Showing posts with label world cuisine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world cuisine. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Foodie Friday : Cool Foodies As Well As Nutrient Lovers Celebrating Their “Firsts” On Twitter

Happy Friday! (It's FoodieFriday!)  Always searching for like-minded nutrient lovers together with establish people celebrating their “firsts”. First nutrient weblog post. First nutrient article accepted at a major site. Etc. Here are their tweets. Interesting variation. French food; Health / Energy Food tips; Asian food; Vegan recipes; together with Food Photography.  

Wish them continued success!

* *

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Food Wishes Video Recipes: Grilled Hoisin Beef – Non Necessarily Mongolian (Reblog)

From Food Ways to Food Wishes. It's non that far. 👉

Chef John has been active on Blogger since 2007. He publishes Food Wishes Video Recipes, a wonderful nutrient blogger as well as vlogger who likes to portion a broad diversity of recipes from Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 to Z, from African cuisine to Vegetables as well as Weekend Fillers. (No Video Category for the letters X, Y, as well as Z. But unopen enough!)

Over 200 nutrient training "how to" videos as well as recipes for Vegetables, Appetizers, as well as Sauces; over 100 videos for Cooking Tips as well as Techniques, meat (Beef, Chicken, as well as Pork addition Seafood as well as Cheese); as well as specialties similar Spicy nutrient as well as Italian Cuisine. And of course, there's Dessert. You tin honor as well as hence much to a greater extent than because he has made the weblog real slowly to search.

Below is the cooking video that led me to his blog. I dear hoisin sauce. Do you?

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Grilled Hoisin Beef Recipe - Grilled Beef Skirt Steak amongst Hoisin Glaze | Food Wishes

* Also sharing the links to 2 other weblog posts. One postal service I'm sharing because inward my sentiment a political party is non a political party without swell appetizers. The other postal service I'm sharing because I pump pomegranates as well as because I've never seen a non-red pomegranate. Have you?

Let's Get This Party Started Right - Announcing a New Appetizer Category!

Let's Get This Party Started Right - Announcing a New Appetizer Category!

Just inward fourth dimension for your New Years political party planning; I've added a novel video category for Appetizers . Many of the videos I've previously done wi...

Back By Popular Demand...The Secret Underwater Pomegranate Trick

Back By Popular Demand...The Secret Underwater Pomegranate Trick

I already ran this video present a long fourth dimension ago, but when my woman bring upward sent me a photograph of only about "Sweetheart" pomegranates (below right), I thought...

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👉 After you lot complete visiting amongst Chef John at Food Wishes, follow these links to only about interesting as well as fun nutrient history as well as trivia most the pomegranate as well as the other pomegranateEnjoy!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Attn Nutrient Bloggers!  Niume Accepts Republished Content *Strikethrough*

Attn Nutrient Bloggers! Niume Accepts Republished Content *Strikethrough*

Niume unopen its doors Oct 2, 2017.

Do you lot dear food? Need a house to percentage the love? Do you lot hit got onetime spider web log posts you lot would similar to re-purpose together with republish? is looking for contributors to their Food Sphere. Below is an illustration of a few of my contributions ("newbie") together with articles submitted past times experienced nutrient bloggers.

Food History: Cuban Sandwich | Niume | Food Sphere

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BLOGGING OPPORTUNITIES: Sites That Accept Republished Content
  • Niume is a collaborative blogging platform amongst multiple spheres (or topics).  The Food Spere is simply one.  But if you lot are a nutrient blogger you lot are encouraged to percentage your content.  This is site accepts republished content together with allows you lot to promote your blog.  Create a costless work concern human relationship together with firstly immediately.  Click the push that says "Create a Post" together with a quick assort volition popular up.  Must hit got a valid eMail address. 
  • Sign Up     Site volition travel unopen eff Oct 2, 2017

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Spices Inwards Filipino Cuisine Past Times Carlo Villamayor (Guest Post)

It's no cloak-and-dagger that Filipino cuisine is i of the best inwards the world, but similar whatever proficient food, it has to receive got its secrets. Few people receive got actually mastered authentic Filipino food, non the washed-down fare yous arrive fast foods as well as diners, but real, home-made native dishes. Although most of us tin whip upwards something when nosotros postulate to, it tin last difficult to capture that distinct Filipino taste.

So what actually goes into our food? How practise yous brand your nutrient sense of savor genuinely Filipino? There's actually no unmarried answer, because no i tin define our food; nosotros come upwards from a hodgepodge of cultures, afterward all. But i matter that sets us apart from our Asian neighbors is our heavy utilisation of spices. Whereas other cuisines prefer subtle hints of flavor, nosotros similar a large flare-up of it amongst every bite.

So that's the starting fourth dimension rule: last generous amongst the spice. If yous desire your dish to stand upwards for inwards amongst other Filipino recipes, teach to know the spices that teach into them. Here are but about of the most common.


Ginger is used inwards most of Asian cuisine, as well as Filipino nutrient recipes. In the Philippines, it is most commonly used inwards soups as well as stews; dishes such every bit arroz caldo (rice porridge), as well as tinola (chicken stew) utilisation garlic every bit their principal spice. It goes specially good amongst chicken as well as fish dishes, where it provides a prissy contrast to the potent meat flavors. Ginger is used both for flavour as well as aroma, although the flesh of the origin is non e'er eaten. Most people but musical rhythm out the origin as well as drib it into the dish, hence receive got it out but earlier serving.


We're non every bit wild close spicy nutrient every bit the Thais, but nosotros practise similar a fighting of seize amongst teeth inwards our food. Virtually every Filipino dish tin last spiced upwards amongst chili peppers, from rich meat viands to everyday soups as well as noodles. Sauces similar patis (fish sauce) as well as soy sauce are ofttimes mixed amongst crushed chili as well as used every bit dips or marinades. Bicol, a part inwards southeastern Luzon, is known for using chili peppers inwards most of its dishes. Perhaps the most pop is Bicol express, made amongst meat, bagoong (saut'ed shrimp paste), kokosnoot milk, as well as chopped light-green chilies.

Garlic as well as onions

These ii almost e'er teach together, especially inwards meat as well as vegetable dishes. You may last to a greater extent than familiar amongst Taiwanese as well as Australian garlic, which receive got larger cloves as well as are easier to operate with. But if yous desire a stronger, spicier flavor, teach for native garlic. Philippine garlic comes inwards smaller bulbs, amongst cloves less than one-half the size of other types. This makes them difficult to handle, but it's good worth the trouble.

Philippine onions are potent as well as pungent, making them a cracking source of flavor. Use native cherry onions for saut'ing as well as pickling, but utilisation the white ones for salads as well as sandwiches. If you're making rice porridge, move yesteryear it amongst chopped light-green onions for extra spice.


Lemongrass has strong-smelling leaves as well as stalks commonly used inwards soups, teas as well as sauces. The leafage is slightly sweetness amongst a hint of citrus, a perfect complement to gravy as well as other meat sauces. There are several ways to utilisation lemongrass, but the most mutual method is cooking the fresh leaves (sometimes the entire stem or bulb) amongst the nutrient to liberate the flavor. If you're using the stalk, receive got exclusively the soft inner utilisation as well as chop it upwards earlier dropping it in. You tin likewise utilisation dried as well as powdered lemongrass, especially if you're inwards the metropolis as well as fresh leaves are difficult to find. 


Pandan is generally an aromatic ingredient, most commonly used amongst patently white rice. Just add together a duo of leaves to your rice every bit it boils, as well as it comes out amongst a strong, inviting aroma. Some regions fifty-fifty weave it onto rice pots for an fifty-fifty stronger scent. You tin practise the same amongst rice cakes, puddings, as well as other Filipino desserts recipes.

Bay leafage

The strong, pungent sense of savor of bay leaves makes them a perfect stand upwards for for Filipino cooking recipes. The leafage has a broad hit of uses, from meat sauces as well as dips to principal dishes similar adobo, menudo as well as mechado. Dried bay leaves are traditionally used; fresh bay is seldom available inwards local markets. The leafage itself is non commonly eaten; similar ginger, yous tin receive got out the leaves i time you're laid to serve. However, most people but move out them inwards as well as laid them aside when eating.

About The Author:  
Carlo Villamayor is a devoted cook, he makes it his personal mission to spread the joy of i of his Filipino nutrient recipes amongst nutrient lovers the basis over. Bon appetit!  (Source:

EES shares recipes, cooking tips
as well as all things foodie!

 s no cloak-and-dagger that Filipino cuisine is i of the best inwards the basis Spices inwards Filipino Cuisine yesteryear Carlo Villamayor (Guest Post)

Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Mystery Of The Perfect Condiments

For several years we've been adjusting, changing, modifying our diet. "We" important my important other as well as me. Had you lot asked me xl years agone about “veggie burgers”, I likely would convey tried to pretend non to take away heed the inquiry or human action similar you're weren't talking to me.

However, start inwards 2015, this is my reality check.

Veggie burgers are a existent business office of our nutrition plan.

Learned something virtually myself. Veggie burgers sense of savour pretty practiced to me! Not all of them. But at that topographic point is 1 item build that is cheap as well as tasty: Morningstar Farms® Garden Veggie Patties™. They convey a variety of flavors: Asian, Spicy Black Bean, Mushroom, Grillers, etc. You consume them only similar a regular hamburger.

(This is non affiliate advertisement.  I only similar the brand.)
Made an amazing discovery. It sort of makes me experience empty-headed because of its obviousness.
The Garden Veggie Pattie is the 1 that tastes the best inwards my opinion.  You don't convey to wearing clothing it upwards amongst condiments. You don't fifty-fifty demand to seat it on a bun.
But the other ones – the mushroom, the Asian-style, the spicy bean, the chik'n or turkey grillers, etc. - are non thence flavorful.  So I avoid them.
One of my daughters fixed a spicy edible bean burger for luncheon but didn't complete the sandwich. She asked me if I wanted her leftovers; otherwise, she'd convey to throw it away.
Waste food?!! Not inwards my house!!
So I ate what was left of her sandwich as well as … as well as … It tasted great!
Do you lot know why?
She seat mustard as well as ketchup on her burger.
Duh! (O.o) That's what was missing from those veggie burgers??
The ii most mutual under-appreciated condiments that are inwards homes as well as restaurants gave the veggie burger what it was missing. Flavor!
Why didn't I recollect of that??!  :)
Marshman, Victoria. "The History of Mustard.The Nibble. Lifestyle Direct, Inc., July 2009. Web. fifteen April 2017. © Copyright 2005-2017
Wiggins, Jasmine. "How Was Ketchup Invented?National Geographic: About The Plate. National Geographic Society., 21 Apr. 2014. Web. 05 May 2015.
* * *
Content every bit good appears at Persona Paper.
 I likely would convey tried to pretend non to take away heed the inquiry or human action similar you lot The Mystery of the Perfect CondimentsAsked this inquiry on a social site  Do You Have a Favorite Condiment for Your Food?  as well as got a broad make of responses that went agency beyond mustard as well as ketchup. People started throwing out: salsa, soy sauce, barbecue sauce, unlike kinds of mustards, chutney, mint sauce, ruby currant jelly, pickles as well as paprika, garlic as well as chives, Chimichurri, fish sauce as well as shrimp paste, Thai chili, black vinegar as well as peri-peri.  Talk virtually nutrient diversity!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Foodie Friday Sampling Fast Nutrient Globe Cuisine Is A Fun Do!

Found this site called Delhi-Fun-Dos. As y'all in all likelihood guessed yesteryear the name, it's about fun things y'all tin produce inward Delhi. Well, I know that the likelihood that I volition always go to Republic of Republic of India is somewhere on my life's timeline betwixt “slim chance” as well as "never gonna happen!"
But nosotros tin all go the globe online via the worldwide spider web as well as and then I visited Delhi as well as justice what I found?  Wendys!!

My demeanour is as well as then typical American.   Right?  Travel around the globe as well as what produce nosotros expect for when nosotros soil inward some other country?  Same matter nosotros receive got dorsum home.  Duh!
Not truthful of me.  I actually produce desire to sense the life as well as civilisation of the people inward a soil dissimilar my own.  But equally shortly equally I got to site I saw the article about Wendys.  Couldn't deal it!  I was curious!
We exclusively receive got a bazillion Wendys fast nutrient restaurants inward America but saw the link as well as had to accept a peek!   I'm thinking:

Wendys is on a “Fun Do List” of things to produce inward Delhi?

So I read the article as well as right away I'm upset! I'm upset because nosotros don't Paneer delight in our Wendys restaurants hither inward Texas.

I recollect every 1 time inward a while, our restaurants should offer, fifty-fifty if for “for a express fourth dimension only”, a sense of savor of a pop dish from some other country.

It's a bully means to encourage nutrient multifariousness as well as an appreciation for globe cuisine as well as global flavors.
What produce y'all think?
Is this persuasion doable?

Sampling global flavors is undeniably a bully fun do! :)

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Delhifundos. "Wendys – Delicious Burgers as well as More…." DelhiFunDoscom. N.p., 21 Jan. 2017. Web. 26 Jan. 2017. ( ).
Image credit for Wendys logo:  By, Fair use,
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Previous #FoodieFriday posts?

Monday, July 3, 2017

Health As Well As Wellness : Where To Uncovering Advice On Good For Yous Eating As Well As More!

Several years back, created a fellow member profile on FYI. You don't convey to survive an African-American to join. Because my work-at-home projects are fourth dimension consuming, my activeness at this site vicious past times the wayside. My world profile is nonetheless available to view. The site has a blogging platform too you lot tin sack also portion links to your websites too blogs. Entrepreneurship is encouraged. This site also has a partner site, HBCU Connect. If you lot portion a link or ship content at ane site, you lot tin sack also release it via the other site.

At this indicate you're likely thinking: “Uummm … How is this is food-related?”

OK. Thank you lot for your patience. Getting to the connection. As you lot know many African-Americans endure from hypertension too diabetes; ailments that they take away non endure from if they would but modify their diet! Understanding this, the site owners furnish a link to a Health too Wellness Channel Sponsored past times MerckEngage, a well-known leader inwards global healthcare. The channel is loaded amongst informative food-related wellness articles, free salubrious recipe cookbooks (low sodium, depression sugar, depression calories, too depression fat), and other wellness information. 

Actually, the article that caught my oculus wasn't close diabetes or high blood pressure. It was close my “weakness”: Chinese food! My married adult man too I dear to swallow out at Chinese restaurants. 

The article was close choosing healthier options from the card too had a handy nautical chart of “Instead of” eating this, “Try” this. Below is a link to that article too a sampling of other content you lot tin sack notice via this channel.

Healthy Chinese Food Options

Going out for Chinese food? You don't convey to know how to swallow amongst chopsticks to know how to swallow smart.  Whether you lot determine on Szechuan, Cantonese, or Hunan style, at that spot are ways to interpret your repast into something healthy. ...

Choosing salubrious foods tin sack appear similar a chore, but past times keeping a few elementary staples on paw you’ll convey the makings of several no-fuss meals too snacks. These seven foods made our listing because, fifty-fifty inwards pocket-size amounts, they furnish a skilful make of nutrients. ...
 my activeness at this site vicious past times the wayside Health too Wellness : Where to Find Advice on Healthy Eating too More!

 my activeness at this site vicious past times the wayside Health too Wellness : Where to Find Advice on Healthy Eating too More!

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Sunday, July 2, 2017

Foodie Friday : Lilliputian Things Shares Delightful Recipes Together With Cooking Tips

LittleThings is a website/platform that serves every minute habitation to a myriad grouping of content creators. The publishers don't exactly percentage information nigh food, but that's where my interests lie. You tin flaming partner alongside them every minute a social influencer, which is what I am doing. Found them through SnipsMedia*.  Hope you lot appreciate the content shared below.  Celebrate your inner chef!

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Some people brand a repast exactly eating appetizers.

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When the flavour changes to autumn or winter, exercise you lot e'er await for pumpkin in addition to squelch recipes?

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Bought my boy a waffle atomic issue 26 for Christmas once.  He used it at starting fourth dimension in addition to therefore became bored.  These recipes are proof that he only lacked inventiveness in addition to cooking inspiration.

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We all know pasta is comfort food.  But isn't a pasta dish quick to make?  Not necessarily.

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Most of my friends nation they don't bake breadstuff because they don't bring time.  Wonder if they ever tried baking breadstuff inwards a jar?

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You tin flaming role this dessert recipe to celebrate Easter in addition to if you lot don't celebrate that holiday, therefore celebrate Spring!  It's dessert!  Surely you lot tin flaming come upward up alongside an excuse to swallow cake!

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Wishing you lot a happy vacation inwards advance.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Also, don't forget that March is Irish-American Heritage Month.

platform that serves every minute habitation to a myriad grouping of content creators Foodie Fri : Little Things Shares Delightful Recipes in addition to Cooking Tips
© Photographer: Anna Maslikova | Agency:

* is an influencer network. Sign upward is free. Get paid for social sharing. How cool is that?

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Five Exotic Spices Past Times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

Even though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all around the earth or tin easily move purchased online, most of us don't know know the history of these marvelous cooking ingredients together with which province is responsible for introducing these exciting flavors to the global community.  Sharing a brief introduction to v (5) exotic spices:

SPICE Spotlight: Juniper Berries

Even though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all ar Five Exotic Spices past times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

1. Asafetida. This is an Asian spice made from the roots of sure enough species of Ferula. It is a gum-like spice amongst a real potent together with unpleasant smell.  Actually, the cite of the spice has a Latin origin, which way “evil-smelling gum”.  Asafetida is mutual inwards Indian vegetarian cuisine together with is oft the primary subdivision inwards rice together with edible bean dishes. Additionally, it has a broad hit of medicinal properties together with is beneficial for people amongst digestive disorders, high cholesterol, and/or nervous disorders.  Asafetida is rich inwards minerals together with nutrients, such every bit iron, calcium, phosphorus, together with protein.  Although most chefs together with cooks rarely laid a dish without onion together with garlic, some people do non swallow onion or garlic.  Certain people are allergic to onions together with for some people, garlic causes extreme pump burn.  Asafetida is an ideal spice for those people.  In fact, its aroma is similar to both onion together with garlic.

2. Dried Avocado Leaves.  This spice (or herb) originated inwards Mexico. It is i of the most pop spices inwards Mexican cuisine.  Avocado leaves accept an aniseed fragrance; however, these dried leaves are odorless together with accept a pungent taste. Dried avocado leaves are added to edible bean or meat dishes. Regarding wellness benefits, they are useful for people who accept kidney stones together with hypertension. Noteworthy:  Only sure enough varieties of avocado leaves are to move used inwards cooking or for medicinal purposes because some kinds of avocado leaves tin comprise toxic substances.

Additional References:

Avocado Leaves: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Secret Mexican Ingredient

Avocado Leaves: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Secret Mexican Ingredient

Avocado Leaves: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Secret Mexican Ingredientby Victoria ChallancinLove at First Bite. Like whatever motivated foodie, I almost made myself ill sampling, musing, together with guessing what unknown subdivision I was tasting inwards what appeared to move an ordinary dark edible bean dip.

3. Epazote. This is some other essential spice used inwards Mexican cuisine. Its extraordinary (or strange) scent tin move described every bit a combination of kerosene, mint, together with citrus. Epazote is made from the leaves of Mexican herb called dysphania ambrosioides (aka "Mexican tea").  It is used amongst edible bean together with meat dishes. Additionally, it tin move used inwards soups.

Additional Reading together with Recipes:

4. Grains of Paradise. This delicious spice is an integral role of West African cuisine. It is obtained from a bloom called Aframomum melegueta. Africans believed that this bloom grew inwards Eden. Grains of paradise await similar seeds together with accept jasmine, citrus, together with hazelnut odor. It tin move added to meat, fish, together with Irish Gaelic patato dishes.

Link of Interest:
Find spices ordered according to the region:

Ras El Hanout (4.0 Oz) By Zamouri SpicesEven though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all ar Five Exotic Spices past times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)
Even though many herbs together with spices are immediately readily available inwards local grocery stores all ar Five Exotic Spices past times Melisa Marzett (Guest Post)

Ingredients include over xxx dissimilar herbs together with spices, such as: 

 Grains of Paradise, Lavender, turmeric, ajawan seeds, kalajeera, ginger, galangal, oris root, rose buds, monk's pepper, cinnamon together with more!

5. Juniper Berries. Actually, juniper berries are to a greater extent than probable to move cones than berries. It has the aroma of fir together with is used for cooking meat dishes, particularly stewed rabbit or beef. These “berries” grow on the juniper tree, are mutual throughout Europe,  included inwards ancient Greek recipes, and accept been constitute inwards the Egyptian pyramids.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 broad hit of High German traditional dishes are cooked amongst juniper berries.

♦  Hope y'all enjoyed this intro.
About the writer:  Melisa Marzett industrial plant for:  She does fantabulous inquiry together with tin pen articles together with provide spider web log publishers or website owners amongst lineament content on almost whatever topic.  View the About tab on her Google+ profile for to a greater extent than samples of her work.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Let's Bake & Develop : Mango Fried Rice (Reblog)

Have a friend who is really active inwards several online communities in addition to made a mental greenback to expose a spider web log postal service sharing many of her wonderful recipes that she publishes all over the Internet. Her collection is impressive. Maybe one solar daytime she volition expose a cookbook! This is my Shout Out to Peach Purple, swain blogger in addition to freelance writer. Mango is my favorite fruit in addition to I honey fried rice!  Never idea to position them together.  :)

Let's Bake & Cook : Mango Fried Rice

You tin also persuasion her recipes at HUBPages.  Here is i yous may uncovering intriguing.  Did yous know yous tin brand a cake inwards a rice cooker?

Peach Purple has 4 nutrient blogs published via the BlogJob blogging community.  Here are samples from each one.  The elevate of the spider web log is inwards parentheses.

LiteracyBase is where she has been sharing her tasty recipes lately in addition to I'm loving it!  You'll honey them too!  :)


Chicken Gumbo Recipe

Chicken Gumbo Recipe - LiteracyBase

Have yous heard of Chicken Gumbo? I didn't know that this chicken recipe is a good known dish inwards USA since the 18th century. One of my Facefriend had recommended me to endeavour out her Chicken Gumbo recipe which she had uploaded online. I constitute it a really particular exquisite recipe, all-in-1 chicken stew that ...

Mustard Green Soup alongside Meat Balls

Mustard Green Soup alongside Meat Balls - LiteracyBase

If yous had ever tasted Cai Xin soup, yous should teach acquainted alongside his light-green leafy vegetable today because yous are going to honey it every bit much every bit I do! What is Cai Xin Mustard Greens is fondly known every bit "Cai Xin" amid the Chinese community.

Best Chicken Rice: Hainanese Chicken Rice

Best Chicken Rice: Hainanese Chicken Rice - LiteracyBase

Chicken Rice which is locally known every bit "Ji Fan " or "Sau Ji Fan" is a really pop master copy course of didactics repast that consist of roast chicken alongside steamed chicken rice in addition to slices of cucumbers. There are two types of Chicken Rice sold inwards the restaurant; mainly: - Roast chicken -Hainanese chicken ( white ...

Homemade Prawn Dumpling Soup

Homemade Prawn Dumpling Soup - LiteracyBase

I started to autumn inwards honey alongside dumplings since my childhood days. Mom used to homemade dumplings which were large, fulled of generous fillings in addition to super delicious soup. She e'er added generous heaps of mixed minced pork in addition to two large tiger prawns for the dumpling fillings.

Chinese Soup: Tofu alongside Kelp Soup

Chinese Soup: Tofu alongside Kelp Soup - LiteracyBase

When I was young, mom used to brand delicious Chinese soup for every solar daytime repast which is clear, non thick or brothy at all. Most of her Chinese soup was light, clear in addition to comforting that soothes anyone who was losing appetite or sick over mild affliction ( fever, cough, diarrhea, etc).

Rice Vermicelli Noodle Soup

Rice Vermicelli Noodle Soup - LiteracyBase

I merely LOVE my mother's Rice Vermicelli Noodle Soup, compare to my mother-in-law's version. The soup itself is tasty , fifty-fifty though she had used Knorr Chicken Cube Stock in addition to the additional fried chicken fillets, crab sticks, scrambled eggs in addition to cooked white cabbages were precisely FANTASTIC !