Showing posts with label food lovers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food lovers. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Chiliad Views Equal A Chiliad Give Thank You Lot Yous

In 2016, I started this foodie blog, my project of honey for foodies as well as nutrient lovers roughly the world. According to the statistics inward my dashboard the full total of views for all of my posts is unopen to 750,000.


I would similar to tell Thank You to all of my weblog visitors. Your back upwards agency a lot. To date, the archives present 116 published posts. This ship service volition travel Post Number 117. Below is a listing of all the posts that present 1000+ views. For each of these posts besides every bit for all the residual of the posts:

Thank You a M times plus!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

A Autumn Neapolitan Mode Dinner | Jovinacooksitalian (Reblog)

Have y'all e'er institute a nutrient blogger or nutrient spider web log that is undeniably magnificent? Several years dorsum I came across this woman's spider web log as well as am thus happy to detect that it is nevertheless existence published. Her posts non solely accept keen recipes but keen nutrient history too!

This 1 that is existence shared every bit a reblog is perfect because it's for the autumn flavour as well as it's almost Italy, 1 of those places on my bucket listing of "Places to Visit".  Will probable never realize that dream but dreaming almost it is a wonderful thing.

Dream Italian?  Think Italian.  Be Italian!

The post service begins past times giving the reader a quick history of Neopolitan cuisine.  Neopolitan is a cuisine?  Only e'er knew it to endure a flavor for ice-cream!  In iii curt paragraphs, she took me from ancient Hellenic Republic as well as Rome to modern-day Italy as well as the United States.  Then she laid upwardly forth an entire Neopolitan dinner, recipes as well as all, from the showtime course of report to the dessert.  Of course, I skipped the courses as well as went require to the dessert.  But that's only me!  :)

This spider web log post service is dated 2013.  Liked it then.  Like it now!  The ikon from her post service is an Italian Apple cake.  Isn't it gorgeous?!!


  • Italian Treasures - Moon Valley Sardinia (

  • Mediterranean Recipes for Lunchtime (

  • Deliciously Easy Upside Down Apple Cake (

  • Top 10 Most Delicious Foods inwards the World 2016(

  • Have y'all e'er institute a nutrient blogger or nutrient spider web log that is undeniably  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Fall Neapolitan Style Dinner | jovinacooksitalian (Reblog)

  • Italian Treasures - Moon Valley Sardinia (

  • Mediterranean Recipes for Lunchtime (

  • Deliciously Easy Upside Down Apple Cake (

  • Top 10 Most Delicious Foods inwards the World 2016(

  • here.

    Celebrate National Apple Month inwards October  (or whatsoever month! 🍏)

    Tuesday, June 13, 2017

    To Beet Or Non To Beet? Is No Longer The Question

    So here's my distressing childhood story. Beets! Growing up, inwards my solid the alone individual that ever ate beets was my belatedly mother. The thing is … she didn't fifty-fifty crusade to encourage me or tempt me to sense of savour them. No! SHE JUST ATE THEM ALL! As a kid, at that spot was zero appealing or appetizing virtually them. So … similar broccoli together with figs together with other wonderful foods that looked questionable through a child's eyes … I only didn't consume them! Wasn't fifty-fifty curious.

    In my adult years, 40 plus years ago, I met my husband. Would y'all believe it? He tells me a similar childhood story, except that both his mom together with his dad ate beets. Beets together with beets together with beets. They only couldn't acquire plenty of em!

    Come to honour out … beets are adept for you! WHAT???!!

    Why would our parents operate on that a secret? We don't know! So they could accept to a greater extent than for themselves?? Seems the alone logical explanation!

    Nevertheless, nosotros love our parents together with give thank y'all them for all of the other meaningful secrets of life that they did discover to us. We'll overlook the best kept beet secret.  :)

    Anyway! …. Now that we've learned “the remainder of the story”, the query of “To beet or non to beet?” has been answered. We only ask to figure out a agency to contain this awesomely nutritious super nutrient into our diet.

    Found a treasure trove of beet recipes at Flipboard, a site where I am experimenting alongside publishing my ain nutrient magazine. (The magazine is called My I Like Eating Channel. Yes it's the same mention every bit my curated content topic board on I know! I'm non real master copy together with I re-create myself a lot!)

    Sharing a few recipes from the Flipboard collection that await similar they mightiness hold out real tasty. However, the inaugural off percentage below was truly constitute elsewhere on the web. It's virtually beet juice. Did y'all know that it's imbibe of champions? Well it is!

    As a rear myself, I know that no affair how adept veggies may be, it's sometimes difficult to acquire your kids (or yourself) to eat them! Thank the Lord for juice together with juicers! Sometimes folks who won't EAT their veggies, don't accept likewise much of a work alongside DRINKING their veggies. 



    My birthday happened at the get-go of the month. I hosted a large seafood feast. I wanted a bunch of my favorite people together at a tabular array together with a ton of seafood - Dungeness crab, oysters, a large stew alongside mussels together with clams together with fish, etc.

    Roasted Sweet Potato Salad alongside Beets together with Siracha Dressing - H5N1 Communal Table

    Roasted Sweet Potato Salad alongside Beets together with Siracha Dressing - H5N1 Communal Table

    Just when I idea it couldn't acquire whatsoever better... Melissas Produce went together with introduced NEW attain collections. The newest additions are - Organic Purification Boxes! Melissas graciously sent me the Organic Purification Box B to play with... together with play I did!

    38 Beet Recipes for Roasting, Frying together with More Recipe

    38 Beet Recipes for Roasting, Frying together with More Recipe

    There are a lot of ways to develop beets. So become forth together with acquire inwards happen!

    Where to honour to a greater extent than Beets on Flipboard

    Beets on Flipboard

    By mshedrick | mshedrick created a magazine on Flipboard. "Beets on Flipboard" is available alongside thousands of other magazines together with all the intelligence y'all assist about. Download Flipboard for complimentary together with search for "mshedrick".

    One final share. Not constitute via Flipboard, but you'll withal similar it!  :)

    Beet Orange Salad alongside Honey Vinaigrette

     inwards my solid the alone individual that ever ate beets was my belatedly woman rear To Beet or Not to Beet? is No Longer the Question
    That's it for straightaway my friends! As ever thank y'all for visiting Food Ways together with experience complimentary to view often! Bring your identify unit of measurement together with friends!  Until the side past times side postal service … Peace, Love together with Happy Beeting (or Eating or Drinking (preferably nonalcoholic beverages).

    (Chef icon credit.)

    Friday, June 9, 2017

    Humorous Nutrient Quotes

    Humorous Nutrient Quotes

    Sharing a sum ladle of laughter alongside a "hint of profound truth".  Enjoy!


    Sucre Spice All Things Nice

    “Preserve as well as process nutrient every minute you lot would your body, remembering that inwards fourth dimension nutrient volition last your body.”

    Thursday, June 1, 2017

    New Domicile For Pizza Craving On Flipboard

    The Google Plus social network volition move shutting down on Apr 2019.  That way all content for my profile in addition to pages volition disappear.  For my G+ foodie page, which was created every bit a social media page for my website, Everyday Exotic Spices, I had created several collections.  One of my close pop collection was "PIZZA Craving".  It had over 40,000 followers.  I convey decided to practise a novel journal on Flipboard every bit a replacement.  Just because G+ closes down, doesn't hateful people nevertheless don't honey pizza!  Right?

    Here is the link to my Flipboard magazine:
    PIZZA Craving.

    Do you lot know the history of pizza?
    Check out this keen video.

    Friday, May 26, 2017

    Oven-Baked Summertime Mash Fries (Should Last Inwards Your Wintertime Recipes)

    A summertime squeeze has a potent resemblance, inward flavor too texture, to a zucchini. You can, inward fact, substitute zucchini inward this recipe, but it volition in all likelihood bake a flake to a greater extent than quickly.

    Not certain what the weather condition is similar where y'all are.  In my city (Austin, TX USA), it's confusingly balmy too breezy, occasionally rainy, comfortably warm amongst no involve for a sweater, too sometimes chilly.  It's climatically perfect! ☺ 

    My friends elsewhere around the USA too the basis are yet complaining that Old Man Winter has overstayed his welcome too refuses to leave!  This recipe is fabulous no affair what the flavor of the twelvemonth is or what sort of weather condition you're experiencing.  Enjoy!


    1 medium summertime squash
    2 eggs
    1 ½ cups breadcrumbs (try panko breadcrumbs for a crunchier texture)
    1 teaspoon paprika
    1 teaspoon mustard powder
    Salt too pepper
    Olive oil

    How to Make It:

    Preheat oven to 400 F. Grease a large baking canvass amongst olive petroleum too laid upward aside.

    Cut your summertime squeeze into wedges. Remove the seeds if they are quite large too laid upward wedges aside.

    Whisk the eggs inward a dish too laid upward aside.

    In some other dish, combine the breadcrumbs, paprika, mustard pulverisation too tabular array salt too pepper.

    Start yesteryear dipping the wedges, 1 yesteryear one, into the egg mixture too and thence the breadcrumb mixture. Place each wedge on the greased baking sheet. Continue until all the wedges are done.

    You tin sack bake the wedges equally is for virtually 30-40 (until soft within too golden chocolate-brown on the outside) equally is, but if y'all desire a to a greater extent than golden texture, drizzle or spray some olive petroleum on exceed of the wedges. Flip halfway through baking.

    Serve amongst ranch or some other favorite dip.

    There are many versions of oven-fried squeeze recipes?  Find more.

    Blogger LinkUp - Connect amongst beau bloggers for support.

    Monday, May 22, 2017

    How To Possess Italian : Slow Recipes From Ciaoflorentina

    Many people beloved Italian food. Although my hubby says he doesn't. Even though he watches in addition to sometimes records the cooking shows of Lidia Bastianich on Create TV. When nosotros subscribed to cable TV, he rarely missed an episode of Giada De Laurentiis on Food Network. (O.o)

      Even though he watches in addition to sometimes records the cooking shows of  How to Cook Italian :  Easy Recipes from CiaoFlorentina

    I ticker most things Italian, amongst nutrient beingness at the transcend of my list. There are in addition to therefore many Italian nutrient bloggers out there. In fact, my 3rd post service for this weblog shined the spotlight on i of my favorite blogs: JovinaCooks Italian.

    Here is to a greater extent than or less other i of my faves: EasyItalian Recipes – CiaoFlorentina.  Cooking advice is provided in addition to many recipes are gluten-free, paleo, in addition to vegetarian. H5N1 few selected posts seem below to ignite your curiosity to know to a greater extent than in addition to whet your appetite for to a greater extent than or less tasty Italian cuisine.

    Chocolate Covered Oranges amongst Red Pepper Flakes * Christmas Recipes

    Chocolate Covered Oranges amongst Red Pepper Flakes *

    The ultimate Chocolate Covered Oranges: tangerine in addition to orangish slices dipped inwards nighttime chocolate in addition to sprinkled amongst ruby pepper flakes for a dainty kick. It is that fourth dimension of twelvemonth agone when our orangish trees are in addition to therefore loaded the branches started breaking. Which way in that location are oranges in addition to tangerines all over our kitchen.

    * * *

    Replace tater chips amongst a healthier alternative. How to Make Brussel Sprout Chips (Crispy) *

    How to Make Brussel Sprout Chips (Crispy) *

    Crispy in addition to lite baked Brussel sprout chips amongst merely a drizzle of olive crude oil in addition to a pinch of body of body of water salt. Easy to brand in addition to loved yesteryear all! Who is every bit excited every bit me most autumn in addition to baking trays upon trays of these Brussel sprout chips?

    * * *

    Vegetarian Calzone Recipe *

    Vegetarian Calzone Recipe *

    Italian vegetarian calzone, pizza pockets stuffed amongst veggies in addition to cheese in addition to grilled inwards a shape Fe skillet, a vegetarian's dream ! First of all, you lot absolutely gotta brand this vegetarian calzone you lot guys ! I had them for breakfast in addition to I'm non fifty-fifty ashamed to acknowledge it.

    * * *

    Do you lot know your thyme? Thyme Varieties For Cooking *

    Thyme Varieties For Cooking *

    There are quite a few thyme varieties for cooking out there. Thyme is i of my favorite herbs to laid upward amongst in addition to found inwards my containers, but inwards all honesty I stick to 2 mayhap iii varieties inwards my herb garden.

    * * *
      Even though he watches in addition to sometimes records the cooking shows of  How to Cook Italian :  Easy Recipes from CiaoFlorentina
    Crushed Red Pepper four oz - $4.75

    from: OliveNation