Showing posts with label foodies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foodies. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Chiliad Views Equal A Chiliad Give Thank You Lot Yous

In 2016, I started this foodie blog, my project of honey for foodies as well as nutrient lovers roughly the world. According to the statistics inward my dashboard the full total of views for all of my posts is unopen to 750,000.


I would similar to tell Thank You to all of my weblog visitors. Your back upwards agency a lot. To date, the archives present 116 published posts. This ship service volition travel Post Number 117. Below is a listing of all the posts that present 1000+ views. For each of these posts besides every bit for all the residual of the posts:

Thank You a M times plus!!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

New Domicile For Pizza Craving On Flipboard

The Google Plus social network volition move shutting down on Apr 2019.  That way all content for my profile in addition to pages volition disappear.  For my G+ foodie page, which was created every bit a social media page for my website, Everyday Exotic Spices, I had created several collections.  One of my close pop collection was "PIZZA Craving".  It had over 40,000 followers.  I convey decided to practise a novel journal on Flipboard every bit a replacement.  Just because G+ closes down, doesn't hateful people nevertheless don't honey pizza!  Right?

Here is the link to my Flipboard magazine:
PIZZA Craving.

Do you lot know the history of pizza?
Check out this keen video.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Oven-Baked Summertime Mash Fries (Should Last Inwards Your Wintertime Recipes)

A summertime squeeze has a potent resemblance, inward flavor too texture, to a zucchini. You can, inward fact, substitute zucchini inward this recipe, but it volition in all likelihood bake a flake to a greater extent than quickly.

Not certain what the weather condition is similar where y'all are.  In my city (Austin, TX USA), it's confusingly balmy too breezy, occasionally rainy, comfortably warm amongst no involve for a sweater, too sometimes chilly.  It's climatically perfect! ☺ 

My friends elsewhere around the USA too the basis are yet complaining that Old Man Winter has overstayed his welcome too refuses to leave!  This recipe is fabulous no affair what the flavor of the twelvemonth is or what sort of weather condition you're experiencing.  Enjoy!


1 medium summertime squash
2 eggs
1 ½ cups breadcrumbs (try panko breadcrumbs for a crunchier texture)
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon mustard powder
Salt too pepper
Olive oil

How to Make It:

Preheat oven to 400 F. Grease a large baking canvass amongst olive petroleum too laid upward aside.

Cut your summertime squeeze into wedges. Remove the seeds if they are quite large too laid upward wedges aside.

Whisk the eggs inward a dish too laid upward aside.

In some other dish, combine the breadcrumbs, paprika, mustard pulverisation too tabular array salt too pepper.

Start yesteryear dipping the wedges, 1 yesteryear one, into the egg mixture too and thence the breadcrumb mixture. Place each wedge on the greased baking sheet. Continue until all the wedges are done.

You tin sack bake the wedges equally is for virtually 30-40 (until soft within too golden chocolate-brown on the outside) equally is, but if y'all desire a to a greater extent than golden texture, drizzle or spray some olive petroleum on exceed of the wedges. Flip halfway through baking.

Serve amongst ranch or some other favorite dip.

There are many versions of oven-fried squeeze recipes?  Find more.

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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Food Spider Web Log Spotlight: Tofu Is The Novel Dark On Tumblr

So glad such a matter equally a spotlight was invented. The concept or catch of shining a low-cal on something or mortal worthy of existence noticed comes inwards handy when you lot notice a fantabulous nutrient blog similar “Tofu is the New Black”. 

My foodie adventures unopen to the spider web frequently either laid out hither at this weblog or at my complementary Tumblr micro-blog. Was scanning the posts current in addition to came across this amazing blog. Fortunately the publisher, “Irene”, introduces herself inwards both Italian in addition to English. (No occupation if she didn't. I piece of work along my Google translator at the ready! ☺ ) 

Irene is a vegan in addition to non exclusively does she portion cracking vegan recipes but the nutrient images at her weblog demo off some of the prettiest nutrient I've always seen!  She scours the spider web in addition to recycles recipes, cooking tips, healthcare tips, charts displaying nutrient alternatives or substitutes, infographics, in addition to other food finds.  She is PRO-Green in addition to extremely environmentally conscious (as nosotros all should be).  Her posts appointment dorsum to August 2015. Got in addition to then excited simply browsing Jan 2017, decided her nutrient / foodie adventures needed to hold upwards shared alongside others.

Are you lot a tofu lover?
Do you lot bring a favorite tofu recipe?

Please comment below. 

Pretty food!

Healthcare Tips!

Cheese Lovers!

Healthy Ways to Satisfy the Munchies!

Monday, May 1, 2017

October Is National Pizza Calendar Month Let's Celebrate!

October is National Pizza Month. Let's offset the celebration alongside these fun pizza facts.

- - "The longest pizza delivery was from Cape Town, South Africa to Sydney, Australia."

- - "Scientists written report that eating pizza in i lawsuit a calendar week tin cut the jeopardy of esophageal cancer. It's the tomatoes in addition to olive crude inwards the pizza."


Saturday, April 22, 2017

25 Creative Together With Delicious Recipes To Inspire Your Inner Foodie | 1 Light-Green Planet (Reblog)

Found this wonderful site via TsÅ«, a once-popular social network that unopen its doors. If yous are non a vegan, this nutrient weblog could encourage yous to at to the lowest degree "try" to alter or adapt your eating habits. They work it past times publishing wonderful recipes. 

Sharing this link every mo an example:

25 Creative together with Delicious Recipes That Will Inspire Your Inner Foodie | One Green Planet


10 Ways to Make Your Salads Interesting, Flavorful, together with Crave-able!

***Follow One Green Planet's Official Blog
 and Follow Them on Twitter***