Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Foodie Friday : Earth Cuisine : Japan’S X Weirdest H2o Ice Cream Flavors (Reblog)

ATTN Foodies together with nutrient lovers. Check out this Top Ten List. Do y'all accept a gustation for something sweet, mutual depression temperature together with delicious, yet foreign together with exotic or ... mayhap only a piddling salty? Then y'all should belike endure visiting an H2O ice cream parlor inward Japan. I accept heard of sweetness white patato H2O ice cream, which I personally idea was weird; however, it's non on this list! Squid ink?? It's Number 8. Eh! It's soft serve! Worth a try! :)

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Spiced Orangish Saffron Warm Quaff | Quaff Recipes From Chitra's Salubrious Kitchen

Wintertime is the best fourth dimension for warm drinks. Who would disagree? Even though yous gulp hot or warm drinks all yr round, for obvious reasons they are simply to a greater extent than soothing in addition to comforting during the winter. That's why I am reblogging this recipe from an awesome nutrient blogger who shares recipes for salubrious living. Chitra's weblog has over 3000 followers.
  • Saffron, my favorite spice.  Never idea to seat it inward a gulp though. :) 
  • Love oranges. Love saffron. Can’t become wrong! :)
  • Warm drinks are then soothing in addition to comforting.   

EES shares recipes, cooking tips in addition to all things foodie!
Wintertime is the best fourth dimension for warm drinks Spiced Orange Saffron Warm gulp | Drink Recipes from Chitra's Healthy Kitchen
Everyday Exotic Spices

More Warm Winter Drinks on Twitter

Friday, April 21, 2017

Which Countries Or Cultures Brand The Best Cakes? Let's Discuss!

Which Countries or Cultures Make the Best Cakes? Would dearest to ask heed your thoughts on this foodie topic.  My hubby says when it comes to baking, nobody beats out the Greeks in addition to the Jews. Not that I'm a cake connoisseur, but I am tempted to concur amongst him; peculiarly nearly the Greeks.  Did yous know the Greeks invented cheesecake in addition to that nosotros get got them to give thank yous for the tradition of the birthday cake?

Sorry to tell cake baking is non my forte. But I practice dearest a corking cake. It would endure correct to tell that cake loving IS my forte.  💗

Honestly! If Queen Marie Antoinette had actually said “Let them swallow cake!” in addition to I had been inwards earshot distance, I would get got been “Where?!! Where??!! Where's the cake??!!”

Recently, I've been coming across recipes shared past times my online friends from dissimilar countries in addition to also from nutrient newsletters that I subscribe to in addition to it's got me dreaming in addition to wishing I could savor all of these wonderful baked delights without having to trace concern myself amongst the possible sick effects of consuming likewise much sugar. Alas! There is diabetes inwards my identify unit of measurement trace in addition to I only don't desire to accept whatsoever chances.

Most of the time, I savor cakes past times only looking at them or possibly gustatory modality a teeny weeny sample. ☺

But around cakes are far likewise pretty in addition to odd to eat. Don't yous think?  Like these incredible jelly cakes.

Stunning Edible Flower Jelly Cakes Blooming inwards Your Plate

These gorgeous jelly cakes came from 'La Floraison' inwards Sydney Australia. Like a Japanese rainbow cake these confections are almost likewise pretty to eat.

Some cakes are non fifty-fifty cakes. They're masterpieces. Works of art!

And in addition to thence around cakes are dummy cakes. Dummy cakes? Yeah. Also called Fake Cakes.  New term I learned.  Apparently they get got acquire pop at weddings equally the marriage cake.  Check out this article inwards the New York Times nearly Greeks invented cheesecake in addition to that nosotros get got them to give thank yous for the tradition of the birthday cake?

NY Cake.  Not edible but the artwork is incredible! 😆

But nosotros all get got our preferences in addition to in that place is non 1 person in the world who tin tell that their specific nutrient taste is “the correct nutrient taste”.

What nearly you? Do you 💗 cake?
If yous were going to sing praises nearly a province or a civilization that makes the best cakes what would your pick be?

I'd dearest to ask heed your picks. 
Do yous concur or disagree amongst my husband? 

FYI.  Nov 26 is #NationalCakeDay.

Greeks invented cheesecake in addition to that nosotros get got them to give thank yous for the tradition of the birthday cake?

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mushroom: Existent Nutrient Of Fantasy In Addition To Fairy Tales

When 1 says the give-and-take “mushroom” it mightiness provoke diverse thoughts. Psychedelic dreams.  Fantasy together with fairy tales.  Tiny homes for whimsical creatures.  A meat substitute for vegans together with vegetarians.

My commencement sense tasting a mushroom was when my belatedly husband (myfiancé at the time) prepared dinner for me.  Steak alongside mushroom gravy. That was over forty years.  But from that twenty-four hours forward, I didn’t quest convincing to brand mushrooms a business office of my diet.  But inwards example y'all do, perchance this wellness article by Popular Science will persuade you.    “4 reasons y'all should swallow to a greater extent than mushrooms”.

Before coming together my husband, I avoided mushrooms for 2 reasons.

Number 1:  My woman bring upward never used them inwards whatever of her recipes.  Mom didn’t ready them. (???)  Maybe they don’t sense of savor good.  (O.o)
Number 2:  The means people depict mushrooms.  Fungus.mToadstool.  They don’t brand the mushroom audio appetizing or visually appealing.

However, many cooks together with chefs role the mushroom equally the master copy gene inwards their recipes.  Foodies are happy to portion photos of amazing dishes where mushrooms are the star of the show.  As for existence visually appealing, mushrooms are quite beautiful.  Artists frequently role them to illustrate fantasies. 

Nature photographers become insane! They capture incredible pics simply roaming through the woods or the fields.

This fungus is fascinating!  But the master copy affair most people desire to know nearly mushrooms is whether or non they are edible.  No dubiety y'all volition notice these information links useful.

  • 14 Types of Mushrooms together with their Uses – Epicurious

  • Sharing my collection of mushrooms inwards food, art, together with photography. I actually similar the pump art.  Hope y'all similar all of them.  Enjoy!