Showing posts with label desserts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label desserts. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

My Favorite Fun Food: Pudding!

Hello!  Thank y'all together with thus much for visiting my foodie blog.  Was it the give-and-take "pudding" that tempted y'all here?  LOL.  Food Ways is only 1 of the places on the spider web where I divulge content well-nigh my honey for food.  When I am non hither sometimes y'all tin laissez passer on the sack notice me a website called  

Virily is a social blogging community together with I hang out at that spot a lot because the site owners together with the members are actually nice.  I divulge content at that spot on a broad hit of topics, but I only desire to quest y'all to my posts well-nigh food!  One of my favorite postal service serial is called "Irresistible Fun Food".  To date, I receive got shared well-nigh xx posts on this specific topic.  Altogether I've published over fifty posts at this site on nutrient together with food-related topics.  I am resharing my postal service well-nigh pudding here.  Enjoy!

Pudding goes on my listing for fun food, thank y'all to Jell-O’s creation of instant pudding.  In my circles, lift pudding together with folks only desire to know if they’re existence offered banana pudding or chocolate pudding.  No surprise that if y'all search for pudding recipes on Twitter, the offset few recipes that popular upward are banana together with chocolate.

After that, at that spot is rice pudding or breadstuff pudding.  The recipes for these are non instant.  I volition acknowledge that I was never a fan of old-fashioned rice pudding but the agency the Indians larn inward gave me 2nd thoughts.  I produce similar the old-fashioned breadstuff pudding because my mom used to bake it alongside onetime breadstuff together with raisins.  It was rattling filling.

These are the mutual puddings (or rather the puddings that I know about). When it comes to pudding at that spot are some cooks or chefs who role ingredients that never crossed my heed similar persimmon or tiramisu.

♦  Click through to operate on reading together with persuasion additional content:

Irresistible Fun Food: Pudding

Related Content:
(When I'm non hither or at Virily, y'all mightiness notice me at my Tumblr blog.)

Friday, July 21, 2017

Foodie Friday : Recipes | Desserts | Pineapple Stuffing Together With More!

This week's Foodie Fri spotlight is pineapple!  Pineapple is included alongside a listing of refreshing super foods nosotros should eating during the summer.  

This recipe at, is typically prepared during the Christmas vacation flavour only it's a process that should endure enjoyed whenever you lot accept a craving for something delicious together with sweet!  For me that's all twelvemonth round!  What close you?

Holiday Stuffing
For whatever solar daytime of the year.

Best twenty "Pineapple Stuffing" Ideas on Pinterest

More Pineapple Delights from Around the Web

Fredericksburg Farms Salsa Express 
Offering a broad diversity of salsas from traditional to exotic. The pineapple salsas are really popular!

Previous #FoodieFriday posts?

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Foodie Friday : Falooda, An Indian Dessert

Shining my foodie Fri spotlight on Falooda. 

It's an Indian dessert. Friends inwards a forum introduced me to this dessert. Ingredients (for the painting present below): Mango, Jelly, Basil Seed, Vermicelli, Tapioca Pearls, Condensed Milk, Rose Syrup in addition to Vanilla Ice Cream. There are, of course, recipe variations (see below). Most ingredients you lot tin laissez passer on the sack in all likelihood instruct from your local grocery stores similar mango, jelly, condensed milk, in addition to vanilla H2O ice cream. But you lot may desire to store online for Tapioca Pearls, Basil Seed, in addition to Rose Syrup.

Ever endeavour this dessert?


♦ ♦ ♦

More #FoodieFriday Posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Cheesecake ... Um? Heaven? Delight? Joy? Who Cares?  It's Cheesecake!!!

Cheesecake ... Um? Heaven? Delight? Joy? Who Cares? It's Cheesecake!!!

Cheesecake sky ... please ... joy ... 
dressed upward or plain. 

No matter.  It's the best dessert on the planet!! 

July 30th is the official appointment railroad train aside for National Cheesecake Day.  But for me, it's an occasion to extend throughout the entire year. 


Happy for whatever excuse to bask a slice of cheesecake! :) 

Gourmet Cheesecake is the ultimate dessert gift for the ultimate dessert lover, endeavor these cheesecake gifts. 

There are many wonderful sites where yous tin purchase these fabulous gourmet nutrient gifts online.

Does a Carrot Spice Cheesecake sound tempting? CRAIG'S CRAZY CARROT CAKE CHEESECAKE is available at The Cheesecake Factory. Also tempting is the classic New York Style cheesecake as well as a decadent Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake.  Tough conclusion huh?  Hard to determine if yous desire to hold upward generous as well as purchase it every minute a gift OR larn it for yourself as well as consume it all?  I know.  I'm weak besides as well as discovery it hard non succumb to the temptation.  :)

Click hither for DESSERT GIFTS or on the icon below.

EES shares recipes, cooking tips as well as all things foodie!

Everyday Exotic Spices

Thinking of the holidays?
- Easy Eggnog Cheesecake Recipe

Friday, June 9, 2017

Humorous Nutrient Quotes

Humorous Nutrient Quotes

Sharing a sum ladle of laughter alongside a "hint of profound truth".  Enjoy!


Sucre Spice All Things Nice

“Preserve as well as process nutrient every minute you lot would your body, remembering that inwards fourth dimension nutrient volition last your body.”

Monday, June 5, 2017

Food Weblog Spotlight : Sam's House Former Together With Novel Menage Unit Of Measurement Recipes

Sam Monaco publishes a nutrient spider web log sharing awesome photos in addition to recipes of scrumptious nutrient that he makes himself. Visit his spider web log to discovery recipes for:
  • Appetizers/Snacks
  • Main Dishes/Grilling
  • Soups/Salads/Sandwiches
  • Pasta
  • Desserts/Cookies/Candy

Why would anybody similar this blog?  Because it's only proficient old-fashioned domicile cooking.  Nothing overly fancy or ostentatious.  It's everyday family-style hearty in addition to comforting food.  The blog's tagline reads "Old in addition to novel identify unit of measurement recipes prepared amongst the virtually delicious in addition to fresh ingredients."

I pose out a nutrient magazine via Flipboard My I Like Eating Channel. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few of Sam's spider web log posts are circulated via my magazine. I'm doubling the fun in addition to resharing content from Sam's Place that was flipped showtime to my foodie magazine. Enjoy!

Baked Butter Garlic Chicken Wings

These baked butter garlic chicken wings made the perfect game twenty-four hours process concluding week. You don't accept to expression for a game twenty-four hours to savour these. Serve these for a overnice appetizer or snack at your side past times side political party or only a snack for the family. It's no surreptitious that I'm a huge fan of garlic.

Italian Peasant Soup

We are sure inward the mutual frigidity flavor now, in addition to when it gets mutual frigidity exterior nosotros similar our soups. There is aught improve than serving your identify unit of measurement a hearty in addition to salubrious bowl of soup. I similar all kinds of soups, peculiarly inward the wintertime months, which happens to concluding a long fourth dimension inward hither inward Western New York.

Cast Iron Skillet Pork Chops

It's wintertime hither inward Western New York, in addition to at that spot is aught improve to become yous through those mutual frigidity days than approximately proficient fashioned comfort food. I decided to brand approximately form Fe skillet pork chops. This is approximately other quick in addition to slow repast to pose on the tabular array subsequently a long twenty-four hours at work.

Glazed Lemon Almond Biscotti

Every twelvemonth my cousin sends me a box of fresh lemons from his backyard lemon trees inward Arizona. So, I pose them to proficient role amongst these Glazed Lemon Almond Biscotti. The lemon in addition to almond are a delicious combination of flavors for biscotti. If you're non a fan of almond flavor yous tin acquire out it out.

Poor Man's Pizza My Grandmother's Recipe

Poor Man's Pizza, approximately other recipe passed downward from my grandmother. I actually don't know why my grandmother called this pitiful man's pizza, I never asked. I learned how to brand this past times watching her. Although my grandmother made it best, isn't that ever the case?