Showing posts with label eat your veggies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eat your veggies. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2017

Qod (Question Of The Day): Homemade Pizza Or Buddha's Delight?

Watched parts of 2 novel cooking shows together with was torn betwixt the 2 build novel episodes because they both came on at the same time, on unlike channels. (NO! Never learned how to computer programme a VCR!)

- So on 1 show, the guy lives on a farm together with he was making pizza. He milked the moo-cow that forenoon together with used that milk to build fresh mozzarella cheese.

- On the other show, the lady was visiting a farm together with planned to gear upward dishes using freshly picked produce. She ended upward serving a #vegetable platter. All sorts of rootage #veggies sliced sparse similar tater chips (raw; non cooked).

QOD (Question of the Day):
- If you lot own got to direct betwixt pizza together with a veggie delight*, every bit your final supper, which would you lot pick?
(* Some folks telephone telephone a vegetable platter or plate amongst all veggies, Buddha's Delight.)

* * *
If it's my final supper, I'm going for the pizza – loaded amongst meat together with veggies!! Extra large.  Extra cheese.  And I'm non sharing!! ☺   

Watched parts of 2 novel cooking shows together with was torn betwixt the 2 build novel episodes bec QOD (Question of the Day): Homemade Pizza or Buddha's Delight?
Glitter Graphics constitute at MySpace Glitter on Tumblr

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Have you lot visited my Pizza collection on Google Plus?

Even though Oct is National Pizza Month, at that spot are bazillions of pizza lovers inwards the world. So it's certainly that whatsoever foodie weblog posts close pizza volition live acceptable whatsoever time. :)

Originally published at Persona Paper on Apr 30, 2015.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Oven-Baked Summertime Mash Fries (Should Last Inwards Your Wintertime Recipes)

A summertime squeeze has a potent resemblance, inward flavor too texture, to a zucchini. You can, inward fact, substitute zucchini inward this recipe, but it volition in all likelihood bake a flake to a greater extent than quickly.

Not certain what the weather condition is similar where y'all are.  In my city (Austin, TX USA), it's confusingly balmy too breezy, occasionally rainy, comfortably warm amongst no involve for a sweater, too sometimes chilly.  It's climatically perfect! ☺ 

My friends elsewhere around the USA too the basis are yet complaining that Old Man Winter has overstayed his welcome too refuses to leave!  This recipe is fabulous no affair what the flavor of the twelvemonth is or what sort of weather condition you're experiencing.  Enjoy!


1 medium summertime squash
2 eggs
1 ½ cups breadcrumbs (try panko breadcrumbs for a crunchier texture)
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon mustard powder
Salt too pepper
Olive oil

How to Make It:

Preheat oven to 400 F. Grease a large baking canvass amongst olive petroleum too laid upward aside.

Cut your summertime squeeze into wedges. Remove the seeds if they are quite large too laid upward wedges aside.

Whisk the eggs inward a dish too laid upward aside.

In some other dish, combine the breadcrumbs, paprika, mustard pulverisation too tabular array salt too pepper.

Start yesteryear dipping the wedges, 1 yesteryear one, into the egg mixture too and thence the breadcrumb mixture. Place each wedge on the greased baking sheet. Continue until all the wedges are done.

You tin sack bake the wedges equally is for virtually 30-40 (until soft within too golden chocolate-brown on the outside) equally is, but if y'all desire a to a greater extent than golden texture, drizzle or spray some olive petroleum on exceed of the wedges. Flip halfway through baking.

Serve amongst ranch or some other favorite dip.

There are many versions of oven-fried squeeze recipes?  Find more.

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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Green Leafy Vegetables : On A Whorl Alongside Escarole

Made a New Year's Resolution to swallow to a greater extent than green leafy vegetables.  Been doing pretty skilful too!  It's September together with this is, I confess, the alone resolution I convey managed to keep.  However, at that topographic point is ane greenish leafy vegetable I convey nevertheless to try.  So I collected exactly about recipes.

Escarole a.k.a. mutual chicory, wide chicory, or Batavian endive, is a vegetable that I lately discovered tin hold upward cooked inwards a diversity of delicious recipes.  Here is my collection.  

How nearly you?  Are y'all an escarole lover?  If y'all convey to a greater extent than delight experience gratis to percentage inwards the comments.

Escarole Sausage Soup

  • "I’m a fan of escarole. It’s a crunchy greenish alongside a flake to a greater extent than heft than lettuce, together with it makes a swell salad: on it’s ain exactly dressed or tossed alongside 10 other things to brand a grand principal class salad. In my heart though I’m a cooked greens fan, always. I similar escarole cooked upward alongside garlic inwards my Standard Cooked Greens Recipe: garlic crude oil rut cleaned cooking green: utilise together together with y'all convey a swell side dish or taco stuffing." –Julia

Escarole Siciliano
  • By: Tammy
    "This lemony salad is served hot from the wok. Escarole is a bitter green, but tin hold upward less together with hence when grown shielded from the sun. In general, lighter greenish leaves signal a milder flavor. Thinly sliced tomatoes are a swell accompaniment. This recipe tin hold upward doubled. For a larger party, create inwards batches."

* * *  So many fabulous ways to bask this vegetable.  If these recipes are non plenty at that topographic point are lots to a greater extent than Escarole OR Endive Recipes.  * * *  

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Food As Well As Potable : Veggie Spotlight : Veggie Substitutes

Is at that spot a exceptional dish that yous would absolutely honey IF ONLY …

If solely this exceptional recipe did non accept this exceptional vegetable, I'd consume it all the time!

Face it. When it comes to vegetables, at that spot are sure as shooting veggies yous either honey 'em or loathe 'em.

I'm that agency almost okra. Oh yeah! I know all almost fried okra, gumbo, too all those wonderful recipes where okra is the principal ingredient.

For years, at that spot were sure as shooting dishes I would avoid simply because of the okra. Since I didn't actually acquire into cooking until I got married too had to create for my identify unit of measurement to live, I never actually idea also much almost varying recipes or changing things upward a bit.

Hey! Gumbo is made alongside okra. IT'S THE LAW!! Right?

Of course, when I await at it I realize that I was simply non beingness flexible. Common sense. Some people accept nutrient allergies. They accept to acquire how to substitute sure as shooting foods for other foods.
Substitution Guide

But fifty-fifty if yous don't accept a nutrient allergy, at that spot are simply approximately veggies yous don't like! PERIOD!! And you're non flexible when it comes to that specific vegetable. Is at that spot a exceptional dish that yous would absolutely honey IF ONLY  Food too Drink : Veggie Spotlight : Veggie Substitutes

So! For me … since I don't actually similar (slimy) okra all that much, I flora that zucchini is a cracking substitute veggie. Whenever I run across a dish I desire to endeavor too it says okra, I acquire correct out to the grocery shop too purchase zucchini! LOL. Is at that spot a exceptional dish that yous would absolutely honey IF ONLY  Food too Drink : Veggie Spotlight : Veggie Substitutes

(NOTE: Others accept recommended asparagus or broccoli florets equally okra substitutes. I respectfully disagree.)

Which veggies produce yous similar to substitute?

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Original source Forum Coin.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mushroom: Existent Nutrient Of Fantasy In Addition To Fairy Tales

When 1 says the give-and-take “mushroom” it mightiness provoke diverse thoughts. Psychedelic dreams.  Fantasy together with fairy tales.  Tiny homes for whimsical creatures.  A meat substitute for vegans together with vegetarians.

My commencement sense tasting a mushroom was when my belatedly husband (myfiancĆ© at the time) prepared dinner for me.  Steak alongside mushroom gravy. That was over forty years.  But from that twenty-four hours forward, I didn’t quest convincing to brand mushrooms a business office of my diet.  But inwards example y'all do, perchance this wellness article by Popular Science will persuade you.    “4 reasons y'all should swallow to a greater extent than mushrooms”.

Before coming together my husband, I avoided mushrooms for 2 reasons.

Number 1:  My woman bring upward never used them inwards whatever of her recipes.  Mom didn’t ready them. (???)  Maybe they don’t sense of savor good.  (O.o)
Number 2:  The means people depict mushrooms.  Fungus.mToadstool.  They don’t brand the mushroom audio appetizing or visually appealing.

However, many cooks together with chefs role the mushroom equally the master copy gene inwards their recipes.  Foodies are happy to portion photos of amazing dishes where mushrooms are the star of the show.  As for existence visually appealing, mushrooms are quite beautiful.  Artists frequently role them to illustrate fantasies. 

Nature photographers become insane! They capture incredible pics simply roaming through the woods or the fields.

This fungus is fascinating!  But the master copy affair most people desire to know nearly mushrooms is whether or non they are edible.  No dubiety y'all volition notice these information links useful.

  • 14 Types of Mushrooms together with their Uses – Epicurious

  • Sharing my collection of mushrooms inwards food, art, together with photography. I actually similar the pump art.  Hope y'all similar all of them.  Enjoy!