamia pesto is super tardily in addition to seriously delicious. Just throw everything into your nutrient processor.

African Blue Basil in addition to Lavender Pesto

African Blue Basil in addition to Lavender Pesto

Combine all ingredients, except cheese, inwards bowl of nutrient processor. Process, adding additional crude oil or water, until desired consistency is reached. Stir inwards cheese. Use at i time or shop inwards an air-tight container inwards the fridge for upwards to i week. (Tip: pesto tin terminate likewise survive frozen inwards H2O ice cube trays.)

Chimichurri Pesto Sauce - Culinary Envy

Chimichurri Pesto Sauce - Culinary Envy

Chimichurri Pesto Sauce combines Italian parsley, cilantro in addition to basil amongst jalapeño in addition to parmesan cheese. It is vibrant, nutty in addition to tangy. Perfect for pasta. I volition never forget the commencement fourth dimension I tried Chimichurri Sauce. It was at my incredibly talented friend Bibi's home. She had me over for dinner in addition to prepared the most mouth-watering steak.

* * *

Friday, August 4, 2017

Foodie Friday : Banana Brownies - Dorsum For Seconds

Scanning pins on Pinterest as well as came across ane pivot shared past times cheesecake. But unopen to of the brownies I savor are chocolate.  Never heard of a Banana Brownie. Have you?

Now it's imperative to know how many other dissimilar kinds of brownies are out in that place inwards wonderful basis of food.  :)

Do you lot accept a brownie recipe
that's non similar whatsoever other?

Banana Brownies - Back for Seconds

Kelly Senyei, Just a Taste, came upwardly amongst a recipe that combines iii desserts into one.  Three guilty pleasures inwards one?  What a vivid mind!!  :)

Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies

Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies Recipe

Found this delightful process at Kirbie’s Cravings.

Cookies as well as Cream Brownies

Cookies as well as Cream Brownies

 Another Kellie shared her recipe for vegans at her blog, Food to Glow.

Green Tea Cheesecake White Chocolate Brownie

Green Tea Cheesecake White Chocolate Brownie

Blinking arrow constitute at

Found on Google Plus

Spinach Brownies  (???) OK!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Foodie Friday : It's Flipping Foodie Friday!

Are your weeks flight yesteryear fast or is it simply me? Feels similar it was a #FoodieFriday simply a duet of days ago.  One calendar week passed already together with it's fourth dimension for some other post!

So this is what I'm sharing. Ever listen of Flipboard?

Heard of it. Tried it. Got confused because of my pea-sized encephalon together with gave upwards on it! It's a skillful affair that my online friends are persistent. One swain blogger says she is using this fantastic tool together with enjoying much success! She was hence bubbly together with energetic, I decided to convey at it i to a greater extent than time!  Eureka!  I DID IT!!

This fourth dimension I created my Flipboard draw of piece of job organisation human relationship ( ) together with a build novel magazine. See content below.

My I Like Eating Channel on Flipboard

Tweeted it out for Foodie Friday. ( When I in conclusion instruct something to last right, I convey to brag! :) )

Just earlier I got started, received a link to an article inwards my eMail that explained how slow it was to divulge successfully on Flipboard.  That actually made things clear. After my draw of piece of job organisation human relationship together with my periodical were both created, I add together the bookmarklet sharing tool to my browser bookmarks bar. From that betoken forward, it's all been smoothen sailing.

Did a search on Twitter amongst the damage “#FoodieFriday, Flipboard”. The results are fabulous! Wish in that place were more. Nevertheless … Enjoy! :)

My other #FoodieFriday posts? 

Monday, July 31, 2017

Foodie Friday : Experiencing The Joy Of Salsa

This week's Foodie Fri focus is on salsa!

* * *
There was ane time a fourth dimension when the recipe for fresh salsa was only diced tomatoes, onions, greenish bell peppers, lime juice, carmine pepper or a jalapeno, tabular array salt to taste; cilantro, optional. I beloved salsa!  It's a corking means to swallow your veggies.  Several years back, moved into a novel neighborhood together with was at the local grocery store. Walked downwards an aisle together with on the shelves were bottles of every variety of salsa imaginable.

Some of them were made alongside sweetness fruits similar mangoes together with peaches! Oh the wonder of it all! Had no visit salsa came inwards that many flavors. Gave me all kinds of foodie ideas. Sharing some recipes .

Why operate on all these delicious delights to myself?

Originally published at Persona Paper on Jul 3, 2015.

Sharing a chip of salsa heaven!  
Recipes constitute exactly about the web.

17 Savory Salsa Recipes (
17 Savory Salsa Recipes

Mango Pomegranate & Tender Coconut Salsa (

Winter Salad Binging 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Foodie Friday : Candied Jalapeño Peppers

Cutting it close.  Trying to instruct this foodie Fri postal service published earlier midnight.  Sorry.  But the inspiration came to me belatedly inward the twenty-four hr catamenia every bit I was driving to selection upwards my immature adult woman from high school.  This foodie Friday's theme is:

Candied Jalapeño Peppers.

If you're from Texas you lot in all likelihood already know virtually them.  But I'm what they telephone phone a "Texas import".  That way I wasn't born inward Texas merely I got hither every bit fast every bit I could! 😜

Love jalapeños.  Love them amongst the seeds!!!  The hotter the better!  Knew they came fresh or pickled.  Never knew they came sugariness too!  You tin sack purchase them inward the local grocery stores (here inward Austin, Texas) or you lot tin sack brand them.  The recipe is easy.  Sharing about links below.

Here's a fun nutrient fact.

Candied Jalapeño Peppers are also called "cowboy candy".

Candied Jalapenos

Candied Jalapenos

There aren't words that be to depict how addictive these petty savoury, sweet, spicy, crunchy, garlicky pickled jalapeno rounds are. Put them on sandwiches, tacos, rice or bake them into cornbread. You'll postulate to a greater extent than too more!

Sriracha Deviled Eggs amongst Candied Jalapeno Peppers

Sriracha Deviled Eggs amongst Candied Jalapeno Peppers

Serve something a petty dissimilar for your Easter spread this year: Sriracha Deviled Eggs amongst Candied Jalapeno Peppers. Sriracha spices upwards these deviled eggs too the candied jalapeno peppers hand it a sweet/spicy authorities annotation transforming the ordinary into extraordinary! Make it fifty-fifty to a greater extent than exceptional too serve them on this gorgeous Wilton Armetale Egg Tray from their Flutes & Pearls Collection.

Cowboy Candy {Candied Jalapenos}

Cowboy Candy {Candied Jalapenos}

If you lot similar pepper jelly served over cream cheese on crackers, you lot volition dearest Cowboy Candy. The sugary sugariness syrup/brine is the perfect compliment to the oestrus of the jalapenos. When my friend, Diane, at Canning too Cooking at Home made these, I knew I wanted to drive it for myself.

Sweet Candied Jalapeno Peppers - Garden Life

Chinese New Year's Day Recipes too Dishes 

Just inward illustration you're non into sugariness too spicy.  You prefer salty?  Try this!

 Trying to instruct this foodie Fri postal service published earlier midnight Foodie Fri : Candied Jalapeño Peppers