Showing posts with label embedded content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label embedded content. Show all posts

Monday, May 8, 2017

Exotic Fruit: Create You Lot Oculus Pomegranates?

Do yous beloved pomegranates? I know I do! I would fifty-fifty similar to foremost a crusade alongside the goal of adding pomegranates to the traditional American Thanksgiving cornucopia.  (Care to participate inwards the Thanksgiving cornucopia POLL as well as shape your vote? )

Pomegranates are thence exotic as well as bask an exotic history!   Indeed it is the nutrient of myth as well as legends.

They are the wonder nutrient of ancient civilizations similar Persia as well as Israel.  

In fact, in ancient Greece, pomegranates were considered an aphrodisiac.  

Two respected modern publications - The Globe as well as Mail, “Canada’s #1 national newspaper” as well as The NHS inwards England – both claim that the claims that pomegranates are a “superfood” tin dismiss last proven.

Shared the link via my post current on Google Plus stream, but inwards representative yous didn't run into it there, thought it here. If yous are on Pinterest, delight see my pinboard dedicated to POMEGRANATES? Started the board a distich of years agone as well as to date, it has 100 pins: recipes (food as well as drinks), beauty as well as healthcare products, etc. 

 I would fifty-fifty similar to foremost a crusade alongside the goal of adding pomegranates to the traditi Exotic Fruit:  Do You Heart Pomegranates?Blueberry Pomegranate - $5.00
Our Blueberry Pomegranate tea has a circular fruity gustatory modality alongside a sugariness as well as slightly tart finish. H5N1 wonderfully refreshing treat, perfect for whatsoever occasion! Floral, Sweet, Fruity

 I would fifty-fifty similar to foremost a crusade alongside the goal of adding pomegranates to the traditi Exotic Fruit:  Do You Heart Pomegranates?Green Pomegranate - Award Winning - $5.00
Select organic light-green tea manus tossed inwards a large wok, dried to perfection, as well as thence carefully blended alongside organic raspberries as well as essence of pomegranate. Sweeten the senses alongside a tart as well as tangy rush to the palate. Also available inwards our Eco Pyramid Teabags here. Fruity, Sweet, Tart

 I would fifty-fifty similar to foremost a crusade alongside the goal of adding pomegranates to the traditi Exotic Fruit:  Do You Heart Pomegranates?
© Photographer: Svetamart | Agency:

Monday, April 24, 2017

Happy Holidays! Nutrient Bloggers Continue On Blogging!

The yr is winding down.  Food Ways was started in Nov 2016.  Taking the chance to spotlight nutrient bloggers who guide hold been actively publishing throughout the yr as well as fifty-fifty inwards previous years.  Their persistence motivates me.  Sharing a link to their blogs below.  It's my agency of wishing them a joyful, salubrious as well as security vacation season, as well as continued success as well as prosperity inwards the upcoming novel year.  

Happy Blogging Food Bloggers!

Some shares may non endure "typical" of the traditional western Christmas celebration, but I likewise guide hold an interest inwards footing cuisines as well as global flavors.  There's no dominion that says a traditional menu can't endure modified alongside the add-on of new, unlike as well as tasty recipes.

After all, when it comes to nutrient as well as family, nosotros brand our ain rules as well as traditions!  Don't we?  Enjoy!

Sour Cream Pound Cake Poinsettia Cookies | Bake at 350

Sour Cream Pound Cake Poinsettia Cookies | Bake at 350

There comes a indicate every vacation flavor where yous realize yous cannot create it all. You cannot brand homemade lip balm as well as vanilla extract for everyone on your list, yous cannot stand upward inwards a 3-hour business at the shipping service component for Christmas stamps, yous cannot endure 17 unlike places on Christmas Eve, yous cannot scrub the baseboards earlier companionship arrives, as well as yous cannot brand homemade cookies as well as icing when your youngster tells yous he needs cookies the side past times side morning.

Sprite as well as The Refreshing Truth About Korean Food | The Coca-Cola Company

Sprite as well as The Refreshing Truth About Korean Food | The Coca-Cola Company

Traditional Korean cuisine uses fresh ginger, garlic, greenish onions, sesame oil, chili flakes, soy sauce as well as fermented chili glue to create bold as well as distinctive flavors nosotros can't manage but crave. Salty, spicy as well as tangy flavors are oftentimes tempered as well as balanced alongside sweeter notes.

Crispy Spicy Arbi | Authentic Food Delights

Crispy Spicy Arbi | Authentic Food Delights

This is 1 of my favourite fries as well as it tin flame endure done quicky , really crispy equally good as well as goes really good alongside steamed rice or tin flame endure had equally a starter examine this spicy certain u all volition but honey this flavourful as well as yummy dish 1/2 tsp reddish chilli powder, 1/2 tsp coriander powder, ii tbsp fossil oil + fossil oil for shallow frying Pressure create the arbi till 1 whistle or till it gets cooked.

Cassoulet - The World's Most Complex Simple Recipe | Food Wishes

Cassoulet - The World's Most Complex Simple Recipe | Food Wishes

There are thence many reasons non to brand cassoulet. You ask lots of ingredients, some of which accept essay to find. There are many steps, as well as fifty-fifty some of the steps guide hold steps. It volition likewise look similar yous used every pot as well as pan inwards the kitchen, which volition endure trashed past times the fourth dimension you're done.

A Christmas Tree Bento | What's for Lunch at Our House

A Christmas Tree Bento | What's for Lunch at Our House

We're keeping vacation bentos elementary correct immediately equally nosotros complete unpacking boxes, but that doesn't hateful the nutrient can't even thence endure festive! I constitute my favorite large box of cookie cutters, consummate alongside my really favorite elementary Christmas tree cutter.

Yalda Night (Winter Solstice) 2015 as well as Shami Haveej - Carrot Shami Kabab alongside Sweet & Sour Tomato Sauce | Turmeric & Saffron!

Yalda Night (Winter Solstice) 2015 as well as Shami Haveej - Carrot Shami Kabab alongside Sweet & Sour Tomato Sauce | Turmeric & Saffron!

شب چله/شب یلداShab-e Yalda/Shab-e Chelleh, the ancient Western Farsi celebration of the longest night, dates dorsum thousands of years agone to the nascency of میترا Mithra the god of lite who was born on the even out of yalda (winter solstice).After the longest nighttime of the yr the days volition gradually piece of occupation longer symbolizing the victory of lite over darkness.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Spiced Orangish Saffron Warm Quaff | Quaff Recipes From Chitra's Salubrious Kitchen

Wintertime is the best fourth dimension for warm drinks. Who would disagree? Even though yous gulp hot or warm drinks all yr round, for obvious reasons they are simply to a greater extent than soothing in addition to comforting during the winter. That's why I am reblogging this recipe from an awesome nutrient blogger who shares recipes for salubrious living. Chitra's weblog has over 3000 followers.
  • Saffron, my favorite spice.  Never idea to seat it inward a gulp though. :) 
  • Love oranges. Love saffron. Can’t become wrong! :)
  • Warm drinks are then soothing in addition to comforting.   

EES shares recipes, cooking tips in addition to all things foodie!
Wintertime is the best fourth dimension for warm drinks Spiced Orange Saffron Warm gulp | Drink Recipes from Chitra's Healthy Kitchen
Everyday Exotic Spices

More Warm Winter Drinks on Twitter

Friday, April 21, 2017

Are Y'all A Nutrient Waster? - Become Global Today

My children are all grown now, as well as they volition all tell you lot that their mom ever says "Don't waste materials food. Children are starving inwards Africa." 

Yes I said it as well as I'll state it again! 

You know what else? My mom used to state the same affair to me! 

And it's non merely Africa either! It's all to a greater extent than or less the world! 

Now I'm lx years one-time as well as the lamentable affair is that it was truthful when my mom said it as well as it was likely truthful earlier she said it. 

It's 2020 as well as it's all the same true!

WHY???!!! There's no excuse for it!!

" ... 31 percent—or 133 billion pounds—of the 430 billion pounds of the available nutrient furnish at the retail as well as consumer levels went uneaten inwards the USA ..."

"... xl part of all nutrient inwards the USA was never eaten. ..."

Sorry. This is i of those things inwards this globe that actually perturbs me. Every fourth dimension I encounter it, listen it or read most it, I pause out the megaphone as well as maiden of all preaching!! Each time, I promise the words are non falling on deaf ears.

In my mind's eye, the reverse of WASTE is CHARITY. 

OK. So you lot can't destination globe hunger. But is at that topographic point non i human activeness of charity that you lot tin flame homecoming to some other person? Is at that topographic point actually zip you lot tin flame create most people starving?

Charity never fails.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Food As Well As Potable History Lesson : English Tea (Guest Post)

Tea inward England

Author: AnutaVasil

The English linguistic communication primarily drank java too vino equally their staple drink, too tea was unknown inward England till equally tardily equally 1662. In 1662 Charles II married Catherine of Braganza of Portugal, too it was his novel bride who brought amongst her a preference of tea. She served tea instead of wine, ale too spirit. Tea before long acquired the condition of majestic drinkable too a social nicety for the rich.

However, tea's credence past times British masses was quite slow. It was inward tardily 1700 that tea's popularity picked up. As tea came from British colonies, it came to last viewed equally a national drink, amongst patriotic sentiments attached to it. Another argue which contributed to its popularity was the ease of its grooming technique. While java grounds could last brewed exclusively once, too reusing the same Earth yielded a much inferior flavour, tea leaves could last brewed several times without whatever pregnant driblet inward the character of liquor. As tea was a high cast drinkable too thence expensive, the British masses bought minute hand, brewed leaves too brewed them longer to compensate. Tea was thus gradually finding house inward British everyday life.

Soon, tea began to last sold inward London java houses. Tea was heavily advertised equally a medicinal drinkable which helped hold wellness too beauty. The java household owners charged heavily for a loving cup of tea, equally much equally 6-10 pounds per cup. The authorities before long imposed diverse taxes, regulations too restrictions on sale of tea, amongst a catch to cash inward on the growing tea trend. This fifty-fifty led to tea existence smuggled into England. Finally the taxes were waived off to halt this illegal smuggling.

Tea, meanwhile, continued to grow inward popularity. Around 1800, in that location developed an "Afternoon tea" culture, wherein rich ladies invited their friends for a loving cup of tea inward the afternoon. They also served pastries, sandwiches or to a greater extent than or less snack along amongst it. It was accompanied past times social graces, refined conversation, sweetness gossip too polished etiquette. Yet to a greater extent than or less other pop tea tendency was serving tea inward tea gardens. Pleasure gardens similar Vauxhall or Ranelagh Gardens provided lush lawns for populace to stroll too taste a hot loving cup of tea. The working class, however, took a intermission from run inward the evening, too relaxed amongst tea.

The most good liked too sought afterwards teas were English linguistic communication breakfast tea too Earl Grey. English linguistic communication breakfast tea, equally its name, was consumed to a greater extent than oft than non inward the morning time equally its potent caffeine helped milk shiver off sleepiness too start the morning time energetically. It blended sumptuously amongst milk too sugar, too could last enjoyed anytime of the day. The Earl Grey provided a classic blend of fine dark tea amongst bergamot essence. It was considered to a greater extent than sophisticated a tea.

In 1875, Thomas Lipton aggressively advertised tea. He replaced the java gardens inward Ceylon amongst tea plantations, too opened his origin tea shop. By the halt of 19th century, he had close prepare his Tea Empire too position the foundations of modern tea trade. The Indian too Ceylon blends, Brooke Bond too Lipton constitute a draw solid house inward British everyday life. Tea had in conclusion "arrived" inward England.

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History of Tea too Tea Shops

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