Showing posts with label food and drink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food and drink. Show all posts

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Care To Part Your Eggplant (Aubergine) Recipe?

Love to lookout adult man cooking shows on TV. One of my favorite TV chefs is Nigella Lawson ( She taught me what an aubergine was. Aubergine?? Oh! You hateful eggplant!! :)

On the hunt for eggplant recipes.

Shared a few recipes via my foodie blog for roasted eggplant, ratatouille, marinated eggplant, eggplant patties, together with a salad recipe made alongside eggplant together with zucchini.

Want to a greater extent than eggplant recipes! More! More!!

The nutrient experts nation that for 2017 together with beyond, “purple is the novel green” together with everybody is supposed to endure eating to a greater extent than majestic veggies. Sure! Eggplants are non the exclusively majestic plants out there. But it's a goodness majestic nutrient to kickoff with! Agree?  :)

One quick question:
  • Do you lot swallow eggplant cooked or raw?

My married adult man together with I bask listening to the music of smoothen jazz singer Michael Franks. One of his songs that nosotros actually similar is called “Eggplant”.

When my babe cooks her eggplant.
She don't read no book!

Yeah OK. He's non actually singing nigh eggplant. But the lyrics are inspiring together with mightiness brand you lot desire to create eggplant, fifty-fifty if you lot practice accept to read “how to” inwards a book!

* * *
Links of Interest:
Freedman, Joanna. "Start Eating Purple for Good Health: The Science behind 2017's New Food Trend." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, xix Dec. 2016. Web. 01 Feb. 2017. ( ).
Davis, Sara. "A History of Eggplant inwards Four Languages." Table Matters. N.p., 12 Sept. 2016. Web. 01 Feb. 2017. ( ).
Meyer, Megan. "Eight Fascinating Facts About Eggplant." basis Eats | Real Food | Green Living. The Trustees of Indiana University, eighteen Jan. 2010. Web. 01 Feb. 2017. ( ).

"Eggplant Food Facts." Belly Bytes. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2017. ( ).

Below are to a greater extent than or less recipes you lot mightiness enjoy.

French means Roasted Eggplant

French means Roasted Eggplant

Eggplants are those odd vegetables which tin endure really useful when i is trying to accept a balanced meal. Eggplants similar most vegetables are rich sources of vitamins together with minerals. They likewise comprise dietary fibers which are a must for a balanced diet. For to a greater extent than cheque these references [1,2].

Ratatouille together with Eggplant for Harvest Season

Ratatouille together with Eggplant for Harvest Season

This spider web log is nigh wine, exactly this calendar week nosotros include 2 recipes. Why? Because recipes proceed pouring inwards subsequently my asking for them for a forthcoming majority - Winemaker's Cooking Companion. Isabelle Chéty of Château Mercier informed me of her woman rear - Martine's - trove of vineyard recipes on their website recipe page (including - harvest cod,...

Marinated Eggplant - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Healthy Life For Me

Marinated Eggplant - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Healthy Life For Me

Marinated Eggplant is a recipe packed alongside tons of flavor together with loads of vegetables, perfect for a summertime side dish. Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan together with Paleo Friendly There are certainly recipes you lot brand for those you lot love. This Marinated Eggplant recipe is definitely i for my husband.

Eggplant Patties alongside Olives together with Herbs | Gourmandelle

Make these slow eggplant patties alongside olives together with herbs together with bask a delicious, comfort recipe that's likewise secretly salubrious together with high inwards proteins! Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few weeks ago, I saw a peachy eggplant patties recipe on a vegetarian TV cooking show. I dearest eggplants (especially the Eggplant Caviar together with Eggplant Spread ) thence I decided to compass it a try.

Do you lot accept an eggplant recipe that is the best ever?  If so, delight share.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Foodie Friday Sampling Fast Nutrient Globe Cuisine Is A Fun Do!

Found this site called Delhi-Fun-Dos. As y'all in all likelihood guessed yesteryear the name, it's about fun things y'all tin produce inward Delhi. Well, I know that the likelihood that I volition always go to Republic of Republic of India is somewhere on my life's timeline betwixt “slim chance” as well as "never gonna happen!"
But nosotros tin all go the globe online via the worldwide spider web as well as and then I visited Delhi as well as justice what I found?  Wendys!!

My demeanour is as well as then typical American.   Right?  Travel around the globe as well as what produce nosotros expect for when nosotros soil inward some other country?  Same matter nosotros receive got dorsum home.  Duh!
Not truthful of me.  I actually produce desire to sense the life as well as civilisation of the people inward a soil dissimilar my own.  But equally shortly equally I got to site I saw the article about Wendys.  Couldn't deal it!  I was curious!
We exclusively receive got a bazillion Wendys fast nutrient restaurants inward America but saw the link as well as had to accept a peek!   I'm thinking:

Wendys is on a “Fun Do List” of things to produce inward Delhi?

So I read the article as well as right away I'm upset! I'm upset because nosotros don't Paneer delight in our Wendys restaurants hither inward Texas.

I recollect every 1 time inward a while, our restaurants should offer, fifty-fifty if for “for a express fourth dimension only”, a sense of savor of a pop dish from some other country.

It's a bully means to encourage nutrient multifariousness as well as an appreciation for globe cuisine as well as global flavors.
What produce y'all think?
Is this persuasion doable?

Sampling global flavors is undeniably a bully fun do! :)

* * *
Delhifundos. "Wendys – Delicious Burgers as well as More…." DelhiFunDoscom. N.p., 21 Jan. 2017. Web. 26 Jan. 2017. ( ).
Image credit for Wendys logo:  By, Fair use,
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Sunday, July 9, 2017

Foodie Friday : Yacr ( Nonetheless Simply About Other Chili Recipe )

Whether or non it's the vacation season, whatever fourth dimension is the fourth dimension of the yr folks inward Texas honey to swallow chili.  But for some reason, they actually similar chili during the Christmas season.  At whatever rate, it took me years of experimenting to come upward up alongside this recipe and,  IMHO, it isn't half-bad.

Chili is Hearty Food. Love a expert bowl of chili ?

So many variations on the #recipes for this wonderful comfort nutrient !

In Austin, Texas, Tex-Mex cuisine is everywhere. This may or may non hold upward Tex-Mex tradition but chili is a large deal! Everybody claims to know how to build thee best chili ever!!

After trying out unlike recipes, in conclusion came upward alongside i of my ain that my identify unit of measurement enjoyed. In fact, i Christmas vacation (because I know how much Texas folk honey their chili), made Christmas cards alongside my chili recipe as well as permit my immature adult woman plough over them to her teachers.

So hither is the recipe. Sorry. Don't accept my ain pictures. Took an epitome from Pixabay that looks similar to mine (only my chili is a petty flake thicker as well as meatier).

* * * Fox's Chili Recipe * * *


1 to ii lbs lean set down beef(or turkey)
One large yellowish onion, coarsely chopped
Chopped cerise bell pepper (optional)

2 Seasoning (Low Sodium) Envelopes:
- McCormick Taco Seasoning
- McCormick Chili Seasoning
(Adjust to your taste. Don't purpose the entire parcel if you lot don't desire to.)

1 tin terminate (15.5 oz) Manwich Original Sloppy Joe Sauce
1 jolt (16 oz) of Old El Paso Salsa (Medium heat)
1 modest tin terminate (8 oz) Hunt's tomato plant sauce (roasted garlic flavor)
1 large tin terminate (32 oz) Bush's nighttime cerise kidney beans, drain liquid
1 large tin terminate (32 oz) Bush's dark beans, drain liquid

High heat, large sauce pan or a dutch oven pot, chocolate-brown set down meat as well as drain off whatever excess fat.

On medium oestrus add together inward onions (and bell pepper); as well as flavor the meat/onion/bellpepper mixture alongside the seasoning packets. Mix thoroughly.

Throw inward the all the remaining ingredients, lower heat, permit create (about fifteen - xx minutes), stirring occasionally - until all the flavors come upward together.

Make a huge bowl of salad with: i caput of iceberg lettuce, halved grape or cherry tomatoes, as well as large cucumber, thinly sliced. Avocado (if you lot tin terminate afford it.) Salad dressing? Your choice.

Serve chili inward a bowl alongside the salad every bit a side.

Lay out the sour cream, shredded cheddar cheese, to a greater extent than chopped onions, greenish onions, cerise onions, cornbread, tortilla chips, taco shells, whatever you lot like!

You don't accept to purpose get upward build products. I produce because the lineament of the production is unremarkably consistent, as well as thus the recipe should gustatory modality the same every time! That's merely me. Enjoy!!

Content outset published at PersonaPaper, Aug 2015.

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Friday, July 7, 2017

Foodie Friday : Happy Holidays! Who Wants Egg Nog?

Just creating this spider web log post service equally an excuse to percentage a pretty picture. In my house, at that spot is solely i tike who actually loves eggnog. Funny because inwards the work solid unit of measurement I grew upwardly in, I solely squall back i of my siblings making certain that at that spot was eggnog to last served closed to Christmas time.  

December 24th is National EggNog Day!

I never build eggnog. If I create purchase it or if my boy buys it, nosotros don't accept a detail brand.  We instruct any is inwards the store.

Eggnog.  It's similar fruitcake.  You either beloved it or y'all abhor it. Sharing some links to eggnog recipes y'all may desire to seek and/or suggested brands y'all may desire to buy.

And remember.
Alcoholic drinks function non-alcoholic drinks when y'all don't add together the alcoholic potable to the recipe! So if similar the recipe but y'all don't desire the alcohol, simply don't pose it inwards there!

If y'all accept a recipe, would y'all tending to percentage it?

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